Creating a Pension in 4 Years vs 40 Years

Hello Investors!!

While behind the scenes, we had some bumps along the way but we couldn’t be happier with the result of the inaugural Halton Real Estate Investors Group meeting this past Saturday. Even the weather wanted to compete with us for attendees with the sunny skies and 30+ degree weather yet almost 80, fully caffeinated, keen and alert real estate investors packed our room at Sheridan College and I couldn’t be more grateful for your support.

halton real estate investing class




Keynote speaker Donato Cascioli shared some very personal stories on how he overcame adversity as a poor student and college drop out to become the highly successful land developer that he is today. For the last three weeks, I’ve been updating my vision board. I’m collecting images of stuffs using the Google, using a collage app on my mac called CollageIt 3, then I’ll put it on USB to print at Staples and laminate to put on my wall near my bed so I see it before bed and when I wake. This was a tip I picked up from Daymond John of Shark Tank. If you heard how powerful goal setting was for Donato than I’m sure you’re doing the same.

Thank you everyone for the feedback, I read it all and am grateful to for the friends and team members who presented on Saturday. One attendee emailed me this morning, “I really enjoyed the Halton REI club meeting this weekend. So much amazing info. I’m also an avid listener and fan of the podcast. Great job! I love your market and economics based approach.”

Thank to Coaches Tim and Erika for sharing whats happening in target investment markets from Mississauga to Niagara. Thank you to our sponsors Auger Properties and Alan Lo of Pinnacle Wealth Brokers.

Creating a Pension in 4 Years vs 40 Years

This week I’m excited to bring to you my friend and client Kaush Nanubhai (pronounced Koh-shh Na-new-bye) who started off buying condos in downtown Toronto as a young professional Accountant as he described buying a condo better use of his disposable income than drinking and partying.  Many years later and having bigger goals in mind including more income and improved lifestyle, he’s now built himself a sizeable portfolio now at 11 investment properties, acquiring eight of them in the last four years with plans and joint venture partners for many more.  Learn about what Kaush wishes he could go back and do over, what drives an already successful professional like Kaush to do even more, how he’s created more time for what’s important, time with family and taking care of his health.  Kaush invests in student rentals and legal basement suites in Hamilton, St Catharines, Welland, and Niagara On the Lake.
Links to stuffs mentioned
Action Taker Program: (I’ve checked with Quentin, he has room for one so if you need an introduction please let me know)
Halton REI (Erwin’s networking group)

To get in touch with Kaush, email is best:

I’d like to say thanks again to Kaush for taking time out of his busy schedule to hang out and talk to us, and to welcome you all back from the summer (the season, not the weather).  If you enjoyed the show, please let me know and I really appreciate 5 star reviews on iTunes or Google Play or Stitcher.  I read every comment and and grateful for all the fans of the show, thank you for the kind words who have already posted. If you’d like to be notified of new episodes in your email, simply go to and type in your email address.

Till next time. Just do it! And I believe in you.

~Erwin Szeto

Real Estate Developer Charles Wah Update

Hello Real Estate Investors!

Clockwise from Top left: Akon inviting the ladies to dance on stage, Danielle Laporte, Lewis Howes, Naveen Jain, Simon Sinek, Jason Gaignard of Mastermind Talks and I, Daymond John, Nicole Arbour

What a great weekend at the Archangel Summit!! They describe themselves as “An annual gathering of mission-driven entrepreneurs, leaders, and professionals who want to do well by doing good. 100% of the proceeds will be gifted forward to The Archangel Fund, which is used to provide micro-loans and donations to entrepreneurs and charities making the world a better place.” A business conference with a conscience.

Basically, it was a conference with speakers who help entrepreneurs and they have a social conscience. In my (Erwin) own small way, I try to do the same by giving back to the community (by the way, is in action again Oct 7th, delivery 300 Thanksgiving dinners to the poor). Keynote speakers include Daymond John, you know him from the TV Reality Show “Shark Tank,” and founder of the clothing brand FUBU (if you or your kids like hip hop, you know the brand); best selling author Simon Sinek, recording artist Akon, Danielle Laporte who Oprah is big fan of. Anyways, the Sony Centre was packed with 2,000 like minded folks, entrepreneurs who want to change the world for the better. After a summer of vacation, enjoying the family, letting my restrictive diet slip a bit… it’s summer, I see ice cream, I eat ice cream; same goes with burgers on a bun :). Archangel was the perfect ra ra event to get fired up again to close out 2017 on a high! On our latest podcast episode, Charles Wah and I recount our takeaways from Archangel 2017 and if you enjoy these types of events, then you’ll want to have a listen.

