From School Teacher to Real Estate Chief Education Officer & 580 Doors With Quentin D’Souza

If you’ve never been to Phoenix, Arizona, specifically Sedona, please add it to your bucket list.  Actually, if you’re a US real estate investor, I’d prioritize Phoenix for sooner than later.  I just returned from six days in Arizona which was beautiful, the vibe awesome, views, food, I love Mexican by the way, opportunity, sunshine everyday was the perfect way to break up the winter.

Greetings real estate investors, my name is Erwin Szeto, Canadian real estate investor, entrepreneur, author, podcaster, four time award winning Realtor to investors in Ontario who advises friends, family and clients to not invest in Ontario. My guest today, the super awesome Quentin D’Souza who owns hundreds of apartment building doors east of Toronto is still buying and he makes lots of money and that’s the truth about real estate investing for Canadians, there are lots of ways to make money in real estate.

Speaking of, in meeting, networking with Americans in Atlanta, Austin, now most recently Phoenix, I’m finding they generally have significantly bigger businesses and a high incidence of successful entrepreneurs.  I also met a real estate investor in Phoenix, who happens to be Canadian but invested in Phoenix who I believe to be the most successful real estate investor of my generation.

Add to that, there is tax deferral in the US called section 721.  I’ll explain with an example and never forget, I’m not an Accountant, please seek professional advice and verify anything I or my guests ever say.  Back to the example, if you owned a piece of real estate and the buyer, a REIT in this example is structure properly, you could sell your real estate to the REIT in exchange for shares and tax the capital gains until you sell the shares.  If you sold to a good REIT, you can earn dividends and sell shares as you need the money and spread out the tax.

Then when I die, I can gift my shares to my kids and defer taxes till they sell vs. you’d have to pay tax in Canada.

The opportunity is better in America and the tax deferrals available to investors makes building generational wealth easier.

Did I mention the weather is better in the winter too?

To answer a FAQ if I’m moving to the USA. No, no plans for my family and I to physically move in the short or medium term and who knows what the long-term future holds.  Our family’s investment portfolio?  If the objective is to make real estate investing profitable again, we’re only growing our portfolio in the US and shrinking our Canadian portfolio to do so.

From School Teacher to Real Estate Chief Education Officer & 580 Doors With Quentin D’Souza

On to this week’s show! We have my old friend Quentin D’Souza returning to the show at my request as I need a trustworthy real estate expert to share with you the listener about the multi family market who’s not going to sugar coat how tough the last few years have been and what and where the opportunity is going forward.

Quentin is going to share his journey, how he does hard things and involves his family to lead his best, most successful life possible.

Quentin is founder, Chief Education Officer of Durham Real Estate Investors, a private membership group of many excellent real estate investors and professionals.  If you’re in the GTA area, make sure to check out a Durham REI event, they meet monthly in Whtiby and you can learn more about them at

Quentin has authored several books I highly recommend on the BRRRR strategy, finding deals, scaling up, filling vacancies, property management. You can search Quentin D’Souza on Amazon or go to his website

Needless to say, please have a pen and paper ready to take notes and enjoy the show.

To Listen:

