80+ Houses in Only Three Years, Raising Capital on a Boat w Kristy and Brady Mcdonald

Every investor’s greatest fear is buying a lemon of a property. A money pit, if you will.

I made that mistakes way back when I started. We were offered what every investor wants, an off market deal! We made an offer well below what the seller’s Realtor thought they could get and,  boom! We got ourselves a money pit. The house had a log foundation and the driveway was sloped to direct water into the basement window and onto the dirt floor of the cellar.

The water that came out of the taps was brown from time to time… I learned a lot from that house.

Mistake #1 – We didn’t get an inspection.  The brown tap water is a symptom of galvanized steel plumbing. An old type of plumbing known to leak, hence the insurance companies I use today won’t insure it. If you find it, you better have a plan to replace.  No insurance = No mortgage.

If you were going to renovate a house with galvanized steel, would you get permits and update the plumbing to today’s standards when renovating the bathrooms and kitchen or would you leave the old plumbing and just replace the bathroom and kitchen?

A mastermind member of mine, let’s call him Brian, called me and asked my opinion. He had an accepted offer conditional on home inspection, on a nicely renovated property BUT the home inspector found some improper electrical and the bathroom and kitchen fixtures were connected to galvanized steel plumbing. The same stuff I mentioned earlier that insurance companies will not insure. There were no permits taken out, obviously.

What would you do? You bought a house you thought would not need renovation, with a new kitchen and bathrooms, now you find out the electrical is problematic and the plumbing all has to be redone. Doesn’t that feel like bait and switch?

I told Brian what I thought his options were:

  1. Counter with the seller agrees at their own expense to get electrical and plumber permits to fix all the problems.
  2. Get a reduction in price to reflect the cost of remediation.  Not my ideal choice, because now you have to manage contractors and have a vacant property during the renovations.  This was Brian’s Realtor’s preferred option.
  3. Walk away.

A couple lessons here. Trust no ones’ renovations and workmanship, always get an inspection unless you plan on gutting the place anyways. Even brand new, I had my new construction houses in Brantford inspected. They had passed their electrical inspection, but my inspector found a mistake in the arc fault circuit interrupter that should not have passed inspection. The seller fixed it at their expense. My inspector also pointed out how the step was missing off the rear patio door, something required to obtain an occupancy permit allowing people to actually move in.

Houses are a big investment, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Get an inspection.

On the other side, when you renovate, don’t cut corners. You don’t want that as your reputation, as the investor community is a tiny one. As Warren Buffet said, It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.

Our next Infinity Wealth Investment Network, or iWIN for short, meeting is here in Toronto on March 28th. If you’d like to come, you have to act fast as these events sell out.

You can grab your ticket here: https://iwinmonthly.com/optin

On to this week’s show!!

While my wife Cherry and I were on a cruise ship in the Caribbean, working the whole time, we fit in a podcast with our new friends Kristy and Brady Mcdonald. With partners who contribute both the cash for down payment and renovation, plus getting the mortgage, they have been able to acquire over 80 properties in just a few years. Some were flips so they only still own 60+ properties, depending on when you talk to them.

Pay special attention on how they are able to manage both the acquisition, renovations, and all those tenants. Also note that the Mcdonalds now spend a lot of time on their 50 foot boat in Florida and the Bahamas, cruising and exploring uninhabited islands. Their boat is called Living the Dream.

Kristy also survived a tragic boating accident as a teenager and lost her arm in the process.  She’s no victim though, as she practices a positive mindset.

I give you, Kristy and Brady Mcdonald.

If you enjoyed the show and would like to learn more about investing in real estate then you do not want to miss my Top 10 Tips On Real Estate. It’s FREE to Download!!

I’ve interviewed many of the leading authorities in real estate, including Best Selling Authors like Julie Broad, Don R Campbell, Russell Westcott, and Tom Karadza. My super star investors include folks who acquire two properties per month or have transacted on over 100 properties. I have learned a thing or two in my own investing and distilled it down to 10, you-can-not-ignore, tips if you want to be a successful investor.

To download the report go to www.truthaboutrealestateinvesting.ca/book

Sponsored by:

TitanInvestmentRealEstate.com – would you like to know how our investors returned 341.8% on positive cash flowing real estate over the last five years? On average, that was 68.4% per year, just imagine what winning in real estate could do for you. If you would like to know how we did it, ask us how by calling 289-288-5019 or email us at admin@mrhamilton.ca. Don’t delay, the top markets we focus in are trending upward in price, so you can pay today’s price or tomorrow’s price.

Till next time, just do it because I believe in you.
Hamilton, St. Catharines, Toronto, Land Development, soon to be builder and Real Estate Investor

W: erwinzeto.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/erwin.szeto
IG: https://www.instagram.com/erwinszeto/

My Wife Cherry Interviewed Me. Asked About the Stuff I Don’t Share…

What can I say? As any of you regular listeners know, I’m far from normal… but you know what I’ve learnt about spending time around successful people?  We’re all sort of crazy.

Anyway, Cherry had a glass of wine, a shot of tequila, loosened up, and felt like asking me whatever she wanted.

If you still trust me afterwards to help you build your wealth through real estate, I’ll be at the next monthly #iWIN meeting on March 28th.

At our last event, we had two of the nicest people in Stuart and Denise MacPherson come all the way from Ottawa to share how to raise money with RSP’s. We also had master of raising capital, Russell Westcott, in the house answering your toughest questions on the subject.

Russell walks the walk too, having raised 7 figures just last week. That’s capital, not mortgage money, as some people on the social media are including in their definition of other people’s money. We only bring the best of the best guest speakers to #iWIN and Russell qualifies as the best selling co-author of Real Estate Joint Ventures: The Canadian Investors’ Guide to Raising Money and Getting Deals Done.

These are the things you CAN’T learn in a book or podcast . . . These are the things we bring to the table for our Freedom 45 people. My goal for our clients is not to teach them more stuff… it’s to make them more wealth. Anyway, if you’ve had an interest in real estate, let me know. I’ve got a killer Freedom by 45 blueprint.

