Developing Healthcare & Senior Living Facilities w/ Dr. Wing Lim

New Brunswick to implement rent control of 3% next year. What markets are left for investment in Canada? US Investing Workshop completed. Pros and cons of multi-family, investing and developing in health care buildings with guest Dr Wing Lim.  All this and more on the Truth About Real Estate Investing Show for Canadians.

I’m your host Erwin Szeto, 4X Realtor of the Year to Investors in Ontario, an award I’ll never win again because, in general, the everyday investor shouldn’t be investing in long term rentals in Ontario unless they hate cash flow and love having no rights as a landlord. Instead our Realtor work in Ontario consists of helping our clients maintain what they have, navigate the impossible LTB, help them sell their investment properties for maximum ROI.

Widely considered the best practice when selling is wait for the tenants to leave on their own then renovate to maximize returns on sale price.  Note that tenanted properties in our experience sell for $50,000 to $70,000 less and take nearly twice as much time to sell.

Keep in mind, real estate rental property is a business, the long-term tenant is your customer.  In what business where having a paying customer devalues the business?  It’s not a business I would recommend for my clients, friends or family.

If you have friends in real estate like I do, notice how so many are in short and mid-term rentals, developing, flipping. No different to guests on this show.

As I tell my clients, follow the smart money, especially how people invest their own money. Needless to say, avoid scammers. My friend Tarl Yarber created a hilarious Reel on the subject here:

Back to investing in Canada! But where? 

I don’t usually weigh in on provincial politics outside of Ontario let alone follow them, but New Brunwick’s election caught my eye. With many in our community investing in New Brunswick for cash flow, the Conservatives were defeated badly replaced by a Liberal majority and the Liberals promised rent control in 2025, with a 3% cap on rent increases. There are reduced provincial sales taxes to incent developers to build rental housing and when I cornered ChatGPT to wear an housing economist’s hat and asked if it expects more or less rental housing to be developed by the private sector the conclusion was fewer rental housing units would be expected.

Makes you wonder why socialist governments implement policy that will slow rent increases in the short term but long-term rents rising faster for new tenants or those not covered by the rent cap.

The trend in Canada is not the friend of the real estate investor aside from the irresponsible levels of immigration.  I hope my friends who invested in New Brunswick planned for this scenario but unfortunately this is likely a net loss for residential real estate investors.  I’m no New Brunswick expert though but past guest Elizabeth Kelly and I’ve invited another to the show to give their expert insights from the streets!  Stay tuned!!

What markets are left that do not have rent control? Alberta, Newfoundland, Northwest Territories, Nunavut. Saskatchewan has relaxed rent control.

For fun, I asked ChatGPT, I’m thinking I should just let ChatGPT host this show but anyways, only Alberta would make the top 10 list for places to invest in North America in the 7th-9th ranking. 

But one still has to factor in mortgage financing and once you do, “in summary if you’re looking to grow your real estate portfolio quickly and efficiently, the U.S. (with DSCR loans) far surpasses any Canadian province, including Alberta, in terms of scalability and return on investment potential.”

And that’s quoting ChatGPT.  Ai knows where to best invest for the everyday Canadian investor, I hope you do.

Developing Healthcare & Senior Living Facilities w/ Dr. Wing Lim

Thank goodness however for non everyday investors like today’s guest Dr. Wing Lim a true renaissance man – a dedicated medical professional and serial entrepreneur who has built an impressive portfolio of healthcare facilities and senior living communities. For over 30 years, he has balanced a thriving family medicine practice with innovative real estate ventures.

Dr. Lim’s impact extends far beyond the medical field. He has spearheaded the creation of the state-of-the-art Synergy Wellness Center and the award-winning Esther Gardens senior residence, providing invaluable resources and care to thousands. Beyond his professional accomplishments, he is committed to empowering the next generation through his Physician Empowerment podcast. Link: 

Join us as we dive into Dr. Lim’s remarkable journey – from the challenges of running a medical practice to the triumphs of building a real estate and senior living empire. His story is a testament to the power of vision, perseverance, and a relentless drive to create positive change. Canada needs more investors like Dr Wing Lim and I hope this show inspires one of my 17 listeners.

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** Transcript Auto-Generated**