** Transcript Auto-Generated**

(00:00) if you’ve never been to Phoenix Arizona specifically Sedona please add it to your bucket list actually if you’re a US real estate investor I’d prioritize Phoenix for sooner than later I just returned from six days in Arizona which was absolutely beautiful much better weather than what we had back home the vibe was awesome views amazing food and by the way I love Mexican food uh and of course opportunity at that Sunshine every day it was the perfect way to break up the winter and also I was working on location I wasn’t on vacation greetings
(00:34) Real Estate Investors my name is Win C A Canan real estate investor entrepreneur author podcaster for time award-winning real to investors in Ontario who happens to advise his friends family and clients to not invest in Ontario uh go ahead and hold what you got I can’t imagine why anyone would add to their long-term residential rental portfolio in Ontario and there’s such better opportunities in the states my guest today this super awesome Quinton duza who own owns hundreds of apartment building doors east of Toronto is still
(01:03) buying and he makes a lot of money and that’s the truth about real estate investing for Canadians there’s lots of ways to make money in real estate I’m not saying that my methods are the best for everyone um so that’s why I always have guests on who with opposing contrarian views to my own and that’s how we learn speaking of uh in meeting with networking with Americans in Atlanta Austin and now most recently in Phoenix I’m finding they generally these Americans generally have bigger business businesses and hire incidents of
(01:32) successful entrepreneurs I also met with a real estate investor in Phoenix who happens to be Canadian but invested in Phoenix who and uh I believe them they are the most successful real estate investor of my generation that I’ve met personally and know personally add to that there is a tax deferral in the US called section 721 I’ll explain with an example and never never forget I’m not an accountant please seek professional advice verify anything I or my guests ever ever say back to the example if you owned a
(02:06) piece of real estate and the buyer a Reit a real estate investment trust so a company with a lot of money in this example if it’s structured correctly if the if the Reit is structured correctly you could sell your real estate to the Reit in exchange for shares in the Reit and uh in the tax the the C the tax related to capital gains it does not happen until you sell those shares so you’re able to defer capital gains if things are structured correctly if you sold a uh if you sold to a good reat you can now earn
(02:40) dividends dividend income is tax preferably and if you ever need the money you could always sell those shares and spread out the tax or you could P when you die you can pass on those shares to your kids and defer taxes till they sell versus in both death and sale of property you’d have to pay tax in Canada the opportunity is better than America the tax deferrals available to investors makes building gener building generational wealth easier did I mention the weather is better too to answer a frequently Asked question if I’m moving to the USA no no
(03:20) plans for my family and I to physically move in the short or medium term and who knows what holds for the long term our family’s Investment Portfolio uh if the objective is to make real estate investing profitable again uh cash flow positive again or uh then yes we are absolutely only going to grow our portfolio in the us and we’re continuing to shrink our Canadian portfolio to do so on to this week’s show we have my old friend Quinton desus of returning to the show at my request as I needed a trustworthy real estate expert to share
(03:50) with you the listener about the multif Family Market uh and he’s not going to sugar coat how tough the last two few years have been and what and where the opportunity is going forward in the multif family space Quinton is going to share his journey how he does hard things and involves his involves his family to lead uh his best most successful life possible quiton his founder Chief education officer of jum Real Estate Investors Club that’s a private membership group of mostly of many excellent Real Estate Investors and professionals if you’re in
(04:22) the GTA area the greater tonal area of Ontario make sure you check out Jam aam REI event they meet monthly and whbe and you can learn more about them at juram if you’re from the GTA hopefully you know how to spell jum Quinton has authored several books I highly recommend uh on many many subjects he’s written quite a few of them he’s written books on the bur strategy the finding deals scaling up filling vacancies Property Management each of those subjects is the whole entire book you can search Quinton Desa on Amazon or
(04:57) simply go to his website Quinton NE needless to say have a pen and paper ready to take notes and please enjoy the show because uh together we’re going to make real estate investing profitable [Music] again Quinton it’s an honor what’s keeping you busy these days hey well Irwin I I don’t know I’m just doing the doing my my regular life stuff you know I’m I uh go to the gym and usually I’m at the gym five days a week I go uh hiking on the weekends um at least twice a week I do a 6K walk when I get up in the
(05:41) morning um and then um then I’m focused on you know uh the real estate portfolio so I’m I’m working on repositioning the buildings um usually like uh some construction projects or um um trying to get some permits or get things going so um that that keeps me busy but in the mornings I I dedicate it usually to health and fitness and then the you know the afternoons are are business and weekends are family and Hiking all right we said Earth full and I’ve known you since 2008 so we have a lot to unpack there yeah and 2008 was very different
(06:30) was a very different time and you know like we were getting 100% cmhc financed uh rental property mortgages yeah yeah you know um I was I felt I felt like I was was doing something uh wrong when I was taking 5% down uh you know CAC mortgages and now I was like man I wish I had like a hundred of them but but you know hindsight is always 2020 um and uh I know yeah it’s it’s been a while we met in rain right yeah back in the the rain days with Don AR Campbell I still like I I you know every once in a while I see his Facebook stuff
(07:13) and I’m just like good for you Don good for you living life having fun right uh so that’s kind of kind of neat and uh yeah it’s you know I’ve seen you do many different kind of changes over the years so I know you’re you’re Mr Hamilton and now you’re you know Captain America or something like that see you’re something like that you know but uh you know so there’s there’s always that and you know you’re at uh I don’t know if you’re still with Rockstar but uh yeah 2010 yeah since 2010 Tom and Nick are are great guys so like you know
(07:53) you have some good good mentors there on the on the realtor side of things so that’s good and yeah yeah we’ you know I I’ve had a lot of different experiences you know through the different markets and um I’m still here which is good so um you know I was in 2008 I was doing like single family homes and renovating them and refinancing them so doing the you know the bur strategy um which you wrote a book about yeah yeah yeah the ultimate wealth strategy with my uh with Jeff Woods and Andrew Brennan uh well a bestseller in
(08:33) my mind anyways but uh it was it’s a great book and it’s a good story people really like it and you know what it was um it was just how we did things right and um you know I think later on you kind of saw it as a strategy when Bigger Pockets kind of picked it up and you know uh kind of relabeled it but you know it’s it’s it’s been great like people have been using that same strategy for decades right so it’s um it’s just uh it was good to help us to get started and then you know after uh you know buying like four or five
(09:11) properties a year starting in like 2008 is really when I started to buy four or five properties a year by the time I got to 2013 I left my teaching job I have you know my masters in Ed and all of that and and I left and I became a full-time investor so it’s been over 10 years now that I’ve been a a full-time investor I’m you know I never got down the path of like mortgage broker or or realtor I I stuck to being an investor I I flipped houses you know when I left my job and did some rent to owns and some assignments and things like that and and
(09:53) then you know I I I figured out that I was doing more work being uh flipping houses than I was teaching and I was like okay I’m gonna have to uh um change things around so back in around 2015 I started to buy uh small apartment buildings along with doing you know my same duplex conversions and and things like that and I just continued to grow the apartment building side um continuing to refinance them hold them uh buy more uh take on partners and continue to to to grow the portfolio so now I have like 25 apartment buildings across Southern
(10:41) Ontario I think about 570 units 580 units uh in Ontario I bought properties in in the US in Tampa so I’ve got four properties in Tampa um and and those have done well I bought them back in like 2018 and you know um so that that’s that was good and I’ve invested in the US and you know different Partnerships and private equity and all the mess of stuff yeah I’m doing a lot of different things but um I’m trying to travel more I I want like my I really focus on uh traveling three to four months a year um which has been really good and I like to
(11:31) take trips with my sons who are uh 17 and 20 and uh currently single and uh they I like to bug them but we we have a we we have a great time we’ve done some really amazing tours and uh um you know hiking trips and stuff like that so it’s been good so now I think the listener knows why we have a lot to un pack here and why I’m so excited to have you on the show yeah I’ve been doing it for a long time it’s hard you know in hours you know we we can we can catch up over like a weekend or something and it still have more to talk about right so yeah
(12:12) again well you you teach and you co I don’t think you coach anymore but uh you’re just a I do I do dur Mari I would do dur like you know what the I think the the challenge I have is that I would do Duram Mari even if I didn’t get paid because I feel like I’m giving back and I feel like I still have that teaching kind of part of my life which I still enjoy um because that’s where I was before and you know I I I like to open people’s eyes to education and opportunity because then I know that you know from just all the people that I’ve
(12:54) interacted with in the past I’ve seen them grow like I’ve seen them do new things different things and I like encouraging um people to try new things because that’s how you know you find out what you like and what you don’t like what works and what doesn’t work right um I think that sometimes what happens is that you know you have to be consistent and you have to stick with it and it’s easy to stick with something for a year or two it’s harder to stick with something for a decade or two and truly like when I look at real estate
(13:28) real estate is is something that can make a a real difference for somebody for a couple years um but pick the wrong years and it could be a challenge yeah and and then but you know decades if you took a decade point of view you’re going to do much better and but most people don’t have the the patience to do it or they they have too many other things that they have to keep in mind right like they some people start too late they’re like you know I’m in my like I’m in my 60s and now I need to retire well you know you you needed to start working
