Developing Healthcare & Senior Living Facilities w/ Dr. Wing Lim
New Brunswick to implement rent control of 3% next year. What markets are left for investment in Canada? US Investing Workshop completed. Pros and cons of multi-family, investing and developing in health care buildings with guest Dr Wing Lim. All this and more on the Truth About Real Estate Investing Show for Canadians.
I’m your host Erwin Szeto, 4X Realtor of the Year to Investors in Ontario, an award I’ll never win again because, in general, the everyday investor shouldn’t be investing in long term rentals in Ontario unless they hate cash flow and love having no rights as a landlord. Instead our Realtor work in Ontario consists of helping our clients maintain what they have, navigate the impossible LTB, help them sell their investment properties for maximum ROI.
Widely considered the best practice when selling is wait for the tenants to leave on their own then renovate to maximize returns on sale price. Note that tenanted properties in our experience sell for $50,000 to $70,000 less and take nearly twice as much time to sell.
Keep in mind, real estate rental property is a business, the long-term tenant is your customer. In what business where having a paying customer devalues the business? It’s not a business I would recommend for my clients, friends or family.
If you have friends in real estate like I do, notice how so many are in short and mid-term rentals, developing, flipping. No different to guests on this show.
As I tell my clients, follow the smart money, especially how people invest their own money. Needless to say, avoid scammers. My friend Tarl Yarber created a hilarious Reel on the subject here:
Back to investing in Canada! But where?
I don’t usually weigh in on provincial politics outside of Ontario let alone follow them, but New Brunwick’s election caught my eye. With many in our community investing in New Brunswick for cash flow, the Conservatives were defeated badly replaced by a Liberal majority and the Liberals promised rent control in 2025, with a 3% cap on rent increases. There are reduced provincial sales taxes to incent developers to build rental housing and when I cornered ChatGPT to wear an housing economist’s hat and asked if it expects more or less rental housing to be developed by the private sector the conclusion was fewer rental housing units would be expected.
Makes you wonder why socialist governments implement policy that will slow rent increases in the short term but long-term rents rising faster for new tenants or those not covered by the rent cap.
The trend in Canada is not the friend of the real estate investor aside from the irresponsible levels of immigration. I hope my friends who invested in New Brunswick planned for this scenario but unfortunately this is likely a net loss for residential real estate investors. I’m no New Brunswick expert though but past guest Elizabeth Kelly and I’ve invited another to the show to give their expert insights from the streets! Stay tuned!!
What markets are left that do not have rent control? Alberta, Newfoundland, Northwest Territories, Nunavut. Saskatchewan has relaxed rent control.
For fun, I asked ChatGPT, I’m thinking I should just let ChatGPT host this show but anyways, only Alberta would make the top 10 list for places to invest in North America in the 7th-9th ranking.
But one still has to factor in mortgage financing and once you do, “in summary if you’re looking to grow your real estate portfolio quickly and efficiently, the U.S. (with DSCR loans) far surpasses any Canadian province, including Alberta, in terms of scalability and return on investment potential.”
And that’s quoting ChatGPT. Ai knows where to best invest for the everyday Canadian investor, I hope you do.
Developing Healthcare & Senior Living Facilities w/ Dr. Wing Lim
Thank goodness however for non everyday investors like today’s guest Dr. Wing Lim a true renaissance man – a dedicated medical professional and serial entrepreneur who has built an impressive portfolio of healthcare facilities and senior living communities. For over 30 years, he has balanced a thriving family medicine practice with innovative real estate ventures.
Dr. Lim’s impact extends far beyond the medical field. He has spearheaded the creation of the state-of-the-art Synergy Wellness Center and the award-winning Esther Gardens senior residence, providing invaluable resources and care to thousands. Beyond his professional accomplishments, he is committed to empowering the next generation through his Physician Empowerment podcast. Link:
Join us as we dive into Dr. Lim’s remarkable journey – from the challenges of running a medical practice to the triumphs of building a real estate and senior living empire. His story is a testament to the power of vision, perseverance, and a relentless drive to create positive change. Canada needs more investors like Dr Wing Lim and I hope this show inspires one of my 17 listeners.
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** Transcript Auto-Generated**
(00:00) What markets are left for investment in Canada that are rank control free us investing Workshop completed pros and cons of multi family investing and developing in healthc care buildings with guest Dr Ring Lim all this and more on the truth about real estate investing show for Canadians I’m your host irn CTO for time realtor of the year to investors in Ontario an award an award I’ll likely never win again because in general uh it’s it’s my belief that the everyday investor shouldn’t be investing in long-term rentals in Ontario unless
(00:27) they hate cash flow and love having no rights as a landlord instead our realter work these days in Ontario consists of helping our clients maintain what they have navigate The Impossible LTB help them sell their investment properties when they feel right uh for maximum return on investment why they considered the best practice when selling uh is to wait for tenants to leave their uh on their own and then renovate to maximize Returns on sale price note that tenanted properties uh in our experience sell for $50,000 to
(00:55) $770,000 less and it takes nearly twice as long to sell those properties uh keep in mind real estate rental property uh it is a business a rental property is a business the long-term tenant is your customer and what business is having a paying customer where it devalues the business it’s not a business I would recommend to my clients friends or family anyways if you have friends in real estate like I do notice how so many of them are in short-term rentals or midterm rentals they’re developing or flipping uh no different than the guest
(01:26) on the show they’re doing everything to avoid long-term rentals in Ontario that’s why you see so many folks who’ve gone to New Brunswick or Alberta uh as I tell my clients follow the smart money especially how people are investing their own money needless to say avoid scammers uh my friend TL yarber created a hilarious reel on on Instagram I posted it in the show notes uh hopefully he hook him on the show one day he it’s uh again it’s just so different in the States tarl has uh he’s done over 100 flips how many people do you know in
(01:55) Canada have done 100 flips versus tarl yeah he’s special anyways back to investing in Canada but where I don’t usually weigh on provincial politics outside of Ontario let alone follow them it’s just too much but the New Brunswick election it just happened it just completed and it caught my eye with uh many in our community including guests of the show investing in New Brunswick for cash flow uh the current well the conservative government of New Brunswick was just defeated quite badly actually the uh Premier even lost his riding um
(02:24) yeah and they’re replaced by a liberal majority and the Liberals had promised to bring in rank control for 2025 with a 3% cap on rent increases uh there are reduced provincial sales taxes to incent developers to build rental housing and when I cornered chat gbt to wear I instructed it to wear a housing Economist hat pretend you’re a housing Economist and I asked it if it expects more or less rental housing to be developed by the private sector the conclusion was Far uh was fewer rental housing units would be expected makes
(02:55) you wonder why a socialist government would Implement policy that would slow does slow inate rent increases it does slow rent increases in the short term but long-term rents are expected to rise faster for new TS or those not covered by rent CS sounds familiar to the Ontario investor maybe so it’s not like history won’t to repeat itself ever the trend in Canada is not the friend of the real estate investor aside from the uh the only the only Trend that’s that’s been helpful for can Canada is the irresponsible levels of money printing