Don’t worry if you’re over age 45 or close to 45, our blueprint works for anyone looking to make more money and build wealth. Even if you think it’s too late for you, we can help you help your children and grandchildren in building more wealth.

Our next Infinity Wealth Investment Network, or iWIN for short, meeting is here in Toronto on March 28th. If you’d like to come, you have to act fast as these events sell out.

You can grab your ticket here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/iwin-march-meeting-with-susan-white-livermore-tickets-57126023474

But before that, we have our Kitchener-Waterloo Street Smart Tour this Saturday on March 9th with Tim Hong! You can find out more information and grab your FREE ticket here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/iwin-kitchener-waterloo-investment-tour-march-9-tickets-57141131663

Without further ado, I give you my lovely wife, Cherry Chan of www.realestatetaxtips.ca, asking me crazy questions.

Show notes:

Cherry on the web
To register for iWIN’s monthly meetings
Russell Westcott’s best selling book
Erwin on the web

If you enjoyed the show and would like to learn more about investing in real estate then you do not want to miss my Top 10 Tips On Real Estate. It’s FREE to Download!!

I’ve interviewed many of the leading authorities in real estate, including Best Selling Authors like Julie Broad, Don R Campbell, Russell Westcott, and Tom Karadza. My super star investors include folks who acquire two properties per month or have transacted on over 100 properties. I have learned a thing or two in my own investing and distilled it down to 10, you-can-not-ignore, tips if you want to be a successful investor.

To download the report go to www.truthaboutrealestateinvesting.ca/book

Sponsored by:

TitanInvestmentRealEstate.com – would you like to know how our investors returned 341.8% on positive cash flowing real estate over the last five years? On average, that was 68.4% per year, just imagine what winning in real estate could do for you. If you would like to know how we did it, ask us how by calling 289-288-5019 or email us at admin@mrhamilton.ca. Don’t delay, the top markets we focus in are trending upward in price, so you can pay today’s price or tomorrow’s price.

Till next time, just do it because I believe in you.
Hamilton, St. Catharines, Toronto, Land Development, soon to be builder and Real Estate Investor

W: erwinzeto.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/erwin.szeto
IG: https://www.instagram.com/erwinszeto/

Are You Starting Out As An Investor and Thinking About Getting Your Real Estate License?

New record: 24 years old, first time buyer, went firm on an investment property and we couldn’t be more proud.

His name is Joe and we’ll be having Joe on Facebook live for iWIN members and we will share the recording for the podcast and on YouTube.

The number one regret of real estate investors is they wish they started sooner.  

Note this is Joe’s first property ever. We do have other investors who bought investment property at 24, but they already owned their homes.

Mark my words here and now, Joe will be a future real estate millionaire and, if he chooses, a multi-millionaire, and iWIN members will be here to support him.

If you want to meet Joe and learn about his duplex-ing strategy (with the help of Andy Tran and Coach Tammy DiTomaso), stuff we teach all the time at monthly iWIN meetings, then come check us out, assuming we have not yet sold out.

Registration and tickets here: https://www.infinitywealth.ca/events

The Vue
195 Galaxy Blvd
Etobicoke, ON M9W 6R7

Thursday, 28 February 2019
6:30 PM – 10:00 PM EST

In other news, I went to the casino on Saturday and came out on top!!

After the sold-out real estate development tour in St. Catharines on Saturday, a couple of us played hooky and went to Fallsview Casino.

Gambling stresses me out. I don’t know what it is, but I get so stressed and I don’t enjoy it, but I’m happy to enjoy an adult beverage or three while watching my friends play.  Plus, I’m extremely risk averse. I prefer my money making me money, rather than losing money. That is the number rule in Warren Buffet’s playbook after all.

Our group of five lost a combined $1,800, or an average of $360 per person. Since I didn’t gamble, the average loss is really $450. Tammy Ditomaso, who’s on my team, broke even, so really the losses were $600 on average.

That’s not even a tax deductible expense!! Patooey!!

Since our team had their wallets handed back to them empty, I picked up the tab at dinner. And since dinner was with a group of clients, that would qualify as tax deductible client entertainment.

The day was super fun, hosting 40 investors to tour an actual development. There were no sore losers from the Casino, and who doesn’t like a decadent Chinese dinner, complete with Peking duck?

Next time though, consider investing your money in hard assets or a small business for yourself, which leads up to this week’s guest, Tim.

Are You Starting Out As An Investor and Thinking About Getting Your Real Estate License?

I get this question a lot from recent graduates and folks switching careers. “I want to be an investors, should I become a Realtor?”

I get it so often, I invited a young gentleman named Tim to ask me his questions, and record it so I may share this for anyone in the same boat as Tim.

For those wanting to get a real estate license to get access to the data available to Realtors, over 50% of agents do 0-1 transactions per year. Don’t you think you could hire one as your assistant to send you reports and the data you need? That would be considerably less expensive than the hundreds of study hours needed to obtain your license, plus the couple thousand dollars per year in fees to maintain your license.

Food for thought and by the way, don’t listen to me for career advice or legal advice. These are merely my two cents on the subject.

Secondly, I learned in the methods of business, to not follow one’s passions. The market does not care if you’re passionate about real estate. I got my real estate license back in 2010 because there was a gap in the market. There was no one focused on guiding investors in Hamilton at the time. I was part of a fair-sized investor network and investors there were demanding the same.

I am a Hamilton investor, I was good at it. I’m a pretty good Realtor too, hence the awards you can see behind me. There was demand and no one was supplying the service to fill such demand. That’s how I made the business decision. If you’re looking to practice as a Realtor, I suggest a similar approach to evaluating the supply, demand, and competition in your target market. A great place to start would be like I did, becoming a member of group of like-minded real estate investors like my own group, the Infinity Wealth Investment Network. The iWIN group meets on Feb 28th and four weeks later on March 28th. If you want to be a investor, I can’t recommend enough that you spend time around local, successful investors.