(14:08) on that earlier right and and then that what happens with those people is that then they take on bad risk that puts them into bad positions with you know people who do you know the promise promisory notes for 16 or 18% or you know some sort of in M that doesn’t work well but sounds really good um so that’s what you have to watch out for when you’re in when you put yourself into that position then you you can you start to take risks that don’t make sense and you have to educate yourself on what risks are you know okay risks
(14:50) for you so um you know depending on where you are in your life so you know um for me if if I were to lose you know a 1002 200 $500,000 it’s not going to it’s not going to affect my life but for a lot of people it would take them out right they would be they’ be done and um so everybody’s at a different place and a different dollar amount and you have to kind of know where you are and what risk that you can take and what what you’re okay to lose and what what you can you know can you can depend on to grow right
(15:32) yeah I’m sure a lot of people wish they heard this this advice you know before like 20121 and all these people like home equity got home equity lines on their homes and lent that money on promiser notes on who knows what I know you know what all like in 2020 and 2021 I was telling and I mean you can go back to the like we record all our our Durham Mari meetings right so you can go back to the past meetings and see every meeting I’m telling people get get your like your debt locked up get access to equity get access to your
(16:11) uh lines of credit like do all that stuff right I’ve been I was hammering on it for two years I was I felt like I was like a broken record yeah and then all of a sudden everybody needed it right like you know and hindsight again is 2020 but like when you’re at that part of the cycle you need to be creating and having access to all that Equity because you’re going to need it in the other part of the cycle which we are in now the last you know two years we’ve been in that and this is where having access to equity is going to be able to to help
(16:46) you you know if you if you were lucky and locked into long-term debt then you know you would be in a great position but not a lot of people did that I I didn’t do that I wish I had locked into some longer term debt instead of getting in having some variable rate mortgages but my loan to values were very low because I had owned property I don’t I tend not to I have sold like I’ve flipped before but I wish I held all of them all the properties that I flipped they all cash flowed when I flipped them right um because that was the the
(17:19) strategy that I was using back in 20134 yeah time to be buying and ACC cumulating yeah it was and and it was easy to flip and I don’t regret it because I had a good cash position that I could use to then buy more property and hold on to it but I think that um you know uh it’s just a a it’s good to be able to to hold those assets and uh over a long period of time because then your debt decreases and your income increases but it it’s hard right now for for investors to get into the Ontario Market there’s so many people
(18:00) that move to are are selling their Assets in Ontario uh moving to Alberta moving to the US I mean that that seems to be the the trend with people and and that’s okay like I mean I see what’s happening it’s really hard for like an investor that has one property and or two properties and they have one tenant or or a couple tenants that aren’t paying because it takes so long to go through the landlord tenant board the bureaucracy is is um you know uh not there to help the small landlords and nobody in the province seems to listen
(18:41) or care right and it just discourages investment but I I think that so this is just my opinion but I think that there is uh a war on against Realtors um invest ERS property developers in Canada that that is currently our federal government is they’re they have a war on against us Municipal municipal government too I think from many of all Municipal I don’t know if they have a war on it I think they just they think that the that developers are just cash cow there’s like ATMs or something like you can’t go from like um 2000 what was it 2004 2007
(19:28) where uh development fees were like $5,000 a unit to you know a $100,000 a unit in you know 2024 and and blame that on inflation yeah yeah right I don’t think so yeah like a th% increase that’s called you know we know where our cash cow is and we’re GNA do as much as we can instead of taking the Long View which is not what politicians do which would be create the the um the the tax base so that we can tax them with property taxes yeah property tax yeah right it’s the annuity like but but they don’t think that way so then nothing gets
(20:11) built right and um you know you you erode your tax base okay so now you now the only thing that can be built are rentals how you know I don’t like that’s that seems to make sense because the the number like I don’t know there’s just so many condos that have come on the market last year and then that are coming up this year that are flooding the market and you know they’re not worth what they were when they sold them yeah when they’re going to get it financed and they have to bring cash to the table 100,000 150,000 to the table to close to
(20:48) get financing yeah they’re underwater or they’re underwater and I I don’t know about you but I I’m hearing some of the tricks that developers are using to get around that have you heard some of the things they’ve been doing maybe I don’t know if I’m supposed to say this I don’t give a so but sure because because like this is what I’m not going to say a specific developer but like so let’s say you’re $100,000 in the hole right and you need to get a uh sorry let’s just clarify that so would that be like ‘s say you’re condo valued appraising at
(21:25) like a 100,000 less than I paid for it yeah so let’s say you a million for it and and the value is 900,000 and so your mortgage is what 20% of that so what’s 20% of 900 80% loan value 720 right over 700,000 yeah so 7 okay but so but you’ve put let’s say you’ve put um you know $100,000 down right to to buy the condo okay like for for your deposit well your your mortgage is not going to be 900,000 right your mortgage is going to be what over 700 720 so what’s going to happen is that the developer will credit you
(22:11) $100,000 so that so that as if you had the down payment of an extra $100,000 so instead of 100 you put 200 down the reason is that they can get now the person who has the um the condo can go out and get the mortgage because they can because they can get the mortgage because they put 20 the $200,000 down they don’t have to bring as much to the table to close right so you’re you’re you’re putting less down now You’ got the mortgage okay and you’re you’re like wooo you’re happy but the thing is the developer still wants
(22:49) their $100,000 so you can’t sell that without with you can’t sell you can’t just flip that condo without that developer getting their their $100,000 still so they putting a lean on the property so so it’s it’s um this is tricky yeah buyers need to beware if they’re ever buying one of these things well they they probably they probably just happy that they’re able to close on the property and not get sued by the developer for not closing right and the developer helping them right but there’s all this stuff this this happens in
(23:27) every cycle this this always happens when when you’re having we’re having problems I mean we’re having developers fail all over the place all over Canada right we had what is that 1,800 units out in BC uh developer uh who was the I think kinget was the um the loan on that but like you know they’re foreclosing on the developer who’s I think was a reputable developer too and just you know is has gone under and there’s going to be multiple like their their war that they have this federal government war on developers and investors is working
(24:04) because you’re they’re losing all of these people and when when the the people who worked for these companies lose their job they’re going to move to a place where they’re going to get a job and if that is not Canada they will move to those other places and will not have those those skilled workers to replace them we’re going to have a skilled shortage and we can mark this you know down here but you know maybe three years from now two years from now when when everything’s changed we have a different maybe we have a different government I
(24:42) don’t know but um I’m hoping but uh you know if if we do then you know we’re going to still be in this skill shortage position we’re going to have a lot of challenges that is um I don’t know we’re going to have some real challenges that we’re going to have to deal with um and AI is not going to you know move your 2×4 for you right so I I don’t know yeah like it’s it’s just some of these things that that were H and and it’s because I think we’ve gone too far in One Direction right so but just add to the developer thing uh condo
(25:23) developers are now uh like before the pandemic for example like a 4% commission was pretty common 2% on closing two uh 2% up front 2% on closing I’m hearing some condo developers are now offering up to 7% commissions wow that they’re that motivated to uh yeah well I can see what’s I mean there’s just too many that have come to the market with too little value and people can’t qualify for mortgages right like you just don’t have the ability to qualify so um I mean there can be changes to to be able to do that we
(25:59) you would remember this remember 40-year AMS we got in 2008 when we’re were doing those CC you know 100% financing we were also getting 40-year abs for those I think 2011 we were still getting them yeah yeah it was I I think when I think when it was like 2012 or 13 when I had left my job that’s when they started to get rid of them yeah and that’s when I switched to doing the strategy because it was just just as easy but it was harder to find the properties to do it so Quinton let’s let’s let’s take a beginner scenario say you’re brand new
(26:40) I’m G to take away some of your assets just to just assets just to make this a more relatable too to an everyday listener say someone has make maybe 100 grand in cash and like $300,000 on a helck if if that was you what would you invest in okay so we have four 100 100 cash and 300 in a HELOC how much is the uh interest on the helck I think people are paying what six and a half these days okay six and a half percent okay so let’s say and what’s your goal is your goal to have like a certain dollar value per month in your
(27:23) bank account is your goal to uh create a nest egg for you for some time in the future how old is this person uh let’s say they’re 40 let’s go with let’s go with neste in the future less focus on cash flow but like would like to at least cover right so that the investment is not taking money from their pocket right so you’re looking for some sort of equity I would say that like um that there are I I might look at some opportunities maybe out in like bville or Peterboro maybe do like some like a duplex with the ability to add an
(28:04) additional unit um where it can you can actually cash flow on properties out in those areas today um it’s just that people can’t qualify and the purchase prices you know you’re seeing them at 600 650 so the numbers are still uh working so that that would be good for that size of an amount that you’re talking about 300 to 100K the six and a half percent might be a little bit challenging because you’re gonna have the interest on it but if you’re able to add some value to the property I’m always about buying properties that you