(03:26) in debt and the irresponsible levels of immigration uh I’m an immigrant s um but there I think there’s a right level and actually just recently the the majority of Canadians feel there’s a right level of IM immigration and we’re not there right now I hope my friends who invested in New Brunswick planned for this scenario uh but unfortunately this is likely a net loss for residential Real Estate Investors I’m no New Brunswick expert however however I’ve had New Brunswick expert uh Elizabeth Kelly on this show
(03:53) twice she’s been invested there longer than anyone know anyone I know there personally again I’ve had her on twice to for her to share her warnings uh and just recently I invited another guest to come on the show to exper to share their experience uh their expert insights from the streets so stay tuned for that episode now what markets are left that do not have rank control I asked chat GPT in order of uh I uh preferred for investment destinations Alberta then New Foundland Northwest Territory is none of but then Saskatchewan which has relax R
(04:29) control for fun I asked chat GPT I’m thinking about should I just let chat GPT Host this show but anyways uh only Alberta would make the top 10 lists for places to invest in North America it would be in the seventh to ninth ranking but you we are all Real Estate Investors so we do have the factor in how mortgage financing works and once you do in summary if you’re looking to grow your real estate portfolio quickly and efficiently the US with thatb service coverage ratio mortgage loans which is what commercial investors are familiar
(05:00) with in Canada far surpasses any Canadian province including Alberta in terms of scalability and return on investment potential end quote I was quoting chbt AI knows where it’s best to invest for the everyday Canadian investor I hope you do too thank goodness however there are non everyday investors like today’s guest Dr Wing Lim Lim Dr Wing Lim a true Renaissance Man a dedicated Medical Professional and serial entrepreneur who has built an impressive portfolio of healthcare facilities and senior living communities for over 30
(05:34) years he has balanced a thriving Medical Practice it wasn’t always that way though with Innovative real estate Ventures Dr limb’s impact extends far beyond the medical field he has spearheaded the creation of the state-of-the-art Synergy Wellness Center and award-winning Esther Gardens senior residents providing invaluable resources and care to thousands Beyond his professional accomplishments he is committed to empowering the Next Generation through his physician empowerment podcast uh the website is fiz remarkable Journey from
(06:09) the challenges of running a medical practice to the triumphs of building a real estate and Senior Living Empire his story is a testament to the power of vision perseverance and Relentless drive to create positive change Canada needs more investors like Dr Limb and I hope this show inspires one of my 17 listeners to take up the mantle and do more create more good create more housing help more Canadians please enjoy the [Music] show hi Wing what’s keeping you busy these days oh wow AR thanks for inviting me to your show um what keeps me busy to uh
(06:49) these days are of course my medical practice uh but I try not to be just wearing one hat I wear many hats and I derive joy and excitement by doing non-medicine entrepreneurial stuff so so that’s the juggle and then you have kids too in a way yeah our kids are in the mid 20s so um it’s different it’s a different stage of life I know your audience at all ages right so this is a different stage of Life they need you for different things um but you do have a lot more freedom you don’t all the kids drive in fact also we have done left home one came
(07:27) back and live with us a little bit so so you do have a lot more freedom right it’s a different time different phase of your life and uh yeah so it’s a different phase so with thinking more of retirement what’s retirement like how do we how do we position ourselves so that’s um that’s what’s interesting and then uh we’re taking always learning right so we’ve done a lot in entrepreneurial stuff we done a lot in what we consider ourselves serial entrepreneurs I’ve done a lot of real estate stuff and now we are taking of
(07:59) course my wife and I in uh stocks and Global Market okay all right I I’m laughing because your your LinkedIn is uh longer than my arm you already have your uh what bmsc What’s is that that’s that’s the uh uh Bachelor of Medical Science that’s the under MDD so you’re already very accomplished medical doctor uh and that okay actually just for the listeners better please tell us a bit about yourself sure so I went to met school at at UFA University of Alberta so I’ve been in Alberta for 40 years exactly 40 years we came I came as
(08:50) an young young immigrant 1984 so this is exactly 40 years so that’s when I started uh premat in Calvary I went to ma School in I’m in 10 two years of family res residency so I’ve been in practice 31st years now so so that’s a long time of medicine right and and uh medicine doesn’t take that much time of yours that’s why you have all this time for these other businesses in fact when when I started uh my own practice I was doing 100 hours a week because we did everything that I went to school for at my practice my
(09:25) walk-in clinic did everything uh went to two Hospital deliver babies nursing homes teaching uh Pala of Care Counseling at night so my wife and my wife actually blessed her heart she gave up her profession she was supposed to be a teacher and she chased helped me Chase my dreams so we went home every night at about 11 a 11:00 p.m.
(09:52) to midnight uh at the rep up the clinic yeah so that that was before kid PC that was how crazy it wasc yeah and what about when you had kids you have to cut back right because she couldn’t run as crazy as she was I I I could still do that but I have to cut back you got to be a parent a little bit so that’s when I realized and and what hit as really hard early on was taxation we didn’t even we bottom Clinic a dream practice we didn’t even know how to do this taex thing right so the first year we did not save money for T5 count says do T5 we didn’t save money
(10:27) for tax by tax time we didn’t even no we had no money it’s the first year we in debt right and then one Christmas we did not have after bonus to the to the staff we had no money left for ourselves and we look at you said what are we doing and then the next year uh the son was born someone still in in the car seat and the building that we were in got into receivership the new landlord fought with us that ran we went to court we lost long story short and then uh we got an eviction notice November 30th so we were moving a clinic during Christmas
(11:05) and we to beg somebody to to to Lucky we found a space 5 minutes away we have to back somebody a friend of ours and became a patient that did the r out the ti took a month so we spent our Christmas at the construction site yeah so yeah so that that was a lot of heart lessons on the side of the head so I was running as as as hard as I could I learned everything I did I could in in medicine I was doing everything I went to school for so I should be very actualized but why am I so stuck so if you look at young graduates now uh it’s
(11:42) not uncommon to see medical graduates in early 30s mid-30s and they in debt three 400,000 it’s not uncommon to see that right and and the the wages going down lagging behind inflation they never learn about invest in didn’t never learn about business so like everybody else has zero education in business right so luckily my wife was taking some business courses and uh so we got out of student debt by the time we bought the practice then we got a huge debt into practice right we bought a practice with money we
(12:18) haven’t got so we’re just running like crazy and getting no nowhere of course we have an a comfortable income right but but uh but how do you see the end of this right and then so I met a mentor he’s in his about 90 now we can call him Dr George uh we’re immigrant family my my my parents are still in Hong Kong right so we had my kids have no grandparents so that they call George Grandpa George so Grandpa George very sign physician also also an entrepreneur so he came and challenged my thought one day he says when would