This week I’m excited to bring to you the return of Charles Wah, you might remember him from our land development interview six months ago and he’s fresh off the set of Scott McGilvray’s newest show to give you all an update on his land development projects and the new investments and building development projects he has on the go.  We’ll take a sneak peak at the behind the scenes of HGTV’s biggest star, how Charles spends his off time, and we will share our thought’s and lessons from the phenomenal Archangel Summit. It was so good, we already purchased our VIP tickets for the Archangel Summit in September 2018.  You want to know WHY this super successful and very young investor does what he does? Then have a listen….
Want to meet Charles and The Most Successful Investor I know?
Then register for the Halton Real Estate Investors Group Meeting Sept 23rd, Sheridan College Conference Centre here:

The Most Successful Investor I Know

Hello Real Estate Investor!!

Top of Grouse Mountain Post Grouse Grind

I hope you had a great summer!  My wife and I just returned from a week in Vancouver and had an excellent time.  We can see why Vancouver is consistently the most livable city in Canada with the city nestled in between ocean and mountains and rainforests and underrated beaches. Outdoor adventures are aplenty but what isn’t aplenty is real estate to keep up with the demand. As any real estate investor, we couldn’t help but browse for what local properties were asking for and Vancouver does not disappoint as the least affordable city in Canada.  The AirBnb where we stayed, similar apartments were asking around $1,000 per square foot for a building downtown but was built in 1982, no air conditioning by the way and only electric baseboard heating.  Houses, they cost just a bit more than the areas we invest.  A house listed for $400,000 in Kitchener is priced low but safe to say it will sell for less than $500,000.  The same house in Burnaby, just east of downtown was asking $1,300,000.  Needless to say we will continue to use short term housing like hotels and AirBnb when visiting Vancouver vs. purchasing a vacation property 😃.  If we even want to move there, we will definitely need to invest more in order to afford it.

I’m working on a longer form write up of my trip to Vancouver should any of you be planning a trip there so you can learn from my lessons and have an even more enjoyable trip than I did because if you haven’t been, add it to your bucket list.  Vancouver is now my favourite city in Canada after having visited Halifax, St. John, Montreal, Mont Tremblant, Calgary (Banff and Jasper), and now Vancouver.  I recommend you start from the East and work your way West as it’s less expensive in the East and so you’re not underwhelmed.

The Most Successful Investor I Know is The Inaugural Halton REI’s Keynote Speaker

I am very happy to announce our Keynote Speaker for the inaugural Halton REI has confirmed, he is one of the longest time investors I know who started in 1991, so he’s personally invested during several housing cycles and he will have lessons on how to survive and thrive in all markets. He also happens to be one of the most successful real estate investors I know so you don’t want to miss out on Donato Cascioli’s presentation.  Don is a serial entrepreneur who may not have made it on Dragon’s Den, well he was on the show, did not receive an offer but if he was offering his real estate investment opportunities, the Dragons would have stepped on each other to give him money.

Kevin O’Leary Trying On Donato’s Cell Phone Carrier on Dragon’s Den

You don’t want to miss Donato’s story of humble beginnings to real estate success at the inaugural meeting September 23rd at our new location at Sheridan College Conference Centre. Same time, same great content and networking as the Mr Hamilton Inner Circle Meetings, it’s just a new name. You do have to RSVP by clicking here to pay in advance and receive the parking code for the closest available parking lot. For privacy reasons, we cannot share the code publicly.  Do come early for the networking and sponsored refreshments provided by Auger Properties.
Donato will be a future guest on the podcast but for privacy reasons, some of his live presentation will be omitted so you do not want to miss out on his uncensored presentation at’s inaugural meeting.
As always the meeting will include an economic update including this week’s announced interest rate increase, market updates on both real estate prices and rents.
Hope to see you all September 23rd!!

Inaugural Halton Real Estate Investors Group Meeting

Hello Real Estate Investors!