(00:00) What markets are left for investment in Canada that are rank control free us investing Workshop completed pros and cons of multi family investing and developing in healthc care buildings with guest Dr Ring Lim all this and more on the truth about real estate investing show for Canadians I’m your host irn CTO for time realtor of the year to investors in Ontario an award an award I’ll likely never win again because in general uh it’s it’s my belief that the everyday investor shouldn’t be investing in long-term rentals in Ontario unless
(00:27) they hate cash flow and love having no rights as a landlord instead our realter work these days in Ontario consists of helping our clients maintain what they have navigate The Impossible LTB help them sell their investment properties when they feel right uh for maximum return on investment why they considered the best practice when selling uh is to wait for tenants to leave their uh on their own and then renovate to maximize Returns on sale price note that tenanted properties uh in our experience sell for $50,000 to
(00:55) $770,000 less and it takes nearly twice as long to sell those properties uh keep in mind real estate rental property uh it is a business a rental property is a business the long-term tenant is your customer and what business is having a paying customer where it devalues the business it’s not a business I would recommend to my clients friends or family anyways if you have friends in real estate like I do notice how so many of them are in short-term rentals or midterm rentals they’re developing or flipping uh no different than the guest
(01:26) on the show they’re doing everything to avoid long-term rentals in Ontario that’s why you see so many folks who’ve gone to New Brunswick or Alberta uh as I tell my clients follow the smart money especially how people are investing their own money needless to say avoid scammers uh my friend TL yarber created a hilarious reel on on Instagram I posted it in the show notes uh hopefully he hook him on the show one day he it’s uh again it’s just so different in the States tarl has uh he’s done over 100 flips how many people do you know in
(01:55) Canada have done 100 flips versus tarl yeah he’s special anyways back to investing in Canada but where I don’t usually weigh on provincial politics outside of Ontario let alone follow them it’s just too much but the New Brunswick election it just happened it just completed and it caught my eye with uh many in our community including guests of the show investing in New Brunswick for cash flow uh the current well the conservative government of New Brunswick was just defeated quite badly actually the uh Premier even lost his riding um
(02:24) yeah and they’re replaced by a liberal majority and the Liberals had promised to bring in rank control for 2025 with a 3% cap on rent increases uh there are reduced provincial sales taxes to incent developers to build rental housing and when I cornered chat gbt to wear I instructed it to wear a housing Economist hat pretend you’re a housing Economist and I asked it if it expects more or less rental housing to be developed by the private sector the conclusion was Far uh was fewer rental housing units would be expected makes
(02:55) you wonder why a socialist government would Implement policy that would slow does slow inate rent increases it does slow rent increases in the short term but long-term rents are expected to rise faster for new TS or those not covered by rent CS sounds familiar to the Ontario investor maybe so it’s not like history won’t to repeat itself ever the trend in Canada is not the friend of the real estate investor aside from the uh the only the only Trend that’s that’s been helpful for can Canada is the irresponsible levels of money printing
(03:26) in debt and the irresponsible levels of immigration uh I’m an immigrant s um but there I think there’s a right level and actually just recently the the majority of Canadians feel there’s a right level of IM immigration and we’re not there right now I hope my friends who invested in New Brunswick planned for this scenario uh but unfortunately this is likely a net loss for residential Real Estate Investors I’m no New Brunswick expert however however I’ve had New Brunswick expert uh Elizabeth Kelly on this show
(03:53) twice she’s been invested there longer than anyone know anyone I know there personally again I’ve had her on twice to for her to share her warnings uh and just recently I invited another guest to come on the show to exper to share their experience uh their expert insights from the streets so stay tuned for that episode now what markets are left that do not have rank control I asked chat GPT in order of uh I uh preferred for investment destinations Alberta then New Foundland Northwest Territory is none of but then Saskatchewan which has relax R
(04:29) control for fun I asked chat GPT I’m thinking about should I just let chat GPT Host this show but anyways uh only Alberta would make the top 10 lists for places to invest in North America it would be in the seventh to ninth ranking but you we are all Real Estate Investors so we do have the factor in how mortgage financing works and once you do in summary if you’re looking to grow your real estate portfolio quickly and efficiently the US with thatb service coverage ratio mortgage loans which is what commercial investors are familiar
(05:00) with in Canada far surpasses any Canadian province including Alberta in terms of scalability and return on investment potential end quote I was quoting chbt AI knows where it’s best to invest for the everyday Canadian investor I hope you do too thank goodness however there are non everyday investors like today’s guest Dr Wing Lim Lim Dr Wing Lim a true Renaissance Man a dedicated Medical Professional and serial entrepreneur who has built an impressive portfolio of healthcare facilities and senior living communities for over 30
(05:34) years he has balanced a thriving Medical Practice it wasn’t always that way though with Innovative real estate Ventures Dr limb’s impact extends far beyond the medical field he has spearheaded the creation of the state-of-the-art Synergy Wellness Center and award-winning Esther Gardens senior residents providing invaluable resources and care to thousands Beyond his professional accomplishments he is committed to empowering the Next Generation through his physician empowerment podcast uh the website is fiz remarkable Journey from
(06:09) the challenges of running a medical practice to the triumphs of building a real estate and Senior Living Empire his story is a testament to the power of vision perseverance and Relentless drive to create positive change Canada needs more investors like Dr Limb and I hope this show inspires one of my 17 listeners to take up the mantle and do more create more good create more housing help more Canadians please enjoy the [Music] show hi Wing what’s keeping you busy these days oh wow AR thanks for inviting me to your show um what keeps me busy to uh
(06:49) these days are of course my medical practice uh but I try not to be just wearing one hat I wear many hats and I derive joy and excitement by doing non-medicine entrepreneurial stuff so so that’s the juggle and then you have kids too in a way yeah our kids are in the mid 20s so um it’s different it’s a different stage of life I know your audience at all ages right so this is a different stage of Life they need you for different things um but you do have a lot more freedom you don’t all the kids drive in fact also we have done left home one came
(07:27) back and live with us a little bit so so you do have a lot more freedom right it’s a different time different phase of your life and uh yeah so it’s a different phase so with thinking more of retirement what’s retirement like how do we how do we position ourselves so that’s um that’s what’s interesting and then uh we’re taking always learning right so we’ve done a lot in entrepreneurial stuff we done a lot in what we consider ourselves serial entrepreneurs I’ve done a lot of real estate stuff and now we are taking of
(07:59) course my wife and I in uh stocks and Global Market okay all right I I’m laughing because your your LinkedIn is uh longer than my arm you already have your uh what bmsc What’s is that that’s that’s the uh uh Bachelor of Medical Science that’s the under MDD so you’re already very accomplished medical doctor uh and that okay actually just for the listeners better please tell us a bit about yourself sure so I went to met school at at UFA University of Alberta so I’ve been in Alberta for 40 years exactly 40 years we came I came as
(08:50) an young young immigrant 1984 so this is exactly 40 years so that’s when I started uh premat in Calvary I went to ma School in I’m in 10 two years of family res residency so I’ve been in practice 31st years now so so that’s a long time of medicine right and and uh medicine doesn’t take that much time of yours that’s why you have all this time for these other businesses in fact when when I started uh my own practice I was doing 100 hours a week because we did everything that I went to school for at my practice my
(09:25) walk-in clinic did everything uh went to two Hospital deliver babies nursing homes teaching uh Pala of Care Counseling at night so my wife and my wife actually blessed her heart she gave up her profession she was supposed to be a teacher and she chased helped me Chase my dreams so we went home every night at about 11 a 11:00 p.m.
(09:52) to midnight uh at the rep up the clinic yeah so that that was before kid PC that was how crazy it wasc yeah and what about when you had kids you have to cut back right because she couldn’t run as crazy as she was I I I could still do that but I have to cut back you got to be a parent a little bit so that’s when I realized and and what hit as really hard early on was taxation we didn’t even we bottom Clinic a dream practice we didn’t even know how to do this taex thing right so the first year we did not save money for T5 count says do T5 we didn’t save money
(10:27) for tax by tax time we didn’t even no we had no money it’s the first year we in debt right and then one Christmas we did not have after bonus to the to the staff we had no money left for ourselves and we look at you said what are we doing and then the next year uh the son was born someone still in in the car seat and the building that we were in got into receivership the new landlord fought with us that ran we went to court we lost long story short and then uh we got an eviction notice November 30th so we were moving a clinic during Christmas
(11:05) and we to beg somebody to to to Lucky we found a space 5 minutes away we have to back somebody a friend of ours and became a patient that did the r out the ti took a month so we spent our Christmas at the construction site yeah so yeah so that that was a lot of heart lessons on the side of the head so I was running as as as hard as I could I learned everything I did I could in in medicine I was doing everything I went to school for so I should be very actualized but why am I so stuck so if you look at young graduates now uh it’s
(11:42) not uncommon to see medical graduates in early 30s mid-30s and they in debt three 400,000 it’s not uncommon to see that right and and the the wages going down lagging behind inflation they never learn about invest in didn’t never learn about business so like everybody else has zero education in business right so luckily my wife was taking some business courses and uh so we got out of student debt by the time we bought the practice then we got a huge debt into practice right we bought a practice with money we
(12:18) haven’t got so we’re just running like crazy and getting no nowhere of course we have an a comfortable income right but but uh but how do you see the end of this right and then so I met a mentor he’s in his about 90 now we can call him Dr George uh we’re immigrant family my my my parents are still in Hong Kong right so we had my kids have no grandparents so that they call George Grandpa George so Grandpa George very sign physician also also an entrepreneur so he came and challenged my thought one day he says when would
(12:54) you like to make 100% of one person or 1% of 100 people as that hold it what kind of question is that so he repeated the question and I said 100% of one person I know how to do that I rent 100 hours per per week and that’s how I do and how I got stuck right and he says yeah change of thinking right but how do you do 1% of 100 people right so that’s the start of thinking leveraging right and that’s when we began to search and and we of course read kiyosaki’s books in fact we went to big confence in the states and he if you Google him his
(13:33) initial lectures but on flip charts we were there in that Hall yeah and this one we learn about okay don’t just go and change exchange time for money right the right side of forn people they don’t they leverage right and that’s that’s when this brain little brain got decompressed so that’s a start of a journey of the the business side so I M we don’t have many doctors on this show and we don’t have that many doctors as past clients of ours uh you know the the perception out there is doctors just do really well and don’t need to
(14:15) invest what two so we start so I’m years ler I met two young Physicians and I started a a a podcast called physician artment so I joined them and we’re meeting lot more and more doctoring dentists and so some do very well of course if you’re a surgeon if you’re like some Specialties of radiology or Opthalmology you do very well right but most um I’ll say the landscape in Canada there’s about 100,000 Physicians 50% family doctors GPS 50% specialist okay and and family doctors their income is not as much as Specialists generally they exceptions
(14:58) and most Medical Specialists don’t as much as Surgical Specialist right but it depends on how much debt you start with right same with Dentistry so we met a dentist who went to uh the stage went to IV League uh Dental Specialty school and while she was there uh her accountant forgot to file for tax in Canada so so came back to Canada working in somewhere Alberta mid-40s young kid anyways long story short $400,000 a year plus salary but a million dollar in debt and yeah and and the the number one predator or or that whoever chasing her
(15:47) for the money was CRA I also have a colleague on mine that forgot to build uh to to pay tax for seven years and did not pay matrimonial and between CRA and the enforcement people this poor guy didn’t even have money for gas for gasoline a medical doctor a medical doctor was so brilliant so so scholastically genius but Financial idiots sorry you know I can say that because I’m what right I I went from that state and I yeah so so and and as you know there’s is not real well of course when you went to business school I did we just winged
(16:34) it right and so so there a lot yeah there’s a lot of H of blood bones and broken bones you know Carnage as we learn so the 30 Years Journey it it’s a very long journey and made a ton of mistakes and and that’s how you learn right you learn from your mistakes hopefully not from your own mistakes from other people’s mistakes right so that’s why I love to go conferences I love to listen to way back it’s Tes Tes books right and now it’s audio now we got podcast now now we’re doing podcast we’re trying to share our journey right
(17:11) we Enlighten other people in the similar background um that they either professionals or or most I think a lot of the audience nowadays are educated right college graduated people that they felt that they’re really stuck in light right with this heavy taxation with this government that’s demanding more and more from you how do you get ahead how do you get ahead to have a safe Nest right for retirement MH and we’re not talking about exu retirement that everybody thought about right it’s just having Financial Independence right you
(17:44) can do whatever you want right and and that itself is so difficult to achieve that’s one two most people have no idea and they just Delegate for delegate which is a fake delegation to the financial advisers and right now you and I a lot of us experienced that right so so for managers you know like some most don’t have right even you if you have a PM firm right do they really perform what what what they should right or they just protect the capital and they keep attracting Banks or a lot of people a lot of my colleagues um going into
(18:20) wealth Division of Banks one guy he was promised by his big bang adviser that doctor for the last 20 years we’ve done 20% growth every year for you say seriously seriously you mean you hired War Buffet and the only reason it’s 20% increased is because this guy kept P pouring money into the portfolio right but but doctors believe in those things because again they didn’t go to school for that they didn’t any head space to think about these things yeah they don’t have a head space for it yeah their mind space is usually
(18:59) on trying to save lives well yes now saving lives yes it’s true but after a while I’ve I’ve friends that are imer doctors right and and after a while saving life become a actual daily routine so so yes that’s what we fight every every day and then talking about the pay right so um so so he Sav a guy’s life at a emerge this friend of my Dr M he’s he’s my co-host of physician empowerment he’s the actually the original founder he said that one day the patient came back and thank him and said thank you doctor I bet you make a ton of money saving lives
(19:38) and he just chuckled he says did you know how much I got paid for saving lives like doing resuscitation $400 $400 to Save a Life and haircuts are now12 yeah so so that tells you Glory there is yeah I golf with the emergency doctor from trillum which is our really big hospital in Miss Saga and they said thank you for your service I think I think and I’ve said that to you before too thank you for your service and I think everyone should be thanking doctors policemen firefighters Emergency Services EMS thank them teachers thank
(20:23) them for the service yes of course yes we’re all in De to all people in the front line right yeah nurses oh L nurses yeah now tell I want I want to go to the journey from the investment side what what was like your early Investments like sure so early on my parents had a few condos in in Edmonton my my parents and my in-law and the whole thing tank because um we bought it when my sister-in-law became a realtor and said it’s time to buy it right and then they all left they all went back to Lo so I was SP 120 hours a week as a resident and my wife
(21:07) SL fiance at that time she was in school as well so we we had no time so we got these property managers I still remember a cond was $80,000 way back for door and the rent was 600 but after the propa management we only got $200 left we could even pay mortgage right so so that was my very bad taste of r estate early on so I stayed away as far as possible from Real Estate for the next 17 years so so real estate was very far and then we got into uh different business ideas and and we got suckered in a lot of scams right not a lot but enough it
(21:48) hurt right it hurt and we justess and that’s that’s just another thing right a lot of professionals get sucked out into a lot of like investment scams right so we paid out tuition and then we got into um direct marketing network marketing uh and that’s where we learn a lot about business and then uh the turnar around people ask so so when did you go back to to real estate and all that right it it started from a dream so I went to a an American big leadership conference like tens of thousands of people and I flew back and they talk about Legacy
(22:24) talk about posterity and then think about dreams right when you goone your life is EST when you go to the go to the the grave the graveyard and you see these people with the stone and this the year of birth the year of death in the middle is a dash dash yeah what do you do in the dash right so so that really hit me so flying back I was praying on the plane and then thinking about what do I want to do what’s what’s what do I want to leave behind and then a a an old dream in my residency days popped up my dream was
(22:58) actually to have if time and money were no or no object if failure is is insulated what would you do right that that’s that’s what they get you to dream so my dream was to build a a wellness center and with uh a whole array of senior homes that that’s interconnected with like a like a w spoke right and so in the middle it’s everything everything all One Stop Shop B the center and then all these sen Hess from Independent Living all the way to long-term care see I I’ve been very passionate in senior care I do house calls I’m one of the few
(23:35) doctors that have done it for 30 years and it’s such a such such a sad thing to witness couples that are married for 60 years that suddenly the husband goes to east of town the wife goes to west of town and it’s like an hour drive right in Toronto we do hours drive right it’s so inhumane right so I would like to keep them together so that was a dream and and and that that that a dream that was so deeply buried it got Unearthed that weekend so and on plane back uh on a plane ride back some I was just meditating praying somebody nuted me
(24:12) woke me up and and this’s another doctor they attended he says so what do you think of that weekend I said it’s powerful and it’s not a medical conference by the way it’s a business conference and then he said so what do you think I said well you know what I’m just dreaming about this project that’s crazy and he says how much land do you need I said 20 acres and he says I got 20 acres and I said seriously yes he says I do I’ve been thinking about my L right no so that project did not pan out that L did not pan out but this is a
(24:43) small County south of Edmonton the mayor came out and welcomed us like a red carpet and said we need a project like yours right and so long story short imagine every Community needs one of these yes exactly of course right and so you been to different counties and and and didn’t panel because the project is too big but then the problem is where do you find land where do you find the money we you find the expertise right and so so the whole point was just hovering hovering we’re going nowhere and uh and at that time I joined an
(25:18) investment club actually I joined two clubs one is rain so you’re in rain as well yeah sh Russell wcot down Campbell yeah yeah exactly yeah and then so the the club was investment club that that went B up but uh in those days we were raising capital for different real estate projects double digit per million and so I learned a lot about Capital race right so so those are two key things at R learn about basic foundation and real estate the other side I learn about inel how do you do joint manure how do you do gplp right all those all
(25:49) those critical Capital raise infrastructure right and strategies and so so and then I met a mentor right mentors show up different times in your life they don’t have to be perfect they just have to do something for you so I met this guy who’s the head of that investment Club he was a pastor turned into Adventure capitalist and he he met me a guy from Ottawa and he says young man what’s your god-given dream being a ex Pastor I said you know this is my dream I dream with this this W Center and and S homes I said what stopping you there’s no money
(26:24) no land no expertise no connections and he said okay tell me what what would be the first building to be worth I don’t know I just pull a number out of thin there and I said 20 million and he said without a wins in his face he says 20 million only what’s next so 20 million only I think I fell on the chair came back on and said 20 million only wow like but how how how and he said one thing he said God will provide now I’m not trying to preach religion right and I was trying to lean on to this guy can you give me some some money
(26:59) some leads right he did not give me anything but what he did is he took away a stop sign inside right and turns out that in life Journey you had a lot of dreams and goals the the Giants you know David versus GL the giant are not outside the Giants are inside these are internal monologues who are you what do you think you are stick your head out of the crowd right all the CL from our parents super ego whoever talking to us that that you don’t deserve ve the success right and you don’t deserve to be doing good right and so all those
(27:34) running inside the stock sign got taken out that day right and just my brain started to decompress again right so the next phase was absolutely crazy so we we hunted around there’s no land we’re in the county called ston uh our Hamlet is called show Park which is a little satell to east of them in 10 minutes 100,000 people here there there’s no land we we as the Realtors there are no land we’re land off and so um I found a guy who wanted to partnered with me turned out he was kind of a scam artist so and I almost got seped with
(28:11) that and then I have another guy through uh a leite right that I’m going to hire this guy this guy was really used to building big buildings and so we had a 20-minute coffee that turned into like 4 hours and then he became my actual business partner right and so right time right place and then we talk to the mayor at the time mayor says we said Miss mayor your worship we you have no land we have this project that would benefit the county will benefit the whole of the city right of great Amon and she said look at the m
(28:47) and say look at this piece of land and the realt says it’s not for sale she says it will be so the mayor gave us a tip and we got the land right and and we 6.6 acres and then that was 2007 2008 if anybody would remember little yeah the Big Five bank ran away so we have to raise $6.6 million cash to buy the land no leverage and after financial crisis yeah and then after we bought the land it went to financial crisis yeah and so Pig Five bank ran away I remember the HS the local HSBC rep he said he said yeah yeah I love to
(29:27) have Di someday you know and then when the time comes he won’t even return phone calls and we said what happened to you he said nah we’re not interested you were interested three months ago before we yeah doctors said D don’t pay rent seriously at but at that time the whole lending environment was very hostile so we were planning to do 80 20 80% rental 20% we keep re condo but it could it just could not happen so we ended up doing a a a condo development project and thank God that we did that because because of that we end up with a lot of
(30:06) Specialists that would come to Al County which did not happen before right because they can now own their own condo so we walk them through each one we bring them in and uh one of them is a ENT guy really nice uh Malaysian guy he never owned anything other than the house right and this is story for the rest of the 75,000 ft we brought Professionals in and and hold the hands teach them how to get the whole op how to get the financing and uh and everybody was really happy at the dentist came again he was scarce
(30:40) spitless and he said no no no I only have faith for 2,000 square feet we said well if you’re successful you would be better and So eventually he wanted to double it but he couldn’t because next door there’s the Radiology clinic and opom so so we build this thing and now 13 years later 14 years later we very thankful uh s Center we sit on a parcel of well the 10 acres we subdivide to five acres for the wellness center and five acres for the Senor home we’ll talk about the senior home later but the wellness center with five acres so one
(31:13) acre of building four acres of parking we did not have in the parking people drove and drove half hour couldn’t find there a parking spot so we bought and left one acre from ourselves and so we are sitting on five acres of parking but this well understand that about 2,000 patients going a lot of parking yeah the only parking lot bigger than ours is Costco so in in the in your area we have a Costco Costco parking lots are enormous yeah are yes so we have one Costco in El County here yeah so so they’re the bigger parking lot than than
(31:50) us yeah so so that’s that’s so now there’s over 100 uh licensed medical professionals like different doctors pediatrist dentist right nurses different Radiology right it’s a One-Stop shop right and so so that’s that’s where we are um and then the other five acres that we supposed to be seeing at home we went into a fight with a caly for zoning yeah and so want this anybody who wanted to go into Land Development business be a whereare that if your if your Administration the this the planning department is not for you
(32:34) if they’re against you you will be dead so so the way it went is we went in with the first mayor that believed in our project that’s mayor number one right so we became the Pet Project we we became the talk of the project and so the mayor took Glory because she tipped us right and but then that’s the end of her term election the her competitor had to compete against her and and find a way to be different so we become drawn in we became the enemy of the next one and so I can imagine a politician will be anti- senior
(33:10) home well but but it’s not just the idea of senior home the idea I don’t want to get into the weeds of it anyways we’re we’re three kilometers away from the refineries right the refineries that actually does 50% of Canadian Oil right the Keystone Pipeline starts actually fil show apart I didn’t know that right one time they have a shut down whatever problem pet ran out of uh uh petol League this how much oil is there like they have 4.
(33:42) 6 how much four 46 billion infrastructure in our County so that’s why our count is very rich but there’s stipulation about three kilometers blah blah blah so we fought and fought and fought and and that mayor went and the next mayor came so we went through three dynasties of May right right four years each right but there’s four years but this is the end of the first one and then four years and then the next one so we decided be and we fought and F we we hired uh environmental toxicologist like people who are in the know to disprove what
(34:16) they say right and and they say no it okay you’re right it’s not about science it’s about stakeholders stakeholders don’t like that project and so we decid the oil industry yeah I don’t mean to put words yeah okay I get it I get it get more people I get it now okay I have enough developer friends I know when when stakeholders and then yeah got iters at the end of the day right yeah so what you know we know right so we didn’t know the right people right I guess so long story short we had to sell that paral black right before we gamble
(34:50) away investor money so then then the senior home project is dead so my my partner retired he moved to Mexico and there’s a saying that when God closes the door he leaves a window open again I’m not trying to preach religion just just my journey and five years later a pastor called and he says um our church actually got appr proof for a 24 unit nursing home and would you be interested to come and talk to us right so that’s the journey recording this Pentecostal church that has some parking lot and they only want to spare they got
(35:30) huge parking lot and they want to spare 1.67 Acres so that project took another few years to massage right and saying a lot of money just to see if this is this is viable and this is literally just five minutes away from Cela Center and guess what so so fast forward not to board people today uh that’s got es Gardens asdr and that’s a six story 56 unit state-ofthe-art Senor home I’ve done 30 years of home visits right I visit lot of senior homes different levels I can tell you 100 ways to screw them but couple ways to do it right so
(36:09) this building is built from scratch no government influence we build it uh and it’s most in private a state-ofthe-art is award-winning I won an international award architectural award it’s number two in the world for the design and um and so we have we about 90 some per um occupancy so that that so that that’s that dream that finally came true crazy sorry what was the name of the of the senior care home EST a eser Gardens of course there lots of people put the effort in and so we found operators called optimal living so it’s
(36:48) a optimal living site they’re getting very big right and there’s a for people into development business and if you’re interested in seeing your home it’s a beast of his own right you need who who seasoned in that and we found a great group that started from BC they were very small we were building number nine in their portfolio very small and then I think they’re over 40 buildings now in the last few years because they network with a an instit Institutional fund and boom like that just changes the whole thing so wait you still practice
(37:23) medicine and still have these humongous businesses yeah because my job as a serial entrepreneur is to get myself out of the job right so to build something and delegate you build these multi-million dollar entities some for profit some are not for for profit get them going get them systemized they they run it they run themselves or you get winners Champions that would run the show and then I I leave like when I go to work I still go to Synergy to work because without Clinic is the an tenant right so so our our Clinic is a giant Clinic we
(38:02) occupy about 20 25% of the building right and our Clinic Synergy metal Clinic is probably the largest clinic in the province as a family clinic so when I go to work people don’t know who I am I don’t run the whole thing I vote once a year right and so that’s a good feeling right I guess I I I enjoy putting at the end of the day I enjoy putting deals together Sor I’m just looking at the website I think this is it this is synergy Wellness Center y this is it yeah it looks big well yeah you mentioned the biggest parking
(38:50) lot and yeah you have a lot of tenants oh for listen sorry listeners benefit we are on Zoom so I’m sharing my screen right now and we’re looking at Synergy wellness’s website in Sherwood Park in Alberta and then that’s right so when we build a project um commercial Realtors laughed at us because our dreamed to have one of each we have a non compete so we’re like One optometry one Dentistry because we want to be synergistic Synergy is like an everyday verb that everybody know like the practitioners is walk over for
(39:28) it we did not want competition internal competition right so we would have done a lot better if we have like two dentists or three uh optometrist right yeah so this is uh um Esther Gardens yeah so very happy seniors there there’s a pop in there on the third level what alcohol yeah so alcohol and the dining hall has a you see in the far and there’s a live Moss wall the whole wall was live Moss the day arst installing I when there I have to interview him I said what the heck is this is live M he was just planting them in
(40:12) there okay this looks really nice this looks nothing like the senior care home my parent my grandparents lived in uh those are called there’s a nickname we call those senior Warehouse so yeah and and I go to these senior warehouses and and and serve my patients but they oh theall the M wall yeah like this looks more like a private club uh yes this is nicer than my rocket club it’s a lot newer too so you have that art room cool so there’s private memory care so this outside the private memory care so um this is the memory care so Memory
(40:56) Care private mem means people with severe dementia dementia they’re at risk of wandering but that’s when you lock them up so I go to quite a few of these lock in un run by the government they’re like a prison right sorry again so that little wetch there that’s that’s the uh uh so we we built at first we say well 36 bets for private memory and the people I said don’t do that that’s too risky right let’s do 24 and I was wrong because 24 was full now we have to convert the third floor of the independent side into
(41:29) just into the private memory care and it’s full so we have like 37 units and there’s they’re on the waiting list private Memory Care this is my argument I mentioned earlier I thought more communities would want projects like this they do yeah they do yeah but of course each project these are mega mega million dollar projects they’re not easy to combine to get approval financing at the government you know even though it’s private there’s still a lot of governmental control right just crazy how much red tape there is behind things
(42:01) that we need and if public versus private Do you want to build it to get some Public Funding public mercy and then with the Clause down your neck right so but like the like the entire voter base would support projects like this yeah exactly yeah EXA other stakeholders I there St there’s other stakeholders out there but yeah but there there’s other communities with lesser stakeholders in resources energy sector so this should not be a difficult battle in every Community yeah yeah exactly yeah well but uh there lots of Lessons Learned
(42:37) right and and there’s still lessons to be learned but uh I believe that in capitalism that you bless people first right then you be blessed back right in different kinds of reward some are monetary some are not right right well then the capitalist way to say is you know create value for others and value will come back to you exactly exactly you are creating massive value for for your community and your fellow human being and your patience um yeah so yeah I’m I’m very proud of the team the different teams that got these things together right so
(43:12) I play a very small part starting it right so that somebody has to dream about things somebody has to get the ball rolling right but until you have Champions taking it away from your hands is still your own baby right and and so and if it’s just up to one of you you would never be big but you have to rely on the team okay so I’m G to guess you made yourself a lot of money for yourself and your investors based on the scale of these projects um in the world of capital race you have to make sure you make people money so yes if you people love you when
(43:50) you make the money they hate your guts when you lose their money exactly exactly wow these projects are enormous with a lot of moving Parts with a lot of people helped yeah and sorry you said your your senior bed retirement facilities is all weight listed at the memory care is like the the memory care it’s people who need it like they they cannot leave the place right otherwise they want Street when it’s minus 40 right and that’s I didn’t perceive that people would spend money on that because it’s not cheap right so
(44:27) so the way let let me just price it up for people right people who have parents going in right or or they they want to do something like this so I a lot of funder space right in Alberta so I can only speak for Alberta so our patients in the public system okay in private sorry in public publicly funded assistant Li Bank have to pay $2,000 a month okay on ter probably more the government pays the rest okay so the most barebone type kind of senior Warehouse house type it’s at least 4,000 4500 or 5,000 a month so patients pay
(45:03) 2,000 the government pays the rest that’s not bad well yeah but that tells you the cost for barebone care oh boy five grand a month right and so when you go private you have you know you have to satisfy the investors and all that it goes up right so if you go to a semide decent private assistant living in Alberta yeah yeah is three four five six 7,000 up to 10,000 in Toronto is 10 15 20 50% more than that yeah so um which is why we need more of these spaces we do and and and give you an example the best is best
(45:45) concept when we’re building this was a nurse who became top 40 in 40 something like that she buildt a $2.4 million house way back 15 years ago and got 10 rooms each room have all the facilities and they have a shed in there and they were charging six grand a month 15 years ago now is $9,600 a month these seniors are absolutely happy I tour the place right but something similar in Ontario is $20,000 come Mon it’s who’s who stand that up there right but they actually happy so a lot of these seniors who and with dementia they they they lost their
(46:26) faculties right they make be bothering people they may be shouting hollering they may be losing the blood and b control right and so a lot of times they they become they could become agitated and violent aggressive as well so a lot of times they’re medicated they’re qu druged right so a lot of people they say okay I don’t want my my loved ones to be drugged in the place right so we have government and a lot of these drugs are antis psychotics they use in like schizophrenia and whatnot right and and we fight about them all the time how do
(46:56) we cut down the use of antic psychotics right when you go to a a very well-run senior facility like like these the senior heartly own drugs I actually flew uh two years ago we flew to um Amsterdam and T the Senor Village The demasia Village it’s absolutely amazing and we actually in Canada there’s one dementia Village in Langley BC right they have five acres of land and and is really roaming and all the people that that that they thought this is ice cream shop worker they’re all part of the workers right they all work
(47:36) for the big outfit so and it all started from from um Amsterdam right so I tour that facility and and senors are partly on drugs because they felt so so good so careful right and so that’s that’s our Dream right is to to create that space and all none of us are getting younger right right you know the Boomers are retiring and so this this wave qu a gray wave right is now a gray tsunami right in the next 10 15 years there’ll be more people who are seniors right and when you think about the Boomers the biggest
(48:12) population right to the Next Generation the echo Boomers right the Gen ACC wi whatever you call it right that huge chunk the boomers are now on marching into this senior home space yeah so I hope they saved up for it yeah exactly exactly yeah it it is very sad very very sad to see people they struggle right so at our County there are other foundations right even not for profit and so they this they part this government assistance program people only have to pay onethird of the income as rent right I’m sure in your
(48:50) neighborhood there’s something equivalent but even the foundations ran out of money and they have to open up part of the wing that is not uh funded and even those are just basic no no nurses just stay there they feed you three meals and that’s about $3,000 a month right that’s the minimum right so when you think about saving for for your own golden age well you got to thing really hard how much you need for your golden age right yeah and the reason it’s called golden age is because it cost pure gold that’s the first I’ve heard it
(49:29) positioned that way because I joke with my friends all the time I mentioned on this show it’s uh if if I I joke that if we were ignorant to these problems we’d generally be happier until these problems catch up to us because those who are well aware who read the news Who network with people like yourself and know what problems are ahead for us it’s not pleasant I’d say not it’s not no it’s just a there’s a lot of robe bumps uh speed bumps along the way that we need to prepare for it’s always fun preparing for it yeah and
(50:06) when you have loved ones they all age right we’re called a sandwich generation right we got parents we got kids right so with a piece of balloon in in the middle and and the top layer your parents my parents right they’re getting old like I’m flying back home to throw a 90 birthday for my dad next ail conratulations so thank you yes and my mother-in-law about same age right so they’re all getting there right and my mother-in-law just checked herself into a senior home in Hong Kong and it’s a it’s a battle right so it’s a battle
(50:36) right so it’s it’s a the universal problem right and as Chinese we supposed to look after our parents right on the other side of the planet [Laughter] yet yeah exactly exactly yeah all right there there are a couple other topics we I mentioned that I wanted to chat with you about uh like so what are your you mentioned your kids in their mid-20s are they doing Medical School are they Pur pursuing entrepreneurship like SL really some yeah yes and know in in between some they don’t know right but uh it’s a different different era um
(51:14) it’s a different different mindset right so um yeah so one of my kids I told you earlier and the teens sat me down said Dad can we do some math I said I love to do a math with you kid and they say let’s calculate how much sleep you lost yeah as a doctor since residency right and this is 10 10 years ago maybe and and the conclusion was D you lost four solid years of sleep and so my other kid says Dad why do you work so hard right now bin you’re your dad is a doctor right and you’re not right so you know it oh I can the
(51:57) side of blood I can’t even stand getting needles myself right and so again I’m not I don’t belit on my profession right we’re proud of a profession but if a lot of parents think that the kids you know especially orientals the Asian Target parents got to be accountant be a lawyer be a doctor right be a dentist there’s nothing wrong with that right but nowadays okay let’s go back I think in the last Millennium if you go to school get a good job save some money stock up your RSP give give your money to financial
(52:35) advisor you’re separately that piece of advice has an expired date like a carton of milk now in the New World New Millennium that dog does not hunt learning to invest learning to to manage your own wealth your Finance is not optional any mhm right and and so yeah so and the sooner they learn just the better out you are right so I think the way that we expect from our kids is we told them we’re not going to be Asian parents right and tiger parents and you you choose whatever you want to do we we fought that battle right when I was growing up
(53:14) I have certain measure of talent in music in a small space right I think I lived a family of I Liv in space of 400 square F feet that’s already a lot because my wife way back we didn’t know each other her was like not even 300 sare feet for the family of five I asked for piano and said no sorry no space and no money yeah let a keyboard you don’t have space keyboards were not even invented yet way back sorry yeah and so I measure of talent I I did write some songs self taught myself music so so it so that that part
(53:54) of the dream would never actualized right and and and so we have to do what we need to do right to to to pay for ourselves right I came here I was 19 I remember I had $1,000 Canadian and was a grab from Hong Kong finish my matriculation my parents dropped me off and said you’re immigrant you’re on your right and so that was it my dad had to fly M my dad had to fly back to Hong Kong to continue the business even though we were immigrants because my brother was a v Visa student and those days Visa students you could not work
(54:27) right and so they said we have to go back so your brother has money to go to school okay I was on my own right so we had to do what we could right to to defend for ourselves to put food on the table right and and and and a lot of other things is pushed to right so we want our next Generation to be able to to learn a lot the world is different a global place they’re so well learned different places they’re so street smart right so then we cut them loose and say do whatever you want to do it’s a different world
(54:57) right so but that generation should care for ESG uh so are they involved with the Synergy Wellness Center or with Aster uh well they’ve all toil and labor we believe in child labor they they all it’s our people’s yes exactly so when we were opening up Synergy um SCH scrubbing the floor and and cleaning stuff it’s my wife and kids right yeah so they were still in the teenager that time so everybody help that right it’s kind of expect it very so but today do they want any involvement like these are very ESG businesses they should be yeah well but
(55:34) over this opportunity yeah but these are um we have operators right we have operators that that they operating different entities and so so well we said our kids the world is your oyster and so you cut yourself loose we don’t we are immigrants we don’t care if you go to Australia go to Europe right so um yeah so well your kid’s a lot younger right uh but yeah it’s I think our kids a lot luckier than us right and we wanted to be right yeah so so what’s next for you it sounds like you’ve you’ve achieved a lot what’s next is well of course we always
(56:15) think about retirement um a little bit about physician Supply and the problem of medicine in Canada especially Alberta uh and you guys have heard that 6 million Canadians do not have family do F medicine as a discipline is not celebrated um for the first last federal budget sorry yeah yeah there’s Federal and there’s provintial right because Health Care in Canada is not federal is provincial right the money half comes from FS half comes from your Province but the province runs 100% not the money is do up and our Province happened to be
(56:53) extremely hostile to our physician communities and the recent survey um from our association AB AMA AB Medical Association to to um the members and six out of 10 were so fed up they said they won’t stay till the end of the year and we seeing a wave of Physicians leaving they either go south at the stat go west to BC or they just retire but the retirement is that the younger younger age not just 70s 60ss even in the mid-40s quit quitting they call themselves retired but actually quite essive which is really really sad and uh
(57:30) yeah and a small County of 100,000 people I think we lost at least 15 Physicians Family Physicians right which is about 15% yeah yeah exactly it it yeah so huge loss yeah Walkin clinics are not like we have a big brand called medic Center the walkin this thing was sold to uh a pension fund right so it’s like probably traed there a series of walk-in clinics then they say it’s like 9:00 a.m.
(57:58) to 9:00 p.m. by 400 p.m. they to close because they’re no doctors and worse now some of them actually close the shop without even paying rent and that’s scary yeah and so if you have no family dogs you have no walk-in dogs where do everybody go emerge so that emergency room is now plucked with a ton of people who shouldn’t be there and how who knows how long you have to wait about 12 14 hours yeah yeah so it it is a big problem and so not just leaving nursing nurses are leaving too and and so this is a Canadian phenomenon but I think
(58:38) Ontario government is a little bit more friendly now to foreign graduates right a lot they say American doctors can just cross the border nurses can just cross the border and start practicing that’ be nice I just don’t know why they would do it Whatever Whatever A lot of people leave go south I know you’re leading a team down there to buy T States and actually yeah we’ve met a dentist at our physician empowerment Network and he’s buying seven clinics in the states and he’s right handing sou right it I know it’s it’s it is what it
(59:12) is it’s sad yeah so for us we’re thinking plan retirement and what what we want to do um uh and and that mostly businesses in real estate I my wife and I we did very little in the public markets so we just we love learning so we just signed up on a course um a online course on stocks uh and Global markets and it’s it’s actually in cantones so fantastic yeah let me know what you think about it valuations are so high these days yeah it wasn’t that long ago nvidia’s market capitalization rate was larger than the
(59:52) TSX yes exactly but officially now in bu and a b Market we’re starting right we’re starting at the bare market right and and and when you think about that economic cycle everything is in there including real estate right and so so people who time their investment or the exit braw right on this Cycles they’re the ones that suffer right so like Kaki says there’s a time not to get into real estate right so Bas if you listen to him I still do he laugh at people getting into real estate now he says oh man the B start right so of course he he’s very
(1:00:30) opinionative but there’s a reason there certain sectors you don’t want to get into right so I tell people it’s not the asset that makes you rich it’s the way you maneuver the asset that the funds in and out the cash flow that makes you wealthy right and for example people who bought a bunch of offices right uh downtown Toronto Edmonton right anywhere s Nar exactly globally China Hong Kong right there so people going know some patient mind said his friend is investing into Hong Kong real estate now right you know yeah so so or now in
(1:01:06) Pre pandemic yeah or I have friends who bought 10 condos in uh in Toronto right and I know I know it was negative cash flow when the interest rate was my was was uh 2.1% and the mortgage renewal is this year and so how much negative are you going to be right so so just because it’s real estate doesn’t mean that it’s right for you right you have you have more you have to know where you pick and where you not pick right yeah fascinating again I love to hear what you do with stocks usess fact of the day my best trade this year has been
(1:01:48) CIBC yeah but but there’s a yeah there’s a lot to learn so we love learning um we’re still doing uh multif family projects right so we this pH we love to uh help investors get their Choice Properties in the west right I’m sure you you’re helping your investors go to the South right we’re trying to do um get some projects going um that help people who want it passively actively invested we can help them yeah so yeah so that’s kind of our next phase we have Russell wcot coming up on the show and I’m sure he’s gonna mention Jason M as
(1:02:20) well so yeah Jason is my realtor so you got to get on yeah really good yeah especially the timing way way things are you mentioned possessions are leaving but I think if you pull like ontarios and and BC people you pull them where they’re going to go think a good number of them on go Alberta well they might but they um Alberta again sorry for going on Healthcare again but Alberta government is trying to copy on government all the time they’re copycats so whatever you guys gone through they’re try trying to do so if you’re on do tried to come to
(1:02:57) albera they’re just going to relive what they went so uh hope you don’t get all the lovely things that we have in Ontario like the landlord tenant board and rank control oh yeah that is scary that is one thing that we are the reason with the w w West is because we don’t have R control yeah that yeah I don’t think that’s fair to call be I’ll burn it while calate has become too hot talking about real estate market right so Edmonton is now the number one growing town and the fastest in the rental rate right Cal is already a little saturated
(1:03:32) we went down so craziness about calary so we we look at multif family and the real where where are you looking for multif family um mostly Emon and Calgary right in Alberta right and and so when we we had to go down to Calgary but off the the real Realtors would not show you this the building without an offer so we drove down when was this how recently was this last year oh still all rates were going up yeah so so the craziness yeah so this is even a year ago right so we looked at three three uh uh multif family like
(1:04:07) apartment start right and and so like 20 doors or 60 doors and uh you have to put in three offers so that they would even show you the building right and then they show us that the tenants of course it’s 100% tency right the guy who moved out the tenant moved out 1,600 for one bedroom the next one is 1,900 yeah so and that’s like 10 minutes away from downtown calary and people just love that space right and then others we look at a multif family in Edmonton on white like white Avenue it’s a very nice uh hip kind of part of town and this
(1:04:44) building has my family favorite Japanese restaurant there and then upstairs there’s like 100 units it’s it’s at Meuse which is my favorite and um guess who owns it it’s not even listed right of course it’s not listed so my buddy and I we went there Wednesday afternoon and there are other real and they people showing up doing the buildings not listed right these things are not listed right and the Realtors are not the brand name Realtors these names that you never met right you never heard of and it was selling for $35 million guess who’s
(1:05:17) selling it it’s it’s Great West Life So if you think about these insurance companies which actually charter Banks themselves right they don’t invest in stocks and bonds and mutual funds they invest in real estates right so we asked about the product management who does the prod management their own right and my buddy who’s a who’s a CFA guy gor is’s my buddy he’s into institutional grade investing and he says these are the best buildings because if you have a gwf great w life they don’t mck up like it’s not like a
(1:05:51) moment of dead joint right everything is done too cold about talk M the best like institutions do right yeah oh yeah they have Deep Pockets right oh yeah exactly yeah and when you have no rent control in in the r rents been going up they can afford maintenance right yeah and they have they have their MMO Theo about 10 years they they divest right and they do the next project right and so yeah so these are secret bits right and and how many how many bids I I I don’t know I don’t know we were doing DD and we’re
(1:06:24) doing other buildings and I think it’s gone already right and and you fast only gives you a c rate say C five cap 4.9 and you figure the rest out my San Antonio host is a 5.1 [Laughter] cap that’s really interesting to hear because locally I have friends who who have apartment buildings for sale with no showings wow no showings well again can you we have low cap we have rent control it’s hard to we don’t have uh yeah we have institutional investors in the large buildings but you know any midsize small like that’s generally not
(1:07:06) where they are yeah so then who do you hire right who do you hire for property management if you’re mid small it’s it’s difficult it’s difficult yeah so the product management here now I loed out uh I negotiated a well our lowest is 78% M and there’s some brand names that are 12% and they didn’t nothing gosh is the money right and yeah exactly so so that’s why at this stage of life we want to go higher go bigger because if you go to big multi stes rate is about 5% to four if you negotiate well 3.
(1:07:46) 5 right we should always chat up at the States you can buy in one sleep no problem five seven cap no problem in US dollarars yeah exactly yeah all right uh Dr LM we’re running out of time uh can you what are some final thoughts for our listeners benefit yeah so I guess um number one is I think everybody regardless of your age needed to dream a little bit more so I’m going to ask the same question as what what I got asked 30 years ago right what if time and money were No Object what if success is a sure word would you like to
(1:08:28) do where would want to go what do you not want to do and who do you want to become right allow yourself that brain space to do that and write everything down so my man says don’t stop writing right you got to be crazy at first I want to be astronaut I want to go to the moon I want to blah blah blah I want to Y all that and after about if you allow yourself to write by the second page something actually more noble always comes out right the craziness the lack the luxury by page two most people can’t even write anything and then they can
(1:09:03) write something that’s a lot more noble a lot more U beneficial that would benefit a lot of people right and and those are the ones what what Legacy to leave behind with right and and so I think those are the ones that we need to at least allow ourselves to chase that right and if we more of us do that the world will be a better place like when I go to work here every go to Synergy what scared me is not people don’t know me I have a healthy enough ego people don’t have to know who I am if you’re very good about it you need it
(1:09:38) you don’t need the recognation what what scared me is what if this dream never came to fruition right I dusted it off from the secret death of my heart right and and so people patient says you know like thank you for this project our emergency room which is a $135 million fake hospital hospital but there are no beds right in the same county we build a building for along with 13.
(1:10:08) 5 million a tenth of the government spending and we have 2,000 patients that they did process 200 patients a day right and not one time from the government right so what’s scar me is one person’s dream it was not put forth this won’t be here right and everything that we see including Technologies like fromone is somebody else’s dream right one guy says if this is not a cup is not ever invented we are still sucking water out the pudle right everything nothing happens unless for it’s a dream so allow yourselves allow your kids grandkids to
(1:10:42) dream right because the world will be a better place if everybody just chase their dreams that was pretty awesome Dr LM where can people find more information about yourself or about the projects you’re working on where can they follow along uh LinkedIn that’ll be the easiest got it and all folks I’ll uh it’s it’s so we have called physici empowerment F empowerment phy phy empowerment.
(1:11:13) CA with a podcast and our audience is not just physician heavily IND Physicians but medical professionals but there are a lot of um getaway skills that that you could like we talk about leadership we talk about Entre their a sh a lot of things is applicable to all walks of life fabulous and uh and and it’s spelled Wing like a chicken wing limb on Instagram on LinkedIn I don’t have Instagram sorry that’s too new for me did I say that I meant LinkedIn I’m looking at your LinkedIn so so if you see I’m a mutual friend of wing Lim uh then then that’s
(1:11:50) probably who we’re talking about and again I’ll have links in the show notes for um for both your links all right yeah Dr ly thank you again thank you again for your service thank you for doing thank you thank you everyone it’s been fun and and thank you for inviting me and thank you for having your audience have me some impact on some people I hope it’ll be positive I I I hope so because again like I said I think every Canadian Community needs facilities like Synergy like Aster thank you for watching if you want
(1:12:21) to learn how to invest in real estate from scratch my team teaches beginners how to use the number one investment strategy that I personally use in a virtual free training class every month go to investor below and I do the best to answer each of those comments and questions myself again if you’re ready to learn the nitty-gritty about real estate investing from a professional investor register for next virtual class that’s at investor