(28:41) can add value to and then having something that’s worth a little bit more think that that’s that’s something that I would I would look at um other other than that I would look at a small multif family I would probably look at like a five unit or a six unit um out that way um just because I think the even maybe in a tertiary Market um just because um you you be able to affect the noi a lot easier um and I I don’t think people understand the difference between an apartment I I’ve come I come from both spaces so I I can
(29:22) I speak fluently between the two and um most of the time people have don’t understand that um the value of uh a duplex is based on the value of the duplex across the street or you know uh down the street and the value of an apartment building a five plus unit is value of income minus expenses right and if you can change the variable you can change the value uh sure you can have like you know the cost approach and um you know uh the replacement approach but really what people want when they buy a building is based on the cap rate and the net
(30:03) operating income of a building so you can affect it more and I’ll give you an example of a small building that I that I got from an assignment that I so I paid 20K for an assignment from a property manager and I bought a sixplex and the sixplex this was in 2015 okay um I was able to turn over uh two units or three units in that sixplex um so I bought it for like 600,000 okay and then I was able to um get it a let’s say um I got a new um after about a year and a half of owning it I was able to get the value up to 750
(30:55) okay because I’ve I increased the rents turned over some units got rid of some um some pain in the butt people and I um I I I was able to pull out all my capital okay so I’ve did the same thing a number of times on that same building I’ve refinanced this one three times and my I last year I got a new mortgage on the property and how much do you think the mortgage of the property is now for the sixplex I don’t know 900,000 I don’t know I’m just guessing 1.
(31:35) 4 million okay I am never selling this property because my tax bill is going to be higher than the equity left in the property my tax bill is going to be a would be a nightmare but that’s not why I buy buildings right the the reason why I buy buildings is to be able to uh refinance them and then reinvest in other buildings you know that’s what I don’t I don’t really have like a big like fancy lifestyle I you know not really into cars or anything like that like some of my partners are it’s not me I like to I like to travel and you know
(32:11) uh just spend time with family pretty like a pretty regular kind of guy um I want to ask what what’s the next type of property you’re going to buy for yourself like so put your Quinton hat back on you are Quinton to Su again the what’s the what’s a property that you’d be looking at to doing yeah so so now right now I’m I turned down a really big property um probably the one that would have changed the direction of things for me because I don’t need it I I was it was going to be an ego thing it was over it was like over 125 units and
(32:52) I turned it down and I was very flattered by being offered to to be part of it and I turned it down because it’s just it’s just too much it’s just too much work for where I’m at in my life and I don’t and it would have been an ego thing and it would have allowed me to open up to many other deals and I could have get got gotten involved it with REITs and maybe uh you know uh using capital from LPS or different sources and I I felt like I need to be in the 10 to 30 unit space I feel very comfortable with just going to the
(33:32) partners that I’ve worked with in the past and say hey look and and you know and uh and look this is a project it’s a bread and butter project you know it’s we’re looking at it um a two Equity multiple in like three to five years that’s my bread and butter type of project and if I can if I can do that then I I’ll just continue to buy those and and if I do two or three of those a year those bread and butter projects that’s fine for me like I I’m okay with that and it doesn’t take like because I’ve done it so many times it it’s not
(34:11) it that I don’t have to think as much about it it’s not as hard a lot of the work comes upfront in the purchase and once we get it into the machine the machine takes over and you know um we can continue to work on the the noi through the machine like my you know the processes and systems that we have in place and then that’s how we can in increase the value of the building but um you know adding it to the machine so 10 you know 10 to 30 units is what I would be focused on and I I’m sorry if I I I wanted to make sure those people who
(34:51) have 400,000 yes I still think you can buy property in um in Ontario Peterboro Belleville like different Mark Kingston even um you know would be a good Market all east side yeah well but I but the truth is I don’t know anything about the west side so I’m not it’s it’s true though like it’s not my focus I I don’t like I’m I’m out to the Midland area I’m up East along the 401 Corridor to to Ottawa I get sent you know buildings for kitchen or waterl all the time I have no interest no interest it’s just I I like to focus
(35:30) where where we’re we’re already are rather than someone new and unless it’s we’re talking about like 30 units I’m not going to go into a new area because you know setting up uh the team processes all of that stuff so it’s better just to work where I’m where I’m already at and the other one too is the US you know like if you have 100 to 300 you might consider going into like a smaller Market that that you take some time uh on in in the US right um you know my son would he’s we’re talking together my older son talking together
(36:08) about purchasing property and you know uh I was talking about looking at something with him in Tampa and uh working on a project with him there to get started because of the the cost to be able to get into it was much lower for him and because I already have the team in relationships and the financing down there it it would be easier so um but I was buying in Tampa in 2018 I was buying in Tampa for like 880,000 for before we move on before we move on from the 10 and 30 units can can you other than you’ve named the cities that you
(36:45) like uh what else is it about uh a deal that makes you interested if you see a 10 30 unit building in like Beville Kingston ashaa what is it what makes it what makes you know that it’s something you want to buy it’s the population growth in the area so I want to see that the population is growing the type of uh quality of the population that’s there hopefully they’re all not on assistance uh you want places that have like you know uh different sorts of uh a wide variety of of employment types so you might have like a school like a
(37:19) university and then you might have different Industries in the area you might have some governmental like offices or things like that so I’m looking for those sort of things um I’m looking for infrastructure like are they building new infrastructure to the area like the um in Peterborough you have the um the highway system that’s going out there you have the Highway 407 that’s connected up there now to the 115 you know um a lot of things like that um where we we want to see those those improvements and and you can do the same
(37:52) thing like the the same strategy Works anywhere in Canada or anywhere in North America America right it’s it’s just you know having a criteria for the different things that you want to see in in a given area right and then and then sometimes it’s about like looking at the history of the area so um one of the things that we we hear a lot about people going into Edmonton and I’ve talked to friends uh and you you you know some of them bought in Edmonton back in 2008 2009 yeah and and the house price yeah the house price just recovered in
(38:40) 2024 so the house prices in Edmonton for those duplexes that she had are now even yeah after how many years yeah right and so like but must argue you might be better off just going bankrupt back then and just go clean slate but but I mean like so sometimes we we we don’t look hard enough into the past to see what the future is going to be like and so that’s what we we want to look like too right um uh so I think that’s that’s important you know and also like what’s so the difference in Alberta versus Ontario is that they can build very
(39:21) quickly like they can do infields very quickly like they you can build like 9 10 units on a single family lot in like 18 months try to do that in Ontario it takes forever it’s like three four five years just a bureaucrat yeah it’s it just takes forever like it it’s actually ridiculous like the it’s so much red tape and um and fees and H like it’s just it just takes a long time so it’s understandable that it’s there isn’t the the amount of new product that’s going to come on the market that that would affect uh
(40:02) vacancies and affect rents but also population changes affect that too right so um with the recent government announcements with permanent residents and new new immigrants coming in that’s going to affect the population levels and also that’s going to affect vacancy we’re probably going to see vacancy go up as a result of that and in different sorts of waves right because usually new new immigrants come uh especially students come to like the centers like different sorts of centers so like well they’ll come to
(40:36) like uh a Toronto or Kingston or like a you know um a Vancouver or the universities in those areas right and and then you know the amount of housing kind of uh waves out from that right and um you know so the people who were search for housing in Toronto might not stay in Toronto because it becomes more expensive and then they start to go further out but then the further out housing starts to go up U from a because of low vacancy and and increase in rent the opposite can happen as well if the if the population isn’t there so I think
(41:19) that you know the next year or two it’s going to be very interesting to see what happens I think rents are probably going to go down a little bit and that’s not that’s not a great thing for um apartment building owners or uh people who own property in general but as you were saying to me uh before the call how many landlords and people in Ontario have you talked to who are just fed up with dealing with the landlord tenant board and are selling we’re we’re losing thousands of units off of the market that are going um that aren’t going to
(41:56) come back too right so that’s that’s the other piece right and we we have um like really what’s happening is that the government is trying to push large corporations into develop rental housing versus having what it is right now which is mostly small landlords that and it’s going on like in front of our eyes people can see it they they just don’t know what to call it it’s the same thing like what we see in the US when you go to a small town you see lots of different um small restaurants mom andpa owners small hardware stores all that
(42:40) sort of stuff you go Opera restaurants are small businesses yeah yeah yeah you go to a small town in in Ontario what do you usually see like an Arby’s a Starbucks a big like a McDonald’s like franchises right and and this is what’s going to happen to our stock too like this is what is what is being being done and it’s going to cost more in the end and we’ll have less housing choice is what’s going to end up happening for those people and the ones that are you know like how long do you think you’re GNA have like single family home rentals