Who wants to golf?! Not me. Swinging golf clubs is tough on my shoulders as it’s repetitive, I swing way too hard, and I have no technique. It all started when John from podcast episode 6-years-part-time-and-600k-in-returns reached out asking if I wanted to golf and I responded, let’s do something fun instead. The somewhat local gun club (Silverdale Gun Club) had a special on a sniper rifle package and that’s what we did on a Friday afternoon at the gun club. We shot a couple rounds with an AR15, SKS, Remington 700, and the big daddy of them all, BMG 50 which weighed in at 34 lbs and each additional bullet would cost us $15 per. Don’t worry if the gun names mean nothing to you. I have no idea either, this was only my third time ever holding a gun in five years…. Our instructor Eric was patient and excellent and the gang agreed, it was better than playing 18 holes. We all had fun but make no mistake, the afternoon was a productive one because everyone one in attendance is an active investor with numerous properties and leaders in their fields. When you spend time with like minded people, you are guaranteed success. You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

There is nothing wrong with having fun but if you can, make it a mastermind with successful folks. Talk to your Accountant too because maybe the costs are tax deductible

Speaking of masterminds…

Inaugural Halton Real Estate Investors Group Meeting

Short version:
All is the same, in our pursuit of cash flowing properties we expanded beyond Hamilton years ago and a brand change was necessary. Think of this as Microsoft Word’s “find and replace” of the words “Mr Hamilton” and replace with “Halton REI.” The same award winning service and same people but we are adding some more exceptional talent to the team.

Long version:
When I first started investing, we were breaking even on single family homes near downtown Burlington. The first property was just over $150,000 for a 2 bed, 1 bath bungalow in the downtown core of Burlington, which later became a high in demand area forcing prices up. The second property was in a bit better condition on the same street but $235,000 with not much better rents. Rents went up but did not keep pace with prices. We then directed our focus to the west in Waterdown, one of the more affluent areas of Hamilton and the same happened, real estate prices went up faster than rents then I looked to the west again to invest in west Hamilton. In 2012, again I went west and purchased several properties in St. Catharines. 2013, we purchased two investment properties in Brantford, 2014-17 I purchased more properties in Hamilton. As an investor, our objective is positive cash flow in area with strong economic fundamentals. Today, our team of real estate coaches/agents do so much business in St. Catharines and Niagara region that we often acquire more houses there than Hamilton as Hamilton prices have risen over 20% each year for the last three years. Our pursuit of cash flow has expanded our search for income properties to Brantford and Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge. Many of you know we conduct business outside of Hamilton as you have seen the invites for Street Smart Tours of St. Catharines, Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge, on top of Hamilton hence it is time for a change in brand from Mr. Hamilton ( to the Halton Real Estate Investors Group ( The name, branding and colours may be different but you can expect the same award winning service and same people lead by me (Erwin) but we are adding some more exceptional talent to the team and will make announcements when official.

We are also moving our meetings to a new location: we’ve out grown the Rock Star Office’s training room, though we loved the price and convenience, we could use more space for comfort and to allow more attendees as in the past, we’ve had to wait list and turn away people.  We want everyone to have a chance at financial freedom so we are relocating to the Sheridan College’s Conference Centre located at 1410 Trafalgar Rd, Oakville, ON, just north of the QEW.

The room can accommodate 90 people so do feel free to invite your friends, co-workers, and family if they too are interested in financial security via real estate.

Stay tuned, we’re still working out details to make registering for the event on Sept 23rd as seamless as possible.

I can’t wait to see you all again September 23rd.


“Action is everything – everything else is commentary” ~ Erwin

Investment Real Estate Business Owner –
President – > this is what we do:
Real Estate Salesperson – Rock Star Real Estate Inc, Brokerage


How a Single Dad Refinanced His Home for Multiple Down Payments

Hello investors! I hope you’re enjoying the summer weather!! Sadly the summers are so short, all I can think about is how little summer this is left.

To enjoy the summer sun and as usual, combining things I enjoy: excitement, entrepreneurship, real estate, great company, I’ve been organizing get togethers with like minded, successful people.  We had more events before kids and had gotten away with it but in my endeavor for self development and better networking opportunities, I restarted my “Hambundance” group. Hambundance is a word mash between Hamilton and abundance. It’s silly I know but it makes me laugh.

This week we rented power boats from the Harbour Front Center in Toronto, raced around the harbor, and trolled through Toronto Island for three hours.  It was a blast, I posted more picture and video on my  After, we had lunch at the Amersterdam Brew House on the patio for more networking where I selfishly picked certified professional coach Ryan Hindmarsh’s brain on leadership.  As 2pm approached, the rule of Toronto is to get the heck out of town or forever be trapped in its traffic jam.  My car pool group combined owns over 30 properties so you bet the conversation was productive and the car radio stayed off.