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Before you go, if you’re interested in what kind of properties I am looking at in the landlord friendly states of the USA please go to for what I consider the best investment for most Canadians, most of the time.

I’ve been investing in Ontario since 2005 and while it’s been a great, great run. I started out buying properties in the 100,000s and now it’s $800,000 to $1,000,000.  How much higher can it go? I don’t know

To me, the remaining potential for appreciation does not match the risk hence I’m advising my clients to look to where one can find rental properties that are affordable range of $150,000 to $350,000 US$, with rents that range from $1,400 to 2,600/month plus utilities.   As many Canadians recognize, these numbers will be positive cash flow and are night and day compared to anything locally. Plus the landlord has all of the rights, no rent control, and income is US dollars which are better than Canadian dollars.

If you don’t believe me, US dollars are better than Canadian dollars, go ask 100 non-Canadians which currency they prefer to be paid in.

So to regain control of your retirement planning.  Go to and check out what great cash flow properties are available in the USA.  

The best part is, my US investments will be much more passive compared to by local investments as I’m hiring an asset manager called SHARE to hand hold me through the entire process.  As their client and shareholder, Share will source me quality income properties, help me with legal structure and taxes, they manage the property manager and insurance provider while passing down to me preferred rates so I save both time and money.  

Share will even tell me when to strategically refinance or sell.  SHARE can even support investors all over the country for proper diversification hence my plan is to own in Tennessee, Georgia, and Texas.  Share is like my joint venture partner but I only have to pay them fees while I keep 100% ownership and control.

If your goal in investing is to increase cash flow, I don’t know of a better strategy for most Canadians most of the time.  One last time that’s to see what boring, cash flowing real estate investing can look like on your path towards financial peace.

This is how I’m going to make real estate investing great again for my family and hope you choose the same.  Till next time!

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This episode is brought to you by me! We don’t have sponsors for this show. I only share with you services owned by my wife Cherry and me.  Real estate investing is a staple in my life and allowed me to build wealth and, more importantly, achieve financial peace about the future, knowing our retirement is taken care of and my kids will be able to afford a home when they grow up.  If you, too, are interested in my systematic strategy to implement the #1 investment strategy, the same one pretty much all my guests are doing themselves, then go visit and register for our next event.

Till next time, just do it because I believe in you.



As a committed advocate for transparent and responsible real estate investment, I want to openly share my involvement with SHARE SFR (Single Family Rental) as an Advisor. I hold an equity position in this company and receive a referral commission for clients I introduce to their services. My endorsement of their business model – focusing on direct ownership of positive cash flow income properties – is consistent with my own personal investing since 2005, is based not only on a professional assessment but also on my personal experience and belief in their approach. Please note that while I stand behind my recommendations, it is crucial for each individual to conduct their own due diligence and consider their unique circumstances before making any investment decisions. As always, my priority is to provide you with honest, insightful, and practical real estate investment education.

Why a Top Business/Stock Valuator Is Investing in Real Estate with Adam Johnson, CPA, CA, CBV, CFA

Sorry for condo investors, Ottawa rocks, farewell golf season. All this and more on the Truth About Real Estate Investing for Canadians!!

Greetings investors, my name is Erwin Szeto, landlord of 40+ different properties through my career, Realtor since 2010 and together w my team at iWIN Real Estate we have helped investors transact on close to half a billion of investment properties and among my clients are 45 millionaires and multimillionaires we helped them achieve through education and coaching.

That was all in Ontario btw until last year, when the writing was on the wall, cash flow was no longer an option for the everyday investor, governments of all levels and let it be known we are not welcome here and the opportunity for better cash flow, diversification in the USA and avoiding the LTB/RTB was available along with scalable mortgages in the USA.

Sadly what’s slowing down many many Canadians investing south is they are holding pre and new construction condos. The options aren’t great especially of those who lost their jobs. I had a new condo investor share with this past weekend his beautiful 900 sq.ft. condo with a lake view he paid $900,000 only rents for $2,400 after multiple cuts in his original asking of $2,800.  After hard costs: mortgage, taxes, insurance he is negative $2,000 per month before vacancy, leasing fees, bad debt, repairs and maintenance so in reality his negative cash flow is much much more.

Not all Canadian real estate investments are bad. It’s just harder to find those markets and investors who can execute. If you listened to Andrew Hines’ final podcast, I’m experiencing the same. I’ve invited gurus onto my show and it’s crickets only to find out later through the news or grapevine they’re having financial troubles.  

Even though those gurus are still out there raising capital, borrowing hard loan money aka private borrowing, selling courses and coaching etc,… they’re turning down the exposure from my podcast.  This is the truth about real estate investing show and what you my 17 faithful listeners may not know is before we record, I do ask guests if they’re ok to discuss losses, both what’s in the new and not in the news (I reference check guests of this show by contacting people I know they have engaged in business with the potential guest).

If you are out there reference checking folks, feel free to check if they’ve been on my show before, that’s not an endorsement by the way nor a condemnation, we’re not perfect and we have added show notes linking to past guests who are being sued or bankrupt or in the news.  If they’re good people, encourage them to guest on my show! I’m always happy to interview good investors to, if nothing else, shine a light on them and crowd out the bad operators.  

Why a Top Business/Stock Valuator Is Investing in Real Estate with Adam Johnson, CPA, CA, CBV, CFA

Speaking of good people, today’s guest is my good friend and past client, Adam Johnson, CPA, CA, CBV, CFA—who, at the time, was my youngest client and didn’t have as many letters behind his name. Adam’s not your average CPA. He’s also a Chartered Business Valuator CBV and Chartered Financial Analyst CFA, making him one of less than 100 people in Canada with all three designations. He even ranked #1 in the country on his CBV exam. But what really sets him apart is his hands-on experience with one of Canada’s biggest investment banks, where he analyzed stocks and worked directly with equity traders which prepared him nicely for a long-time career in business valuations.

Now, Adam’s expanded his investing to the U.S. after Ontario deals no longer made sense, and he’s the founder of Synthesis Valuations, providing top-tier valuation reports for everything from mergers to shareholder disputes. 

Note we recorded this episode before the most recent hurricanes Helen and Milton devastated Florida the deadliest since Katrina in 2005, each with a combined $100 billion is losses, $50 billion each. For context, that major storm Toronto had in the summer caused $1 billion in damage, these hurricanes were 100 times worse. My thoughts and well wishes are with Florida. Link to source:

For your business valuation needs, Adam’s company website:

What’s someone with so much stock and business valuation skill and experience doing overweighted as a real estate investor? Let’s ask him!

To Listen:

** Transcript Auto-Generated**

(00:00) sorry to condo investors Ottawa rocks that’s where I’m a least fan farewell golf season all listen more on the truth about real estate investing for Canadians greetings investors my name is ran cedo landlord of 40 plus different properties through my career since 2005 realtor since 2010 and together with my team at I real estate we have helped investors transact on close to half a billion investment properties among my clients are 45 Millionaires and multi millionaires and accounting we help them achieve uh this through education and
(00:30) coaching and I get paid because we’re realtor anyways uh that was all hold in Ontario but until around last year uh the writing’s been in neon letters on the wall cash flow is no longer an option for the everyday investor governments of all level let it be known we are not welcome here in the opportunity for better cash flow diversification in the USA and avoiding the LTB or rtb if you’re BC was available along with scalable mortgages in the USA thanks to technology advancements it’s crazy how technolog is making life better anyways
(01:06) sadly we’re uh we’re slowing down many many what’s slowing down many many canans investing in the south is they’re holding pre and new construction condos some of them are houses as well but uh yeah they’re all pretty tough the options aren’t great for those who are holding those types of properties especially those who lost their jobs uh I had a new new condo investor share with me this just this past weekend he owns a beautiful 300t brand new condo with the lake view uh the property is into GTA and it’s south of south of Lake
(01:38) Shore and has beautiful views he paid $900,000 for it which sounds about right and it only rents for $2,400 it’s outside of downtown so apparently the rents aren’t as good after multiple attempts to redtive over higher prices his original asking price was over $2,800 I believe he said uh and and cut cut down to 2400 is what he’s getting now so after hard costs which means mortgage taxes insurance and condo fees of course he is negative $2,000 a month and that’s before you factor in any sort of vacancy leasing fees bad
(02:14) debt repairs and maintenance so in reality his negative cash flow is significantly much more now not all being real estates are bad I hope this just the show is the truth about real estate investing however it’s harder to find those markets and investors who can execute a quality investment deal if you listen to Andrew hines’s final podcast I recommend that you do I’m experiencing the same thing he is I’ve invited gers onto my show and it’s crickets uh not all of them but for many of them it’s crickets only to find out later there
(02:44) through the news or the graine that some of them are having financial troubles uh even though some of those gurus out there um I I have friends with them on social media uh anyways uh they’re still out there raising capital for their projects or they’re borrowing in hard money loans AKA private borrowing private lending they’re selling courses and coaching Etc they’re running meetups and and speed networking whatevers and they’re turning down exposure on my podcast this is the truth about real estate invest show so what you 17
(03:16) listeners uh faithful listeners thank you for all of you as well uh what you may not know is that before we do record I do ask guests if they’re okay to discuss losses uh both what’s in the news and not in the news I also uh do reference checks on guests of the show uh by contacting people unsolicited like they’re not providing me reference checks I actually don’t even ask for reference checks I’ve been around long enough to know who does business with who uh if nothing else I know people in the in pretty much every real estate
(03:44) market for investment I can just simply dial one of them up and they’ll take my call or return my call anyways uh so I simply contact people in the same markets as them or people I know have done business with them either as a lender borrower as a contractor what have you and uh anyone who’s engaged with business with them and ask them for a reference check as they are potential guest in my show uh most people know how protective I am of my reputation and of my 17 listeners there’s no reason to put you in front of harm that’s not what the
(04:13) show is about if you are out there reference checking folks uh like a coach or you want to invest with somebody whatever feel free to check them out check out if they’ve been on the show before now being on the show is not an endorsement by any means nor is it a condemnation that they haven’t been on the show uh we we are not perfect I am not perfect uh I’ve lost money too uh anyone who says they haven’t lost money is lying to you and there are those people out there who who coach and and raise money and say they’ve never lost
(04:41) money anyways uh I’ve actually added we’ve actually added show into show notes of some past guests of the show who are being sued or are bankrupt or going bankrupt or in the news so we’ put those links in the show notes uh and I digress so if you know good people that that you think should be on the show encourage them to come on the show or recommend reach out and recommend them yourself I’m always happy to interview good people who are good investors who know how to protect their client’s best interests if nothing else I really enjoy
(05:11) shining a light on the good people in this industry in order to nothing if nothing else we can cut out the bad operators speaking of good people who has nothing to sell you today it’s always fun to have a non-real estate professional in the on the show today’s guest is my good friend and past client Adam Johnson ready for it he’s got a lot of letters behind his name CPA CA you know those are the accounting designations this is one that’s not so common cbv for chartered business evaluator and CFA chartered financial
(05:42) analyst so uh Adam who at the time was my youngest client at the and we talk about that he didn’t have as many letters beond his name at that time and he’s not your average CPA uh so as mentioned he is a Charter Business valuator and Charter financial analyst making him one of less than 100 people people in Canada with all three designations he even ranked number one in the country on his Charter Business valuator exam uh but really sets him apart is his hands-on experience with one of Canada’s biggest investment Banks
(06:12) Banks Banks they say that right Banks where he analiz stocks and work directly with Equity Traders so these are people who make money dealing with stocks uh investor money big investor money which prepared him nicely for a long career uh in business valuations now Adam’s expanding his investing to the US after Ontario deals made no longer made sense uh and he’s the founder of synthesis valuations he’s he opened that business quite a while ago and he’ll detail that in the interview uh where he provides top tier evaluation reports for
(06:43) everything from mergers to shareholder disputes not we recorded this episode on September 17th so that was before the most recent pair of hurricanes Helen in Milton that devastated Florida the deadliest Helen was the deadliest for uh hurricane to make landfall in Katrina since 2005 uh each each uh the combined damage from the two hurricanes is hundred billion that’s $50 billion each for context uh for context that major storm that passed through Toronto in the summer had uh it caused 1 billion in damage so between
(07:20) these two hurricanes that’s a 100 times more damage my thoughts and well wishes are with Florida I’ve linked I obviously sourced all my resources so I’ve links in the show notes on the article to back up the $50 billion damages per uh per hurricane uh for your business valuation needs Adam’s website is synthesis valuations.
(07:44) com now what’s someone with so much stock in business valuation skill doing being so overweighted in real estate investing let’s ask Adam please enjoy the [Music] show hi Adam what’s keeping you busy these days well I think before I came out here I was working on a couple of different valuation files for a few companies that I’m valuing but also getting caught up on some news that I think actually is pertinent to uh many of your audience members who are Real Estate Investors or looking to be Real Estate Investors because we’re on a sort of interesting news day recording
(08:29) this September 17th where new inflation data just came in mhm and we also got the news about extending amortizations to 30 years for all firsttime home buyers in Canada and raising the insurable limit right yes for insured mortgages from one1 million to $1.5 million so there’s actually a couple of headlines I was digesting before I was on my way out here and then you know come from the context of someone who looks at the states like $1.
(08:58) 5 million and because I say to friends all the time who are who who you know like talking about real estate a lot of nice cities in the States you can buy Mansion for a million you can buy 4,000 foot house for a million or less than a million or less than a million yes but like it’s crazy everything’s crazy actually I just wanted to check what the bond prices were doing with the inflation rate yeah just tell tell talk about the inflation rate so you can fact check me on this spot but I believe inflation came in at 2% which is the lowest that’s been since
(09:31) early 2021 before inflation started to spike um a little bit softer than what I think most Bank economists were expecting or at least the average of Bank economists um and I think that will be welcome news for anyone hoping that interest rates set by the Bank of Canada will continue to Tren Trend downward excuse me yeah it’s interesting the bond rat’s actually up today Bond rates are up today oh I am surprised to hear that they must corrected the last few days the last few days they were down and then actually came up well I don’t
(10:05) know how much of that would be influenced as well by sort of Canadian Bond Traders having to figure out what the Federal Reserve is going to do because they have a big decision happening tomorrow as well um so that might have played into it as well and funny enough the Dollar’s flat today so it looks like the market kind of looks like they kind of knew this was coming interesting good well good job market now I having you on the show cuz you are a valuation expert that’s a very few words to describe your actual impressive history experience
(10:45) level tell tell us a bit about yourself sure so I run a Consulting advisory firm called synthesis valuations and quite simply I am in the business of valuing businesses um you can think about it in simple terms like that um as Real Estate Investors I think we’re all familiar with real estate appraisers and the work that they do you want to go buy a house or evaluate a property they give you an appraisal report they look at comparables um really valuing a business is sort of built on a lot of the same principles but the key difference is
(11:21) there’s a lot less uniformity among how businesses look right I mean um a pharmaceutical company with an early stage of drug is going to be valued differently than a manufacturing business and it’s going to be valued differently than you know a holding company with a that portfolio of Investments and so as business valuators we are trying to look at different data points and try to triangulate how much is something is worth um when we’re not in the context of a publicly traded stock and we don’t have a good indicator of
(12:00) you know what someone would be willing to pay for a business or a piece of business yeah because we Rec reconnected because um my wife asked uh to refer you to a client of ours and it was a a very small business with not a lot of Revenue so I can’t imagine it’s easy an easy job yeah I mean it’s not easy it’s interesting which is why I love doing it um but it’s certainly not easy but just some of the situations that you might see come across my desk right you’ve got transfers of businesses maybe that small business that you were talking about um
(12:40) being handed down from one generation to the Next Generation Um a tax accountant or a lawyer maybe Cherry wants to execute some sort of um tax plan to sort of be most tax efficient the Canada Revenue Agency is going to want to understand what the fair market value of the shares of that company was at that point in time let’s say you’re a partner in a business not publicly traded and one shareholder or one partner wants to buy the other out um they may on friendly terms engage to retain someone like me or there might actually be um a
(13:17) contractual clause in their shareholders agreement saying that they need to retain someone like me in the event that one is going to buy out the other’s interest divorces these get messy but where you have have a family business a privately owned business in many cases that forms part of the family assets or the family property that needs to be divided for Equalization um you will often excuse me see someone like me get involved to sort of establish what the fair market value is for that purpose and then lastly this is probably more applicable
(13:55) to public companies but there are many cases just for counting financial reporting requirements where a company who maybe has a subsidiary company or has completed a business acquisition of some sort and they need to look at the fair value of the assets they have acquired I do a lot of work in that space as well I’m a geek so I like this hearing all this stuff and just for for the customer for the listeners benefit like your background is you have your chared your ca um actually you have other designations don’t you there’s a few
(14:29) letterss yeah you have a CFA as well so you’ve spent a career in school cbv what’s the acronym for so so let’s just run through those quickly so yeah okay so I’m a chartered professional accountant um which I’m sure many of the listeners on this podcast are familiar with what CPA do an accountant yeah an accountant right um that said I don’t do typical public accounting work right I don’t I don’t even do my own tax return so don’t ask me for tax advice plus you have cherry for that that um I then sort of moved on
(15:02) to become a chartered financial analyst or CFA and that’s the designation that you would probably most commonly see used in the world of investment analysis and by that I mean making decisions to buy or sell stocks or bonds uh most equity research analysts working on Bay Street um investment analysts W streight investment analysts working for our Pension funds A lot of them would have that designation and that’s actually what I did for a couple of years was work on a team that put buy sell and hold recommendations on um our universe of
(15:41) stocks that we covered and then lastly the cbv that you asked about that stands for chartered business valuator which really I would argue is sort of the core um professional credential that’s widely recognized by Canadian courts Canadian accounting firms and the CR when it comes to some sort of business interest that needs to be valued in sort of a a notional or theoretical setting MH and you worked at one of Canada’s largest investment Banks so you know investing in valuation quite well I like to think I did yes right and then how
(16:19) did you decide to allocate your Investment Portfolio all stocks all real estate so I guess you could say I sort of believe in all of the above strategy when it comes to what our portfolio should look like I mean I I have stocks and Equity ETFs I have Bond ETFs I have actually some private credit that well simple I think it is offers um all of the things you would typically see in a tfsa or or an RSP or just non-registered Investments but I guess sort of early on in my career and we’re talking 15 years ago um I went down the real estate Road and
(17:03) if we if we looked at my balance sheet right now one could probably argue that I’m a little bit overweight real estate perhaps a lot overweight real estate but um I’m sure on this podcast that’s not gonna that’s not gonna cause too many um eyebrows to be raised I I’ll also add to that you know of the people I know who did really well financially with their investment portfolios it’s over overwhelming the real estate people maybe this is just who I’m surrounded by but yeah yeah no I mean I think I was biased towards real estate right maybe
(17:38) even as early as University you know I read all the books that most Real Estate Investors go on to read I read Rich Dad Poor Dad I read um Don Campbell’s book for Canadians specifically and so I think I was always sort of my mindset was skewed towards owning some rental properties eventually um but then I graduated in 2009 which was an interesting time um for real estate and obviously real estate fell very much out of favor after we were in the midst of a financial crisis and the US housing market had just suffered its most catastrophic
(18:20) losses quite possibly ever I’m not sure you can that’s I’m sure it’s up there yeah yeah and so you know when I was fresh at a university I had the opportunity to buy a condo downtown Toronto and really it was just sort of an easy decision for me when I looked at the cost to rent versus the cost to own just even as my primary residence we’re not even talking rental properties at this point in time it was about the same so would I rather rent for that price or would I rather own for that price and start deleveraging over
(18:55) time and paying off my mortgage over time m i chose to own and that’s sort of where it all started I there’s so many questions I want to ask cuz again we’ve qualified you as an expert in valuation I feel like I’m in a witness stand in court now yes you are this is a this is a contestes I mean that’s that’s what they say when they qualify people as experts at would you do the same deal today the same deal to purchase that first condo but at today’s prices though at today’s September 17th 2024 no um or at least it would be very difficult to
(19:36) do um the math looks very different right I mean I still own that condo so let’s actually just take it as an example because it’s real numbers I mean I paid $290,000 for that condo in 2009 I think the last bank appraisal that I did in 2021 when I did a refi on it mhm came in at $690 mhm I think when I bought it in 2009 sort of the the prevailing rent or maybe the cost to own would have been something like $15 or $1,600 a month and right now the rent on it is $2,800 and that’s what current the current residents are paying yeah which
(20:25) is actually at Market because that just turned over in April but I don’t have a a calculator in front of me but I think we can conclusively say that to buy a condo for $690,000 putting really using any sort of Leverage or any sort of debt um you would have to put a lot of equity into that to make that work even if you had the equity though would you do the deal doesn’t make sense financially no I mean if we talk about I mean we can debate about whether we should be using the term cap rate for a small Toronto condo
(21:04) but for your listeners cap rate just meaning like you know the net operating income I as the property owner am taking from that property dividing it by the value let’s do the math right now oh I already have your rent yeld 4. so 2800 right but but you need to dedu condo fees too right I’ve done similar numbers already I yeah so if it’s cons ative your cap rates around two and a half yeah that sounds I was going to say between two and three um that sounds about right to me so I’m not going to dispute that that sounds in the
(21:37) ballpark so why why would you buy a 2 and a half% cap rate condo in Toronto um when you could literally buy a GIC right now or a Government Bond that yields more than that there’s really only one logical reason and you would you would do that um which is if you really feel strongly about using that condo as a hedge against future price inflation which would have to be driven by pretty strong belief that prices are going to continue to appreciate in Toronto after they’ve just had probably their best run um you know
(22:23) up until about 2022 in a very long uh period of time so yes there there’s a good mathematical argument that I should just actually sell that condo and move on um put my Equity elsewhere I decided to keep it really as a matter of convenience I would say right it’s there it had zero vacancy turnover uh or sorry zero days of vacancy when it turned over um in April I can walk to it if an issue comes up so I can actually self-manage that one but if if we were just looking at Raw numbers it would not be MH a great
(23:02) return on investment so tell me about the states you’re investing in the States now why decision to do all that like you’re already like you do quite well sure your comfortable living tal yeah no okay so I guess what did I buy in the states and I guess I’m going to back up here again another 12 or 15 years so I bought that first condo in Toronto um a couple of years later was actually right before I was working in that job analyzing stocks uh renewable energy stocks I was subscribing to we had these things called magazines back then they
(23:45) were like hard copied magazines and I you’re still a young guy too talking about way back when when we had magazines I know but so I subscribed to this magazine called Canadian real estate wealth magazine and I read this article about this guy who dubbed himself Mr Hamilton jerk um and he was sort of explaining at that time and we’re talking fall of 2011 I think it was the investment thesis for Hamilton and I was actually finally at that point ready to buy you know a true rental property not just one that I lived in
(24:23) but one that I was going to buy and rent out purely as an investment and I made a cold call to Mr Hamilton we went out one Saturday I think looked at three listings in Hamilton and that same weekend I put in an offer to buy one of them so that was in 2000 that closed in January 2012 remember what we paid for it I should $1,000 for a semi detached house in a you know modest but reasonably nice um called the sack yeah on the mountain yeah the mountain yet I still have that property as well and so that’s sort of
(25:01) what gave rise to investing in the US was I didn’t really do a whole lot in Canada between that uh purchase in 2012 onward in part because oh at least you did well I did well um and I was also really at that point CU that post is 600,000 today probably something like that yeah nice triple yeah exactly um I had been you know thinking about starting my own business which I did in 2016 I remember that conversation right and so at that point my focus became on making sure I had enough liquidity to start a business which is at odds with
(25:41) real estate investing but I what I will say about that nice house in Hamilton is that it it’s the gift that keeps on giving I mean I refinanced it in 2015 to take a little bit of equity out which gave me a bit of liquidity buffer to actually start that business right sort of allow me to take that risk um yeah your investment property financed your your new business in a way yeah and then if we fast forward to 2020 when the pandemic started that’s sort of when the idea of actually investing in the states took hold for a couple of reasons M um
(26:19) one like everyone I was stuck at home um in in what I guess was a new Prime newish primary residence um downtown Toronto when I turned that first condo into a rental and I was I found myself you know spending an inordinate amount of time on Zillow searching through listings in different markets different cities sort of as like a virtual Escape when it was really difficult to travel right or or pretty much impossible to travel and then that’s sort of when the you know the wheels started turning I could very quickly just look
(26:59) at certain rent to price ratios in different markets and then I thought about it and to your point about cap rate that we were talking about earlier at this point that first condo in Toronto was close to being paid off or or you know almost paid off the Hamilton Mountain House had a pretty modest mortgage even after the refinancing and so I had access to quite a bit of equity on which my return was really not that great right like just on a pure cash on on market value of equity perspective and so I I thought more
(27:39) seriously about actually taking some of that equity and putting it South of the Border and it wasn’t really that much of a leap for me because you know at this point i’ had been used to managing a manager managing a property manager that is in Hamilton um I’d learned a few things about you know the challenges that come along with owning real estate as a direct investment uh and really to me managing that manager um from you know a thousand miles away wasn’t really that much more daunting than managing the manager and
(28:26) Hamilton other than understanding and giving myself a good understanding of the crossb nuances between Canada and us which there are several is that a hard you are an accountant oh I mean it it took me some time to get there but yes I was able to get to the point of comfort to actually take the leap so in June of 2021 I bought my first property in the US which was a A Beautiful 2006 bill build 1827 Square ft um three bed two bath house in a pretty nice subdivision didn’t need a lot of work in Fort Worth Texas oh or work okay so Dallas’s
(29:18) neighbor yeah yeah it’s sort of a forgotten sister city um it was a little bit obviously 2021 was a super hot Market in most places in North America just because of where rates were I mean if you were in American you could get a 30-year fixed mortgage for 2 or 3% um prices were shooting up I think I actually bit on seven houses before I bought this one oh was that hot eh and and Fort Worth was a little bit cooler than Dallas interesting and so still got the numbers to work but I pulled the trigger on that and it gave me me
(29:58) relatively few headaches and so I kept going with a couple of more can I ask you how much you paid for the hose so that was $292,000 us okay just to repeat though for listener’s benefit 2006 Build 8 1,827 foot three bedroom two bath now I thing about American houses their bathrooms are big yeah they are I think this had like a nice Soaker tub in it right and double syn yes yeah so so a six-piece bathroom I believe so yes yeah I actually was clarifying that with my home inspector the other day like oh yeah I have a six-piece bathroom in my
(30:36) rental property I don’t have that in any of my houses yeah no it’s not something you’re going to see here right but I mean land prices in Fort Worth are also a lot lower than they are given that you’ve got this geographically unconstrained land mass on which you can build whereas we have you know natural barriers here right we have the green bell we have the lake um there’s we have to build up obviously and and not out in the same way that they do in in the Dallas for Worth Metroplex yeah can I ask what your rent
(31:13) is so it actually just turned over as well as of August 29th but I believe it was at 2300 so the same tenants actually stayed there for three years MH and good yeah and took I looked at the move or move out inspection photos took really good care of it fantastic and so it started out lower than that like it wasn’t 23003 years ago but we did gradually get it up there and then was a b was it pretty effortless pretty painless that one was pretty effortless right so it does I mean it’s part of an HOA some HOAs are
(31:54) more annoying than others as I’ve uh found right so condominium board yeah yeah yeah exactly so it’s still like a it’s it’s a detached house but you’re still subject to sort of the rules around how to keep your lawn looking what type of shrub you can have I don’t think this HOA the rules are quite so stringent um there is another HOA that I dealt with that is much more of a pain to deal with in that respect but um there’s an easy workaround for that which is don’t buy a house that’s part of an HOA but this one was yeah of of
(32:29) the four us properties that I have this has been the most headache free for sure very nice yeah we we’ve had issues in Hamilton for example the condos uh I don’t know if we’re if invest us investors are being just targeted but they were just heavy-handed like um just how immediately the the uh enforcement notes came for like putting your recycling garbage bin back mhm yes right just uh yeah it seems heavy-handed anyways so the US investment been going well yeah I mean it’s I’ve done four now they all are very different well two of
(33:05) them are the same but I characterize them as being different and it’s sort of with each one I’ve embraced a little bit more risk and we can sort of talk about the consequences of some of that risk but let’s talk about it um one of them is in Florida is not two are in Florida so let’s back up and and get to the journey of how I ended up in Florida so after you know for that very first one I was sort of just in my mind dipping my toes in right um and then I sorry done quite well 2200 on a 292 property yeah it it
(33:40) was a solid buy um I didn’t I didn’t get a screaming deal on it like I think the bank appraisal yeah I had to fight for it I think the bank appraisal came in at 295 so maybe I walked in with who $2500 in um built-in Equity or something but that was dipping my toes in right I wanted to really try this experiment I put in very little of my own money because I used Equity from a heok I think on the Hamilton Mountain has is my down payment 30% and got 70% loan of value from a US lender and so it was really a 100% debt
(34:20) financed deal um and after it went okay maybe about six months later I I decided to dip my toes in again stuck with the same Market um this time it was a little bit more of a risky Buy in that it came from a wholesaler actually um but again it was a similar story different city Denton Texas which is a little bit more to the Northwest home to University of North Texas that was a 2300 square foot for bed 2 and 1 half bath um built into 2007 was actually a little bit I’m going to say less nice on the inside than the first one just I think
(35:07) it had been an investment property for longer the owner I think was just tired landlord Adam can you bring up can you bring up um Denton Texas on the on the screen I’m a visual person yeah sure it’s trouble so we have two Adams in here t y just like it sounds Texas for the benefit we are U we do have a screen and we post this on YouTube as well so shout out to our YouTube channel real estate that’s name oh wow that’s pretty holy cow that looks like nice can you click on the map Adam not even airport wow what is this
(35:56) building here I actually wait have you been there I’ve been I’ve been to I’ve been to the house I haven’t been to this building wow so the key the key to this house the reason the reason for the buy was the school district it was located in in Denton and yeah so your Greater Dallas Fort Worth it’s still yeah still commutable distance to DFW but to the north yeah yeah um but it is sort of a city and it’s a small City in its own right um but Americans are all about their school districts right and so I did actually sort of vet this and
(36:35) research this and talked to a couple people that this was a quite desirable School District as was the first one actually interesting yeah because I was looking North as well like mckin and up to Sherman as well right so I’ve I’ve actually I went to Sherman last year on a a property tour where a company with um sort of marketing new builds but yeah I’ve never shman is uh depends what you’re buying I guess dep what you’re buying like just for my my target was to stay under 300 the more under 300 the better but it’s really hard to find a new build
(37:12) around like under that oh yeah no I agree with that and so this second one in Denton was I had to go a little bit above 300 because in that second six months of 2021 prices continued to go up um so I think that that one was about 3 316 was what I paid for that one mhm and what’s it renting for it is currently renting for 202 which 2200 which is actually down a little bit from the first one and I think it was really a time of year effect um unfortunately the previous tenants decided to sort of leave late fall I
(37:58) sort of missed a good chunk of the rental market and so I was willing to concede a little bit to get somebody in there um last January but still compared when you when you take that rent to price ratio um compare it to what we see Canada up here it’s a different story that said I will say this about Texas I do think those were two decent buys um I like Texas or say Texas as a whole Dallas for worth um attracted me for you know a number of reasons right the rental price ratio we talked about um it’s the number two choice of reats for
(38:38) markets right yeah I mean Invitation Homes which owns 84,000 houses in the US has I I actually was looking at this this morning out of curiosity I looked at their data for the last eight quarters they were net buyers um in the Dallas area so that gave me some peace of mind um Diversified economy like when I went to Texas I did not want a Houston which to me just seemed a little bit too exposed to um oil and gas and also a bit more exposed to hurricanes as well MH you know DFW we’re gonna get to Florida we’ll get to Florida right um
(39:19) DFW its economy is a bit more Diversified right like I think it’s something like 20 of the um 500 companies are headquartered somewhere in the Metroplex and it’s across Industries right you’ve got American Airlines Southwest Airlines AT&T I believe there there Texas Instruments um messen I believe is there if I’m not mistaken and so it just it made a lot more sense but the one thing Sor just add to that outside of tal you won’t find that in Canada right in terms of economic diversification or even just that many that number of forun 500 head
(40:01) offices oh yeah 100% um and actually if we’re talking about Toronto as a financial Capital um one interesting read I had in the Wall Street Journal recently is that JP Morgan Chase now employs more people in the state of Texas than it does in the state of New York um they’ve moved another camp or opening another campus there and so gfw is actually sort of becoming a regional Financial Hub in its own right so those are all the things I like about DFW so you’re using your valuation skills to make sure you have a
(40:37) good investment yeah I think that’s I think that’s more actually just real estate fundamental Common Sense yeah I I don’t think that takes evaluator to figure that part out where the evaluator cab comes in would be the thing I don’t like about Texas and I’m sure you found this after owning a place in San Antonio is the property taxes yeah mine’s like 5,000 what your so on that $292,000 house in Fort Worth the 2024 tax bill was $8,400 cuz one other thing that I found and and for context that is more than I pay on my primary residents in Toronto
(41:15) which I paid more than a million dollars for last year and what I found is that compared to impac in Ontario where I think we actually take it for granted and we get a little bit lucky mhm they take a very long time for tax appraised values to catch up to Market Val right yeah forever the tarant county property assessor and tax collector and the Denton County property assessor and tax collector I can say with some hindsight and certainty are very fast to recalibrate those two things so seems like sounds like it’s annual yeah and so
(41:56) they see that the property has changed changed hands for $292,000 in 2021 they’re not giving you the benefit of the doubt that it was you know last impac assessed in 2020 for something well below that they’re going to actually look at the property records see that that transaction took place and Market to that and so that that is unfortunately just one of the things about Texas as a whole and certain other states but wait are you you going to fight it prices have come down have they not I could probably protest that one in
(42:34) um tarant County if I really wanted to um the Denton County one I think is probably closer to being right in my opinion because I think I think the tant county the Fort Worth one I think was tax appraised for 370 which I don’t think it would sell for right now I think it would be more like 350 345 so I don’t know what do the maap 345 over 370 time 8,400 is that worth my time fighting some tax assessor maybe maybe not much time I’ll get to it so shar’s actually gonna fight on my behalf for mine sorry sh Shar is gonna fight on
(43:13) yeah I mean if you if you’ve got somebody to do it for you then I would say sure go do do it for me but I but I make my living selling my time too so for a lot of money well yeah I I I know what I know what a unit of my time is worth and I haven’t gotten around defending my Taran County property taxes may just poke your pm and see if they provide that service I don’t believe they do I have a pretty Bare Bones PM in DFW if I’m being honest I mean they do um eviction protection they’ve done a pretty decent job on the Fort Worth
(43:50) one the the Denton one I just say as I said about an HOA that’s a bit more aggressive that would be the one in Denton um so I have to get them sort of more involved to remind the residents to bring in the trash bins just like you said and you know I think they have somebody sort of driving around the streets every day just to take a look at things like that so it is the dent one’s more annoying overall than the for worth one um even though it’s was probably might have actually been yeah it would have been a lower price per
(44:26) square foot to buy um so that was late 2021 oh sorry I just want to get some context actually your your prices are still going up even though you bought you had to fight for your property interesting I mean the party was still going on when I got in in 2021 right um they didn’t I don’t think they really peaked until mid 2022 when Central Bank interest rates and so both sides of the Border started going up um so in that sense time did a little bit of work for me in probably the six to 12 months um between when I bought those and when
(45:10) sort of the peak happened and and prices started retreating a little bit right but you’re up like 60 Grand on a 292 property yeah and it didn’t it didn’t take that long to get there now you must be pretty happy then I I was pretty happy with that one yeah you know Le less happy with the dent one but very happy with the first one cuz it was it was still when things were going up um and I sort of knew that I had a I I could see right after losing it on seven properties before that but also be trying to be careful and prudent
(45:42) not to overpay um that the the legs of the party probably still had a little bit more to go before the music stopped so to speak is the same property manager between the two properties yes yes so that’s nice at least you can consolidate that way it’s one conversation rather than two agreed and the you know obviously being in a big metro area like that you’ve got access to a lot of property managers should you feel the need to change make a change and that was one thing I kept in mind as well when I was looking at where to buy first
(46:21) was I wanted access to a slew of property managers which in a huge metro area like that is obviously not an issue that’s one of the big differences between the States and Canada is uh property manager met property management companies in the states actually have resale values actually you’re the perfect person to comment on that because that’s what I hear based what I’m seeing like I hear about private Equity firms putting money into property management companies in the states I don’t know if I’ll see that here in Canada ever not not anyone I
(46:56) know in the community oh you just mean in terms of like the significance of property management as a sort of sub industry in the United States it just seems to be a viable business versus uh it’s just you don’t really see anyone scale here locally because it’s there’s not enough cash flow and it’s too difficult to tenant profile tenant relationship business relationship with your customer yeah now as as a business valuator I would actually say that a property management business is pretty challenging right you’ve got M unless
(47:27) can get that growth that unit growth it is all about scale right you’ve got razor thin margins and so I think to do it well in the 21st century um the firms that are able to be competitive in pricing right having a pretty good technology platform that’s like a gien that’s table stakes and just figuring out how to sort of deploy a limited number of Human Resources MH across a a broad geography so in fact it’s a different company that I use in Texas and in Florida two different companies but both of them operate in several Metro areas
(48:08) and you might be talking to somebody on say an accounting question or a property maintenance question and if they’re just coordinating something behind the scenes they might not even be in that same Metro um which has its pros and its cons but I understand that having having sort of looked under the hood and seeing financial statements of a property management company and also just using some commercial common sense it is a very difficult business to make money in and you don’t really get to the point of profitability until you get
(48:43) hundreds if not thousands right of units do you know how many houses under management your property management company has I know it’s not yours but the one that you’re yeah no we I’d actually be curious to look that up I mean I know the the one in Texas probably does at least a thousand um and that’s a good number just in Texas are they just in Texas no I’m saying like they they’d have to do at least a thousand across a few Metro areas I don’t know how many they have in Dallas Fort Worth hundreds in Dallas Fort Worth for sure I don’t