(43:19) I don’t know if that’s even going to be a thing you know in in Toronto or onario yeah it’s it’s going to be very challenging to even see because it just doesn’t make any sense and and and the only time it makes sense is if you own it for 20 years and then eventually you’re going to have to sell it anyways because your kids you know are going to want to sell it or something or they’re going to want to move into it and it’s going to come off the Rental Supply so you know it’s it’s only a matter of time unfortunately sry back to the 20 unit 30
(43:52) unit example what else about it what else about the deal that makes you interested is it TurnKey the rents have been optimized or you’re looking for something that’s completely under rented is there like an era that you’re looking for like 1970 and newer or something like that any sort of uh that’s something that you hear more in like the states than in Canada because our rental stock is all from the 1970s anyways like you you don’t really have much need to come to Hamilton see see our stuff from 1910 like that’s true you have older
(44:23) stuff but but most most of the development that happened in on ontarios in the in the 70s right when they had the the market that you’re in yeah yeah and I think well all over the place just because of the way that the they were structuring debt at the time and the way that you could write off your Investments um it was a different type of financing model that was allowing for the development of unit similar to what we’re seeing now and like with mli select and the uh developing of new units so I like so 20 to 30 units on
(44:57) looking for um let’s say under Market rent like 500 per unit uh um you know under by 500 or rents are 500 no under by 500 Market rent by 500 per unit you know probably um uh you know with a cap rate that makes sense for the the given market right like you you probably want a cap rate of five or six% based on the fact that the rents are what they are right you’re not trying to buy like you’re not trying to buy a property that has rents where the person who is selling it is telling you yes but if you rented it
(45:39) at Market rent this is what the property would be worth well it’s not so it’s not you go do it I’ll pay you for it yeah yeah so go ahead but so you’re paying for what it’s worth based on the current noi and that there’s efficiencies that I can I can get when I start to to work on the building sometimes I’ve you know I’ve separated out the the water uh where it was only the Hydra before or we’ve put in our own you know uh submetering and submetered buildings before um we’ve done um uh just different ways that we can we can
(46:15) add efficiency I’m experiment I’m experimenting right now on a building where we’re bringing in Wi-Fi to the building and then we’re charging the tenants for unlim limited Wi-Fi for their uh right and so the the um the person like the the companies that are in that particular Town usually charge $75 a month for that but we can charge 50 and we can make a uh like a profit in there but that affects the noi of our building so we we um you know believe that we can increase the um the value of the building by 250,000 just by by bringing in using
(46:57) that Wi-Fi um service so things like that is what what what we can do to to be able to do it and you know cash for keys turning over units getting rid of like crappy tenants that nobody else wants in the building anyways because they’re just disruptive and they’re you know just people get used to things that they shouldn’t need to get used to and and it’s because of the landlord tenent aboard let’s be honest it’s their it’s their their stupidity that they think that they’re protecting people when they’re hurting the people they’re
(47:31) protecting right so uh anyway I don’t want to get political plenty of time for that no qu I want to talk about all your lifestyle changes like you mentioned a lot about like the Quint back in 2008 wasn’t walking 6K in a day regularly and working out the gym pretty much every day y now what are your what are the lessons from the last couple years like would you go back and do it again would you if you could go back and do it again would you be adopting a similar lifestyle you know what I think I didn’t know I want I didn’t I didn’t know what
(48:10) I didn’t know I think that’s what it was in two thou I was just working hard in my business for so long and I didn’t bother looking up and then when I looked in the mirror I was like oh man I’m fat right I’m 330 pounds I you know I can barely walk up a flight of stairs and I you know I don’t feel good about myself and so and that was in like 20188 and I and then I you know I lost 135 pounds right so it it it took took some time to do like it was a lot of changes in everything that I did um and when I had done it my my business actually tripled
(48:51) in size so my asset base tripled in size so you can do both but you have to be able to balance the time now if I wasn’t a full-time investor I don’t know if I could have done it in the same way that I’m doing it now um I think I could still have a healthy lifestyle 80% of it is what you eat and you know what everybody can control that it’s not it’s not a an excuse but you know being able to lift weights or you know go to the gym three times a week that I think people can do it they just choose to watch TV or choose to do something else
(49:31) and you have to choose that this is the lifestyle that I want to lead right I want to be here for another 50 years as best I can um and uh uh I want to see my my grandkids and and uh I want to be able to um help my kids to to grow and and and learn and so you know I want to be there and and to do that I have to be healthy you know a lot of people I I heard this quotee once you know that we would die for our kids right but instead of Dying For Kids how about we live for our kids we live healthy for our kids right and I think that’s a a a good um
(50:13) good thing to do and you know we can all do it reasonable gift that we take care of our own health so that our kids don’t have to take care of us at too early an age yeah that’s true now now Quinton would you now a lot of people who listen to the show will be in that major hardworking growth phase and just in anecdotally I’ve said this many times on the show and to friends like I I find that again this is anecdotally I find that Health like overall health including mental health is better among my 9 to-5 friends than my re than my real estate
(50:53) friends and entrepreneur friends that’s just what I’m noticing Lally that’s just so my my my question I’m trying to get to is what would you tell the person who’s working really hard right now in growth phase in terms of like how they can better take care of themselves and if it should be a priority for them so I you know what I think I think it is is that people are in different stages and and they have different personalities because if you’re like if you’re an entrepreneur or you’re a business owner usually you have a
(51:24) different type of mindset which doesn’t turn off very easily and you’re always kind of working right that’s it’s more of a almost like a personality thing but when you have like a 9 to5 often times you you are somebody that says I work from 9 to 5 and then after that I do other things right a business people often like when I had left my my job I had you know uh some disagreements with my wife because she felt like like I was always working and um the thing is is that when you own a business it’s you there’s no such thing as ninet to-5 you
(52:07) know you have to make it work and then once you get it working you can bring in other people to help you and to scale your business and to take give yourself more time but it took a while to be able to learn how to do that for me anyways and to do it well because you can do it and you can do it poorly and then you’re just giving yourself more work so I can see how I can see how that can happen but I think you just have to work hard like I felt like I had three jobs for a while and I was I felt like I was working really hard for probably about
(52:43) you know from between 2018 to 200 let’s say 14 was like that or sorry 2018 to 201 I was G say you need to rewind the clock for yeah so I would say that’s that’s what it felt like I felt like I had like three jobs and I I felt very like you know my family I had my my work and then I had my business and it took up all my time right and I wasn’t very balanced and I think this whole balance thing can if if you try to try to do what everybody like every Guru tells you it’s not going to work like at times in your life you have to feel like you’re doing
(53:24) three jobs at other times in your life you can you canot be doing that at this point in my life I don’t need to feel like I have three three jobs only it’s only if I want to do it should I have the the feeling to be able to to do that I’ve already established myself and and you know I do things because I I enjoy them and um you know it took a while to get that that point and but I I had to learn like as an Entre as a business owner the buck stop with me and didn’t matter what my employees did it’s my fault doesn’t
(54:00) matter right and so um it was it was definitely a a a different mindset so like how would I what kind of advice would you want me to direct it to for the ninet to-5 person or the business owner talk to like 2008 Quinton 2008 Quinton yeah was was working hard because he didn’t it was learning I was probably after the kids were in bed at 8:30 you know 8 o00 sometimes because the kids were young I was up learning for another 3 four hours I slept maybe five or six hours a night um for for years and then um and then my health
(54:49) like like I said 2018 is when I kind of looked up again but and then I’ve I’ve been able to to change all of that and but um no 2008 Quinton I I say you’re GNA have to work you’re gonna have to work hard man like this isn’t like you know if you want to do this you you can’t just do what everybody else is doing you can’t just do nine to-5 and then say Oh and then I’m going to do this uh on the side for like half an hour a date buy Bitcoin that’s better go buy Bitcoin are you doing Bitcoin do you do much I am but not a lot
(55:27) not like you know uh not like what some people are doing I would be in the sixf figure range I’m not in like the craziness that I’ve I’ve talked to some of my friends you know they’re seven fingers SE seven seven figures in and that’s not me but but one friend who was down half a million he wasn’t very happy at the time I imagine he’s happy now but you imagine me down half a mill yeah oh well it it depends on that’s all relative right if you have if you have 20 million half a million is in you know not gonna
(56:05) kill you right but but it’s also I want to ask you about all the experiences that you’re doing um like I see like you you really do a lot of experiences that really test your metal and push you out of your comfort zone Yeah you mentioned like you were 300 and something pounds and then what was it a year and a half ago you’re climbing not Everest last yeah so in May I climbed uh Everest with my son my 20-year-old we did it together we spent three weeks together in Nepal which was really cool uh so we did base camp which is not the
(56:42) same as like ice axes and pics and stuff like that it’s it but it it is challenging for sure we were had altitude sickness and it was uh 14 days uh of of of a trip so that was good I did Kil injo which was fun again it was like very uh very tough uh hike and um I’ve doneal with one one of your boys or I didn’t do that with my boys I did Peru with my my uh like matu Picchu with my oldest son and I did the Camino uh to Santiago so 120 kilometers with my younger son so we did from uh um Vigo uh to uh the compostella de Santiago