(12:54) you like to make 100% of one person or 1% of 100 people as that hold it what kind of question is that so he repeated the question and I said 100% of one person I know how to do that I rent 100 hours per per week and that’s how I do and how I got stuck right and he says yeah change of thinking right but how do you do 1% of 100 people right so that’s the start of thinking leveraging right and that’s when we began to search and and we of course read kiyosaki’s books in fact we went to big confence in the states and he if you Google him his
(13:33) initial lectures but on flip charts we were there in that Hall yeah and this one we learn about okay don’t just go and change exchange time for money right the right side of forn people they don’t they leverage right and that’s that’s when this brain little brain got decompressed so that’s a start of a journey of the the business side so I M we don’t have many doctors on this show and we don’t have that many doctors as past clients of ours uh you know the the perception out there is doctors just do really well and don’t need to
(14:15) invest what two so we start so I’m years ler I met two young Physicians and I started a a a podcast called physician artment so I joined them and we’re meeting lot more and more doctoring dentists and so some do very well of course if you’re a surgeon if you’re like some Specialties of radiology or Opthalmology you do very well right but most um I’ll say the landscape in Canada there’s about 100,000 Physicians 50% family doctors GPS 50% specialist okay and and family doctors their income is not as much as Specialists generally they exceptions
(14:58) and most Medical Specialists don’t as much as Surgical Specialist right but it depends on how much debt you start with right same with Dentistry so we met a dentist who went to uh the stage went to IV League uh Dental Specialty school and while she was there uh her accountant forgot to file for tax in Canada so so came back to Canada working in somewhere Alberta mid-40s young kid anyways long story short $400,000 a year plus salary but a million dollar in debt and yeah and and the the number one predator or or that whoever chasing her
(15:47) for the money was CRA I also have a colleague on mine that forgot to build uh to to pay tax for seven years and did not pay matrimonial and between CRA and the enforcement people this poor guy didn’t even have money for gas for gasoline a medical doctor a medical doctor was so brilliant so so scholastically genius but Financial idiots sorry you know I can say that because I’m what right I I went from that state and I yeah so so and and as you know there’s is not real well of course when you went to business school I did we just winged
(16:34) it right and so so there a lot yeah there’s a lot of H of blood bones and broken bones you know Carnage as we learn so the 30 Years Journey it it’s a very long journey and made a ton of mistakes and and that’s how you learn right you learn from your mistakes hopefully not from your own mistakes from other people’s mistakes right so that’s why I love to go conferences I love to listen to way back it’s Tes Tes books right and now it’s audio now we got podcast now now we’re doing podcast we’re trying to share our journey right
(17:11) we Enlighten other people in the similar background um that they either professionals or or most I think a lot of the audience nowadays are educated right college graduated people that they felt that they’re really stuck in light right with this heavy taxation with this government that’s demanding more and more from you how do you get ahead how do you get ahead to have a safe Nest right for retirement MH and we’re not talking about exu retirement that everybody thought about right it’s just having Financial Independence right you
(17:44) can do whatever you want right and and that itself is so difficult to achieve that’s one two most people have no idea and they just Delegate for delegate which is a fake delegation to the financial advisers and right now you and I a lot of us experienced that right so so for managers you know like some most don’t have right even you if you have a PM firm right do they really perform what what what they should right or they just protect the capital and they keep attracting Banks or a lot of people a lot of my colleagues um going into
(18:20) wealth Division of Banks one guy he was promised by his big bang adviser that doctor for the last 20 years we’ve done 20% growth every year for you say seriously seriously you mean you hired War Buffet and the only reason it’s 20% increased is because this guy kept P pouring money into the portfolio right but but doctors believe in those things because again they didn’t go to school for that they didn’t any head space to think about these things yeah they don’t have a head space for it yeah their mind space is usually
(18:59) on trying to save lives well yes now saving lives yes it’s true but after a while I’ve I’ve friends that are imer doctors right and and after a while saving life become a actual daily routine so so yes that’s what we fight every every day and then talking about the pay right so um so so he Sav a guy’s life at a emerge this friend of my Dr M he’s he’s my co-host of physician empowerment he’s the actually the original founder he said that one day the patient came back and thank him and said thank you doctor I bet you make a ton of money saving lives
(19:38) and he just chuckled he says did you know how much I got paid for saving lives like doing resuscitation $400 $400 to Save a Life and haircuts are now12 yeah so so that tells you Glory there is yeah I golf with the emergency doctor from trillum which is our really big hospital in Miss Saga and they said thank you for your service I think I think and I’ve said that to you before too thank you for your service and I think everyone should be thanking doctors policemen firefighters Emergency Services EMS thank them teachers thank
(20:23) them for the service yes of course yes we’re all in De to all people in the front line right yeah nurses oh L nurses yeah now tell I want I want to go to the journey from the investment side what what was like your early Investments like sure so early on my parents had a few condos in in Edmonton my my parents and my in-law and the whole thing tank because um we bought it when my sister-in-law became a realtor and said it’s time to buy it right and then they all left they all went back to Lo so I was SP 120 hours a week as a resident and my wife
(21:07) SL fiance at that time she was in school as well so we we had no time so we got these property managers I still remember a cond was $80,000 way back for door and the rent was 600 but after the propa management we only got $200 left we could even pay mortgage right so so that was my very bad taste of r estate early on so I stayed away as far as possible from Real Estate for the next 17 years so so real estate was very far and then we got into uh different business ideas and and we got suckered in a lot of scams right not a lot but enough it
(21:48) hurt right it hurt and we justess and that’s that’s just another thing right a lot of professionals get sucked out into a lot of like investment scams right so we paid out tuition and then we got into um direct marketing network marketing uh and that’s where we learn a lot about business and then uh the turnar around people ask so so when did you go back to to real estate and all that right it it started from a dream so I went to a an American big leadership conference like tens of thousands of people and I flew back and they talk about Legacy
(22:24) talk about posterity and then think about dreams right when you goone your life is EST when you go to the go to the the grave the graveyard and you see these people with the stone and this the year of birth the year of death in the middle is a dash dash yeah what do you do in the dash right so so that really hit me so flying back I was praying on the plane and then thinking about what do I want to do what’s what’s what do I want to leave behind and then a a an old dream in my residency days popped up my dream was
(22:58) actually to have if time and money were no or no object if failure is is insulated what would you do right that that’s that’s what they get you to dream so my dream was to build a a wellness center and with uh a whole array of senior homes that that’s interconnected with like a like a w spoke right and so in the middle it’s everything everything all One Stop Shop B the center and then all these sen Hess from Independent Living all the way to long-term care see I I’ve been very passionate in senior care I do house calls I’m one of the few
(23:35) doctors that have done it for 30 years and it’s such a such such a sad thing to witness couples that are married for 60 years that suddenly the husband goes to east of town the wife goes to west of town and it’s like an hour drive right in Toronto we do hours drive right it’s so inhumane right so I would like to keep them together so that was a dream and and and that that that a dream that was so deeply buried it got Unearthed that weekend so and on plane back uh on a plane ride back some I was just meditating praying somebody nuted me