(49:16) know whether they cross that threshold just in Dallas for worth um and then the Florida company I was actually down there last week to meet the maintenance and and also sort of turn it into a you know somewhat of a time away for fun her team had just in the cape CR Fort Myers area um 300 herself and I think she had a counterpart who probably did another 200 so I think they had a bit 500 which makes me think this company in Dallas W worth I would not be surprised if they got well over a thousand in Dallas worth
(49:57) right this this is all interesting CU we haven’t actually talked about this off camera so this is all this is all I’m learning here too and hopefully the lessener is getting benefit from this as well uh the smallest property manager that we’ll use at share is uh 3,000 houses in that City okay yeah so you know when when we’re talking about property manager we’re talking about different scales and context so you know a PM company with 3,000 houses under management that City it’s probably worth something right oh as a business yeah I
(50:25) mean if you’ve scaled to having that many let’s call them contracts because that’s I guess really what they are month-to Monon contracts recurring income yeah we we you know in business valuation speak if we were looking through this or at this through the lens of uh accounting standards and a business combination we probably say that there is some commercial Goodwill associated with those contracts or those customer relationships so I agree I mean it’s different than just one person who manages you know a dozen or two dozen units on their own
(51:05) for individual investors which are all you know all over the place but um I I agree with you that there are a lot of like I was sort of overwhelmed by choice when I was interviewing property managers and in DFW because there were just a lot interesting and then how is that were they were they like wanting your business or were they like yeah I mean they because here’s so different no they they were like the one company had a full-time like business development manager whose job it was to bring in okay business so yeah they they were
(51:44) aggressive and wanting clients right yeah because you’re property manager do they have such such such roles in divisions between responsibilities yeah no he he was a full and you know he pitched himself as I’m an investor too right like he talked about his his units that he owned and how they manage him so it was very much the at least perception that they were trying to sell of we’re investors too we’re not just managers but wow they had they had a person just in business development oh yeah again I’d have never seen this in a
(52:20) local like the no I mean this team yeah like would it surprise me if they had 3,000 units under management like the sort of threshold you look for no it wouldn’t because to support that sort of headcount you would need to be there I think but even like your Florida PM 2 300 houses under management yeah like unheard of well and and that’s that’s in a relatively smaller metro area too right that’s for Myers which is somewhere I think between half a million and a million people depending on where you set the boundaries
(52:57) is it that many I didn’t even know that Fort Myers yeah okay you want to talk about Florida yeah let’s talk about Florida so you know let’s sort of fast forward to 2022 okay so after the the Texas after after Denton which was December 2021 um I was having a little bit of fun with this and it was Omron happened is that right that would be that would be just Fort Meers if you okay if you Google um Cape C Fort Meers MSA okay so Fort Meers is 96,000 population as of 2022 I thought it was that sounds low to me but again cuz
(53:39) you’re all looking at [Laughter] tourists are we are we going to find the population of uh so it looks like 760,000 yes that that sounds about right to me yeah that’s actually pretty big it’s grown a lot over the years um which I think has been a help and a hindrance at the same time but if we fast forward to 2022 um you know I had these two single family rentals they were still even at those prices still fairly hard to cash flow just because I was basically buying them with 100% debt right um so that was more of a capital structure
(54:29) not advising anyone to do these things no that that was more of a capital structure issue than that they would have cash flowed if I actually put the 30% down in cash yes um so I was sort of actually let’s dig into that so why why why would you do that then why would I do that okay so in business valuations we have this concept called a firm’s optimal capital structure right um I like this show well it’s like I’ll take myself back to fourth year strategy class in University where we had to play this computer simulation game and one of the
(55:06) things we had to control as the you know fictitious executive management team was how much debt the company was was taking on and there’s sort of this concept in in financial Theory right that there’s sort of a a graph that’s like a semi a vertical semicircle um in that there’s benefit to adding debt to a business to a certain extent if you’re trying to maximize value for shareholders right um Deb you’re the shareholder in this case yeah yeah I was yeah shareholder my my own little real estate portfolio but even if we apply
(55:47) that principle to business debt is cheaper right in a theoretical sense it is quote cheap cheaper to borrow from the bank than it is to get somebody to invest equity in a business typically because Equity comes with a higher risk right the bank would get repaid first in the event that a business or a property goes belly up and then investors are left holding whatever’s left over so Equity investors typically demand a higher rate of return than a debt lender would MH so you’ve got that element you’ve got the fact that interest on debt for a
(56:30) business or for a rental property is tax deductible so that makes the debt even cheaper and as long as you can you know use debt as a practical tool without using too much of it there’s sort of an optimal point where a business can service its debt use that capital to grow but not overburden itself with too much debt such that you know making Debt Service payments comes at the expense of investing into growth projects or anything else right and so when I when I S just pause you there like what you just explained there is
(57:14) what how pretty much all of our clients got ahead and made millions or multi-millions in real estate and at the same time this there’s this current group of investors who went well past that uh they were they weren’t borrowing cheap money from the bank they were borrowing money from private individuals along with lender fees and much higher interest rates no exactly right there there’s a sweep spot where you can use it responsibly and enhance your returns as an equity investor yeah Sweet Spot enhance your returns yes yes
(57:45) that’s that’s sort of what I think a textbook would say um and yes I had used debt right 12 or 15 years before when I bought that hair on the mountain or when I bought that condo in Toronto most of it was paid off a good chunk of it was paid off and so I had two properties and I I suspect your listeners may be um familiar with the concept of loan to value right they should if they’ve ever gotten a mortgage before right so right at this point because of how much the Toronto condo from 2009 and the Hamilton house from 200 12 had
(58:28) appreciated and the debt balance had gone down over those 12 or 15 years because your tenant was paying your mortgage essentially I now had a very low loan to value ratio on those two properties your mortgage is very small Rel in relation to the current value of the property correct like they were probably worth around that time let’s say one point three million and I probably had combined mortgages of 200,000 right and so what what’s my loan to value on that we can pull out of our phone I think your Equity was 1.1 that’s
(59:13) my mind went well there’s that too but but what was that Equity doing at the time not it was sitting there it was kind of idle so what my loan to value ratio would have been 15% the business valuator and me knew that I could afford to if I looked at the portfolio as a whole and that’s how I looked at it as opposed to a property by property basis I could probably afford to lever up and add some debt if I wanted to grow right if I wanted just to sit back and maximize my quote cash flow then I should have sold and bought properties in cash but at
(59:50) this point I’m still working I hope to be working for a good number of years yet and have a decent amount of sort of career Runway ahead of me and wasn’t necessarily relying on real estate for cash flow just yet my mind sort of shifted more to how can I use this equity and grow REM me again how old were you when we met 28 I was 24 when we met in 2011 so yeah okay now I remember now because you held the record of our youngest client for quite some time I guess I was knocked off my drown at some point yeah then jokan got you I
(1:00:28) think it was 21 or 22 oh yeah that would do it so yeah 22 was the Toronto condo and then I think 24 was the first true rental and then a good sort of decade of nothing and then 35 sort of realizing well this Equity is sitting there MH my business my valuation business was more at a point where I felt more comfortable adding a bit more financial risk to my real estate investing sort of lined up with the timing of when I started looking in the states and that’s sort of why I decided to add as much debt as I did your
(1:01:11) journey to uh buying at least for the states actually most of our clients were very similar very tiny mortgages on their principal residences that’s why they felt comfortable Levering up so just to provide the listener context on who in reality who the everyday investor really is almost nobody has cash um almost everyone’s using or using existing or creating new home equity lines to to invest yeah responsible way to do it yeah no like but Equity can be used as a powerful tool if we think about that Hamilton Mountain House it gave me
(1:01:45) liquidity when I needed M to start a business right I at least had the foresite to refinance that before I quit my job to start my business credit yeah had you know you had income toal when I was lendable um but then I dialed it back for several years while I was building that business because believe it or not building a business from scratch is actually kind of hard and the first couple years weren’t necessarily as rosy as I would have liked but then I got to a point where I felt comfortable adding more leverage to the
(1:02:25) real estate portfolio mhm to grow that let’s call it $1.3 million of asset value into something bigger um so that hopefully down the road that will provide a you know a good piece of the foundation of the whole Investment Portfolio when you go when I go back to your original question of how do I choose to allocate my money um I’m now probably back to being overweight real estate MH compared to what most CF would probably tell me to do but what would a cfp tell you to do well I mean I think most a lot of cfps think more in
(1:03:04) the world of build an 8020 or 6040 portfolio of equities and fixed income and call it a day which isn’t wrong there’s benefits to doing that it’s more liquid it’s less risky it takes takes zero effort um but I also think you know it’s it’s more volid and you can’t use any leverage to do it that way yeah I’ve mentioned it many times a show uh without leverage real estate’s not that great an investment no and you’ve probably said this but I’ll just repeat it yeah please the expert right I mean sure what if if the
(1:03:46) average uh price appreciation for houses longterm is 2% I’m just making up a number I actually don’t know what it is 2% and you know a a 7030 Equity Bond portfolio can get you 7% you should go for the 7% right no not necessarily if you were buying a a a house in cash and earning 2% on that like if you bought that $690,000 condo today with cash then it probably doesn’t make um a great investment out of the gate but if you’re buying a property with some leverage with let’s say 25% down I don’t know what terms your us borrowers are getting
(1:04:45) or your Canadians um borro in the US are getting right now but let’s say 25 or 30% down that 2% asset appreciation so long as the cash that the property is cash flow break even that 2% asset appreciation would therefore be 8% Equity appreciation because you only put in 25% so 2% Time 4 is 8% I think that’s where a lot of people get mixed up reading articles in the financial press of you know real estate isn’t a great investment agree if you’re adding no leverage to the mix um and you’re just accepting that 2% price appreciation and
(1:05:34) getting no cash flow and and and and let me show you something ad can you Google dig capitalist $100 asset that should find me what I want visual visual capitalist yeah that’s the first one then keep searching for add $100 to it $100 you need dollar sign so I love this chart you already blocked four on this page alone so there a stock market scroll down atam okay so $100 becomes I want to go to go to Real Estate because we’re talking about real estate yeah so uh Cas index says that over a from 1970 to 2023 the US home
(1:06:23) prices have grown 5 and a half% so the average house in the USA average so you and I don’t like being average we’d like to beat it but even if we got an average return of 5 and a half% on the property are you happy Adam if I can use some leverage and turn that 5 and a half% going do something higher 100% leverage but yeah yes yes are you me I would be ecstatic yeah no I mean I am but my time Horizon in in that is very long term right I mean there’s this expression I heard once and I think it’s worth repeating you don’t day trade real
(1:07:05) estate oh expensive right transaction and so when you’re gonna buy it your time Horizon has to be long enough to be worth it MH well the REITs their time Horizon is 10 years right the the typical read is they’ll sell the property after 10 years but their time R is high Horizon’s 10 years yeah this ain’t no flipping this ain’t no you know not even five we’re talking about 10 year right so the mentality of big money big big capitalist money it’s very different than the everyday investor other than you and I 10 years
(1:07:41) is no problem for me no and it’s not for me either I mean so I’m Now 37 so when I went back to the deciding to build more my portfolio again I was 35 34 when I bought that first place in Fort Worth and again I I I think that time’s sort of going to hopefully do the heavy lifting for me on those properties in the same way that time did most of the heavy lifting for me um in 2009 and 2012 now are my expectations as high as what they were in hindsight of how the cond in Toronto and the house on Hamilton Mountain were formed from
(1:08:30) 20094 we had historic runs no and so you know I think people just need to be careful and and calibrate their expectations for what’s normal because you know that was not normal 20 yeah 2009 to 202022 so basically I’m going to call it most of my adult life um we saw interest rates move in Only One Direction down we saw real estate prices in Canada and I guess after it recovered in the US move in Only One Direction which was up and I think a lot of people sort of fell into the belief that that was going to sustain itself for the the long run and
(1:09:14) then when higher interest rates kicked in in 2022 the party finally stopped and the music finally stopped at the party sort of like I feared that it would in 2021 but had a little bit of confidence just sort of seeing all the buying activity um that it would continue for a little bit longer and I could at least sort of get into a sound Market um without grossly overpaying and then letting time do its work from that point forward yeah CU again 53e sample here 5 and a half% price increases over over that period
(1:09:48) every year on average on average right yeah no I’ll take that I’ll take that all day I’ll take that um in part also because I think you’ve probably heard this analogy too right I can’t remember where I read it so um apologies to whatever author I’m I’m not attributing this to right now correctly but if you think about real estate investing right um how did this author describe it you’ve got sort of it’s like it’s like a three course meal cash flows or appetizer very hard you know harder to get mortgage pay down principal pay down
(1:10:26) deleveraging whatever you want to call it is the main course just sort of the hold buying and holding the holding is generally what sets people up for success and then appreciation is like the dessert so um if you can buy a property and get 5 and a half% appreciation over a 25 30 year period while that property is being paid off then you’re going after yeah after 25 or 30 years you’re going to be quite quite pleased with that decision I even think back to the days of that Hamilton Mountain House I looked at it more from
(1:11:05) the perspective of and I I didn’t even even though I worked in evaluations at the time I didn’t sit down to actually calculate what my break even rate of return would need to be but if you put 20% down on a house and it breaks even for 30 years or whatever my amortisation was at the time and it pays for itself after those 30 years even if the property doesn’t appreciate I have just increased my invested Capital by a five times right free and cleed offset yeah and then at that point it’s cash flowing so you know it it was sort of a
(1:11:50) fairly easy decision with enough time Horizon to look forward to can we talk about Florida in Florida well we can talk about Florida yeah so I had avoided Florida for the longest time like when I when I was picking my first US real estate investment I ended up in Texas obviously um there were quite literally dozens if not hundreds of markets that you could choose from in the United States right that was actually the hardest part at the beginning was like oh where am I going to start looking because that influences a lot of other
(1:12:28) things like getting financing Property Management like we talked about where to create your limited partnership yeah understanding Market rents whatever I had avoided Florida because of when I bought my first US property which we now know was in the uh Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex I had considered Florida at that point which was 2021 I mean I had some familiarity from going to Florida most March breaks um my aunt and uncle were snowbirds who wintered in in Southwest Florida but I had you know the the phobia or the fear of a hurricane
(1:13:14) hitting my property and uh you know I believe that climate change is real and the number of hurricanes that hit Florida particularly the gulf coast is real and buying a property that was in the potential path of a hurricane was just a bit more risk than I wanted to stomach and so that’s sort of why another reason why I started in Dallas Fort Worth was it hadn’t been quite as prone to extreme weather events in the last several years as the State of Florida had been what was frustrating trading was despite all of the reasons
(1:13:58) not to invest in Florida people continue to move there and you know the party’s still sort of going on to a degree um I think I read projections recently from the state of Florida suggesting population growth of something like 320,000 people per year between 2024 and 2028 um and so in a way it was almost like this is a crowded trade but I almost feel some sort of need to follow the crowd to a degree um and part of it also too is for Canadian borrowers investing in the US one thing you will find is that financing can be a
(1:14:52) bit of a roadblock a bit of a challenge and where I own my two properties in Florida um I was able to work with a great sort of small Community Bank who really did not care about the fact that I was a Canadian without a Us credit score and they’ve been fantastic to work with so everything sort of lined up and then I was also looking for a little just bit of diversification in terms of asset class right I mean in in Dallas Fort Worth I had two fairly nice excuse me single family houses um Florida sort of gave me an opportunity
(1:15:35) to I guess we can say diversify into more true you know multif family in the form of a duplex and then also a seven unit um sort of small apartment building as well which really was underwritten more like a commercial property and a commercial property is actually arguably easier for a business valuator to Value because it’s just a function of net operating income and uh the prevailing cap rate though this was in 2022 when interest rates were already starting to move upward so trying to really nail down what what the stabilized cap rate should
(1:16:21) be was a bit more of a challenge so were you there before before un or after un just before so I yeah so this is my fears of investing in Florida came to fruition um and uh the seven the seven unit building would have closed in May the duplex which was sort of opportunistic and unexpected but it was a listing that I found on Zillow managed by the same management company that was managing the seven unit and long story short was being sold by a guy who had been he he he was a this this is a great story cuz I found I went online saw who
(1:17:02) the owner was but their motivations were for selling and it was a personal trainer and fitness coach who sold nutritional supplements um but I believe that it was concluded that some of his supplements included ingredients that were not totally 100% legal and so in the words of the selling realtor when I called her up one Friday afternoon oh yeah they put him in The Slammer but he’s out now in case you’re wondering and I was like well I wasn’t actually but we H disclosure but yeah but we hammered at a deal that
(1:17:43) closed on September 15th of 2022 and hurricane Ian I believe was maybe 10 to 14 days right after that oh my God and you know at oh yeah it was a slap in the face um and it looked like it was going to go north hit closer to Tampa but at the very last minute took a turn East and um Cape Coral Fort Meers got the brunch of it and I certainly was not spared and all of that but I mean it was a sort of validation of my concern in the first place of the RIS associated with Florida so that last that hit trono and miss
(1:18:26) Saga that was I think it’s approaching a billion in Damages hurricane Ian for context was $13 billion worth of damage yes I believe it was the third most expensive storm in US history and the most expensive storm in Florida’s history H yeah and then how’ that affect your properties so both of them needed new roofs that was the main damage like neither of them are in um flood zones so that that wasn’t the issue it was more wind than water was the problem and for the you know the seven unit building it ended up not
(1:19:09) being the end of the world because when I bought that property um the roof was sort of on its last legs and I was planning I’d already underwritten that I would have to replace that one in the near term and I was actually able to get a little bit of insurance proceeds um that I probably wouldn’t have otherwise gotten on that one to do so but the other the duplex from the inspection I was not anticipating to have to um replace it out of the gate but I did as much of a journey as it was to negotiate with insurance companies in
(1:19:50) one of the most litigious states in America um ended up walking away a little bit out of pocket but not totally scarred I think the I think the bigger long-term issue for Florida and other states prone to naal n natural disasters is just how is the insurance Market going to play out I mean Florida has had a bit of an insurance Price crisis over for the past two years since Ian and that owners insurance premiums have doubled or or tripled in some cases right is that your experience it was my experience that the seven
(1:20:35) unit policy probably close to Triple but that’s not really an Apples to Apples comparison Because the actual coverage expansion increased after we put on that new roof but it was certainly like it it was a huge increase and now I say you know Texas I don’t like the property taxes Florida I don’t like the insurance so pick your poison which one’s worse or find a state that doesn’t have either as a problem yeah that’s why that’s why I’m looking at Kansas City Missouri property tax my property tax on the property I was
(1:21:11) looking at was like, 1500 right or how big of a h how valuable of a house uh 1,200 foot Bungalow um 152,000 sounds pretty good to me yeah off Market rents for 1300 yeah purchase price 152 yeah so you’re almost at that 1% Ru there is a small rental probably like 20 um but again I really like the economic fundamentals of Kansas City Missouri but 5.
(1:21:41) 9% cap rate so that factors in insurance and uh and property tax no I mean that’s about as probably about as good as you’re going to do on a single family house I would think I mean I more for the we have clients getting sevens in the Memphis Tennessee interesting okay bit older house though it’s like 1950s house or 1960s so a bit older um but yeah yeah very good so uh would you do these Florida properties again um I go back and forth on that one right I mean there’s there’s obvious reasons to say no I would never want to do it again but there also some
(1:22:20) reasons to say it was a good learning experience um I developed a very good relationship with this Community Bank um I was able to on the on the seven unit one right it was actually both of them really treated more like a commercial loan and so it was actually a pretty easy approval process I’ve got fairly low rate fixed term debt um for some time it’s being amortized over 20 year period so a good chunk of principle has already been paid down and I guess you know I’m still looking at everything from a portfolio
(1:23:07) wide picture and that over time this will hopefully deleverage um free up Equity or just continue to Del leverage to get to the point that that rental income or a portion of it turns into free cash flow I mean the one thing that the Florida properties got me that the Texas and and certainly the Ontario properties did not was the best rent to price ratio so I mean if we look across the portfolio now I was just doing quick map before I came here gross runs across you know 13 units in separate properties in three
(1:23:57) states or provinces are about 28,000 Canadian now a good chunk of that is in US dollar so that number is going to go up and down with the exchange rate but if I can just sort of let these ride um and pay themselves down that’s $336,000 a year in Gross rents in today’s dollars if I can optimize operating expenses to be about 50% of that then what’s that $168,000 a year I would be quite happy with that if we can just eventually get them paid off over the next you know 15 20 25 years and what do you think you planning
(1:24:45) on any future Investments what do you think your next investment will be I actually think right now my my most rational move is to just sort of wait sit back Del leverage right when when I talked about optimal capital structure earlier I went from having arguably not enough debt on the portfolio in 2021 whatever that was to some might argue the upper boundary of enough or perhaps even too much much so I think you know well the the Curious side of me loves looking at properties looking at new markets going on Zillow um the rational CPA side of my
(1:25:40) brain says probably the best move at this point is to just throw some excess cash flow at a couple of the uh the loans under underpinning everything and freeing up Equity freeing up cash flow um because at this point do I really need to take on that much more risk in my life um the answer is probably not to get to my goals but it all depends on what what every individual’s goals are right I mean um I sort of have an idea in my mind of what I would like my portfolio to be in say the next 15 or so years I can probably cut it off at this point and
(1:26:34) just let the Loans pay down maybe accelerate the pay down of some of them and continue to allocate other money to stocks and bonds as a traditional investing approach as well um but we’ll see ask me in a couple of years and see if I stick to that because I think I probably said that in 202 22 and look what happened I know it’s not exciting for the listeners benefit is though because we have lots of guests who come on and just grow and grow grow and grow but then you know there’s a whole bunch of people losing their shirts because they
(1:27:06) grew into areas during a bad time to grow um now my question would be if you were in buy mode MH where would you invest so because I haven’t been in buy mode for a couple of years now on either oh yeah either side of the Border I don’t know that I’m the best person um to really even give an opinion on this but I guess I can give my my 10 cent or two cent opinion but I mean if we just think at a high level for your listeners particularly looking at the US you’ve got the midwestern markets like the like the St Louis or sorry was
(1:27:48) the Kansas City or St Louis say Kansas City Missouri the Carolina yeah right so you got Kansas City St Louis other Midwestern Market markets are probably going to have better cap rates higher cash flow out of the gate do they have as much appreciation potential as a DFW I honestly don’t know the answer to that question just because I haven’t researched those markets enough to really know um obviously Texas I already talked about I do think the economic fundamentals are there but the property taxes unfortunately just kill the numbers on a
(1:28:27) lot of deals M Florida I’m in no rush to uh deploy any more money into after the you know the somewhat scarring experience the Carolinas have actually been interesting to me because just from very anecdotal small sample sizes when I look at you know rent to price ratios on Zillow while I’m lying on the couch it seems like Charlotte for example North Carolina would be a market that would take a lot of boxes for me and you could probably make a deal work um what I don’t know is just well I I haven’t done enough
(1:29:07) research really on it to happy to share mine with you sorry I happy to share mine with you okay well I’ll you you can share yours in a minute but you know you’re still gonna get a little bit of the the hurricane risk I suppose but not nearly to the extent that Florida would so that’s probably my my piece on the Carolina so I I I think Charlotte could be a viable option if I were to get back in the game but who knows when that’ll be and what will have changed but what what’s your thesis on the Carolina yeah because I was like deal in Savannah and
(1:29:39) the insurance wasn’t that bad I that’s Coastal right so a lot of the Carolinas are coastal as well uh then if you are looking at the Carolinas then you probably want to look near where Toyota is building their next Plant it’s A14 billion investment probably create somewhere around 5,000 or 8,000 new manufacturing jobs so anyone who knows like Honda and Alliston or like Toyota and Cambridge knows what that what that did to their markets wock Ontario what part of what what city is that in I have it in my spreadsheet yeah happy to share it with
(1:30:10) you later um and then OIC the company that manufactures OIC has a $4 billion investment and I think also in North Carolina uh 4 billion investment to create 1,000 manufacturing jobs and uh I’ve heard good things about it um the the weight loss drug yes oh you’re not well no I wasn’t sure if you’re were like I’ve heard good things about the drug itself yeah or the the manufacturing facility where they’re making it I I just the way it came out was kind of entertaining though this is not my field um but again I I have friends in the in the training
(1:30:49) space with patients and apparently it works well and uh you know you offer weight loss in anywhere in North America it’s and it’s if it works there’s a very high uptake on it in the United States anecdotally I believe um and I mean the commercials are catchy right so I had no idea what it was but man they had a lot of money I think they had Super Bowl commercials for probably yeah right uh but then to my point you don’t see this investment in Canada you don’t see an automotive manufacturer putting up 14 billion you don’t see a drug
(1:31:21) manufacturer putting up 4 billion right and those two alone are in the Carolinas okay yeah no that would be intriguing for sure yeah yeah all right any any final thoughts for The Listener like you’re still a young guy and a lot of our listeners are around your age yeah no I think I guess if I were just to sort of summarize some of the things that I’ve some of the themes that we’ve touched on today first one would be time right whether we’re valuing a stock or we’re valuing an OP or we’re thinking about investing in real estate or we’re
(1:31:57) thinking about investing in the form of a small business I would argue that time is actually probably one of the most if not the most variables that can set us up for Success right you know as I said before I let time do a lot of the heavy lifting um in my own real estate investing I hope to continue to be able to do that to your point on age and so you know there’s that saying when you’re investing in stocks time in the market is more important than trying to time the market and I think the same is also true in real estate as well so
(1:32:46) you know regardless of which asset class you’re you’re looking at the longer your time Horizon statistically speaking the better your chances of success so that would be one um number two I probably sound like a broken record but that business valuation concept of of optimal capital structure um thinking about debt as a tool that can be used responsibly to grow I mean I I certainly would not be in the position that I’m in had I not taken advantage of debt when it was relatively inexpensive and I mean I get that we’re sort of at a
(1:33:39) in a completely different era now and things are harder and maybe that means that buying with less Leverage is is the more prudent option than it was you know say two three four years ago but at some point you can calibrate things to make the math work um and and if you’re in a financial position where you have sort of enough cushion to absorb any blows that come your way like a hurricane in Florida for example for example um you’re obviously in a much better spot and so there there is a reason that I hit the pause button
(1:34:22) for about 10 years before I I got back into things a third would be I guess if you’re going to well invest in anything really but invest in real estate invest in stocks being willing to sort of embrace risk and give yourself permission to make some mistakes if you buy a property um I don’t care if it’s the best property the worst property what I can guarantee you is you will probably look back at some point in your investing career and say oh I made a mistake here and if you beat yourself up over it um you’re just sort of diminishing your
(1:35:08) chances of long-term success and I I’ll give you an example here one being that Hamilton Mountain House I think it was not too long maybe a year in the roof on that one went I mean we’ve done the inspection I thought it would hold up for maybe another five years or so but sometimes inspections things don’t according to things don’t go according to plan even compared to an inspection and so it sucked I mean that probably killed the cash flow on that property for that yearh and having come from you know an academic in then a corporate environment
(1:35:49) where we were sort of rewarded for Perfection and for not making mistakes it took me a bit of time to embrace more of a risk mindset and live through that and say okay well this didn’t work out according to plan is it going to kill me in the long term and after I was able to get over that psychological hurdle and think back to that first variable I mentioned which is time I realized a little bit of short-term pain doesn’t change the game plan and that’s how I’m looking at Florida as well right now right if I had if I had looked at that
(1:36:36) new roof in 2013 for the Hamilton Mountain House and let that deterred me from investing and I simply said oh you know on a cash onh basis this year was rough so I’m just going to sell the mountainous and redeploy by the the capital into stocks I’m quite confident I would be kicking myself in 2024 now I I’m not expecting that the next 11 years are going to be like the past 11 years but I do think that having some willingness to make mistakes and learn from them was something that I sort of had to learn um as an otherwise
(1:37:20) fairly perfectionist type person young at the time yeah and and I guess that sort of leads into my last Point too which is just having realistic expectations for people getting started I mean if you’re buying your first investment property in 2024 and you’re listening to this and then 2034 rolls around and you look at that house or that whatever piece of property that you bought and it hasn’t doubled or tripled in value you should not consider consider that a failed investment right the Tailwinds that we had as we’ve
(1:37:58) discussed for the past 15 years or at least as long as I’ve been owning property you know it’s easy to say oh of course this worked out because you bought in 20 2009 or 2012 and you would be right like it it makes it look easier than it actually is real estate investing has some hard moments to it and so I would just encourage people starting to invest to sort of level set their expectations and give themselves enough time so that they can achieve that five and a half percent sort of long run and it truly needs to
(1:38:39) be long run in order to have a a good likelihood of achieving that chart before if you work at the stock number mhm which is the big performer mhm it works out to just over 10 a half% right including dividends for the S&P 500 okay so like Leverage example leverage example of Leverage real estate would beat that W easily yeah you’d be in probably the low 20% range may maybe less than that if you’re a Canadian buying in the US and only getting 30 or sorry 70% loaned value but yeah somewhere what 22% maybe even 25% if you’re lucky 18% if
(1:39:28) you’re not using as much leverage which would probably be the case in today’s environment for uh for us property certainly but we’re also not including mortgage pay down right or cash flow exactly that’s yeah that this is just the dessert piece that I talked about earlier the dessert piece which we’re very happy to consume yeah it’s taste to dessert but oh yeah as you eat your cookie it’s what makes us rich right all right Adam thanks so much for doing this it’s been I think I’ve been bugging you for a while to come on this show I think you
(1:40:02) have no this was fun um it was good to be here hopefully the audience can take something away from this um but I I genuinely am a student of this stuff and love talking about this sort of stuff so it’s been fun where can people follow your journey should we give them your website yeah I mean yeah yeah you you can sort of find my contact info on my webite it’s synthesis valuations.
(1:40:36) com I don’t know if you have show notes or something you can put that in we’ll put in the show notes yeah and then you can also find me on LinkedIn as well if they just search Adam R Johnson they’ll find you Adam N Johnson in fact I think if you go to and Johnson see what pops up no not the English English football player he looks just like it he’s also a convicted felon I believe oh is that a problem at the airport no well no I have an exess carard but 3100 Adam Johnson’s in LinkedIn try try doing Adam Johnson um CA CFA CBB oh yeah those are unique
(1:41:30) identifiers there you go look at all those letters I love the links in the short notes I’m Johnson CPA CA cbv CFA that’s so you’ve proven you’re smart I hope so and then yeah like I guess you just don’t well both in but done well both in real estate and business if you say so sure yeah I don’t know the numbers but you would no I mean I I’m sort of happy with what I have built right I mean real estate investing sort of one piece of it running my Consulting advisory business is the other piece of it um but I think between
(1:42:20) the two I can hopefully over the long term you know build my own destiny and that was sort of the Catalyst for all of it right yeah including quitting your day job and I remember the day you told me you you’re quitting your day job and yeah that was eight years ago that was eight years ago and it’s been a fun eight years and that’s why I was wanting to pull you on the show like real estate gave you the freedom give you the working capital to take that leap it did yeah in that sense that mountain has has been the gift that
(1:42:48) has continued to give because it funded the creation of the valuation firm and it continued to fund the the US purchases down the road so lucky perhaps yes but there’s that saying I’d rather be lucky than good any day of the week and if you can be lucky and also try to be good make smart decisions um take some lumps but still try to minimize your mistakes then that’s sort of the the best case scenario I prefer the definition of luck being the intersection between opportunity and being prepared something like that yes
(1:43:33) all right we’ll leave it there thanks so much for doing this Adam you’re very welcome good to see you thank you for watching if you want to learn how to invest in real estate from scratch my team teaches beginners how to use the number one investment strategy that I personally use in a virtual free training class every month go to investor training.
(1:43:54) com also in the description as well I publish at least two to three videos a week here so subscribe if you want to keep learning from seasoned investors like myself and my guest and if you’re just starting out feel free to ask questions and comment below and I do the best to answer each of those comments and questions myself again if you’re ready to learn the nitty-gritty about real estate investing from a professional investor register for our next virtual class that’s at investor