(57:31) which is like a like 20K of of walking every day together I really doing those we went for a week it was it was great yeah so like 140k no no no we did like 120k there only 120k okay yeah there’s like travel in between and we we kind of went off rout sometimes and it was great though we had such a good time and and it was just me and him and I love that it was so good like I love those trips with with my boys and I the thing is that my my only hope is that they remember it forever and because I will and um and it it for me like it’s about
(58:13) doing those hard things together with somebody else that that brings you closer to them because I like the first couple days in um doing Everest I was really sick but I was sick because I had drank the water at the hotel and I they I thought that the water came in like a bottle and it had a cap on it but it was one of those like caps that come on and off and I thought okay they must have treated the water right no so I ended up getting sick for the first two days I was throwing up black stuff and my my son we
(58:54) were at the back I was the slowest in our group of 14 people my son you know grabbed my bag had food poison essentially well right and and I was throwing up black crud and I like I was like I was telling him you know if I can’t make it you’re GNA keep going I’m not letting you you know give up because of me right and and I was like and you know what he walked with me the whole time like we when you say like like we we’re walking up a mountain for like eight hours together like super in slow motion basically I’m like and he did
(59:34) that with me and I was just like man I’ve raised a really good kid like this this guy is a good kid like he he who and you know there were some challenges for him too like he he got um altitude sickness every day and then by the morning he would feel fine and then he would get altitude sickness again like as we’re we kept going up the whole time and you know but but he persevered and I think that that teaches them something you know it teaches them that you know that these hard things and he he’s a baseball player he plays for the the
(1:00:12) York baseball team you know the highest level right yeah like for him he’s an athlete yeah he’s an athlete but it like altitude affects everybody it doesn’t matter you could be a like an Olympic Athlete and I’ve seen people get altitude sickness and get pulled off the mountain like it doesn’t matter uh so in in August this year I’m going to be doing Mount Blanc so uh which is more of a real climb so we’re actually going to climb Mount Blanc ice axes uh ladders we do some Alpine training I’m going to um uh uh India for the first time ever and
(1:00:49) I’m going to go uh for three weeks in January um going to do like a 14-day Excursion and and then meet with some relatives and there that I’ve never met before because I’ve never been so uh um you know things like that I want to I I do want to travel and the the beauty of the businesses that I have is that I can do them anywhere I don’t have to be in Canada to to be able to do it as long as I have a cell phone I can spend some time doing my business um and uh and getting my work done and because I have the the right team team of people around
(1:01:27) me to help me right BL Clinton now want to ask you about um because I’ve seen a lot of growth in terms of like who you spend your time with as well right for example the business Society uh entrepreneurs organization X Y can you tell us about the importance of like you’ve it seems like you also leveled up the people you spend spend time with yeah professionally yeah absolutely you like I’ve I’ve always believed that your your network is your worth and and I have friends and I continue to have friends in all the groups that I was with before
(1:02:02) I I was in a a small group of Real Estate Investors that we had a mastermind and um and then I moved from that group into I would say EO because one of the members uh Paul Lynch was a member of EO the entrepreneur organization and he introduced me and I was like okay well I’ll try it and see if I like it I was like you know it was really good to have the um like the people in The Mastermind group but it was great also to have like these group of business owners um and they and they had a like a selection criteria like a
(1:02:38) like a a criteria for how much income that they’re supposed to be making every year in order to participate in the entrepreneur organization as a a member and so the the qualification uh I thought was was helpful and it and it it kind of changed the the level of people that I would be able to to be sure that was in the group right screen a lot of fakers yeah yeah they which which is what you have to do and then in the in my Forum group I got to I’ve got I had really good forum mates like I just and I’m still friends with them I’m still
(1:03:18) friends with all my Forum members I did trips like at one uh Paul DeMarco we went to the Philippines together for three weeks and and TK um you know for probably I think he we picked them up about halfway through like like those people are they they really are great great people good business owners but also know how to live life and that that was really cool um and then from there um I was introduced to eox through one of the members in my Forum group um I said that I would qualify and that like because I was having some second
(1:03:57) thoughts about uh EO just I was finding that uh I was giving a lot and I I wasn’t getting as much and I wanted to learn differently so I I had joined uh eox and um and that had worked out really well uh business I felt like I was you know I wasn’t the biggest person in the room but I wasn’t the smallest person and the problems were different and I was learning more and uh the the network was different and the connections were different so I really like that and some of the like the business owners were just really they
(1:04:37) just neat people and I didn’t find them anywhere else and you know like one one guy yanic he’s a he was a business owner in with some restaurants in Toronto and he’s like just a really nice guy and really good to get to know him over the period of time that I was you know that sort of thing like those those connections were really really good and um and they continued to grow and then eox kind of split and a few members went back into EO and then another group was formed called the Toronto uh business society and um uh that is a very
(1:05:21) interesting group of guys I am definitely the smallest person in the room and uh like which is a which is a real pleasure for me because I feel like I’m learning all the time and the type of things that we do are just like ridiculous like like last last couple weeks ago we had the gray cup at our event and I was drinking out of the gray cup like who does that it was it just it was just fun and uh they’re they’re really good guys and you know great great uh Forum group that we have together there and um I just I really
(1:06:03) just enjoyed each one of them and learning from them too because their problems are problems that I will have or that um uh I’m going to I guess going to have for certain situations and um and I think that uh there’s just a lot of good like a really high quality network of people it’s kind of like like why some people pay to go to private school it isn’t necessarily the fact that their education may be better it’s the quality of the network improves right there’s another group that I I I had gotten into but I I
(1:06:40) didn’t join in the end was Tiger 21 it’s another really good group um YPO would be another one but I I wouldn’t qualify because I’m too old right um so that uh that eox group um allowed me to qualify because I was in the EO uh group from before but like um YPO has a has different age requirements right Sor just to pause you there uh tonal Bas Society has I think what 15 million revenue and up requirement 20 million in revenue and up us or Canadian or I I have no idea that’s a good question I think it’s probably Canadian because
(1:07:22) it’s a it’s Toronto right so uh that’s the that’s the requirement something similar I think it’s over 15,000 us and for the listener’s benefit the a lot of these owners have like 40 to 100 employees so yeah the problems that these type of business owners have are are quite unique not many people have these kind of these challenges and opportunities in front of them that’s right but if you’re a business owner you’re probably looking to grow to that and you want to grow to that level then that’s the type of people that you want
(1:07:54) to hang around or if you’ve got your your business to that level then there there are other things that they it’s not just the employee problem that I found that employees are more of a problem in EO than they were in eox because it was that’s just the way I saw it it was more other other type of things that you were thinking about like passing on a legacy investing in different things um you know there was there’s a little bit more freedom in the business Society to invest in different uh people’s projects and things like
(1:08:31) that um there’s less like um what what so in EO um a lot of the dues uh let’s say you pay $10,000 in dues 2,000 of them goes to the the Toronto chapter and then 8,000 let’s say I don’t know the exact numbers goes to like National chapters because EO is international it’s a great organization like okay uh like when we were traveling in in the Philippines we stayed with or we traveled and visited EO Manila right so it’s it’s a great organization but what happens in the Toronto business Society is it’s the same amount except all the
(1:09:12) money goes to our Retreats so my Last Retreat I didn’t I didn’t pay anything all it just came out of my fees so I thought that was pretty cool too for me I was like I’m getting the benefits um it’s just quality of people that you have to watch out for right and as long as they continue to do a good job with uh filtering I think then that that’s the and they have the the thing is they have their own network right 100 million people no 100 million people 20 million people no 20 20 million people you know like it’s it’s
(1:09:48) the network already that’s there a $1 million person isn’t going to know the $20 million person not necessarily they might but not necessarily so I think that’s the that’s I think the the the difference there so Quinton I think it’s well you’re the one that introduced me to EO and so I want to thank you for that they should thank you too because I’m a board member which what oh yeah you got you got Hoodwinked you guys the board volunteer oh yeah does and then and then everything happens and you know what it’s a good experience I’m sure
(1:10:21) like oh it’s fun I’m going to Hulu for for uh for the board leadership training so yeah well that’s what all those those fees go to yeah so I’m guessing it’s safe to say you would recommend because I I tell people as well like Tom Nick for example one of the ones also that help vou that told me to join yo as well yeah it’s nice to to to go to networking events outside the investor Community yeah right absolutely um it’s just another way of learning and to meet other people and there’s likely learning is there can
(1:10:56) take and put it bring it into your investment business I would highly recommend EO like I I I think it’s a great group or eoa if you’re just getting started under a million they have that program that that I think that’s good yeah buiness Society if you’re all if you’re all that level right yeah them all see what yeah and I mean like you’ll find that there are different like so tiger 21 I felt like like it was more for business owners who had sold their business and decided to to like we’re now we’re in investing and