(24:12) woke me up and and this’s another doctor they attended he says so what do you think of that weekend I said it’s powerful and it’s not a medical conference by the way it’s a business conference and then he said so what do you think I said well you know what I’m just dreaming about this project that’s crazy and he says how much land do you need I said 20 acres and he says I got 20 acres and I said seriously yes he says I do I’ve been thinking about my L right no so that project did not pan out that L did not pan out but this is a
(24:43) small County south of Edmonton the mayor came out and welcomed us like a red carpet and said we need a project like yours right and so long story short imagine every Community needs one of these yes exactly of course right and so you been to different counties and and and didn’t panel because the project is too big but then the problem is where do you find land where do you find the money we you find the expertise right and so so the whole point was just hovering hovering we’re going nowhere and uh and at that time I joined an
(25:18) investment club actually I joined two clubs one is rain so you’re in rain as well yeah sh Russell wcot down Campbell yeah yeah exactly yeah and then so the the club was investment club that that went B up but uh in those days we were raising capital for different real estate projects double digit per million and so I learned a lot about Capital race right so so those are two key things at R learn about basic foundation and real estate the other side I learn about inel how do you do joint manure how do you do gplp right all those all
(25:49) those critical Capital raise infrastructure right and strategies and so so and then I met a mentor right mentors show up different times in your life they don’t have to be perfect they just have to do something for you so I met this guy who’s the head of that investment Club he was a pastor turned into Adventure capitalist and he he met me a guy from Ottawa and he says young man what’s your god-given dream being a ex Pastor I said you know this is my dream I dream with this this W Center and and S homes I said what stopping you there’s no money
(26:24) no land no expertise no connections and he said okay tell me what what would be the first building to be worth I don’t know I just pull a number out of thin there and I said 20 million and he said without a wins in his face he says 20 million only what’s next so 20 million only I think I fell on the chair came back on and said 20 million only wow like but how how how and he said one thing he said God will provide now I’m not trying to preach religion right and I was trying to lean on to this guy can you give me some some money
(26:59) some leads right he did not give me anything but what he did is he took away a stop sign inside right and turns out that in life Journey you had a lot of dreams and goals the the Giants you know David versus GL the giant are not outside the Giants are inside these are internal monologues who are you what do you think you are stick your head out of the crowd right all the CL from our parents super ego whoever talking to us that that you don’t deserve ve the success right and you don’t deserve to be doing good right and so all those
(27:34) running inside the stock sign got taken out that day right and just my brain started to decompress again right so the next phase was absolutely crazy so we we hunted around there’s no land we’re in the county called ston uh our Hamlet is called show Park which is a little satell to east of them in 10 minutes 100,000 people here there there’s no land we we as the Realtors there are no land we’re land off and so um I found a guy who wanted to partnered with me turned out he was kind of a scam artist so and I almost got seped with
(28:11) that and then I have another guy through uh a leite right that I’m going to hire this guy this guy was really used to building big buildings and so we had a 20-minute coffee that turned into like 4 hours and then he became my actual business partner right and so right time right place and then we talk to the mayor at the time mayor says we said Miss mayor your worship we you have no land we have this project that would benefit the county will benefit the whole of the city right of great Amon and she said look at the m
(28:47) and say look at this piece of land and the realt says it’s not for sale she says it will be so the mayor gave us a tip and we got the land right and and we 6.6 acres and then that was 2007 2008 if anybody would remember little yeah the Big Five bank ran away so we have to raise $6.6 million cash to buy the land no leverage and after financial crisis yeah and then after we bought the land it went to financial crisis yeah and so Pig Five bank ran away I remember the HS the local HSBC rep he said he said yeah yeah I love to
(29:27) have Di someday you know and then when the time comes he won’t even return phone calls and we said what happened to you he said nah we’re not interested you were interested three months ago before we yeah doctors said D don’t pay rent seriously at but at that time the whole lending environment was very hostile so we were planning to do 80 20 80% rental 20% we keep re condo but it could it just could not happen so we ended up doing a a a condo development project and thank God that we did that because because of that we end up with a lot of
(30:06) Specialists that would come to Al County which did not happen before right because they can now own their own condo so we walk them through each one we bring them in and uh one of them is a ENT guy really nice uh Malaysian guy he never owned anything other than the house right and this is story for the rest of the 75,000 ft we brought Professionals in and and hold the hands teach them how to get the whole op how to get the financing and uh and everybody was really happy at the dentist came again he was scarce
(30:40) spitless and he said no no no I only have faith for 2,000 square feet we said well if you’re successful you would be better and So eventually he wanted to double it but he couldn’t because next door there’s the Radiology clinic and opom so so we build this thing and now 13 years later 14 years later we very thankful uh s Center we sit on a parcel of well the 10 acres we subdivide to five acres for the wellness center and five acres for the Senor home we’ll talk about the senior home later but the wellness center with five acres so one
(31:13) acre of building four acres of parking we did not have in the parking people drove and drove half hour couldn’t find there a parking spot so we bought and left one acre from ourselves and so we are sitting on five acres of parking but this well understand that about 2,000 patients going a lot of parking yeah the only parking lot bigger than ours is Costco so in in the in your area we have a Costco Costco parking lots are enormous yeah are yes so we have one Costco in El County here yeah so so they’re the bigger parking lot than than
(31:50) us yeah so so that’s that’s so now there’s over 100 uh licensed medical professionals like different doctors pediatrist dentist right nurses different Radiology right it’s a One-Stop shop right and so so that’s that’s where we are um and then the other five acres that we supposed to be seeing at home we went into a fight with a caly for zoning yeah and so want this anybody who wanted to go into Land Development business be a whereare that if your if your Administration the this the planning department is not for you
(32:34) if they’re against you you will be dead so so the way it went is we went in with the first mayor that believed in our project that’s mayor number one right so we became the Pet Project we we became the talk of the project and so the mayor took Glory because she tipped us right and but then that’s the end of her term election the her competitor had to compete against her and and find a way to be different so we become drawn in we became the enemy of the next one and so I can imagine a politician will be anti- senior
(33:10) home well but but it’s not just the idea of senior home the idea I don’t want to get into the weeds of it anyways we’re we’re three kilometers away from the refineries right the refineries that actually does 50% of Canadian Oil right the Keystone Pipeline starts actually fil show apart I didn’t know that right one time they have a shut down whatever problem pet ran out of uh uh petol League this how much oil is there like they have 4.