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Before you go, if you’re interested in what kind of properties I am looking at in the landlord friendly states of the USA please go to for what I consider the best investment for most Canadians, most of the time.

I’ve been investing in Ontario since 2005 and while it’s been a great, great run. I started out buying properties in the 100,000s and now it’s $800,000 to $1,000,000.  How much higher can it go? I don’t know

To me, the remaining potential for appreciation does not match the risk hence I’m advising my clients to look to where one can find rental properties that are affordable range of $150,000 to $350,000 US$, with rents that range from $1,400 to 2,600/month plus utilities.   As many Canadians recognize, these numbers will be positive cash flow and are night and day compared to anything locally. Plus the landlord has all of the rights, no rent control, and income is US dollars which are better than Canadian dollars.

If you don’t believe me, US dollars are better than Canadian dollars, go ask 100 non-Canadians which currency they prefer to be paid in.

So to regain control of your retirement planning.  Go to and check out what great cash flow properties are available in the USA.  

The best part is, my US investments will be much more passive compared to by local investments as I’m hiring an asset manager called SHARE to hand hold me through the entire process.  As their client and shareholder, Share will source me quality income properties, help me with legal structure and taxes, they manage the property manager and insurance provider while passing down to me preferred rates so I save both time and money.  

Share will even tell me when to strategically refinance or sell.  SHARE can even support investors all over the country for proper diversification hence my plan is to own in Tennessee, Georgia, and Texas.  Share is like my joint venture partner but I only have to pay them fees while I keep 100% ownership and control.

If your goal in investing is to increase cash flow, I don’t know of a better strategy for most Canadians most of the time.  One last time that’s to see what boring, cash flowing real estate investing can look like on your path towards financial peace.

This is how I’m going to make real estate investing great again for my family and hope you choose the same.  Till next time!

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This episode is brought to you by me! We don’t have sponsors for this show. I only share with you services owned by my wife Cherry and me.  Real estate investing is a staple in my life and allowed me to build wealth and, more importantly, achieve financial peace about the future, knowing our retirement is taken care of and my kids will be able to afford a home when they grow up.  If you, too, are interested in my systematic strategy to implement the #1 investment strategy, the same one pretty much all my guests are doing themselves, then go visit and register for our next event.

Till next time, just do it because I believe in you.



As a committed advocate for transparent and responsible real estate investment, I want to openly share my involvement with SHARE SFR (Single Family Rental) as an Advisor. I hold an equity position in this company and receive a referral commission for clients I introduce to their services. My endorsement of their business model – focusing on direct ownership of positive cash flow income properties – is consistent with my own personal investing since 2005, is based not only on a professional assessment but also on my personal experience and belief in their approach. Please note that while I stand behind my recommendations, it is crucial for each individual to conduct their own due diligence and consider their unique circumstances before making any investment decisions. As always, my priority is to provide you with honest, insightful, and practical real estate investment education.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race & Achieving Financial Freedom With Tim Tsai

Congratulations Keyspire, Judging award winners, and how slow and steady, winning the race is preferable over the millions and millions of being lost from overleveraged, too fast, too soon, wrong bad timing investing.  All this and more on this week’s Truth About Real Estate Investing Show For Canadians, my name is Erwin Szeto, host/producer of this show since 2016.

I’d like to start off by apologizing to this week’s guest Tim Tsai as we couldn’t get this episode out before the InvestEd Annual Conference for which I was a judge for a category of award winners.  I’m sure the event will be awesome and it will have happened the weekend after you’ll hear this and i’ll detail how great it was next episode 🙂

Congratulations to Keyspire for a successful event. I saw Shaquille O’Neal and he’s such a nice guy.  More importantly I got to connect with the many many, kind members of Keyspire, coaches, staff, partners.  The feedback on our efforts to make USA investing as easy as possible were well recognized.

My friend Scott Dillingham, owner of Lendcity USA and Lendcity Canada had a booth too and as you’d expect, real estate investors who have analysed deals in Canada understand the opportunity to diversify their investments in the USA, it’s just not easy without a team and financing which we at Share and Lendcity USA provide.

Scott and on the behalf of Share I can say we’re excited to help more keyspire members and members of any investor organization invest in the USA.

P.S. Join us at the hybrid workshop this Saturday, October 19th, 2024 at 9 AM – 12 PM EDT where we’ll dive deep into everything you need to know about creating steady, passive income from U.S. real estate—without being a hands-on landlord. 

You’ll learn how to identify cash-flowing properties and get tax advice on the legal and tax structures essential for cross-border investors from Cherry Chan, CPA, CA. Scott Dillingham will also be sharing insights on financing options available to Canadians.

In-person tickets are sold out 🔥, but there’s still time to grab your virtual spot before it’s too late!


Slow and Steady Wins the Race & Achieving Financial Freedom With Tim Tsai

Speaking of investor organizations, we have the co-founder of Trust Your Talent, Tim Tsai returning to the show after a two year hiatus from the show. Tim’s members include 150 who have achieved some level of financial freedom, including the first level which is to have one’s monthly expenses covered by the cash flow from their investments.

That’s a lot of people Tim and co-founder Rey have directly coached and mentored but he’s not alone as past guests of this show Vince Lee and Brooke Shang are past members and now coaches of Tim and Rey’s group.

Tim is back this week to share what has worked for his own portfolio including what has not worked, when he saw red flags and was able to avoid damage unlike the many who have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in private lending in small towns, high leveraged, too much, too fast, too complicated investments.  However Tim’s members have survived and thrived over these same times and I can’t wait to meet the dozens of award members at Tim’s InvestED gala.

About Tim: After retiring himself at the age of 30, Tim began to pursue another goal and passion of his – helping those who are committed to achieving financial freedom do the same. To this day, Tim continues to be an active investor as he believes investing is a “lead by example” venture.

With the investment he made in his own financial education, Tim became financially free in 2 years (25 months to be exact) after his first training. In the past few years, Tim has built cash-flowing portfolios in Canada, US and the UK, using a variety of strategies – income properties, lease options (residential and commercial), creative financing, flipping, wholesale, infill development, mobile home parks, etc.



To Listen:

** Transcript Auto-Generated**

(00:00) congratulations keire judging Award winners and how slow and steady wins the race and it’s much preferable over the millions and millions of dollars being lost from being overleveraged too fast too soon wrong bad timing investing all that more on this week’s truth about real estate investing show for Canadians my name is Iran CTO host and producer of the show since 2016 i’ like to start off by apologizing to this week’s guest Tim Sai as we couldn’t get this episode uh out before the invested annual conference uh for which I was a judge I
(00:31) was the category uh for a category of War winners for investors who’ achieved a uh different levels of financial freedom fincial freedom would be defined as uh having uh at least earn earning regular cash flow above one’s monthly expenses and then enough to replace say a job and then enough to level three would be to you know never worry about money again when you’re doing all sorts of fun and crazy things uh anyways uh the event was excellent uh I was there last night that’s probably why I sound a little horse and I’m a little bit
(01:06) tired and uh again it was great uh the energy in the room was fantastic uh many of the award winners were talking about how it’s more than just a community community the trust your talent uh Community it uh is much more like a family and um yeah it really impressive um I can’t recall being in such a small room where people were so close and supportive of one another and and having reviewed uh the awardwinning criteria I reviewed again um applicants I reviewed about at least a dozen applicants who’ve achieved a level of Financial Freedom
(01:40) all very impressive um so if you haven’t checked out truster talent I definitely recommend that you do uh and if you haven’t and the listen to to this episode this week’s episode as Tim Sai one of the co-founders Will Be Our Guest of the show before we get to Tim I want to congratulate kespire for another successful event I was at the kespire summit where they had the keynote speaker of Shaquille O’Neal and he’s such a nice guy uh I always remember the words that he said he he wants to be remembered as like Shaquille O’Neal was
(02:10) a nice guy that’s how he wants to be remembered um more for me more importantly you know speakers wonderful um but you know I like to connect with people on the ground and and the one nice thing about ke members from my experien is there are so many really really nice people there the coaches the staff their partners are sponsors all so many nice people uh you know I had dinner with about 60 of them over the weekend uh the feedback on our and and then of course them being in kind uh the feedback that that key Spar members are
(02:43) giving on our uh efforts to make USA investing easy as possible we’re well recognized and received my friend Scott Dillingham uh owner of Len City USA and Len City Canada uh he’s dual citizen so he’s a mortgage brokerage both in the US and in Canada uh and he had a booth too and as you’d expect Real Estate Investors who had analyzed deals in both can in in Canada they understand uh when we show them numbers what’s available in the states they and how mortgage financing is basically infinite as long as you can find a deal you can get a
(03:13) mortgage you’re you don’t have to personally qualify anyways um yeah without folks like Scott it would not be easy without a team uh and we at share and lens City uh can combine help a lot of people buy a lot of properties in the states so uh Scott and on behalf of Sher I can say that we’re excited to help more keire members and members of any Community really we don’t discriminate we can help any investors from any Community uh and organizations invest in the USA uh speaking of investor organizations we have the
(03:48) co-founder of trust your talent Tim Sai on the show it’s been two years since been on the he’s been on the show but members of Tim people he’s personally coached and mentored uh including the 150 plus folks who’ve achieved some some level of Financial Freedom uh and uh that’s a lot of people that’s that’s that’s a that’s a really impressive track record for an organization that’s only existed for five years uh Tim and co-founder Ray have directly coached uh many these folks including past guests of the show Vince Lee and Brook Shang uh
(04:21) and now they’re both now coaches of Tim and great Tim and Ray group trust your talent so Tim’s back on this week’s show uh to to share what’s worked in his own portfolio including what has not worked in his career uh when he saw red flags and was able to avoid damage with one of the very well-known mortgage brokers out there who’s in the headlines for all the wrong reasons uh unfortunately Manny did not cash those red flags and of course many individuals have lost hundreds of thousands some millions of dollars
(04:52) private lending in small towns on high Lage Investments too much too fast too complicated Investments uh however Tim’s members have survived that’s why I’m having back on the show uh if you have successful clients during this this period of real estate winter as they call it um I want to hear how you did it and that’s why Tim’s back in the show and i’ and I met dozens of uh really happy people uh among Tim’s community at trust your talent at the invested Gala now about Tim after retiring himself at the age of 30 Tim began to
(05:25) pursue another goal and passion of his helping those who are committed to achieving Financial Freedom do the same to this day Tim continues to be an active investor as he believes in investing is a lead by example Venture with the with the investment he made in his own Financial education Tim became financially free in two years 25 months to be exact after his first training uh in the past few years Tim has built cash flowing portfolios in Canada us and UK using a variety of strategies uh income properties lease options uh for most
(05:55) that’s usually called rental own both in residential and Commercial create a financing of course flipping wholesaling infield development mobile home parks Etc now for to get a hold of Tim probably the best way place is his website treasure Tim Sai s TS AI Tim Sai you can find him on Instagram he’s got well over 10,000 followers check him out and please enjoy the show [Music] all right Tam what’s keeping you busy these days paying it forward keeps me busy traveling a lot keeps me busy and looking young no you know it’s the Asian jeans
(06:44) you can [Laughter] relate I don’t know we’re landlords in different provinces so i’ I’ve developed a lot more gray hair and I’m sure you have those conversations with your clients all the time the difference between investing in onario versus Alberta I like how you said it though and and Al also for me you know there is definitely a fundamental difference between landlording versus investing I prefer to be an investor more than being a landlord yeah okay we’re GNA say that for a little bit now yeah so for listener doesn’t know who you are can
(07:17) you tell us a bit about yourself and trust your talent yeah so um I actually started investing I was use that word very very Loosely back in 2004 because that was my very first property and I didn’t managed to keep it and became what I think a lot of people will call an accidental landlord or or or an organic landlord because when I was moving to my second property I was able to keep it and rent it out and so that started that Journey started in 2004 however the real turning point for me that I always share is that
(07:49) I started to get myself and educated on different investing strategies in real estate at the beginning of 2010 so for nearly 15 years now I become a professional investor as we call ourselves leveraging real estate and other asset classes now since then to build my portfolio my income streams and wealth and I was able to actually retire myself 25 months after I started getting myself trained and so I mean that date was July 25th 2012 and I was able to walk away from a soul sucking Health impeding j o in July 20 2012 and um and
(08:30) 2014 I was actually recruited to become a trainer and a mentor with this little organization called Rich chat education here in Canada little and uh was able to travel around the globe you know teaching people around the world on financial education leveraging real estate as the main asset class to create income and wealth and at the end of 2019 I actually came out and started my own Training Academy that is trust your Talon Academy now and we’re nearly 5 years old and uh it is a passion project for me because through my own personal
(09:05) journey and my time with Rich Dad and before they pull away from the market I realized that I have some soul searching to do because I always tell people that you know it’s great that you know you’ve achieved Financial Freedom when I did that I was so proud of myself however when I achieved Financial Freedom I what I was what was I doing I was uh watching TV watching movies playing video games with my dogs wanting to go out for lunch with my friends but they were all working going to the mall by myself I realized that within a couple of months
(09:37) of declaring Financial Freedom and not having to go to work every single day I was actually starting to get a little stifled and almost depressed because I felt like hang on a second I worked so hard to build my portfolio to free myself from a soul sucking job and now it feels like I’ve lost meaning and purpose and so I think that was a really also a turning point for me to go you know what I really enjoy sharing my experiences and teaching others and that’s why when um when the rich that opportunity came up I said yes in a
(10:15) heartbeat to continue to give back and I’ve been doing that now officially for about 10 and a half years because I started my journey with Rich Dad back in February 2014 so here we are we set a mouthful there so one the one of the reasons I reached out to you to have you back on the show is uh we’re recording this September 2024 it’s um it’s a pretty dark time for our community not so much for like your clients or my clients because we kind of kept things you know on the I like to call I get criticized for saying boring
(10:53) but I don’t know call it long-term Investing For Cash Flow yes like I call that boring versus is the folks who tried to get exciting and part of it sorry I won’t say exciting but folks who like high leverage development aggressive investing a lot of hard money borrowing a lot of hard money a lot lot of hard money loans uh in expensive rates from like you know 6 to 17 a client of mine a client mine was literally just offered a 25% interest rate on a prom note on a commercial office building in Burlington Ontario
(11:28) right wow so like uh how do you run a business when you’re paying 25% anyways my point is that uh you know I’m friends with a lot of your of your coaching students and who have now progressed on to coaches and you know I don’t know their books exactly but they’re they’re in their Investments sound very seem extremely sound right I’ve been around long enough to know what a Sound Investment looks like right yes so what has kept your community and your members out of trouble or while we are in the middle of Real Estate St winter and
(12:01) there literally some people have hundreds of people out there who’ve lost like probably six figures some even seven as you probably I’m even seven absolutely yeah yeah and uh and so what’s what’s kept our community safe and I think I really Echo with what you said I mean I don’t know if boring is the right word I think it’s just slow and steady and it really starts from our our induction process because you know we we get people to come to our 3-day master investor workshops first usually and during those three days we really
(12:33) download a lot of mindset about money because I always say we are a financial education Academy first and foremost we’ve just identified real estate as one of the best and oldest or try to intrude as a class to demonstrate the principles of what is money how money Works how to make it to work and how to make it work harder so those are usually the four different stages and the reason why we like real estate because it’s typically compared to most other asset classes it’s it’s the slowest moving asset class if you will and so that’s why you know
(13:08) the average person really if they do it right and they do it diligently I always say that it it would it would be pretty hard for you to screw it up even if you wanted to years later and so I guess we really drill that down and funny thing is I don’t I don’t think a lot of people do that when people even come to our three-day uh Workshop I think we ask people we ask people to leave uh probably five ten times during the first day because we will say this is not a get-rich quick thing if you want something get-rich
(13:40) quick you know the door’s on the way out make sure you ask for a refund this is not going to be the right path for you and throughout the entire day we just keep keep emphasizing on the fact that hey you know what we’re gonna even the case studies you know done by our existing students past students our trainers and mentors we want you to know that it all took us time to get to where we are and so the other thing is you know tyt right now is almost 5 years old and next weekend we’re running our fifth annual conference and every conference
(14:13) we have an awards night and I know you know a lot of people have Awards tonight as well and uh I can dive into you know sh sharing with a criteria but I won’t because I just want people to know that we screen every single application and we vet every single supporting document to back up their claims very diligently however the whole point behind all of that is our first year our first year as in trasure talent’s first annual conference in two in 2020 and we all remember kind of what was happening we had four Award winners and all this is
(14:48) actually on our website as well second year we had eight winners third year we have 13 last year was the fourth year we had 23 this year next weekend we’re giving away 54 different awards from volume of business different markets different strategies Financial Freedom Community leader and you know people that are leveraging creative financing strategies and yet still learn how to build in the right process and clauses to keep everybody safe like that’s what we do and so you know five years later we finally got to the 54 Awards range from
(15:27) four the first year and it took some time and honestly last year I was hoping that we would have more but the point is it’s slow and steady wins the race and at the same time though you know not everybody needs to do byy rent and hold or byy rent and Ray in the worst case scenario we always show people the different strategies depending on you know the different income buckets that they need to feed into so yeah I’m just looking at your application responses for the words and uh can’t wait to dig into it it’s long wow some of these answers
(16:01) are huge so someone else is going to proof the documents I don’t have to proof the documents no you’re there to endorse them because they’ve already been vetted so when we thank goodness yes no no no you’re not again for the honor to be a judge for your Awards yeah I plan on being there for the awards ceremony as well amazing yeah I was just talking to Francis just yesterday um our friend yeah yes yeah I plan on being there and amazing Maybe give him one I don’t know yeah good thing you left the names off because obviously I’d be
(16:36) biased yes we have to we have to now talk uh so for context for listeners benefit how big is uh the academy how many members of The Academy what what can you tell just so people have an understanding absolutely so I mean we’re still very Boutique because like I mean we are just shy of 500 total community members since day one and uh we have that includes existing students and that includes alumni as well and uh out of those almost 500 people we know we already have more than 150 people declaring Financial Freedom and
(17:15) financial Independence just because they haven’t won an award yet doesn’t mean that they are not Financial independent just so you know and so that’s the thing we do Define you know the criteria to hit to to be qualified for know what Financial Freedom is what Financial Independence is and yeah so that’s that’s our track record so far because I like to say we are quality over quantity I would rather have you know 100 students and 100 students all have some sort of results and great results rather than a thousand students and only a
(17:48) hundred of them have results right right and that’s why we’re building it again same thing our investing philosopy slow and steady yeah I’ll I’ll trade anything to have not to not have losing clients you know what I mean which I wish a lot of these other organizations who are no longer with us I wish they’re willing to trade for that yeah yeah before we’re recording you sorry did you want to say something there oh no just I was just going to say different different philosophies and that would you know that leads to
(18:20) different business decisions yeah and that actually lend to the end of some of those businesses yeah basically when word gets out that you have you know like a 100 plus failing students who are losing their shirts and it’s really hard to you know create more business uh before we recording you talked about the difference between Financial Independence and Financial Freedom can you can you elaborate or Define what you mean yeah absolutely so I think I’m gonna be kind of be using my hands because a lot of the times I usually
(18:51) have a bit of a flip chart or have a pre prepared uh PowerPoint slide if you will however that just encourages folks to go to your YouTube channel real estate investing this is also available on YouTube you see Tim’s young pretty face well I mean you know you’re married to Cherry Cherry’s an accountant and so I always tell people I mean at the end of the day it really comes down to balancing out what we call your wheel of wealth and within the wheel of wealth that wheel is composed of three different income buckets and so those
(19:25) three income buckets are number one active SL earned the second one is what we call passive residual and the third one is portfolio equity and so a lot of the times you know people are like oh how did you come up with this I’m like well I cannot take credit for it because at the end of the day this is exactly how the tax authorities tax us and so you know this is what Cherry talks about too right yeah is different tax brackets for different types of income streams and so when it comes to completing that wheel
(19:58) of wealth then we start to identify which investing strategies leveraging real estate will feed into the different buckets M and so you know let’s say for example most average Canadians and I was one for example when it first got started because I had a very very high paying six figure j o and I was one of those you know good Asian kid I would max out my rsps I would max out my tfas I would save as much money as possible I would max out my company stock options all those Frugal exactly live very frugally and um
(20:34) just yeah and so those th those are the things that that I was doing this does not sound sexy at all when do we get to Lamborghinis and private jets and Yachts yeah see I know that’s the thing right I know I get it I get I think this is why you and I are really on the same page about this it’s it’s so hard to sell the real stuff because it’s not sexy it’s not sexy and then uh the reality is people who have private jets yachts and Ferraris and Lamborghinis do not want anyone to know about them because you’re just inviting a home
(21:07) invasion right and and literally that is that is The Millionaire Next Door I’ve mentioned that many times on the show like exactly please everyone read the book Millionaire Next Door they’re generally humble and they don’t share their well off wealth public exactly exactly continue sorry continue no not at all not at all I mean I’m glad you you mentioned that because I mean yeah this is probably the biggest marketing challenge that we have as trust your talent yeah for the first three and a half years we didn’t pay for marketing
(21:35) we didn’t spend a dollar on marketing it’s not until the last year is people started to see treasure Talent you know on social media because we’re now actually paying for advertising why I kept saying I wanted to spend the first three to four years building results first and as I mentioned earlier you know the numbers in terms of Award winners and the results we have now this is when we want to really pick up the megaphone and like you know what we can prove to you now that we have solid results it doesn’t matter if you’re 18
(22:05) or if you’re 60 it doesn’t matter if you came broke or you already come with you know maybe a nice treasure chest of money you everybody’s financial goals are different and as a result your path is different and I think going back to what you were asking earlier is I really do believe that like that path needs to be highly tailored it’s not one size fits all oh absolutely yeah so and anyways so I think that was a big tangent going back to your I can’t be Vin good friend of yours I I’m not moving to Edmonton and personal training
(22:39) and having giant biceps that’s not my future like Brooke Brook who is also in the show still lives in the GTA but she seems to be traveling a lot yeah she is and that’s the thing right that was her why right her why is time money and location Freedom MH and to spend you know and having the resources to travel and with family whenever whenever and Whenever However for however long and so again coming back to your initial question is that if we go back to looking at that wheel of wealth you know the three different income buckets we
(23:13) said that Financial Independence is when you are able to basically create income within the active and passive buckets for yourself so you don’t ever have to rely on somebody else giving you a paycheck to make a living so that’s independence and So within that you have a lot of different strategies that you can use and I always say that if you do it right when you’re creating passive income leverage in real estate you should also be growing Equity or portfolio income at the same time and so that bucket in in most cases should pay
(23:51) care of itself unless you know you’re going into development or infils that kind of strategy but then again it is portfolio income until you decide on a proper exit because some people will build and hold some people will build and sell and so all of a sudden when you build and sell your Equity now turns into active income so anyways so that’s the quick highle definition and Financial Freedom means that you have enough passive income now that covers all of your basic day-to-day expenses and that’s what we call Financial
(24:22) Freedom number one actually there are a couple of different levels above that however when we say fincial Freedom number one it’s simply because most of us we go to work so we can collect a paycheck so that we can actually pay our basic expenses and those are usually housing your transportations your meals you got to look pretty you know buy some clothes keep yourself clean and for most of us devices as well as you know utilities and Wi-Fi connections of sorts these days and so those are the basics because in theory if you have enough
(24:58) money com in even if you don’t have to get up to go to work you’ve theoretically freed up your 40 hours a week I mean 40 hours a week for work that’s in my opinion that’s very less that’s very little I used to work 80 plus hours a week when I was in my CER job there and so again that is just the first goal post the second goal post for Financial Freedom for most people is what I call the income replacement because in Canada we make you know we can we can make good money if we work really hard however it’s hard to keep
(25:33) the money because of taxes and so like we all like we’ve all learned and you know what I’m I’m really jealous that you’re married to an accountant and a really really Savvy one for that matter because it’s not how much you make it’s how much you keep that really matters and so Mo and financial feom number two for us is your income replacement number for most people and that’s also why you know we call most people’s j o a bit more of a golden handcuff right they’ll pay you just enough even after taxes you not only can
(26:08) pay your basic expenses you have just a little bit of extra to maybe go shopping maybe go out for birthdays buy good Christmas presents and go on vacations and that’s why so many people just get trapped in there and it’s hard to walk away from it and then we have what I would Echo is what I think Tony Robin also says this is the Financial Freedom number three in my destination which is that do whatever you want however you want whenever you want with whoever with whomever you want for however long you want and so I think you know right
(26:41) before this we were kind of chitchatting a little bit I constantly have vacations that are only scheduled for two weeks and organically they turn into three four weeks five and in in the summer it was two weeks that turned into a six week getaway and so and and that was the freedom that I worked really hard for and the first you know six eight years were not sexy and my last episode with you was me sharing how I lost a million dollars cash overnight having to Debt Service over time while I go through the legal process but really what that was
(27:14) was I also lost $8 million in total Equity that I could have built in my wheel of wealth in my entire career and so again that is everybody kind of sees where we are at the current stage but there’s no such thing as overnight success as you know we’ve all you know eaten some dust to get to where we are today too yeah yeah there’s no those are basic definitions yes no unless you were really smart and bought Bitcoin for 30 bucks and bought a bunch of them could you imagine like hey you invested this magic money yeah magic money yeah magic inter
(27:52) well I mean wasn’t there a little uh news yesterday on efts and Justin Bieber’s 1.3 million dollar chimpanzee that is worth what 20 bucks right now maybe not 20 bucks maybe 20,000 oh is it what are those things called people don’t even talk about those things anymore what’s it called the yeah was itft ETF or some some I know exactly what you’re talking about nfts non funable Tok NS not efts nfts there we go I thought you were GNA tell me about like the newest ETF for a Bitcoin like oh n monkeys is exact opposite yeah
(28:30) it’s how you lose money at at this time this may not this may not go well who knows sorry but so yeah so you have track history of 150 somewhere around there financially independent or financially free members of trust your talent yes think that was a p on the back thank you and I’m sure I’m very happy for them because um there’s not many organizations who can say that uh yeah yeah no well I mean one of my favorite quotes of all time is muhamad Gandhi it’s be the change you want to see in the world and um I also came from a world where I
(29:09) thought I was surrounded by Elite investors turns out they were all you know people that just became really really good at standing in front of the stage and telling people what to do when they’re not doing it themselves anymore yeah and I think another differentiator really is you know the fact that my entire training team so my coaches my trainers mentors they are all chosen by myself and Ray we are the founders for Treasure talent and we were their mentors at one point in time so we follow their entire career we know their
(29:39) core values of people we know their why we know their vision and we share this we share that passion to say hey you know what we work really hard and we didn’t know that this could be could happen and we all made it happen so we know we can help more people do this and so again I’m happy for the the the results that we’ve created because the reality is if I were to be somewhat crass about it is that you know I we don’t have to be doing this none of us need to be doing this there are days where I’m like you know what life was a
(30:10) lot easier before trust Talent came along before we created it however it brings us joy brings us fulfillment and meaning knowing that we’re making a difference in people’s lives and so50 people I’m sure very thankful you keep doing [Laughter] this yeah now now tell me what strategies have worked uh like has your has your investment strategies changed through time or like like I don’t know how back do you want how far do you want to go back uh I don’t have to go very far back however I will do a bit of a a a a a mix
(30:46) just so that everybody understands because I think this really goes back to your question earlier is why is our community able to stay out of trouble when it seems like everybody is going down and real estate investing has become a bit of a dirty phrase the country right now and amongst the real estate investing Community quickly share uh for example uh a colleague of mine posted uh on his Instagram how just some simple data from K I think I believe it was kitchen or Ontario a tenanted property sold for $70,000 less than the same property on
(31:18) average than a property without a tenant the property that’s sold the tenanted property would also sell sign take significantly longer to sell yeah than the non tened non-tenant prop be vacant or or regular home home occupied So based on the market right now in Ontario is one of the worst things you can do the what well if your goal is to devalue your property is to rent it a’t that nuts unfortunately yeah that that is insane and that’s the thing because again you know anyways I mean we I think we can talk about this all day
(31:53) it’s absolutely nuts it’s absolutely nuts it is it is and how does that even make sense and so point is like what worked but in the past to get us where we are today like for the last I think about six years at least duplexing like everybody duplex like I have lots of duplexes still like my clients own like a 100 duplexes in Ontario based but based on what the Market’s telling us today the market doesn’t want it exactly yeah it’s not that the market doesn’t want the properties themselves the mark the markets don’t like to don’t
(32:22) like to deal with any tenant issues and therein lies the problem because you can buy as many properties as you want but if it’s not performing it’s not a true asset you still got to feed into it and therefore we need paying tenants and good tenants and that’s that’s the challenge and so again I think you know I I may have shared this with you is our entire training philosophy and it’s a simple process honestly it’s what we call your why your goal yourp so a lot of people talk about defining your why because this is a
(32:53) different path and it’s a very different type of mindset however I’m not going to go into that whole thing you know why and you got to find your why and the the the thing about it though is I just want to be very straight sometimes with people is that yes we know money is not everything however money is one of the greatest tools that we all have access to and can create more of equally and so it can just make life a lot easier and so that goal is usually a financial goal whatever it is you want to accomplish
(33:25) there’s a reason why money was created to help with you know facilitate transactions of services and goods in the Modern Life and so that goal is it is definitely a financial goal and through that Financial goal you need to figure out the right strategies that will help you and I know again strategy has been a word in this industry that’s also been I think bastardized a little bit over the last five six years now at this point at one point Burr was the strategy I’m like no Burr is just a simple process if you’re an
(33:54) entrepreneur regardless of asset class you want to add value because if you’re not adding value at every turn as a business person your business is not going to exist in the long term and so again SNP so strategy take your strategies that will contribute to your goal in a timely manner because a goal without a deadline is Just a Dream as we know and so the strategies need to contribute to your financial goals and then once you got your strategy solidified then you go and choose the markets and the sub areas that will contribute to that having the
(34:29) economic fundamentals the business fundamentals that demand the tency rules that are in favor of business people or investors that need to leverage real estate as an asset class and then the last thing is P P stands for properties and so even as Real Estate Investors we look at properties last so many people they look at properties first and they get emotionally involved and one of the things that I always remind my entire Community is hey are you investing to be your bank account or your ego and the funny thing is because as people you
(35:03) know we always say seeing is believing and real estate is good and bad for that same reason is that some real estate can look hot and sexy you know like the opposite of financial education and the fundamentals of money and so they get carried away they buy something because they they think it’s going to work or they hope that it’s going to work and this is why we know that a lot of undereducated or financially undereducated investors they end up doing what we call buy rent and prey they’ll buy something and they’ll just
(35:35) pray that hey the market is going to have some natural lift over time they get great tenants that don’t trash the properties and always pay rent on time and the property itself doesn’t CA them a lot of trouble in sleepless nights and we all know it’s that’s not how life works and so we completely reverse that and we say hey you know what if you got a solid goal let’s focus on the strategies that’s going to get you there first free up your time and build your Baseline that’s your safety net and then if you want to play with other
(36:03) strategies in more markets and other markets then go for it at least when a deal goes sideways you have your nesting eggs and you have your Baseline that is your financial freedom because then you don’t have to worry about oh my God now I have to go back and maybe interview for another job and you know get sucked back into that routine again and so that I think is really the core of what we do and we really drill that entire process and and the mindset behind it with our community at all turns and you know does
(36:36) everybody stick to that 100% of the times I’m gonna say no honestly and just because you know emotions get into ways from time to time and that’s okay but this is probably why at large our community is safe they continue to grow through the hard times regardless and I live in Alberta as you know and Alberta until the end of last year we’ve seen a sideway market for 10 years basically because 2014 was when the last oil crash happened and so really from 2014 all the way to now 2024 we’ve seen basically the value went this way and now we’re kind
(37:15) of back at the same point and so a lot of the economists in the province is now saying okay we have at least 36 months of this wave right now that’s going back up and we are in about months n of that 36 months Mark by the way and the point though behind that is as educated investors you know we always talk about some basic rules like making money in the buy determining your arv effectively and so when a lot of buyent and pre or undereducated investors are staying away from Alberta Ray Ray and I and our entire team were going gang busters in
(37:50) this market we were doing flips we were doing holds because arv was so predictable so it become it became a matter of really identifying the viable deals that we can add value to that so that we can e exercise our exit strategy whichever way we decide to go to either hold or sell at the end and so you know it’s it’s and so to answer your question I mean our have has have our strategies evolved I’m going to say yes we’ve tweaked our approaches but the overall big picture strategies not so much I got out of the Ontario Market as a
(38:33) hold in 2016 completely and at the same time though I have been lending into that market so as a business as an investor myself putting treasure Talent aside for now we were able to capture a lot of these ups as private lenders however at the same time not having to deal with tency rules and same thing in BC when we invested into BC during that last 10 years we didn’t hold anything in BC either because it’s also a lot more proten compared to Alberta and then we expanded back into New Brunswick I mean I started New
(39:11) Brunswick back in 2013 myself already and in between we bought and sold however we went back into New Brunswick as a market and grew in that market and whole properties in that market still I mean it’s it’s in the name of safety let’s put it that way I always say that you know when I get when I have the chance to share I know everybody likes One S word a lot and that word is scale I’m like I also like an s word a lot it’s security I want I want my portfolio I want to know that I can protect everything that I worked so hard for
(39:45) first especially having gone through the 2016 disaster that I did whenever I get a chance to teach and guide it’s okay you know what I need your foundation to be solid enough so that you don’t even lose everything that you are you’ve worked so hard for leading up to this point the point is you can only get better from here and I think it’s you know it’s a Chinese saying right the Next Generation needs to do better kind of thing yeah challenges the challenge I’ve spoken to so many people about is it’s funny with a lot of successful people I
(40:17) talked to especially first gen who are first generation successful is the there seems to be a lot of lot of talk around the third generation loses it like why you and I work so hard and then like say the second or third generation they’re the ones driving Lamborghinis and flying private voting on Yachts yep yep only to blow it all I mean yeah it’s not surprising though right I mean I guess while I eat instant toles noodles yeah well you know what like one of my one of my friends like they’re they’re uh that family they’re they’re worth
(40:58) like I don’t even know probably n 10 digits if not more because again like like you and I said they they don’t they’re not show they don’t show off however you know these are the kind of people that you know they have beautiful houses multiple houses so you kind of know where they are however they don’t wear you know designer belts and flashy things and they have decent cars but not like you know super cars all the time and these are the people that you know you can go anywhere have a simple meal together and they’ll be like oh my God
(41:29) we were in turkey last week and we score like three t-shirts for $5 us and they get excited about that and then the next day we be texting each other and be like hey so what’s new today and they’re oh no no nothing you know just closed 120 million doll commercial space in Texas again like you know like that’s the conversation and the mindset of the people that I want to surround myself with is you know they’re they’re very comfortable in their own there is no point to be like I’ve done this I’ve done that I have this I have
(42:01) that it’s just solid and that’s what Sal means to me so fabulous now let’s talk about security because you’re you invest in I don’t know how many locations can you paint some broad brushes how you how you invest in like 10 states and in all the countries in the UK are you partnered are you owning direct can what you yeah so having good accountants and lawyers to start is really really good so if you’re Canadian like me meaning Canada is your main domicile obviously having a proper structure starting as a as a Canadian company is very very
(42:47) crucial and then leverage that to own into the different countries because me personally I don’t like to own things in my personal name because you do become a Target and from an asset and income perspective there are just way way way more benefits doing it that way and so that’s how we’ve actually grown over over time as well yeah now tell me about your investments in like the 10 states or or in the UK you have houses you have commercial what is it you’re developing cool well I mean the last the last opportunity that we just actually went
(43:22) into and that we closed that at the end of April there is a 228 unit apartment uh complex right outside of Houston Texas so you were buying real estate when I was asking you what you’re doing in Houston that was no no that was April we saw each other at the lounge because we were going on a Disney cruise from Miami and the funny thing is again I am one of the partners on that deal back in April when we closed and I’m not the main one I’ll say that um quite a quite a bit of learning there too though happy to share um what happened was we were
(43:58) actually in Bali when we closed on that deal too and so that’s what’s really cool about it and uh in the UK we started out and oh you know what this might be a good time to also share that every new market that I go into I don’t go big big right off the bat even though we are we have the capacity we have the ability to look at bigger deals you know whenever is a brand brand brand new market remember that whole SNP concept any Market that I go into depending on our you know our final goal with that market regardless I will always test it out
(44:36) first with a smaller deal and so for example in 2017 when I first got into the UK Market I still went into purchasing much smaller single family properties and over there they call it buy to let so it’s not a property manager it’s a letting agent the word let like let’s go let means rent basically so basically buy to let is buy to rent meaning income properties for us effectively or rental property it’s so same language I know and lawyer is always solicitor and uh real estate agent is always estate agent which is very funny
(45:19) sounding to me it it was like Lear a learning a brand new language almost so anyways and so you know we started out still purchasing smaller prod properties in you know in Scotland cuz Scotland is like the buy to let capital in the UK and I think it’s a cultural thing over 68% of Scotti uh of the Scottish people they still rent wow and the properties are not that expensive that’s the thing I remember it was I my jaw just about dropped in 2017 I remember our very first property mhm you want to guess how much we bought it
(45:59) for no 2017 I’ll give you I’ll give timeline 2017 um two bedroom one bath about 800 square feet property good size okay yeah that’s enormous for torono yeah yeah you want to guess how much we’re talking pounds or can I give you Canadian you can give me Canadian Scotland what city glasow okay so a big city yeah just wild guess 400,000 400,000 okay for $400,000 I could have bought almost five and that’s just it it’s and this is why I always say again we go from goal P right so our goal is just to build a foundation because as we know every time
(47:02) you set up a proper structure there’s already overhead year after year between legal and accounting minimum right and so and so at the very least the portfolio needs to wash its own face and so that was the first approach and every single New Market that we go into we do that and so it’s just that you know in the US now like I said I’ve been in 10 different states so far and last deal happened in Texas however over the last few years I’ve been in Arizona Indiana Michigan uh Ohio uh we’ lent into Florida Georgia Nevada I’m missing
(47:41) couple New York missing one missing one missing one anyways it’ll come to me and I just I I’ll just blur it out in a bit but the point is it doesn’t matter which Market we go to because following the process the market is to last it always has everything to do with the business plan and again that’s the thing maybe because sh with you you guys are Real Estate Investors yourself so the way you look at things is a little bit different however most accountant they are never going to care about hey how many properties do you have or how many doors
(48:19) do you have what they will do though is when they get your reports from your bookkeepers or from you directly and your business is not performing they’re going to ask you why is it not performing what’s going on that’s dig deeper into it and that’s my entire philosophy is that at the end of the day the number that matters is that final number in your financial report now we’ve talked a lot about private lending and there’s a lot of private lending in the news for all the wrong reasons for all the WR reasons I
(48:52) don’t think there’s any positive news around private lending now uh so you probably read about this stuff like the stuff on CLA Dr is quite public now so I don’t think there’s anything wrong with just just saying that no you’ve Pro have you have you you read the stories you’re you’ve read you’ve been following the story so so I’m familiar not following anymore okay yeah what is it you because what I’d like to extract from you for the benefit of listeners is what have you done private lending wise that keeps you out
(49:21) of trouble making money hopefully uh versus how this all this financial devast station yeah so the funny thing is I mean we’ve always and in in all transpar in full transparency I’ve also lost money private lending as well and uh in the past I’ve actually lend to Claire’s organizations too however did decide to end that relationship um back in 2021 and um and I think it’s because having gone through a few losses especially the major one once again back in 2016 is that you kind of learned to how to spot the signs a little bit and obviously the
(50:00) easiest one is the lines but M how do we actually you know continue to thrive in The Lending area is the deal itself is great the real estate itself is is a good collateral as long as you know how to Crunch the numbers however you there when you said delinquency it means like you’re not getting your interest payments on time exactly or worse like when the term is over you’re not getting your money exactly lay payments delay payments of any kind principle and interest or both and and that was what was happening to you that was what was
(50:33) starting to happen yes like things were not getting delivered as promised yeah flag and yeah and it’s I mean the funny thing though sometimes not deliver as promise in terms of payments is actually a small red flag for me to you say the medium red flag now is when they miss a payment there’s zero communication zero acknowledgement on their part automatically MH and so that’s when it starts and then the bigger refle is when there’s communication once you’ve had to chase them down you come to a new agreement and they still don’t honor it then
(51:13) that’s when you really know oh that’s like that’s bloody flag yeah basically at that point and so again and and this is why I think from a lending standpoint you know we we’ve learned to just be be a lot more cautious and we always say trust and verify and so the thing about private lending is you know the bigger picture is how much in how much out how how long and how is my money secured and so the collateral is definitely definitely very important in the sense that you want to make sure that your agreement is definitely on
(51:49) Title One Way or Another depending on the instruments that you use whether it’s a mortgage document it’s a promisory note it’s it’s got a GS attached to it it’s got a ppsa attached to it or any other sort of collaterals that you can use to put against the lean and obviously again everybody everybody’s R risk tolerance is still a little bit different and so again from a loan to value standpoint you get to really decide you know how you want how you want to maneuver that however I will always say that I will not go into a
(52:18) third and I don’t encourage any of my students to consider a third position one way or another no postponement either and um it has to be just very cut and dry and obviously an educated investor is able to to look at the person asking to borrow the money on how sound their exess strategy is and their timeline is because as we know time is everything however that also means time is indeed money especially in an investment deal and so the longer it takes the more delay that it Ur it it incurs the more profit margin gets eaten
(52:56) away and if the borrower does not have other means and access to funding then it’s eating effectively into your collateral that is the protection of your money and so that still comes down to how well educated the lender is in that particular case yeah and so yeah I mean the thing about that though is whenever I’m either lending or borrowing money myself right now I I still want to just really get to know people like I like I like to say that I slow date a lot of people because I want to make sure that our values align first and
(53:34) foremost and of course you know when it comes to the actual deal itself yes your money can park can be parked against the subject property as collateral or maybe it can be parked against their another property that actually would make you feel safer and that when I say feel I don’t mean it’s a feeling I actually mean that for example if the subject property after you put in the money is 95% loans to value and you’re feeling a little iffy well then don’t do it trust your gut and then ask them do you have another property as collateral maybe
(54:06) after you’ve lent your money and the loan to value on that new subject property or the collateral is only 80% Lo to value and you can sleep better at night great and so I think a lot of people they’re very Stuck on You know it’s this deal they’re only asking money and they’re all only offering this property ask collateral well yes you know it’s just like asking price is for reference it doesn’t mean that that’s what you buy it at at the end of the day yeah what while while you’re discussing like um properties on you
(54:40) mentioned Exit Plan so one of the big stories out there is the folks who defaulted they own like 600 houses for and I’m just going to do a quick share screen so folks on YouTube can follow along as well like Exit Plan like for example like the folks who are investing up north uh one of the main markets was so was Sous St Marie again quick Google Sous St Marie today’s population is about 71,000 and it actually shrunk from 2021 so to me this is not a growing this this there’s something wrong economically fundamentally with the
(55:18) cities for investment so if you have a shrinking population that means there’s less demand for Real Estate there’s a decreasing demand for Real Estate which will hinder one’s ability to exit a property in s St Marine also it’s small City 71,000 yeah exactly I cannot believe how many people lend on these deals yeah scary right so you know I think you qualify as an expert would you land invest in a city with a shrinking population personally I would not especially if my main asset class is real estate yeah I’m not sure not sure what
(55:57) what business what business uh plan or hypothesis would would would work especially if it’s around real estate investment yeah in a shrinking population in an area of shrinking population beats me and again I mean that’s that’s the thing that you know we are constantly teaching our our students to think and the other side of all of this as I keep going back to the undereducated I I don’t want to call you know call them uneducated because you never know um undereducated investors I think they haven’t quite developed what
(56:33) we call the ROI mindset yet because a true investor a true entrepreneur the main the question that we ask ourselves is not how much it’s going to cost us but it’s how much it’s going to make us after obviously all the proper due diligence is done and I think a lot of people because they just have this blind belief like I did that that real estate in this amazing asset class and as want as I just park my money there it’s just going to grow long term and that was part of my origin story as you know because before Financial education I lost also
(57:07) every last penny in you know in my savings by putting my money into a commercial development syndication in Saskatchewan back in 09 and so that’s how I lost all my hard-earned money from my 880 hour a week job and that was really what prompted me to go to a seminar and start learning differently but that’s the thing because at the time and that’s the way we were brought up it’s not the investor mindset is okay I have this much money what can I afford to buy now if I want to buy something and so I think that also
(57:42) creates a lot of trouble and a lot of hurdles for a for many many undereducated people I mean I love the fact that they are taking action I love the fact that they do believe that real estate is a great asset class however it’s just that you know what not all of those situations work out in the long term for everyone unfortunately Timmy you’re running out of time you have time for a few more questions yeah for sure now do you does trust your talent do you help vet deals do you help your client your members V deals yeah
(58:16) absolutely I mean we do we do mentorship programs is what we call and we are very very tailored like I said it’s not one siiz fits all right and so what happens is that when the students you know get inducted we actually have an entire student Journey graph on our website as well is that people know because we have one and twoyear full immersion programs and the reason why we do that is because you know unlike you English is not my first language I’m not a CBC I’m not Canadian born you know I’m a Taiwanese boy and I came here when I was 17 years
(58:47) old basically English was a brand new language to learn however I think I learn quicker than the average person was because I move to Canada I’m now in this environment I’m immersed in it I got to go to school I got to survive I got to thrive and so it forced me to grow that way and so you know what we have a full curriculum that that basically has people doing one-onone consultations from day one and we make the recommendations based on their s SMP and they start the curriculum and then throughout the curriculum there’s you
(59:22) know the group coaching and then there’s the individual mentorship as well so once they build their foundation in terms of knowledge then they will be able to select their one-on-one mentors and the one-onone mentors work with them in their chosen markets on their chosen strategies so that they can see the proof of concept of what they’re learning and so in that process when the students are actually analyzing deals they’re able to reach out their to their mentors you know both during and after also MH yeah I think it’s one the thing
(59:56) that novices have difficulty with is um like I’m cheap so I naturally comparison shop like crazy like I’m look going to buy I’m not going to buy golf clubs for my son so I’m I’m on Facebook Marketplace I’m on Amazon I’m on teu I’ll probably look at AliExpress next the same set of clubs we’re GNA get the best deal my point is that uh some investors simply have not done the comparison shopping to compare deals because you know like if all if all else the same take the deal for example that less risk right yeah say the less return
(1:00:29) is the other one but you have to look at many of them to know what the deal looks like and I think that’s where that’s where a lot of um beginners are are short and that’s where mentorship coaching can be really helpful as long as it’s qualified coaching and mentorship exactly yeah yeah and we can probably go on forever how how people like Vince and Brooke become coaches and mentors yeah but I know you gotta go um let’s talk about you get you have a conference coming up don’t you yeah we do we do it so yeah so it’s what we call
(1:00:59) invest Ed um it’s it’s uh it’s our largest event of the year and it caters to investors from all walks of life different stages of experience and portfolio sizes so you know anybody that is still possibly living in their base uh their parents basement all the way to people that probably already have millions and millions of dollars in their portfolio whether you know they want to get started they want to scale they want to protect that’s what the um the conference is for it’s actually on our website as well and um we have our
(1:01:35) Master investor Workshop there too so if you click on invest Ed right in the middle uh next to it y there it is okay yeah with a big picture of Vince on the on the landing page who you talk too yeah so it’s next weekend now it’s happening very 4th to 6 yeah mhm and tell tell me about the conference three days holy cow yeah it’s three full days and uh this year we are actually doing a um a full conference style delivery as well so every single day in the morning there are two tracks happening at the same time because most
(1:02:18) conferences we go to it’s one giant room and then you kind of just stay there and they will rotate the speakers on the stage however what we’re doing is because like I said are catering to people that are aspiring investors all the way to very experienced and high level investors and so we have uh 11 different tracks for people to choose from and most people will walk away with six full tracks and we have subjects anywhere from you know how to invest with a significant other and that’s always a juicy one how to uh
(1:02:49) recruit and build your power team in any Market or how to continue to grow a sustainable portfolio in any market conditions or how to raise and manage other people’s money effectively those are the panel sessions however the Deep dive sessions would have subjects like you know how to make the best offers is it cash or is a term or is it both and then we also have you know how to really leverage seller financing and how to speak to it present it structure your deal that way to create win-win or one of the most popular topics that know a
(1:03:26) lot of people want to go to is how to scale your portfolio to create $50,000 a month in income and so there’s all different levels that are taken care of and as I mentioned gallon night you see the award winners from last year and and we’re feeding everyone like people don’t have to scramble and run out to grab breakfast or lunch that sort of thing because we want to make sure that you know the networking component is there so many people come to these conferences want to make new connections deep in existing relationships and we
(1:03:58) want to make sure that they’re not spending the time ordering Ubers or running out to be like hey you know I need to get a burger so that I can come back and maximize my time at the conference there so it’s we’ve thought about a lot of our own experiences attending different conferences and that’s you know that is the final decision is that they get fed also and there’s going to be some uh bonus sessions prizes and uh surprise guest speakers as well this year so yeah uh how much is how much is the conference yeah so the conference the
(1:04:38) basic seminar pass is 697 well that’s cheap three days and that’s for two people for three days exactly that’s for two people that’s for two people I thought you say that was for one no that’s for two people yep yeah my word yeah and then uh I see you have an advanced you Advan for registration oh so for for listeners benefit I’m actually on the website right now going through it with with Tim can see what I’m doing and this will all be on the YouTube of course Advanced seminar path yeah it’s for two people yes six
(1:05:23) meals yeah wow so oh okay so is more for for intermediate to experience investors exactly so the price is exactly the same oh okay it’s just two different streams but the same price exactly wow this is wild okay if listeners off the show of Link in the show notes um man it’s fantastic and uh oh and where is it yeah we haven’t talked about where yeah it’s right there actually the Sheron Toronto Airport hotel and Conference Center 801 Dixon so anybody in the GTA really really easy to get to yes just by the airport it is fabulous and uh I’ll be
(1:06:07) there Saturday night yes how do I have to dress up it is a formal night so yes I would say absolutely I know you know what it’s I am not a big fan of having to get all dressed up either however I do it I I do it for the community once a year man yeah yeah everybody comments just put on a put on a nice suit I’m sure you have one yes I have but I haven’t worn it in like years I have a couple all right all right uh trust your talent.
(1:06:56) com we’re in real estate winter not so much for your 150 really successful clients in 500 person community but yeah like I said in Ontario attendant to property sells at a discount so so I consider it real estate winter at least in my context as real estate winter do you want any final words for for The Listener out there I do um again it’s it’s not sexy however if your you know if anybody’s goal really like mine is to gain that true Freedom through getting enough financial resources to give you that then focus on financial education I
(1:07:34) mean real estate is an amazing asset class however really focus on financial Education First so that you when you actually pick an asset class you know exactly how to make it work for you much better and um yeah because I always say and this is something that I really learned when I first got started as well is that when you learn how money works you’ll know how to make it work whether the economy is going up going down or going sideways mhm and so and that’s exactly what I’ve experienced myself for the last almost 15 years now since I got
(1:08:06) since I got educated so that would be definitely my experience talk you you should have your own Ted Talk this is your audition tape for Ted Talk Tim thanks so much for doing this thank you thanks for on at the conference not the words G yeah I’ll see you soon thank you for watching if you want to learn how to invest in real estate from scratch my team teaches beginners how to use the number one investment strategy that I personally use in a virtual free training class every month go to investor below and I do the best to
(1:08:56) answer each of those comments and questions myself again if you’re ready to learn the nitty-gritty about real estate investing from a professional investor register for next virtual class that’s at investor