(1:11:32) and being more defensive and so that’s how I pictured it I may be wrong but I I didn’t feel like I was at that point I would I would consider joining maybe in 10 years from now or 20 years from now but I still I I plan to keep doing like I have no plans on stopping what I’m doing at this point just because it’s I can do it anywhere um you know um I just feel like it it’s something that I can continue to do and I’m glad that I built my business this way um like that I can man like I can go work out every morning like it’s like
(1:12:11) great you know and and everything keeps working and keeps growing and keeps doing what what it’s doing like it’s it is good but it took a while to get there and you have to work hard and I I don’t forget any of the you know the lessons I learned from from that I felt like I was working like we connected before like three jobs at the beginning but I saw the light at the tunnel and I just continued to hold on to my asset base I didn’t I didn’t keep selling it I kept holding on to it growing it and growing it and you know I think that’s the key
(1:12:45) but most people most people get get shiny object right they got they get uh and like I’m not going to say that Bitcoin is a shiny object because I’ll get murdered on this podcast somebody’s going to come after me I’m sure but I think bit Bitcoin is great and if you have less than 100,000 go ahead go to town right because at least you’re it’s you’re but you have to be ready for the swings of 50% up and 50% down and you know sideways and maybe you get 3x right and then there’s other cryptos which are like you know the meme
(1:13:19) coins and the you know yeah like all of those type of you know uh uh rwa and AI coins and all that stuff which are very you know very um volatile but I have friends that do extremely well with that stuff but you got to spend the time and learn and he also that the guy that I’m thinking about he spends like four or five hours every day like learning about crypto like this it’s like he’s he’s committed right but but that’s the same thing as what I was doing in 2008 and I was learning about real estate I was doing it right it’s it’s not supposed to
(1:13:59) be easy because then everybody would do it if you want easy money go to the casino Quinton we’re over time do we have do we have a moment to talk about J Mari and uh and and fu yeah so tell us about J Mari and why I bring it up is because there before we’re recording we talked about a failed real estate networking group and there’s a lot of them have come and go come and gone a ger Ari Rockstar like they’re they’re among the few that been that have with stod over like wait what year did you start dur Mari 200
(1:14:36) 2008 yeah it’s been that long wow okay yeah 16 years yeah going into 17 yeah you know what I I I started it because I needed a network and I didn’t have a network um and I continued to do it because I was a teacher and I love educating people so I continue to do it I I mean I do it because I I enjoy it and whether honestly I was saying before I don’t care if I get paid or not which is probably why everybody comes and goes because they they start to do it they realize this isn’t like unless I’m I’m I’m doing like a $20,000 course or
(1:15:18) something like that there’s not a lot of money in it right you have to do these big events and sell big products in order to make big money in that type of a business and it’s just not why I’m doing it and my why is different I think um uh like my why is more like okay this is what I’m doing this is what’s working this is what’s not working you can take advantage by of my network that I have by coming to an event and sharing and and I don’t have to keep repeating myself a hundred times like you just come out and you can learn and you can
(1:15:53) grow with yeah with all the other people like the difference also in that group which kind of is different than I’ve seen is like 80% of the people are like very active investors that have like a portfolio of properties whereas when I go to other groups and I’ve been to other groups Before It’s usually the opposite like you have like 20% of the people that are active and 80% that have like one to three properties in just learning right so it’s a very kind of different demographic so it makes the the learning higher but it means that
(1:16:26) sometimes I don’t do a good enough job and I know this with the people who are getting started right so I created a lot of online materials for them so we have a whole like hundreds of hours of recorded uh courses and learning and buying your first property and all that for for members to access so that’s how I I’ve kind of compensated for that because at the events there’s a lot of experienced investors and so it’s a little bit different and and um a lot those people from 2008 are still with you yeah it’s funny but
(1:17:00) yeah they are it’s kind of cool but but also like I I really like Tom and Nick’s events they’re really amazing um I’ve only been to like one or two I’d love to go to another one um but um I find that they they do a really good job with the highlevel macro stuff and then they bring some really interesting good speakers in and um and they’re they’re they’re good guys so like I I don’t like I don’t I gotta say I don’t like too many Realtors me neither but yeah yeah but you irn and you know Tomic I I like so there you go where can people learn more
(1:17:40) about Durham REI uh they can go to Durham Orca and uh you can they can catch my um my Adventures on qman REI that’s on Instagram I post all the pictures of my trips and I connect with people there I I I uh I enjoy posting photos I don’t know why it’s fun yeah what was the deal with the pictures of the photos of you down on the ground after you’ve fallen or something I just I don’t know I do quirky things sometimes and then I was like man every day on this trip I’m going to take a picture of me on the
(1:18:13) ground and and you know what people loved it I was getting so many my kids are like why are you falling down all the time like I don’t know it was just fun I’m disappointed they were staged they in weren’t actually after you’ve Fallen no so it was great I I’ve been doing that now like I was in Mexico and I did another one where I’m on the ground too so uh as I do different trips I’m going to do that just just for fun so bot Quinton on the ground in which country where’s this where’s this one Mexico oh yes that’s in Mexico that’s
(1:18:50) outside of Porto varera I was on the ground there and not on the ground getting fan f for fancy suits yeah that’s that’s uh I got a custom jeans made at this that was again business Society event worth it oh yeah oh the jeans are the best jeans I’ve ever worn in my life crazy I could believe it what what should someone budget for that I have no idea I didn’t pay for it they gave it to me for free yeah it I was just like they they fit my jeans they like I got like my like studs with my uh my initials on it in the jeans and stuff and I don’t know
(1:19:33) I I have no idea how much it cost but uh it was great uh what was it called Bay and Bay and King and Bay um C bespoke uh tayor something like that was it was awesome folks can find out on your Instagram I’ll look it up later as well I’m just curious um so actually now I stumbled upon this picture before and yeah I had done I’ve done Pull-Ups for the first time actually and now I’m doing like I had done one pull-up which was awesome um yeah 2017 330 PBS and then you know just I think 196 pounds there I felt really good now I’m able to
(1:20:15) do like 10 pull-ups um and and then I go right to 20 uh push-ups and then I do arm curls after that but I’m like I feel I feel really good like when I’m um when I’ve done when I’m doing that now it’s it’s really it’s awesome Quinton you’ve been really generous with your time can I ask you for some final thoughts you’d like to share with like a newer investor yeah I think one of the things that you have to watch out for in social media and because this is where people get a lot of their information from now anyways is be careful about the shiny
(1:20:54) object s that are out there they’re great and some some of them will take you down the right path as long as you stick to it but it’s about being consistent over a decade it’s not about being consistent over a week or or even a year it’s it’s over time over a longer period of of time since that picture in 2017 you know it took time to get to where I am now and I’m probably in the best shape of my life and I’m 51 right but took time to do that be and I didn’t get distracted and I didn’t go and look at you know some other diet and
(1:21:32) some other something or other right I’m just focused on doing what was working and being consistent about it over a longer period of time and I changed different things out but I’m still consistent and I think that’s what Young investors need to do is be consistent if you’re going to go um you know into the US go into the US Whole Hog and focus on it for like a decade or two decades if you’re going to stay in Ontario stay in Ontario and focus on that for you know a decade or two decades don’t get don’t get disillusioned remember the obstacle
(1:22:08) is the way yeah don’t spread yourself out and right Quinton again great catching up with you congrats on the success congrats on the weight loss and not just even the weight loss but like you you’re in the best shape of your life like thank can say that yeah I know it’s it’s crazy if you would have asked me like like doing one pull-up was crazy then doing 10 was amazing yeah I was actually Googling like how many how many people can do 10 pull-ups I think it’s a really really small percentage of the population
(1:22:44) really wow that’s Co see if we can see how many people can do it I don’t know when I was with my buddies like heyn you’re like you look strong like yeah I was doing pull-ups today like what’s a pull-up like like you guys can do pull-ups right like you mean push-up no oh really so it’s not the it isn’t a common thing interesting okay well I like how is it not less than 10% of the population can do 10 strict pull-ups right I I’d be shocked I I think it’s I think it’s a great goal for anyone to have I just don’t think many people can
(1:23:23) do it right and you know what I think both my sons can do it and so maybe I was kind of like oh well they can do it I can do it and then I was just like oh I’m gonna do this darn it yeah go ask them about their friends that aren’t in High Level Sports how many of them can do temp right right yeah I will I’ll find out I maybe it’s a lot less than I thought okay yeah all right thanks so much for doing this congratulations all all the success I don’t think I need to tell you to keep going no I appreciate that irn thanks
(1:23:58) for having me on I appreciate everything that you do thank you all right all right friends that wraps up another episode of the truth about real estate investing show for Canadians hope you got as much out of this one as I did remember that whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned investor there’s always something new to learn and it’s always about building that practical knowledge base that gets you closer to Financial Freedom if you found value today please do us a favor and leave us a review or a rating share this
(1:24:24) episode with a friend or better yet join our community of Real Estate Investors who are taking action and making moves and hey if there’s a topic you want us to cover or have uh there’s a certain guest you’d like us to have on the show drop me a line my DMs are open on social media reply to this email that this have arrived on I’m not hard toine uh you know we’re all about getting you the unfiltered truth to help you on your journey thanks again for tuning in and we’ll see you in the next episode until then stay Smart Stay curious and keep
(1:24:51) building that future catch you later