(33:42) 6 how much four 46 billion infrastructure in our County so that’s why our count is very rich but there’s stipulation about three kilometers blah blah blah so we fought and fought and fought and and that mayor went and the next mayor came so we went through three dynasties of May right right four years each right but there’s four years but this is the end of the first one and then four years and then the next one so we decided be and we fought and F we we hired uh environmental toxicologist like people who are in the know to disprove what
(34:16) they say right and and they say no it okay you’re right it’s not about science it’s about stakeholders stakeholders don’t like that project and so we decid the oil industry yeah I don’t mean to put words yeah okay I get it I get it get more people I get it now okay I have enough developer friends I know when when stakeholders and then yeah got iters at the end of the day right yeah so what you know we know right so we didn’t know the right people right I guess so long story short we had to sell that paral black right before we gamble
(34:50) away investor money so then then the senior home project is dead so my my partner retired he moved to Mexico and there’s a saying that when God closes the door he leaves a window open again I’m not trying to preach religion just just my journey and five years later a pastor called and he says um our church actually got appr proof for a 24 unit nursing home and would you be interested to come and talk to us right so that’s the journey recording this Pentecostal church that has some parking lot and they only want to spare they got
(35:30) huge parking lot and they want to spare 1.67 Acres so that project took another few years to massage right and saying a lot of money just to see if this is this is viable and this is literally just five minutes away from Cela Center and guess what so so fast forward not to board people today uh that’s got es Gardens asdr and that’s a six story 56 unit state-ofthe-art Senor home I’ve done 30 years of home visits right I visit lot of senior homes different levels I can tell you 100 ways to screw them but couple ways to do it right so
(36:09) this building is built from scratch no government influence we build it uh and it’s most in private a state-ofthe-art is award-winning I won an international award architectural award it’s number two in the world for the design and um and so we have we about 90 some per um occupancy so that that so that that’s that dream that finally came true crazy sorry what was the name of the of the senior care home EST a eser Gardens of course there lots of people put the effort in and so we found operators called optimal living so it’s
(36:48) a optimal living site they’re getting very big right and there’s a for people into development business and if you’re interested in seeing your home it’s a beast of his own right you need who who seasoned in that and we found a great group that started from BC they were very small we were building number nine in their portfolio very small and then I think they’re over 40 buildings now in the last few years because they network with a an instit Institutional fund and boom like that just changes the whole thing so wait you still practice
(37:23) medicine and still have these humongous businesses yeah because my job as a serial entrepreneur is to get myself out of the job right so to build something and delegate you build these multi-million dollar entities some for profit some are not for for profit get them going get them systemized they they run it they run themselves or you get winners Champions that would run the show and then I I leave like when I go to work I still go to Synergy to work because without Clinic is the an tenant right so so our our Clinic is a giant Clinic we
(38:02) occupy about 20 25% of the building right and our Clinic Synergy metal Clinic is probably the largest clinic in the province as a family clinic so when I go to work people don’t know who I am I don’t run the whole thing I vote once a year right and so that’s a good feeling right I guess I I I enjoy putting at the end of the day I enjoy putting deals together Sor I’m just looking at the website I think this is it this is synergy Wellness Center y this is it yeah it looks big well yeah you mentioned the biggest parking
(38:50) lot and yeah you have a lot of tenants oh for listen sorry listeners benefit we are on Zoom so I’m sharing my screen right now and we’re looking at Synergy wellness’s website in Sherwood Park in Alberta and then that’s right so when we build a project um commercial Realtors laughed at us because our dreamed to have one of each we have a non compete so we’re like One optometry one Dentistry because we want to be synergistic Synergy is like an everyday verb that everybody know like the practitioners is walk over for
(39:28) it we did not want competition internal competition right so we would have done a lot better if we have like two dentists or three uh optometrist right yeah so this is uh um Esther Gardens yeah so very happy seniors there there’s a pop in there on the third level what alcohol yeah so alcohol and the dining hall has a you see in the far and there’s a live Moss wall the whole wall was live Moss the day arst installing I when there I have to interview him I said what the heck is this is live M he was just planting them in
(40:12) there okay this looks really nice this looks nothing like the senior care home my parent my grandparents lived in uh those are called there’s a nickname we call those senior Warehouse so yeah and and I go to these senior warehouses and and and serve my patients but they oh theall the M wall yeah like this looks more like a private club uh yes this is nicer than my rocket club it’s a lot newer too so you have that art room cool so there’s private memory care so this outside the private memory care so um this is the memory care so Memory
(40:56) Care private mem means people with severe dementia dementia they’re at risk of wandering but that’s when you lock them up so I go to quite a few of these lock in un run by the government they’re like a prison right sorry again so that little wetch there that’s that’s the uh uh so we we built at first we say well 36 bets for private memory and the people I said don’t do that that’s too risky right let’s do 24 and I was wrong because 24 was full now we have to convert the third floor of the independent side into
(41:29) just into the private memory care and it’s full so we have like 37 units and there’s they’re on the waiting list private Memory Care this is my argument I mentioned earlier I thought more communities would want projects like this they do yeah they do yeah but of course each project these are mega mega million dollar projects they’re not easy to combine to get approval financing at the government you know even though it’s private there’s still a lot of governmental control right just crazy how much red tape there is behind things
(42:01) that we need and if public versus private Do you want to build it to get some Public Funding public mercy and then with the Clause down your neck right so but like the like the entire voter base would support projects like this yeah exactly yeah EXA other stakeholders I there St there’s other stakeholders out there but yeah but there there’s other communities with lesser stakeholders in resources energy sector so this should not be a difficult battle in every Community yeah yeah exactly yeah well but uh there lots of Lessons Learned
(42:37) right and and there’s still lessons to be learned but uh I believe that in capitalism that you bless people first right then you be blessed back right in different kinds of reward some are monetary some are not right right well then the capitalist way to say is you know create value for others and value will come back to you exactly exactly you are creating massive value for for your community and your fellow human being and your patience um yeah so yeah I’m I’m very proud of the team the different teams that got these things together right so
(43:12) I play a very small part starting it right so that somebody has to dream about things somebody has to get the ball rolling right but until you have Champions taking it away from your hands is still your own baby right and and so and if it’s just up to one of you you would never be big but you have to rely on the team okay so I’m G to guess you made yourself a lot of money for yourself and your investors based on the scale of these projects um in the world of capital race you have to make sure you make people money so yes if you people love you when
(43:50) you make the money they hate your guts when you lose their money exactly exactly wow these projects are enormous with a lot of moving Parts with a lot of people helped yeah and sorry you said your your senior bed retirement facilities is all weight listed at the memory care is like the the memory care it’s people who need it like they they cannot leave the place right otherwise they want Street when it’s minus 40 right and that’s I didn’t perceive that people would spend money on that because it’s not cheap right so
(44:27) so the way let let me just price it up for people right people who have parents going in right or or they they want to do something like this so I a lot of funder space right in Alberta so I can only speak for Alberta so our patients in the public system okay in private sorry in public publicly funded assistant Li Bank have to pay $2,000 a month okay on ter probably more the government pays the rest okay so the most barebone type kind of senior Warehouse house type it’s at least 4,000 4500 or 5,000 a month so patients pay
(45:03) 2,000 the government pays the rest that’s not bad well yeah but that tells you the cost for barebone care oh boy five grand a month right and so when you go private you have you know you have to satisfy the investors and all that it goes up right so if you go to a semide decent private assistant living in Alberta yeah yeah is three four five six 7,000 up to 10,000 in Toronto is 10 15 20 50% more than that yeah so um which is why we need more of these spaces we do and and and give you an example the best is best