If you want to take an even deeper dive into our Freedom 45 program, we can create for you a business plan that can truly give you time and freedom to do other things you love.

If that interests you, come to the next iWIN event! You can register here: https://www.infinitywealth.ca/events

If you’re looking for a get rich quick scheme, this isn’t for you.  Building wealth is a marathon, not a sprint, and playing for the long-term takes a lot of the risks out of investing. No different than the Casino, but I despise risks to my money.

If you’re looking for a “work hard and build an awesome portfolio” scheme, then I’m your man!

Enough from me, I give you Tim, a 23 year old recent graduate with a Psychology degree, $40,000 of student debt, and big aspirations for what’s next.

Books I recommend:

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie (I can immediately tell when people contacting me, asking questions, asking for my time, if they’ve read this book or not)
Maximum Achievement by Brian Tracy
Psychology of Achievement by Brian Tracy
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
Renos to Riches by Ian Szabo

If you enjoyed the show and would like to learn more about investing in real estate then you do not want to miss my Top 10 Tips On Real Estate. It’s FREE to Download!!

I’ve interviewed many of the leading authorities in real estate, including Best Selling Authors like Julie Broad, Don R Campbell, Russell Westcott, and Tom Karadza. My super star investors include folks who acquire two properties per month or have transacted on over 100 properties. I have learned a thing or two in my own investing and distilled it down to 10, you-can-not-ignore, tips if you want to be a successful investor.

To download the report go to www.truthaboutrealestateinvesting.ca/book

Sponsored by:

TitanInvestmentRealEstate.com – would you like to know how our investors returned 341.8% on positive cash flowing real estate over the last five years? On average, that was 68.4% per year, just imagine what winning in real estate could do for you. If you would like to know how we did it, ask us how by calling 289-288-5019 or email us at admin@mrhamilton.ca. Don’t delay, the top markets we focus in are trending upward in price, so you can pay today’s price or tomorrow’s price.

Till next time, just do it because I believe in you.
Hamilton, St. Catharines, Toronto, Land Development, soon to be builder and Real Estate Investor

W: erwinzeto.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/erwin.szeto
IG: https://www.instagram.com/erwinszeto/

How To Build a Portfolio of Over 200 Properties and Lessons Learned Surviving An Economic Downturn with Jared Hope

Hello Investors!!

Are you surviving the snow, ice and cold?  What better time than now to get away to Florida, no? This time next year I plan on go back stateside for the 10X Growth Conference as I just got back and it was awesome.  Here are my 🚨Top 3 takeaways from the first day and a half at #10xgrowthcon .

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📐1. More attention to digital assets, specifically websites, thanks to how tos by @tailopez. Check out his website if you want a great example.

🌟📈2. Scaling up is actually a way to reduce competition. Many have yet to learn the skills or raise the capital to do so, so scale up.

🎥3. Share more via video what I’m doing to help clients, members of #iWIN and, most importantly, my charity the @hamiltonbasketbrigade, because this isn’t about me. It’s about providing 1,000 families each year their best holiday ever.

Bonus takeaway: Likes are votes in a democracy, if this video helps you, please like. 🙏🙏🙏

How To Build a Portfolio of Over 200 Properties and Lessons Learned Surviving An Economic Downturn with Jared Hope

This week’s guest is excellent, as always. He’s a coach, a real estate business owner with property management and home construction businesses with 18 staff, and he’s transacted on over 200 properties since 2003. His name is Jared Hope of Tilt Property Group and he’s seen it all, from boom, to bust and 18.5% vacancy rates in the Alberta real estate market.

Jared even shares the moment where he almost lost it all to bankruptcy, having to rely on a stranger to pay for his family’s grocery bill.

Listeners, especially those in Ontario and BC, we’ve been on a very good run since 2008. There will be a downturn and Jared is here to share lessons on where he went wrong in the early days building a massive portfolio, what he would do different to insulate himself from six figure cash calls, and what experts to listen to… I have five pages of notes and know I would have 10X that if I were listening and not interviewing.

Enough from me, I give you Jared Hope.

How to Connect with Jared:

We’re already discussing to have Jared as our May speaker at iWIN. Stay tuned!

Web: https://www.tiltgroup.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/tiltgroup
Twitter: @thejaredhope and @tiltproperties

If you enjoyed the show and would like to learn more about investing in real estate then you do not want to miss my Top 10 Tips On Real Estate. It’s FREE to Download!!

I’ve interviewed many of the leading authorities in real estate, including Best Selling Authors like Julie Broad, Don R Campbell, Russell Westcott, and Tom Karadza. My super star investors include folks who acquire two properties per month or have transacted on over 100 properties. I have learned a thing or two in my own investing and distilled it down to 10, you-can-not-ignore, tips if you want to be a successful investor.

To download the report go to www.truthaboutrealestateinvesting.ca/book

Sponsored by:

TitanInvestmentRealEstate.com – would you like to know how our investors returned 341.8% on positive cash flowing real estate over the last five years? On average, that was 68.4% per year, just imagine what winning in real estate could do for you. If you would like to know how we did it, ask us how by calling 289-288-5019 or email us at admin@mrhamilton.ca. Don’t delay, the top markets we focus in are trending upward in price, so you can pay today’s price or tomorrow’s price.

Till next time, just do it because I believe in you.
Hamilton, St. Catharines, Toronto, Land Development, soon to be builder and Real Estate Investor

W: erwinzeto.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/erwin.szeto
IG: https://www.instagram.com/erwinszeto/

How to Lose Weight, Gain Muscle, Be a Beast with My Crossfit Coach Daniel Thiessen

I bought a house two weeks ago and inspected it last week. From the pictures and description of the house, I estimated $100,000 to get the house rent-ready. Sadly, my renovation estimate was accurate at just under $100k. I’ll allow myself a pat on the back for sadly being right about a lot of money going out the door. I bought it without conditions too, which I do not recommend. Please don’t do what I do. You’ll hear in a future podcast episode how Cherry, my wife, is not too pleased that we didn’t have an inspection condition and I didn’t even see the house!