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Before you go, if you’re interested in what kind of properties I am looking at in the landlord friendly states of the USA please go to for what I consider the best investment for most Canadians, most of the time.

I’ve been investing in Ontario since 2005 and while it’s been a great, great run. I started out buying properties in the 100,000s and now it’s $800,000 to $1,000,000.  How much higher can it go? I don’t know

To me, the remaining potential for appreciation does not match the risk hence I’m advising my clients to look to where one can find rental properties that are affordable range of $150,000 to $350,000 US$, with rents that range from $1,400 to 2,600/month plus utilities.   As many Canadians recognize, these numbers will be positive cash flow and are night and day compared to anything locally. Plus the landlord has all of the rights, no rent control, and income is US dollars which are better than Canadian dollars.

If you don’t believe me, US dollars are better than Canadian dollars, go ask 100 non-Canadians which currency they prefer to be paid in.

So to regain control of your retirement planning.  Go to and check out what great cash flow properties are available in the USA.  

The best part is, my US investments will be much more passive compared to by local investments as I’m hiring an asset manager called SHARE to hand hold me through the entire process.  As their client and shareholder, Share will source me quality income properties, help me with legal structure and taxes, they manage the property manager and insurance provider while passing down to me preferred rates so I save both time and money.  

Share will even tell me when to strategically refinance or sell.  SHARE can even support investors all over the country for proper diversification hence my plan is to own in Tennessee, Georgia, and Texas.  Share is like my joint venture partner but I only have to pay them fees while I keep 100% ownership and control.

If your goal in investing is to increase cash flow, I don’t know of a better strategy for most Canadians most of the time.  One last time that’s to see what boring, cash flowing real estate investing can look like on your path towards financial peace.

This is how I’m going to make real estate investing great again for my family and hope you choose the same.  Till next time!

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This episode is brought to you by me! We don’t have sponsors for this show. I only share with you services owned by my wife Cherry and me.  Real estate investing is a staple in my life and allowed me to build wealth and, more importantly, achieve financial peace about the future, knowing our retirement is taken care of and my kids will be able to afford a home when they grow up.  If you, too, are interested in my systematic strategy to implement the #1 investment strategy, the same one pretty much all my guests are doing themselves, then go visit and register for our next event.

Till next time, just do it because I believe in you.



As a committed advocate for transparent and responsible real estate investment, I want to openly share my involvement with SHARE SFR (Single Family Rental) as an Advisor. I hold an equity position in this company and receive a referral commission for clients I introduce to their services. My endorsement of their business model – focusing on direct ownership of positive cash flow income properties – is consistent with my own personal investing since 2005, is based not only on a professional assessment but also on my personal experience and belief in their approach. Please note that while I stand behind my recommendations, it is crucial for each individual to conduct their own due diligence and consider their unique circumstances before making any investment decisions. As always, my priority is to provide you with honest, insightful, and practical real estate investment education.
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