This week I’m excited to bring to you Nick Ditomaso, he’s been investing for less than three years after 20 something years of sitting on the sidelines.  Even as a single dad, he’s been super successful with just a few well selected investment properties and with the proceeds of just one property, Nick is paying off his mom’s car loan, paying for his son’s wedding, donating to charity, and still has sufficient capital for a down payment or two for more investment properties.  Nick’s claim to fame is his ability to refinance his own home for multiple down payments, he almost did it THREE times within 12 months and successfully achieved above market appraisals each time.  Listen in on his tips on how he did it, plus, his advice on books to read and clubs to join.

To Listen:

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On iTunes:…/id1100488294

On Stitcher:

Recommendations by Nick:

Real Estate Investing in Canada: Creating Wealth with the ACRE System by Don R Campbell


Secrets of the Canadian Real Estate Cycle: An Investor’s Guide


The Property Management Toolbox: A How-To Guide for Ontario Real Estate Investors and Landlords


Rock Star Real Estate Membership


Real Estate Investment Network (REIN, pronounced rain)


Annual ACRE (Accredited Canadian Real Estate) Systems.

I usually have a discount code closer to the Toronto event each year.


“Erwin’s Group” Halton Real Estate Investors Group


Tenant Location Services in Hamilton, Crystal Ross


So Reit Club


Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Robin Sharma


Nick On Twitter


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On iTunes:…/id1100488294

On Stitcher:

Download as an MP3 by right clicking here and choosing “save as”

If you would like to start out on your investing journey, be supported by a team of investor specialists and be successful like Nick, do join us at a future event.  Go to to register or if you’d like to get started immediately in building your wealth, fill out the contact form at  Event space is limited as we always have waitlists so avoid disappointment by registering as soon as possible and I look forward to seeing you there.  Thank you for listening, this is Erwin Szeto of the Truth About Real Estate Investing show and I’ll talk to you soon.

More Tax For Us Investors

I am super proud of my little cousin Christopher, here I am wearing his Timmy’s visor.  He’s not really little anymore as he just turned 17 but he did get a summer job at Tim Hortons. He’s still in training but the plan is he’ll keep working when he’s back to school to save up money for a car.  Christopher is crazy passionate about all vehicles: tanks, planes, trains, cars, bikes. I seriously ask for his advice when buying cars but I have to temper his preferences as he seems to think I operate without a budget.  I don’t need a BMW M3 or M5, I don’t care about the extra 2-300 horsepower, I care about my monthly payments and how much of my lease is tax deductible

I’m proud because he’ll learn hard work, team work, and eventually, how much it sucks to work for minimum wage in the service industry to motivate him to something bigger and better.  I want the same for my kids as their lives are sheltered and privileged, nothing like our parents and grandparents and great grandparents.  Both my wife and I come from extremely hard working, impoverished families.  My wife’s family are farmers who work directly on the land.  My grandfather was a labourer and his brother worked on the Canadian railway.  All back breaking work.  My back gets sore if I sit or stand for too long

But I know for a fact we investors work hard to build our real estate business and like I want my kids to learn hard work, I’d like government employees and those who think raising taxes and costs (hydro, minimum wage) on small business should start their own small business.  Based on our governments own statistics, failure is high, “In 2013, the total number of SME births was 78,430, compared with 83,240 deaths, which resulted in a net decrease of 4,810 businesses.” source: Our Federal government promised us a balance budget, looks like raising taxes in the short term while hindering the growth of small business is the plan.  The same small business responsible for 8.2 million jobs in Canada (same source).

For anyone with a small to medium sized business including real estate investors who invest using corporations, you’re probably as disappointed as I am in Minister Morneau’s proposed changes to the tax benefits we small business work so hard to earn.  Here’s a great one line summary of the proposal: “income taxes are highly unfavourable to business owners and investors who, unlike consumers, pay tax twice: once when they earn their income and a second time after they invest it and pay taxes on the returns.” “These measures, contrary to much of the news coverage, aren’t just targeted at the “rich” but will also hit middle-class business owners, are expected to increase federal taxes by $250 million, and provincial revenues by roughly another half of that. This is just one more way to discourage entrepreneurship, on top of all the tax increases in the past two years. If the Republicans’ plan for tax reform happens in the U.S., even more young entrepreneurs will be looking to head south instead of here.“


With these proposed new taxes going on, I caught up with real estate Accountant Cherry Chan, chartered professional Accountant.  She’s also a mom, a small business owner with employees and a real estate investor with several properties so she’s no different than you and I accept she knows a bit about tax and accounting.