(45:45) concept when we’re building this was a nurse who became top 40 in 40 something like that she buildt a $2.4 million house way back 15 years ago and got 10 rooms each room have all the facilities and they have a shed in there and they were charging six grand a month 15 years ago now is $9,600 a month these seniors are absolutely happy I tour the place right but something similar in Ontario is $20,000 come Mon it’s who’s who stand that up there right but they actually happy so a lot of these seniors who and with dementia they they they lost their
(46:26) faculties right they make be bothering people they may be shouting hollering they may be losing the blood and b control right and so a lot of times they they become they could become agitated and violent aggressive as well so a lot of times they’re medicated they’re qu druged right so a lot of people they say okay I don’t want my my loved ones to be drugged in the place right so we have government and a lot of these drugs are antis psychotics they use in like schizophrenia and whatnot right and and we fight about them all the time how do
(46:56) we cut down the use of antic psychotics right when you go to a a very well-run senior facility like like these the senior heartly own drugs I actually flew uh two years ago we flew to um Amsterdam and T the Senor Village The demasia Village it’s absolutely amazing and we actually in Canada there’s one dementia Village in Langley BC right they have five acres of land and and is really roaming and all the people that that that they thought this is ice cream shop worker they’re all part of the workers right they all work
(47:36) for the big outfit so and it all started from from um Amsterdam right so I tour that facility and and senors are partly on drugs because they felt so so good so careful right and so that’s that’s our Dream right is to to create that space and all none of us are getting younger right right you know the Boomers are retiring and so this this wave qu a gray wave right is now a gray tsunami right in the next 10 15 years there’ll be more people who are seniors right and when you think about the Boomers the biggest
(48:12) population right to the Next Generation the echo Boomers right the Gen ACC wi whatever you call it right that huge chunk the boomers are now on marching into this senior home space yeah so I hope they saved up for it yeah exactly exactly yeah it it is very sad very very sad to see people they struggle right so at our County there are other foundations right even not for profit and so they this they part this government assistance program people only have to pay onethird of the income as rent right I’m sure in your
(48:50) neighborhood there’s something equivalent but even the foundations ran out of money and they have to open up part of the wing that is not uh funded and even those are just basic no no nurses just stay there they feed you three meals and that’s about $3,000 a month right that’s the minimum right so when you think about saving for for your own golden age well you got to thing really hard how much you need for your golden age right yeah and the reason it’s called golden age is because it cost pure gold that’s the first I’ve heard it
(49:29) positioned that way because I joke with my friends all the time I mentioned on this show it’s uh if if I I joke that if we were ignorant to these problems we’d generally be happier until these problems catch up to us because those who are well aware who read the news Who network with people like yourself and know what problems are ahead for us it’s not pleasant I’d say not it’s not no it’s just a there’s a lot of robe bumps uh speed bumps along the way that we need to prepare for it’s always fun preparing for it yeah and
(50:06) when you have loved ones they all age right we’re called a sandwich generation right we got parents we got kids right so with a piece of balloon in in the middle and and the top layer your parents my parents right they’re getting old like I’m flying back home to throw a 90 birthday for my dad next ail conratulations so thank you yes and my mother-in-law about same age right so they’re all getting there right and my mother-in-law just checked herself into a senior home in Hong Kong and it’s a it’s a battle right so it’s a battle
(50:36) right so it’s it’s a the universal problem right and as Chinese we supposed to look after our parents right on the other side of the planet [Laughter] yet yeah exactly exactly yeah all right there there are a couple other topics we I mentioned that I wanted to chat with you about uh like so what are your you mentioned your kids in their mid-20s are they doing Medical School are they Pur pursuing entrepreneurship like SL really some yeah yes and know in in between some they don’t know right but uh it’s a different different era um
(51:14) it’s a different different mindset right so um yeah so one of my kids I told you earlier and the teens sat me down said Dad can we do some math I said I love to do a math with you kid and they say let’s calculate how much sleep you lost yeah as a doctor since residency right and this is 10 10 years ago maybe and and the conclusion was D you lost four solid years of sleep and so my other kid says Dad why do you work so hard right now bin you’re your dad is a doctor right and you’re not right so you know it oh I can the
(51:57) side of blood I can’t even stand getting needles myself right and so again I’m not I don’t belit on my profession right we’re proud of a profession but if a lot of parents think that the kids you know especially orientals the Asian Target parents got to be accountant be a lawyer be a doctor right be a dentist there’s nothing wrong with that right but nowadays okay let’s go back I think in the last Millennium if you go to school get a good job save some money stock up your RSP give give your money to financial
(52:35) advisor you’re separately that piece of advice has an expired date like a carton of milk now in the New World New Millennium that dog does not hunt learning to invest learning to to manage your own wealth your Finance is not optional any mhm right and and so yeah so and the sooner they learn just the better out you are right so I think the way that we expect from our kids is we told them we’re not going to be Asian parents right and tiger parents and you you choose whatever you want to do we we fought that battle right when I was growing up
(53:14) I have certain measure of talent in music in a small space right I think I lived a family of I Liv in space of 400 square F feet that’s already a lot because my wife way back we didn’t know each other her was like not even 300 sare feet for the family of five I asked for piano and said no sorry no space and no money yeah let a keyboard you don’t have space keyboards were not even invented yet way back sorry yeah and so I measure of talent I I did write some songs self taught myself music so so it so that that part
(53:54) of the dream would never actualized right and and and so we have to do what we need to do right to to to pay for ourselves right I came here I was 19 I remember I had $1,000 Canadian and was a grab from Hong Kong finish my matriculation my parents dropped me off and said you’re immigrant you’re on your right and so that was it my dad had to fly M my dad had to fly back to Hong Kong to continue the business even though we were immigrants because my brother was a v Visa student and those days Visa students you could not work
(54:27) right and so they said we have to go back so your brother has money to go to school okay I was on my own right so we had to do what we could right to to defend for ourselves to put food on the table right and and and and a lot of other things is pushed to right so we want our next Generation to be able to to learn a lot the world is different a global place they’re so well learned different places they’re so street smart right so then we cut them loose and say do whatever you want to do it’s a different world
(54:57) right so but that generation should care for ESG uh so are they involved with the Synergy Wellness Center or with Aster uh well they’ve all toil and labor we believe in child labor they they all it’s our people’s yes exactly so when we were opening up Synergy um SCH scrubbing the floor and and cleaning stuff it’s my wife and kids right yeah so they were still in the teenager that time so everybody help that right it’s kind of expect it very so but today do they want any involvement like these are very ESG businesses they should be yeah well but
(55:34) over this opportunity yeah but these are um we have operators right we have operators that that they operating different entities and so so well we said our kids the world is your oyster and so you cut yourself loose we don’t we are immigrants we don’t care if you go to Australia go to Europe right so um yeah so well your kid’s a lot younger right uh but yeah it’s I think our kids a lot luckier than us right and we wanted to be right yeah so so what’s next for you it sounds like you’ve you’ve achieved a lot what’s next is well of course we always
(56:15) think about retirement um a little bit about physician Supply and the problem of medicine in Canada especially Alberta uh and you guys have heard that 6 million Canadians do not have family do F medicine as a discipline is not celebrated um for the first last federal budget sorry yeah yeah there’s Federal and there’s provintial right because Health Care in Canada is not federal is provincial right the money half comes from FS half comes from your Province but the province runs 100% not the money is do up and our Province happened to be
(56:53) extremely hostile to our physician communities and the recent survey um from our association AB AMA AB Medical Association to to um the members and six out of 10 were so fed up they said they won’t stay till the end of the year and we seeing a wave of Physicians leaving they either go south at the stat go west to BC or they just retire but the retirement is that the younger younger age not just 70s 60ss even in the mid-40s quit quitting they call themselves retired but actually quite essive which is really really sad and uh
(57:30) yeah and a small County of 100,000 people I think we lost at least 15 Physicians Family Physicians right which is about 15% yeah yeah exactly it it yeah so huge loss yeah Walkin clinics are not like we have a big brand called medic Center the walkin this thing was sold to uh a pension fund right so it’s like probably traed there a series of walk-in clinics then they say it’s like 9:00 a.m.