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Bought another ugly 🏚house. I don’t always just 🏋️‍♂️Crossfit and 🥋Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, some times I actually invest for 🏖retirement and the 🏛kids’ education. This one will make a terrific furnished rental being so close to a 🏛university, a 🏩hospital with no area 🏨hotels, where jobs won’t be lost to automation or outsourced overseas. . I’ve been told I’m a risky investor by everyday people, non investors. The truth is I abhor risk hence I’m 👨‍🎓always 👨‍💻learning, 🤝networking, making relationships with the best of the best so my investment and future is taken care of💆‍♂️ . And oh yeah. We found a mouse in the fuse box. What a ⚡️shocking ⚡️discovery

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With the location being so close to a hospital and university, I’ll see what my options for a furnished executive style rental are, as I’d like to avoid future by-law issues with AirBnb and student rentals.

This deal wouldn’t have been possible without my fellow investor friends who all happened to have been on this podcast: Aaron Moore, Susan White, and Ryan Carr. They each inspire me of what’s possible. Aaron provided me the most tactical advice and answered my panicked phone calls. Susan too.

This is the ugliest house I’ve bought in a while, but what I’ve learned is the uglier the house, often the better the deal is. And it’s great to have friends you can call in a panic.

Speaking of real estate friends, you can meet them too at the next Infinity Wealth Investment Network (or iWIN for short) on February 28th. We have confirmed our location at The Vue where the Royal Woodbine Golf and Country Club hosts events. If you’ve ever been to a wedding at a nice golf course, that’s what this place looks like, and it’s located just east of Pearson Airport.  

Our speakers are best selling author, and former Vice President of the Real Estate Investment Network, and founder of the Raising Capital Academy, Russell Westcott, where he is doing something completely different.  Investors are invited to submit videos for Russell and I to review and choose from. Then on Feb 28th, Russell will coach this lucky individual LIVE. Russell is the Joint Venture Jedi, so let’s put his teaching skills to the test!

People rave about Denise and Stuart’s presentation on RRSP investing and they are here all the way from the Nation’s capital in Ottawa to share.

Plus interest rate and financing update from Butler Mortgages, and rent and resale price updates from the League of Extraordinary Real Estate Professionals.

Tickets are available at www.infinitywealth.ca, we sold over 100 tickets in a week and just released another 50 now that we have our venue locked down, so please don’t wait and buy your tickets today. Our last waitlist was 71 people….

How to Lose Weight, Gain Muscle, Be a Beast with My Crossfit Coach Daniel Thiessen

On to this week’s guest who is NOT a real estate investor but a remarkable human being nonetheless. Not all lessons are learned in the world of investing, and my conversation with Dan Thiessen, owner of RAdix Performance Centre in Oakville, Ontario, my Crossfit gym, has parallels to the business/investing world.

You want to be elite? The path is quite similar in athletics when compared to investing, and Dan is an elite athlete. He’s grown up playing sports at the triple A level, he’s competed at the provincial and national level in different sports, fast forward to today, he can handstand walk for 100 feet and lift a 280 lbs barbell from the floor to over his head in one movement.   

In this episode, Dan has advice for how to get started and many best practices to maintain health, fitness and performance. The perfect thing to listen to right now if you’re suffering from the winter blahs and need motivation.

Personally, I’m near the best shape of my life. The best was a few months ago before my November holidays, but I can still beat up any previous version of myself.  

To follow Dan:

Web: https://radixperformance.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/radixgym

If you enjoyed the show and would like to learn more about investing in real estate then you do not want to miss my Top 10 Tips On Real Estate. It’s FREE to Download!!

I’ve interviewed many of the leading authorities in real estate, including Best Selling Authors like Julie Broad, Don R Campbell, Russell Westcott, and Tom Karadza. My super star investors include folks who acquire two properties per month or have transacted on over 100 properties. I have learned a thing or two in my own investing and distilled it down to 10, you-can-not-ignore, tips if you want to be a successful investor.

To download the report go to www.truthaboutrealestateinvesting.ca/book

Sponsored by:

TitanInvestmentRealEstate.com – would you like to know how our investors returned 341.8% on positive cash flowing real estate over the last five years? On average, that was 68.4% per year, just imagine what winning in real estate could do for you. If you would like to know how we did it, ask us how by calling 289-288-5019 or email us at admin@mrhamilton.ca. Don’t delay, the top markets we focus in are trending upward in price, so you can pay today’s price or tomorrow’s price.

Till next time, just do it because I believe in you.
Hamilton, St. Catharines, Toronto, Land Development, soon to be builder and Real Estate Investor

W: erwinzeto.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/erwin.szeto
IG: https://www.instagram.com/erwinszeto/

Buying Ugly Commercial Buildings, a Combined 300,000 Square Feet, Renovating on Speculation and Changing Hamilton with Steve Kulakowsky

I separated my rib just three weeks ago at a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournament and this past Friday I was back golfing indoors, taking full swings.  My core strength is not as good as it used to be but it felt good being able to swing as hard as I wanted pain free. I’m also back doing gymnastic movements at Crossfit pain free. The only time I now feel the injury is when doing burpees when my sore rib touches the floor but it’s barely noticeable.

My point is, I’ve had enough people call me insane for fighting other adults and ending up hurt, but what’s the worse thing that could happen? I lost and lost badly yes, I got hurt, but I’m OK.

So the worst case happened, time goes on, and I’m fine and getting ready for my next competitions. 🙂 Am I insane? I know I’m definitely different, and back to investing, what is the worst case investing in real estate? If you do just a little education, get a little good advice, buy a good property in a top ten town, you’re going to be fine. Worst case, you learn from your mistakes on the next one.