In this episode, Cherry will talk about how these changes are bad for your business and what you can do about it.

Without further ado, I present to you, real estate Accountant Cherry Chan.

For a more detailed summary on how what a real estate Accountant thinks of these changes, click here:


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Download as an MP3 by right clicking here and choosing “save as”

real estate accountant

Buying The First of Three Properties in 2017

This week, we’re doing something different, we do not have a guest but instead you’re stuck with me!  My plan is to buy three houses this year and we just locked up the first of three and I’d like to detail for you the lead up to the purchase, how the purchase went, and where we are going with it.  If the listeners enjoy this episode, I’ll make a series of updates on how I invest.

Just to let you know, we have a new website where we will be posting all new and old podcast episodes, show notes, contact info for our guests. The website is Going forward, all our other websites will forward you to this website for simplicity.  If you’re a newer listener, I highly recommend you go back and listen to previous guests for lessons on investing and stories of inspiration.  Till next time, my name is Erwin Szeto, thank you for listening and happy real estate investing.

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On iTunes:…/id1100488294
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Download as an MP3 by right clicking here and choosing “save as”

If you would like to hear more about my back story, you can listen to Russell Westcott’s interview of me here:

Announcing the Halton Real Estate Investors Club (coming soon:

If you’re from the Toronto area, especially west of the city and are interested in learning more about investing in real estate, I am happy to announce that coming soon is the Halton real estate investors club this September 2017. This will be the best place to rub elbows with successful real estate investors that can help you.  I know more self made millionaires through real estate than any other job or asset class so you’ll want to be part of the club. As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. The Halton REI will be hosted by yours truly, Erwin aka “Mr. Hamilton” Szeto. I have been hosting networking meetings for over three years and we’re simply growing and making our wonderful group open to more investors so we may help more people. As always, we will host a guest speaker or two, provide economic updates and market updates on income property prices and rents, mortgage updates, lessons from the streets so you may learn tactics and strategies you can apply tomorrow to your own portfolio.


Who should attend? Anyone interested in learning more about investing in real estate

Why should you attend? If you’re like anyone I know you want to retire early, retire your wife or husband, pay for your kids University, support your favourite charities, the list goes on and on.


So stay tuned, I’ll update you all once we have complete details.

Massive Cash Flow in Small Town Investing with Elizabeth Kelly

This week we have an exceptional guest in Elizabeth Kelly, who has been investing for over 12 years and has built a large portfolio of buy, rent and hold investment properties with her husband. She co-founded a property management company based in Kirkland Lake, Ontario. Elizabeth also runs a boutique Rent to Own company, which specializes in providing home ownership options for families.

On the business side, Elizabeth coaches and trains investors, and has done so for the last five years. While doing so she noticed a service gap in the mortgage industry for real estate investors, hence she obtained her mortgage license to specialize in helping investors plan, structure and creatively finance their real estate portfolio so they can enjoy their retirement and leave a legacy for their families.

To reach out and connect with Elizabeth:



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On iTunes:…/id1100488294
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Download as an MP3 by right clicking here and choosing “save as”

How to Increase Cash Flow with Basement Apartments with Andy Tran

Welcome ladies and gentlemen investors across the greatest country in the world. This is the Truth About Real Estate Investing show for Canadians, where it is my job to bring you experts in the world of investing to learn their expertise and experience. In our interviews, we will flush out their out their strategies and lessons so we may listen and takeaway highly tactical tips and ideas to improve our investment portfolios.

We’ve had guests in the past from the other side of the country. Don Campbell, who resides in British Columbia, Pierre Paul Turgeon, who’s from Alberta. This week our guest, Andy Tran, is on the other side of the world in Japan, visiting his wife’s family. I’ve been friends with Andy since 2009, when we met at a mutual friend’s birthday and ran into each other again at REIN. Andy was one of my first clients, as I helped him purchase investment properties in Hamilton back in 2010, but now the tables have turned as I have hired Andy to prepare my investment property for a legal basement suite conversion. As always, I believe in hiring the best to work on my business and it just so happens that Andy is a leading expert in accessory apartments in the golden horseshoe of Ontario. Andy is guiding me and my property through the city’s permit process including building code, certified drawings, working with the city’s planners and inspectors etc… stuff that I neither enjoy nor have time for.