(57:58) to 9:00 p.m. by 400 p.m. they to close because they’re no doctors and worse now some of them actually close the shop without even paying rent and that’s scary yeah and so if you have no family dogs you have no walk-in dogs where do everybody go emerge so that emergency room is now plucked with a ton of people who shouldn’t be there and how who knows how long you have to wait about 12 14 hours yeah yeah so it it is a big problem and so not just leaving nursing nurses are leaving too and and so this is a Canadian phenomenon but I think
(58:38) Ontario government is a little bit more friendly now to foreign graduates right a lot they say American doctors can just cross the border nurses can just cross the border and start practicing that’ be nice I just don’t know why they would do it Whatever Whatever A lot of people leave go south I know you’re leading a team down there to buy T States and actually yeah we’ve met a dentist at our physician empowerment Network and he’s buying seven clinics in the states and he’s right handing sou right it I know it’s it’s it is what it
(59:12) is it’s sad yeah so for us we’re thinking plan retirement and what what we want to do um uh and and that mostly businesses in real estate I my wife and I we did very little in the public markets so we just we love learning so we just signed up on a course um a online course on stocks uh and Global markets and it’s it’s actually in cantones so fantastic yeah let me know what you think about it valuations are so high these days yeah it wasn’t that long ago nvidia’s market capitalization rate was larger than the
(59:52) TSX yes exactly but officially now in bu and a b Market we’re starting right we’re starting at the bare market right and and and when you think about that economic cycle everything is in there including real estate right and so so people who time their investment or the exit braw right on this Cycles they’re the ones that suffer right so like Kaki says there’s a time not to get into real estate right so Bas if you listen to him I still do he laugh at people getting into real estate now he says oh man the B start right so of course he he’s very
(1:00:30) opinionative but there’s a reason there certain sectors you don’t want to get into right so I tell people it’s not the asset that makes you rich it’s the way you maneuver the asset that the funds in and out the cash flow that makes you wealthy right and for example people who bought a bunch of offices right uh downtown Toronto Edmonton right anywhere s Nar exactly globally China Hong Kong right there so people going know some patient mind said his friend is investing into Hong Kong real estate now right you know yeah so so or now in
(1:01:06) Pre pandemic yeah or I have friends who bought 10 condos in uh in Toronto right and I know I know it was negative cash flow when the interest rate was my was was uh 2.1% and the mortgage renewal is this year and so how much negative are you going to be right so so just because it’s real estate doesn’t mean that it’s right for you right you have you have more you have to know where you pick and where you not pick right yeah fascinating again I love to hear what you do with stocks usess fact of the day my best trade this year has been
(1:01:48) CIBC yeah but but there’s a yeah there’s a lot to learn so we love learning um we’re still doing uh multif family projects right so we this pH we love to uh help investors get their Choice Properties in the west right I’m sure you you’re helping your investors go to the South right we’re trying to do um get some projects going um that help people who want it passively actively invested we can help them yeah so yeah so that’s kind of our next phase we have Russell wcot coming up on the show and I’m sure he’s gonna mention Jason M as
(1:02:20) well so yeah Jason is my realtor so you got to get on yeah really good yeah especially the timing way way things are you mentioned possessions are leaving but I think if you pull like ontarios and and BC people you pull them where they’re going to go think a good number of them on go Alberta well they might but they um Alberta again sorry for going on Healthcare again but Alberta government is trying to copy on government all the time they’re copycats so whatever you guys gone through they’re try trying to do so if you’re on do tried to come to
(1:02:57) albera they’re just going to relive what they went so uh hope you don’t get all the lovely things that we have in Ontario like the landlord tenant board and rank control oh yeah that is scary that is one thing that we are the reason with the w w West is because we don’t have R control yeah that yeah I don’t think that’s fair to call be I’ll burn it while calate has become too hot talking about real estate market right so Edmonton is now the number one growing town and the fastest in the rental rate right Cal is already a little saturated
(1:03:32) we went down so craziness about calary so we we look at multif family and the real where where are you looking for multif family um mostly Emon and Calgary right in Alberta right and and so when we we had to go down to Calgary but off the the real Realtors would not show you this the building without an offer so we drove down when was this how recently was this last year oh still all rates were going up yeah so so the craziness yeah so this is even a year ago right so we looked at three three uh uh multif family like
(1:04:07) apartment start right and and so like 20 doors or 60 doors and uh you have to put in three offers so that they would even show you the building right and then they show us that the tenants of course it’s 100% tency right the guy who moved out the tenant moved out 1,600 for one bedroom the next one is 1,900 yeah so and that’s like 10 minutes away from downtown calary and people just love that space right and then others we look at a multif family in Edmonton on white like white Avenue it’s a very nice uh hip kind of part of town and this
(1:04:44) building has my family favorite Japanese restaurant there and then upstairs there’s like 100 units it’s it’s at Meuse which is my favorite and um guess who owns it it’s not even listed right of course it’s not listed so my buddy and I we went there Wednesday afternoon and there are other real and they people showing up doing the buildings not listed right these things are not listed right and the Realtors are not the brand name Realtors these names that you never met right you never heard of and it was selling for $35 million guess who’s
(1:05:17) selling it it’s it’s Great West Life So if you think about these insurance companies which actually charter Banks themselves right they don’t invest in stocks and bonds and mutual funds they invest in real estates right so we asked about the product management who does the prod management their own right and my buddy who’s a who’s a CFA guy gor is’s my buddy he’s into institutional grade investing and he says these are the best buildings because if you have a gwf great w life they don’t mck up like it’s not like a
(1:05:51) moment of dead joint right everything is done too cold about talk M the best like institutions do right yeah oh yeah they have Deep Pockets right oh yeah exactly yeah and when you have no rent control in in the r rents been going up they can afford maintenance right yeah and they have they have their MMO Theo about 10 years they they divest right and they do the next project right and so yeah so these are secret bits right and and how many how many bids I I I don’t know I don’t know we were doing DD and we’re
(1:06:24) doing other buildings and I think it’s gone already right and and you fast only gives you a c rate say C five cap 4.9 and you figure the rest out my San Antonio host is a 5.1 [Laughter] cap that’s really interesting to hear because locally I have friends who who have apartment buildings for sale with no showings wow no showings well again can you we have low cap we have rent control it’s hard to we don’t have uh yeah we have institutional investors in the large buildings but you know any midsize small like that’s generally not
(1:07:06) where they are yeah so then who do you hire right who do you hire for property management if you’re mid small it’s it’s difficult it’s difficult yeah so the product management here now I loed out uh I negotiated a well our lowest is 78% M and there’s some brand names that are 12% and they didn’t nothing gosh is the money right and yeah exactly so so that’s why at this stage of life we want to go higher go bigger because if you go to big multi stes rate is about 5% to four if you negotiate well 3.