Or if you like giving 110% like I do to ensure more predictable results, hire a great coach and surround yourself with successful investors. If you’re looking for a place to meet successful investors, then come to the next Infinity Wealth Investment Network (iWIN for short) meeting where I’ve assembled a large number of the most successful investors I know. Many have been on this podcast and are killing it.  The super cool part is the investor community I know enjoys giving back so if you’re newer, that’s totally cool. You are more than welcome. Go to www.infinitywealth.ca  for more information.

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Hosted 🏠150 investors at our first Infinity Wealth Investment Network meeting. 🙏Thank everyone for the kind words and all those who signed up. You are getting in on the 🏗ground floor of something special and we take your trust in us very seriously. We are the change we want to see in the 🌎world, we are here to help, deliver value and experiences never seen before. . We just gained our first member of the Council of Awesomeness to ensure our members receive the most value, fun, experiences, and gain the 🔨🔧tools to build 💰wealth. . 🍻Cheers to all the action takers. Together, we rewrite our histories as it takes a village to raise a 🙌successful real estate business owner and investor. I am proof of how a network of 🥅goal oriented, sharing individuals can be successful and so can you!

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That brings us to this week’s guest, Steve Kulakowsky.  He’s one of our few returning guests and if you don’t know him, that’s OK.  He’s pretty much the youngest and hottest developer in Hamilton with numerous massive, mid rise, commercial real estate. He owns retail and office space with a little residential. Steve buys them ugly and renovates them into beautiful, interesting rental spaces. Check out their instagram, it’s commercial real estate porn https://www.instagram.com/coreurbaninc/ including nine of the hottest restaurants in Hamilton.

Buying Ugly Commercial Buildings, a Combined 300,000 Square Feet, Renovating on Speculation and Changing Hamilton with Steve Kulakowsky

Before our interview, I invited Steve to lunch at a fabulous restaurant on King William St, and they just so happen to be one of Steve’s tenants. I also invited Luke Wywrot, who is building a 30 storey apartment building around the corner, as Luke and Steve have never met before. Luke will be by the show when’s he’s less busy. We had an awesome lunch, I was the old guy among the three of us. Lots of ideas were shared on advanced real estate topics, and that’s what cool about so many investors I know. Many are open to sharing how-to.

Just like this episode, Steve shares what motivates him, tips and strategies to attract commercial tenants, a Field of Dreams strategy in a market with double digit commercial vacancy and low rents, going from residential to commercial, and on and on. Hopefully we can get Steve to give a talk at the April iWIN Meeting.

To follow Steve:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coreurbaninc/
Website: http://www.coreurban.ca/

If you’d like an introduction to Steve and you’re a friend, please let me know.

If you need a friend defined please read How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegi

If you enjoyed the show and would like to learn more about investing in real estate, then you do not want to miss my Top 10 Tips On Real Estate. It’s FREE to Download!!

I’ve interviewed many of the leading authorities in real estate, including Best Selling Authors like Julie Broad, Don R Campbell, Russell Westcott, and Tom Karadza. My super star investors include folks who acquire two properties per month or have transacted on over 100 properties. I have learned a thing or two in my own investing and distilled it down to 10, you-can-not-ignore, tips if you want to be a successful investor.

To download the report go to www.truthaboutrealestateinvesting.ca/book

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TitanInvestmentRealEstate.com – would you like to know how our investors returned 341.8% on positive cash flowing real estate over the last five years? On average, that was 68.4% per year, just imagine what winning in real estate could do for you. If you would like to know how we did it, ask us how by calling 289-288-5019 or email us at admin@mrhamilton.ca. Don’t delay, the top markets we focus in are trending upward in price, so you can pay today’s price or tomorrow’s price.

Till next time, just do it because I believe in you.
Hamilton, St. Catharines, Toronto, Land Development, soon to be builder and Real Estate Investor

W: erwinzeto.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/erwin.szeto
IG: https://www.instagram.com/erwinszeto/

Student Rental vs Shared Mature Adults Rental. Which has more cash flow? Which has less headaches? Which removed all the drywall for the landlord with baseball bats? w/ Anna Moore

On Wednesday we hosted 🏠150 investors at our first Infinity Wealth Investment Network meeting. The biggest and best event I’ve yet to host with even bigger and better events to come. 🙏Thanks to everyone for sharing their kind words and all those who signed up for the iWIN membership. You are getting in on the ground floor of something special and we take your trust in us very seriously. We are the change we want to see in the 🌎world, we are here to help and deliver value and experiences never seen before.

Thank you to Charles Wah, Andy Tran, and Steve Ford for sharing their how to’s on small real estate developments, the ideal development investment for beginners. Thank you to Mike Iuliano for sharing his view of the stock markets, how he’s taking that information and applying to his portfolio. And, finally, thanks to my lovely wife and real estate Accountant, Cherry Chan, who is my partner in building Infinity Wealth. Thank you for sharing the taxation challenges of AirBnb’s and short-term rentals. If you have a short term rental, make sure you understand the taxation requirements both in operating and when selling the property.

If you missed it, that’s OK, the recordings are available for members. If you want to know more about the Infinity Wealth Investment Network, come check us out! You can register for the event at infinitywealth.ca. Our keynote speaker is none other than best selling author, master of raising capital (and has done so to acquire over 100+ properties), Russell Westcott, aka the JV Jedi.

Susan White Livermore, multi-millionaire mom, will also be in the house to share how she continues to get mortgages, event with her portfolio of 35+ properties.  It’s not pretty, but the bank makes the rules and they lend us hundreds of thousands, so it’s worth it.

The networking of course will be excellent, we had many folks stay over 1 hour after the event to chat. The restaurant for the post-meeting meeting had to give the rest of us the boot, and I took away massive value from the after-meeting meeting.  

I have been asked many times what is that one thing that is responsible for my success. There honestly is no one thing. I believe the path to success is inch by inch and not by miles. But if you’re always willing to learn, seek out mentors, like the guests on my podcast and the attendees of my events (as they are sharing golden nuggets all the time), then it’s up to you to apply them.