Andy is a former home inspector and former Manager of Education for Carson Dunlop, a well-known home inspection company in Toronto that produces half of the education material for home inspectors. He’s the Author of book “Legal 2nd Suites – A Beginners Guide.” Andy is a regular guest speaker at different real estate networking events and an all-around nice guy so without further do, I present to you Andy Tran.

Google Play:
On iTunes:…/id1100488294
On Stitcher:

Download as an MP3 by right clicking here and choosing “save as”

Erwin’s preferred cheap headphones with mic:

Andy’s website

You can download Andy’s book here:

And contact Andy here:

How to Graduate to Apartment Building Investing with Pierre Paul Turgeon

Welcome ladies and gentlemen across the greatest country in the world, this is the Truth About Real Estate Investing show for Canadians, where it is my job to bring you experts in the world of investing so we may learn from their experience in hopes that we can duplicate their success, and inspire YOU to take action for a better financial future for yourself and those closest to you.

This week we welcome one of the greatest teachers of apartment building investing. Returning to the show is former lawyer, former CMHC analyst for default management and underwriter for multi-family properties, Pierre Paul Turgeon.  Pierre Paul is one of the foremost experts in this area as an author, high in demand speaker at the Real Estate Investment Network and this past month at Rock Star’s Your Life, Your Terms event.

He’s back to give you an update on oil, Edmonton, Alberta, and why apartment building investment makes sense for any portfolio. If you feel you need more preparation before purchasing a building, Pierre Paul just so happens to be launching both an online course and a live, in person, hands on training class coming up later this year right in Hamilton, Ontario and he’ll be making the announcement on the show. Links and details are in the show notes.

So without further ado, I am pleased to announce Pierre Paul Turgeon.

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On iTunes:…/id1100488294
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Download as an MP3 by right clicking here and choosing “save as”

To register for the class:

Live Workshops

Canada’s ONLY Live Experiential Multifamily Investing Training Program.

Experience every step of a Multifamily deal, from research to financing, with worked examples and a team of experts to walk you through it.

2 and a half days workshop

Hands on experience

Learn from Multifamily experts

Work through REAL MF deals

Next Workshops:

Edmonton, AB – May 26th-28th 2017

Hamilton, ON – Sept. 15th-17th 2017

To register for the class:

This episode is brought to you by Rock Star Real Estate’s Free 90-Minute Training Class where you can Learn The #1 Real Estate Investing Strategy That Has Created Millions In Cash Flow For Canadian Investors Without Touching A Hammer.

What will you learn at the upcoming free class?

I’ve been part of Rock Star since 2010 and you will be learning the #1 strategy we have implemented in Hamilton, St Catharines & Niagara Region to transact on hundreds of investment properties, producing several millionaire clients.  The strategy works so well, our clients’ success has been noticed, resulting in our real estate team being awarded real estate agent of the year in 2015, 2016, and 2017, by multiple publications.

So don’t delay, please to go, there are only a few seats left and there is always a waiting list.

This episode is brought to you by Invest in St. Catharines Inner Circle Meeting. Years ago, when I was a dewy eyed, novice investor, I sought out meet ups and “Mastermind” meetings for networking opportunities. At the time I was already a REIN member and had our first three properties, which made me the expert of the group. I felt like no expert, the meetings were unstructured and most folks were just tire kickers. It was a massive waste of time. I wanted to surround myself with action-takers. Fast forward to today, we host monthly Inner Circle Meetings meant for the serious investor who is serious about taking action in securing a better financial future for themselves and the people they care about. Our focus is on education, on everything an investor needs to be successful and everything I’ve come across to be an award winning real estate agent and investor.

Each and every meeting has a wait list so don’t delay and register today for our Inner Circle Meeting. Immediately following each meeting is an optional, highly recommended Street Smart Tour where you are guided by one of our highly successful investor coaches. They lead a tour of properties in a select top town for investments. Nothing replaces boots on the ground experience, and sometimes we get lucky and uncover a gem of a property. There is no pressure to buy anything EVER!! But we will recommend to you what we would buy for ourselves.