(1:07:46) 5 right we should always chat up at the States you can buy in one sleep no problem five seven cap no problem in US dollarars yeah exactly yeah all right uh Dr LM we’re running out of time uh can you what are some final thoughts for our listeners benefit yeah so I guess um number one is I think everybody regardless of your age needed to dream a little bit more so I’m going to ask the same question as what what I got asked 30 years ago right what if time and money were No Object what if success is a sure word would you like to
(1:08:28) do where would want to go what do you not want to do and who do you want to become right allow yourself that brain space to do that and write everything down so my man says don’t stop writing right you got to be crazy at first I want to be astronaut I want to go to the moon I want to blah blah blah I want to Y all that and after about if you allow yourself to write by the second page something actually more noble always comes out right the craziness the lack the luxury by page two most people can’t even write anything and then they can
(1:09:03) write something that’s a lot more noble a lot more U beneficial that would benefit a lot of people right and and those are the ones what what Legacy to leave behind with right and and so I think those are the ones that we need to at least allow ourselves to chase that right and if we more of us do that the world will be a better place like when I go to work here every go to Synergy what scared me is not people don’t know me I have a healthy enough ego people don’t have to know who I am if you’re very good about it you need it
(1:09:38) you don’t need the recognation what what scared me is what if this dream never came to fruition right I dusted it off from the secret death of my heart right and and so people patient says you know like thank you for this project our emergency room which is a $135 million fake hospital hospital but there are no beds right in the same county we build a building for along with 13.
(1:10:08) 5 million a tenth of the government spending and we have 2,000 patients that they did process 200 patients a day right and not one time from the government right so what’s scar me is one person’s dream it was not put forth this won’t be here right and everything that we see including Technologies like fromone is somebody else’s dream right one guy says if this is not a cup is not ever invented we are still sucking water out the pudle right everything nothing happens unless for it’s a dream so allow yourselves allow your kids grandkids to
(1:10:42) dream right because the world will be a better place if everybody just chase their dreams that was pretty awesome Dr LM where can people find more information about yourself or about the projects you’re working on where can they follow along uh LinkedIn that’ll be the easiest got it and all folks I’ll uh it’s it’s so we have called physici empowerment F empowerment phy phy empowerment.
(1:11:13) CA with a podcast and our audience is not just physician heavily IND Physicians but medical professionals but there are a lot of um getaway skills that that you could like we talk about leadership we talk about Entre their a sh a lot of things is applicable to all walks of life fabulous and uh and and it’s spelled Wing like a chicken wing limb on Instagram on LinkedIn I don’t have Instagram sorry that’s too new for me did I say that I meant LinkedIn I’m looking at your LinkedIn so so if you see I’m a mutual friend of wing Lim uh then then that’s
(1:11:50) probably who we’re talking about and again I’ll have links in the show notes for um for both your links all right yeah Dr ly thank you again thank you again for your service thank you for doing thank you thank you everyone it’s been fun and and thank you for inviting me and thank you for having your audience have me some impact on some people I hope it’ll be positive I I I hope so because again like I said I think every Canadian Community needs facilities like Synergy like Aster thank you for watching if you want
(1:12:21) to learn how to invest in real estate from scratch my team teaches beginners how to use the number one investment strategy that I personally use in a virtual free training class every month go to investor below and I do the best to answer each of those comments and questions myself again if you’re ready to learn the nitty-gritty about real estate investing from a professional investor register for next virtual class that’s at investor
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Before you go, if you’re interested in what kind of properties I am looking at in the landlord friendly states of the USA please go to for what I consider the best investment for most Canadians, most of the time.
I’ve been investing in Ontario since 2005 and while it’s been a great, great run. I started out buying properties in the 100,000s and now it’s $800,000 to $1,000,000. How much higher can it go? I don’t know
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If you don’t believe me, US dollars are better than Canadian dollars, go ask 100 non-Canadians which currency they prefer to be paid in.
So to regain control of your retirement planning. Go to and check out what great cash flow properties are available in the USA.
The best part is, my US investments will be much more passive compared to by local investments as I’m hiring an asset manager called SHARE to hand hold me through the entire process. As their client and shareholder, Share will source me quality income properties, help me with legal structure and taxes, they manage the property manager and insurance provider while passing down to me preferred rates so I save both time and money.
Share will even tell me when to strategically refinance or sell. SHARE can even support investors all over the country for proper diversification hence my plan is to own in Tennessee, Georgia, and Texas. Share is like my joint venture partner but I only have to pay them fees while I keep 100% ownership and control.
If your goal in investing is to increase cash flow, I don’t know of a better strategy for most Canadians most of the time. One last time that’s to see what boring, cash flowing real estate investing can look like on your path towards financial peace.
This is how I’m going to make real estate investing great again for my family and hope you choose the same. Till next time!
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This episode is brought to you by me! We don’t have sponsors for this show. I only share with you services owned by my wife Cherry and me. Real estate investing is a staple in my life and allowed me to build wealth and, more importantly, achieve financial peace about the future, knowing our retirement is taken care of and my kids will be able to afford a home when they grow up. If you, too, are interested in my systematic strategy to implement the #1 investment strategy, the same one pretty much all my guests are doing themselves, then go visit and register for our next event.
Till next time, just do it because I believe in you.