🍻Cheers to all the new iWIN member action takers. Together, we rewrite our histories as it takes a village to raise a 🙌 successful real estate business owner and investor. I am proof of how a network of goal oriented, sharing individuals can be successful and so can you!

Student Rental vs Shared Mature Adults Rental with Anna Moore

I first met Anna after seeing a piece by CTV Barrie on how an area student landlord was switching gears and renting to seniors instead (link below). Anna has been in the student rental business for 25 years. After the straw that broke the camel’s back, another abused rental property by the student tenants and thousands of repairs and clean up bills, she switched gears in renting to seniors.

As a student rental investor myself, I immediately reached out to AMR Property Management to speak to owner Anna Moore and here is our recorded discussion.

Anna is a veteran business owner with a successful printing company, she currently manages 200 doors (many are her own investments), and she vacations much of the winter in the Bahamas and Europe in the summer.

Yet another lifestyle success story for you listeners, as it’s not about the investment, it’s about what our investments afford us in lifestyles, and Anna is living the dream. Plus her business is ever improving as she goes from 5 senior rentals to offering as many as 50 this spring.

Without further ado, I give you Anna Moore of AMR Property Management

Link to CTV coverage of Anna: Company turning student homes into shared housing for seniors

Website: www.amrpropertymanagement.com

If you enjoyed the show and would like to learn more about investing in real estate then you do not want to miss my Top 10 Tips On Real Estate. It’s FREE to Download!!

I’ve interviewed many of the leading authorities in real estate, including Best Selling Authors like Julie Broad, Don R Campbell, Russell Westcott, and Tom Karadza. My super star investors include folks who acquire two properties per month or have transacted on over 100 properties. I have learned a thing or two in my own investing and distilled it down to 10, you-can-not-ignore, tips if you want to be a successful investor.

To download the report go to www.truthaboutrealestateinvesting.ca/book

Sponsored by:

TitanInvestmentRealEstate.com – would you like to know how our investors returned 341.8% on positive cash flowing real estate over the last five years? On average, that was 68.4% per year, just imagine what winning in real estate could do for you. If you would like to know how we did it, ask us how by calling 289-288-5019 or email us at admin@mrhamilton.ca. Don’t delay, the top markets we focus in are trending upward in price, so you can pay today’s price or tomorrow’s price.

Till next time, just do it because I believe in you.
Hamilton, St. Catharines, Toronto, Land Development, soon to be builder and Real Estate Investor

W: erwinzeto.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/erwin.szeto
IG: https://www.instagram.com/erwinszeto/

Little Known Strategies for a Perfect Morning, Perfect Day, Perfect Week for a Perfect Life with Craig Ballantyne

Hello Investor!!

How goes those new year’s resolutions? I personally do not make resolutions as my goals are being revised a couple times per year as priorities change and my goals for 2019 were set this past November.  If you don’t have goals… well my mentor Brian Tracy says “Goals are everything, everything else is commentary.”

One of my 2019 goals was to compete in one of my first Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournaments on Jan 5th.  The decision was made to compete only 3.5 weeks in advance which was great – less time to stress about the competition.  I changed my schedule with my wife’s support and this definitely one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.

Preparing to fight other men is nerve wracking. I have to eat properly during the holidays, I had a total of three glasses of wine in December, made the time to train and, lucky me, I caught a cold a week before the event and couldn’t practice.

The day of the event, I lost my first match quite badly. I haven’t had the strength to watch the recording 🎥but I will eventually to show my coaches so they can tell me where I went wrong so I can learn from my mistakes. I was also injured in the process, my rib separated, so that was painful and I was scared but the quick turnaround between my early matches allowed my adrenaline 💉 to keep me in the fight.

This video is of my second and final match of the day. I forfeited the rest due to injury. I sped up the boring parts and my embarrassingly bad pulling of guard.

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Definitely one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. My first 🇧🇷Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournament 🤼‍♂️. Preparing to fight other grown men is nerve wracking. I have to eat🍽🍴🥗 properly during the holidays, make time to train 🏋️‍♀️, I caught a 🥶😷 cold a week out so couldn’t practice. . 🤦‍♂️I lost my first match quite badly, I haven’t had the strength to watch the recording 🎥but I will eventually to show my coaches where I went wrong to learn from my ❌ mistakes ❌. I was also injured in the process so that stings but the quick turnaround between my early matches allowed my adrenaline 💉 to keep me in the fight. . 📽This video is of my second and final match of the day. I forfeited the rest due to injury. I sped up the boring parts and my embarrassingly bad pulling of guard 🤣 . 🤙What am I doing? I am pushing my limits. Entrepreneurs look to push themselves in areas outside of just business. I got steamrolled in my first match, I had a rough day and that is much worse than anything I’ll face at work this week or this month. As I tell my team, #nopressurenodiamonds 💎 . 🙏I want to thank my team mates and trainers and coaches 🦜 for getting me to through this event. This won’t be my last competition and look forward to healing and fixing the holes in my game. #nevergiveup

A post shared by Erwin Szeto (@erwinszeto) on

Am I insane for doing this? Well my coach is doing a half iron man and  my old friend Quentin Desousa lost over 100 lbs in 2018 and is running a half marathon this year. One of my Jiu Jitsu coaches at the age of 46 is competing at the world championships in Las Vegas again this year.  

Successful people push their limits in areas outside of just business. I got steamrolled in my first match, I got hurt and submitted, but fought my next match 15 mins later.  It was a rough day and in business, shit happens just the same. Just know you can overcome your challenges, it’s been done before and there is no reason you can not do the same. As I tell my team and clients, no pressure no diamonds 💎.

I want to thank my teammates and trainers and coaches for getting me to through this event. This won’t be my last competition and look forward to healing and fixing the holes in my game. You only truly lose if you give up and I hate losing more than I like winning.

Speaking of successful people, at the time of this posting, I have over 150 of the most successful real estate investors from our community RSVP to my networking event.  The event takes place on January 23rd, which sold out in less than 80hours, and the waitlist now stands at 44. This is the biggest room of successful investors I’ve ever put together, so if you have big plans for 2019, you will want to be at the next meeting.

Our keynote speakers on Jan 23rd are currently building two houses from the ground up on a lot they already own via another investment property and had this lot severed. In simple terms, the land was free, so the returns are quite significant, especially the cash flow once the basements are legally suited.

Two houses >> four units, brand new.

This is an ideal strategy for investors new to developing and building, and we are very lucky to have Charles Wah, Steve Ford, and Andy Tran to share how they are doing it.

From Jason Gaignard, only 3% of the population are entrepreneurs, only 4% of those entrepreneurs have 7 figure businesses. They are rare. I’m one of the many that will be there Jan 23rd in Mississauga, Ontario. To get on the wait-list, please visit www.infinitywealth.ca/join 

You can also register for our next Street Smart Tour of Kitchener-Waterloo on January 26th, 2019 by Clicking Here!


Craig Ballantyne is the first influencer I followed back in early 2000’s before influencer was a term to describe someone with a significant following.

I knew Craig from his highly successful online fitness training program. Craig’s clients would sign up online to learn how to exercise and diet to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle. Craig also taught his business and marketing methods and produced many other successful online fitness entrepreneurs. He is the real deal.

Fast forward to 2019 and Craig is still crushing it. Two personal friends of mine are enjoying his personal coaching and I’m enjoying Craig’s Perfect Day Formula as seen below. Here’s the link if you want to check it out: https://perfectdayformula.com/

Craig is the author of the Perfect Day Formula and his brand new book “Unstoppable”. He’s been viewed on YouTube over 7 million times. Craig is one of the original gangsters, an OG of online direct marketing, and you can tell he’s been successful and around a long time when you read all the folks who wrote forewords for “Perfect Day Formula” – pretty much the who’s who of the entrepreneurship and marketing educators.

He’s also a podcaster at www.earlytorise.com

I ask Craig how to create a perfect morning, perfect day, perfect week, and perfect life. I think that’s something we all want.

I thought it was also pretty cool how we discussed Craig’s biggest fear of regret and what he’s doing to make sure his regret does not become reality.

Craig also shares how he built and organic following of almost 33,000 on Instagram with video.

This is an early favourite episode of mine for 2019.

Check him out on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/realcraigballantyne/

And seriously, you can email Craig at Craig(at)Godfather.com LOL!!

Without further ado….

If you enjoyed the show and would like to learn more about investing in real estate then you do not want to miss my Top 10 Tips On Real Estate. It’s FREE to Download!!

I’ve interviewed many of the leading authorities in real estate, including Best Selling Authors like Julie Broad, Don R Campbell, Russell Westcott, and Tom Karadza. My super star investors include folks who acquire two properties per month or have transacted on over 100 properties. I have learned a thing or two in my own investing and distilled it down to 10, you-can-not-ignore, tips if you want to be a successful investor.

To download the report go to www.truthaboutrealestateinvesting.ca/book

Sponsored by:

TitanInvestmentRealEstate.com – would you like to know how our investors returned 341.8% on positive cash flowing real estate over the last five years? On average, that was 68.4% per year, just imagine what winning in real estate could do for you. If you would like to know how we did it, ask us how by calling 289-288-5019 or email us at admin@mrhamilton.ca. Don’t delay, the top markets we focus in are trending upward in price, so you can pay today’s price or tomorrow’s price.

Till next time, just do it because I believe in you.
Hamilton, St. Catharines, Toronto, Land Development, soon to be builder and Real Estate Investor

W: erwinzeto.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/erwin.szeto
IG: https://www.instagram.com/erwinszeto/

Giving Cancer The Finger, Getting Screwed and Buying 10+ Investment Properties Anyways w. Tom Sullivan

Happy New Year my fellow investors!!

I hope you enjoyed the holidays and are ramping up for an epic 2019!!

I had my mastermind session with the WuMASTERS just before Christmas, an overnight affair with a bunch of ballers who all have big plans for 2019, 2025, 2040.

The amazing part is some of my mastermind members already have 80-90% of what I want, which is why I’m so lucky to be a part of this group.

Just have a look at the lovely log cabin we stayed at on the river is just on the edge of Cambridge. One of my goals in life is to live part of the year in what many would consider a vacation property, so friends and family can come visit whenever they want, stay a weekend or a week or two. I’ll work mornings only and come noon, I join my guests for lunch and take the rest of the day off. This property fits my vision and how cool is it we all got to enjoy it together.

2018 has been an amazing year for me and my family. Not business wise, as the government was successful in slowing down the market and, in turn, my business for the first half of 2018. Thanks to my investment portfolio, I can weather the storm between lines of credit and cash flow.

Real estate is not all sunshine and lollipops but keep in mind, the average investment property has its mortgage paid off around $500 per month by the tenant. If you have just five investment properties that’s $2,500 per month or 28,000 per year. How many people do you know are putting away 28,000 per year for retirement or for kid’s education fund?

I did a double take just last week to see my University program has increased its tuition to 28,000 per year!!! Up 155% from what I paid, or a compound growth rate of 5.4% per year. Is anyone earning 5.4% more each year over year in their job??

Quick event announcement, my networking group is getting together the evening of Jan 23rd at our new location near Pearson Airport!

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with and, lucky for us, my mastermind group will be in attendance plus many other of the most successful real estate entrepreneurs I know. Such as Rob Break of the Break-Through Podcast, Brian of Pulis Investments who owns hundreds of doors in apartment building investing, plus several other award winning investors, flippers, wholesalers, AirBnb pros, etc….  My commitment to you the attendee is to assemble Ontario’s best, tightly knit networking group of real estate investors. I have some networking exercises planned so you all can get to know one another better.

Seating is limited, so register as soon as you receive the invite.  To get on the invite list go to https://www.truthaboutrealestateinvesting.ca/meeting/

I’ll be sharing the business framework I created for investing in real estate that decides for me if now is the time to invest.

We have keynote speakers Andy Tran and Charles Wah to share how they created “free land” to build four units from the ground up and how we investors may be sitting on tens of thousands of “free,” unlocked equity in your existing portfolio, or how to seek out similar properties.

Again, to get on the invite list: https://www.truthaboutrealestateinvesting.ca/meeting/

Giving Cancer The Finger, Getting Screwed, and Buying 10+ Investment Properties Anyways w. Tom Sullivan

On to this week’s guest, Tom Sullivan. He is a Cancer survivor, and when he learned of his Cancer it served as a reminder of how short and precious life is. He went on a tear to acquire over 10 investment properties and earned him the Real Estate Investment Network’s award for Rookie of the Year in 2015.

Tom is a smart guy holding his Masters in Business and Chartered Professional Accountant designation, investing in the Durham Regions and places east of Toronto. He’s also one of the nicest, most sharing people you’ll ever meet, which is why it’s awful how another investor did not live up to their contractual, joint venture obligations when the partner profited so massively above projections from the deal.

As always, this is the Truth About Real Estate Investing show, so we bring you real stories, including those of headaches and financial losses so you may learn how to avoid similar mistakes.

As the saying goes, a fool learns from their own mistakes, a smart person learns from someone else’s mistakes.

Do have your note taking implements handy, as Tom is full of great tips and, thanks to him, I just loaded up with tons of extended warranties.  Without further ado, I give you, Tom Sullivan.

To follow up with Tom:

On LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tom-sullivan-mba-cma-cpa-471604/

If you enjoyed the show and would like to learn more about investing in real estate then you do not want to miss my Top 10 Tips On Real Estate. It’s FREE to Download!!

I’ve interviewed many of the leading authorities in real estate, including Best Selling Authors like Julie Broad, Don R Campbell, Russell Westcott, and Tom Karadza. My super star investors include folks who acquire two properties per month or have transacted on over 100 properties. I have learned a thing or two in my own investing and distilled it down to 10, you-can-not-ignore, tips if you want to be a successful investor.

To download the report go to www.truthaboutrealestateinvesting.ca/book

Sponsored by:

TitanInvestmentRealEstate.com – would you like to know how our investors returned 341.8% on positive cash flowing real estate over the last five years? On average, that was 68.4% per year, just imagine what winning in real estate could do for you. If you would like to know how we did it, ask us how by calling 289-288-5019 or email us at admin@mrhamilton.ca. Don’t delay, the top markets we focus in are trending upward in price, so you can pay today’s price or tomorrow’s price.

HaltonREI.ca – This episode is brought to you by my networking group, the Halton REI. We meet in Oakville (part of the Halton Region), but mainly invest in the top investment towns west of Halton: Brantford, Hamilton, Niagara Region, Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge.

We regularly feature the top speakers from our industry. The vast majority of our attendees are seasoned investors, so you will want to spend more time around these folks, as you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Your net worth is your network, so choose how you spend your time wisely.

Knowledge is power. Every meeting we share the latest in market rents, prices in the top neighbourhoods, and strategies for investment. We share the best property available as our Best Buy Property of the Month. We share the best tips and tricks for you to implement immediately to your investment businesses to fast track YOU on your journey to financial freedom. It’s up to you if you’d like to be on said journey.

To get on the invite list please register at https://www.truthaboutrealestateinvesting.ca/meeting/ and you will receive an invite to the next Halton REI meeting once announced.

But don’t listen to me, here’s what members of our community are saying about the Halton REI!!

Till next time, Just do it because I believe in you.
Hamilton, St. Catharines, Toronto, Land Development, soon to be builder and Real Estate Investor
FB: https://www.facebook.com/erwin.szeto
IG: https://www.instagram.com/erwinszeto/



Preview of What To Expect Jan 23rd with Andy Tran and Charles Wah

Our keynote speakers Andy Tran, Charles Wah and Construction Manager, Steve Ford, are currently building two houses from the ground up on a lot they already own and had severed. Basically, they got it for free so the returns are quite significant when you have next to zero land acquisition costs, especially the cash flow once the basements are legally suited. Andy Tran knows a thing or two about that too. Two houses >> four units, brand new.

This is an ideal strategy for investors new to developing and we are very lucky to have Charles Wah and Andy Tran to share how they are doing it.

To get on the invite list: https://www.truthaboutrealestateinvesting.ca/meeting

Sponsored by:

TitanInvestmentRealEstate.com – would you like to know how our investors returned 341.8% on positive cash flowing real estate over the last five years? On average, that was 68.4% per year, just imagine what winning in real estate could do for you. If you would like to know how we did it, ask us how by calling 289-288-5019 or email us at admin@mrhamilton.ca. Don’t delay, the top markets we focus in are trending upward in price, so you can pay today’s price or tomorrow’s price.

HaltonREI.ca – This episode is brought to you by my networking group, the Halton REI. We meet in Oakville (part of the Halton Region), but mainly invest in the top investment towns west of Halton: Brantford, Hamilton, Niagara Region, Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge.

We regularly feature the top speakers from our industry. The vast majority of our attendees are seasoned investors, so you will want to spend more time around these folks, as you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Your net worth is your network, so choose how you spend your time wisely.

Knowledge is power. Every meeting we share the latest in market rents, prices in the top neighbourhoods, and strategies for investment. We share the best property available as our Best Buy Property of the Month. We share the best tips and tricks for you to implement immediately to your investment businesses to fast track YOU on your journey to financial freedom. It’s up to you if you’d like to be on said journey.

To get on the invite list please register at https://www.truthaboutrealestateinvesting.ca/meeting/ and you will receive an invite to the next Halton REI meeting once announced.

But don’t listen to me, here’s what members of our community are saying about the Halton REI!!

Till next time, Just do it because I believe in you.
Hamilton, St. Catharines, Toronto, Land Development, soon to be builder and Real Estate Investor
FB: https://www.facebook.com/erwin.szeto
IG: https://www.instagram.com/erwinszeto/