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Before you go, if you’re interested in what kind of properties I am looking at in the landlord friendly states of the USA please go to for what I consider the best investment for most Canadians, most of the time.

I’ve been investing in Ontario since 2005 and while it’s been a great, great run. I started out buying properties in the 100,000s and now it’s $800,000 to $1,000,000.  How much higher can it go? I don’t know

To me, the remaining potential for appreciation does not match the risk hence I’m advising my clients to look to where one can find rental properties that are affordable range of $150,000 to $350,000 US$, with rents that range from $1,400 to 2,600/month plus utilities.   As many Canadians recognize, these numbers will be positive cash flow and are night and day compared to anything locally. Plus the landlord has all of the rights, no rent control, and income is US dollars which are better than Canadian dollars.

If you don’t believe me, US dollars are better than Canadian dollars, go ask 100 non-Canadians which currency they prefer to be paid in.

So to regain control of your retirement planning.  Go to and check out what great cash flow properties are available in the USA.  

The best part is, my US investments will be much more passive compared to by local investments as I’m hiring an asset manager called SHARE to hand hold me through the entire process.  As their client and shareholder, Share will source me quality income properties, help me with legal structure and taxes, they manage the property manager and insurance provider while passing down to me preferred rates so I save both time and money.  

Share will even tell me when to strategically refinance or sell.  SHARE can even support investors all over the country for proper diversification hence my plan is to own in Tennessee, Georgia, and Texas.  Share is like my joint venture partner but I only have to pay them fees while I keep 100% ownership and control.

If your goal in investing is to increase cash flow, I don’t know of a better strategy for most Canadians most of the time.  One last time that’s to see what boring, cash flowing real estate investing can look like on your path towards financial peace.

This is how I’m going to make real estate investing great again for my family and hope you choose the same.  Till next time!

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This episode is brought to you by me! We don’t have sponsors for this show. I only share with you services owned by my wife Cherry and me.  Real estate investing is a staple in my life and allowed me to build wealth and, more importantly, achieve financial peace about the future, knowing our retirement is taken care of and my kids will be able to afford a home when they grow up.  If you, too, are interested in my systematic strategy to implement the #1 investment strategy, the same one pretty much all my guests are doing themselves, then go visit and register for our next event.

Till next time, just do it because I believe in you.



As a committed advocate for transparent and responsible real estate investment, I want to openly share my involvement with SHARE SFR (Single Family Rental) as an Advisor. I hold an equity position in this company and receive a referral commission for clients I introduce to their services. My endorsement of their business model – focusing on direct ownership of positive cash flow income properties – is consistent with my own personal investing since 2005, is based not only on a professional assessment but also on my personal experience and belief in their approach. Please note that while I stand behind my recommendations, it is crucial for each individual to conduct their own due diligence and consider their unique circumstances before making any investment decisions. As always, my priority is to provide you with honest, insightful, and practical real estate investment education.

50+ Short Term Rentals Part 2 With Spencer & Ashley

Reining in Canada’s population growth. Rents are flat across Canada as International Student interest has cratered. How does that affect your investment hypothesis? Short-term rentals part 2 with experts Spencer and Ashley. “Marry Sooner, have more kid, ignore costs says uber capitalist Kevin O’Leary, a big announcement and so much more on this week’s Truth About Real Estate Investing for Canadians!

My name is Erwin Szeto, your host and producer since 2016 and 300 plus episodes later.  Thank you to my listeners and the kinds words you shared and thank you for your updates and personal truths about real estate investing.  I did not know so many of my fellow podcasters are no longer releasing new episodes.  Many of them are my friends and there are some I believe should stop, a simple google of the names of folks who borrowed tens and hundreds of millions and going bankrupt will let you know who gave them their platform, promoted them and some even earned commissions.  

Always follow the money, understand how folks make money and factor that into your screening process. 

Did you know that the front runner to become our next Prime Minister of Canada said he would reduce our population growth to match the growth of new homes built and factor in health care access and jobs.  Makes sense no?


A couple problems, housing starts across Canada are way down as building and development costs are extremely high.  New construction sales are low as the market needs to digest the historic number of new construction condos, mostly small ones which could take 1.5 to 2 years per Benjamin Tal, deputy Chief Economist for CIBC.


Combine that with flat rents across Canada as demand from International students have cratered:

The federal government wanted a 35% reduction in the number of International students and the stat I’ve seen is applications are down 45%.

The Globe and Mail is reporting google searches for student housing near universities in Waterloo, Hamilton and Kingston are down 46-55%.

Personally, my investment hypothesis is forever changing from experience and what real estate experts are telling me about their own investing.  My hypothesis is focussed on cash flow, long-term growth in rents and prices.

For a local investor, knowing that rents are flat in the current market and reduced demand from international students and immigrants, what do you think will happen to your cash flow and price appreciation long-term?

I still have a number of properties in Ontario, Canada so I’m concerned if lowering interest rates and lack of supply will push my prices up.

With the economic and immigration landscape the way it is, should a Canadian investor invest their hard earned money into local markets? I know I wouldn’t deploy more capital into long-term rentals.

Legal short-term rentals and hotels, that’s another matter as small Airbnb operators get squeezed out by governments which is why we have Ashley and Spencer back on the show but before we get to them…

Can you believe Kevin O’Leary said “Take my advice. Get married sooner and have more kids. Family is everything! That’s what it’s all about. Do you agree?”

Kevin said so on his social media, I’ve linked to the Instagram post. Source:

Kevin explains how he wishes he spend more time with his kids where they were young and I couldn’t agree more.  I’ve interviewed hundreds of successful entrepreneurs and investors almost all of them would agree with Kevin how parents never get back those wonderful years of development while kids are young.

My decision to make my portfolio more passive by delegating to SHARE in the US frees me up to spend more time doing what I enjoy, my work in helping hard working Canadians’ journey towards financial peace and time with my wife Cherry and the kids. All the while still being a direct owner of what I consider the best asset class: real estate while maintaining 100% control while someone else does all the heavy lifting.

SHARE’s business is exactly what I envisioned for my own professional services to my clients: to make real estate investing as operationally easy and passive as possible in Ontario but that’s just not possible with affordability so bad, one can’t even cash flow enough to afford property management combined with rent control and tenants having all the rights.

Now I’ve got some big news to share that I’m incredibly excited about! As you know, my real estate journey started all the way back in 2005 as a novice landlord then I got serious in 2008 when I first began formally learning about investing. Since then, I’ve always had my eye on the landlord-friendly USA as an ideal place to invest—better cash flow, more stable tenant laws, etc. But the challenges of getting financing, building a power team I could trust, finding the right deals, and managing properties from across the border kept me from jumping in.

Well, I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve recently taken on a new role as Head of Business Development in Canada for SHARE! This partnership is a game-changer for anyone looking to invest in the US market like I’ve always wanted to. SHARE has eliminated all the hurdles that once held me back. Financing? We have the contacts, one of them emailed me today they have 4,500 lenders signed up ready to lend to Canadians. Deal sourcing including off-market? Check. Ongoing property management? We at SHARE can handle it all.

With SHARE, I get to be a passive US landlord. I’ve been a landlord for 20 years, I don’t enjoy it and will gladly pay someone else to do it while I still keep direct ownership, full control, and 100% of the equity. It’s a dream come true for me as control and 100% equity was how 45 of my past clients made $1 million or more investing in real estate, and if you’ve ever been interested in US real estate, now’s the time to take a serious look.

If you’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to invest in the US but didn’t know where to start, this might be it. 

The best please to learn more is: or our US Investing workshop coming up Oct 19th or my free training even in late November.  The writing is on the wall, I don’t see a future for everyday investing in Canada when the deals we’re finding at SHARE are so much better.

50+ Short Term Rentals Part 2 With Spencer & Ashley

On to this week’s show, a topic I’m a big fan of, avoiding long-term rentals in tenant friendly provinces like Ontario hence we have Spencer and Ashley Giles back for round 2. If you didn’t already know, vacation rentals are a business, 24-7 for some like Airbnb managers like Spencer and Ashley Giles who are back to share more, dig deeper into the strategy including operating and owning in the USA. 

Their management portfolio is 50 properties at time of recording spread across much of Ontario and Up State New York so they have a lot of diverse experience to share.

To follow Spencer and Ashley Giles, their website is and on Instagram.

Please enjoy the show!

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(00:00) rainy in Canada’s population growth rents are flat across the country in Canada as international student interest has cratered how does that affect your investment hypothesis short-term rentals part two with experts Spencer and Ashley quote Mary sooner have more kids ignore the cost says Uber catalist Kevin nor uh big announcement and so much more on this week’s episode of the truth about real estate investing for Canadians my name is Rano your host and producer since 2016 and 300 plus episodes later all an hour long or more
(00:34) uh thank you to my listeners and for the kind words you’ve shared and thank you for the updates and your personal truths around your own real estate investing uh I appreciate that anytime someone tells me a story about uh how their Investments are going that helps develop the investment hypothesis of myself in this show uh in some Sumit related I did not know that so many of my fellow podcasters are no longer releasing new episodes uh many of them are my friends and there are some I believe who should stop a simple Google of the names of
(01:06) folks who borrowed tens and hundreds of millions and are going bankrupt uh that alone will let you know uh who gave them their platform and promoted them and some of them even earned Commissions in helping them sell what are now uh defunct Investments uh always I always follow the money understand how folks make their money um I’m always very happy to explain how I make money in real estate uh both as an investor and in doing business development for real estate for example I am a realtor in Ontario and I am and have another announcement to
(01:36) explain the US stuff so I always fact that into your screening process of who to trust and what investments you should be investing in I review many many many deals all the time uh now onto the news did you know that the FrontRunner to become our next prime minister of Canada said he would reduce population growth to match growth of new homes built and factor in health care access and jobs makes a lot of sense now I’m not here to discuss politics I just look at the trends from the polling data Pier po looks like a clear clear
(02:07) favor to be our next prime minister looking like a majority so again all I’m doing is trying to factor in where where things are going and how that should affect my investing because why I don’t really care to discuss politics with anyone I’m more interested in what this means for my clients and my business and my investments of course I always have the uh Source sources Linked In My Show notes again this was an article from the CBC uh again Link in the show notes uh now a couple problems uh housing starts across
(02:37) Canada are way down as building and development costs are extremely high it is real estate winter a lot of people are not buying all interest rates are still remain high new construction sales are low as the market needs time to digest these historic number of new construction condos and historic number of listings especially the small condos uh which could take you know one and a half two years per Benjamin tall de deputy chief Economist for CIBC uh I’ve again I’ve posted some uh charts if you don’t follow Dr M Moffet
(03:09) on Twitter I can’t recommend that you do enough uh because again he posts brilliant graphs and data and commentary on housing markets uh and of course things like International students housing starts anyways again I’ve got a link to show notes on some posts from Dr M Moffett uh for example Toronto Toronto housing starts this past year are are they’re above 2021 and 2022 but uh yeah I don’t think anyone’s confident that will last for very long uh not with uh sales being quite low especially in new construction sales being quite low
(03:45) across Canada now combine that with Flat runs across Canada as demand from International students have cratered again I posted a um a snap a screenshot of a post by Dr Mike Moffett uh from early September how international student reforms the federal government have made earlier this year have provided substantial rent relief uh we did not see rent spikes across Canada uh rents are actually quite flat over the last 12 months from August 2023 to August 2024 and so if you’re not familiar with that happened the federal government
(04:20) wants a 35% 35% reduction in the number of international students and uh the stat that I’ve seen is that applications are down 45% so uh um yeah the Global Mail is reporting how Google searches of student housing near universities in watero Hamilton and Kingston are down 46 to 55% so we’re seeing data points that that several data points that reflect a declining interest significantly reduced interest by International students um so personally my investment hypothesis is forever changing uh I’m constantly learning and uh that shaped my own
(04:57) experience and what I hear from Real Estate experts like real ones and I’m always looking at what they’re doing with their own money my hypothesis is focused on cash flow long-term growth in rents and prices if if that was news to anyone for the local investor knowing that rents are flat and in the current market again this is current market all we can ever do is understand what’s in the current market and make predictions with what we have to predict with and reduced demand from International students and immigrants
(05:27) what do you think will happen to your cash flow uh your rent growth and appreciation over the long term right I still have a number of properties in Ontario Canada so I’m concerned I’m concerned if lowering interest rates and lack of Supply will will be enough to push my prices up because yes i’ absolutely love prices to go up and rents to go up in Canada especially in Ontario where my properties are um however with economic and immigration landscape the way it is should a Canadian investor invest their Hardware earn money into local markets I
(05:57) personally know I would not deploy more Capital into long-term rentals at least were in the in the markets I invest in Ontario now on the other hand legal short-term rentals in hotels that’s another matter uh as a small airb operators get squeezed out by governments um they’re incredibly out of favor even though they cause very little disturbance to long-term rental markets anyways this is exactly why we have experts in Ashley and Ashley and Spencer back on the show but before we get to them can you believe Kevin ear said take
(06:28) my advice get married sooner have more kids family is everything that’s what it’s all about do you agree and now I’m just quoting exact the exact post on Kevin’s Uh Kevin rers on his social media page specifically his LinkedIn again I’ve post a link to his LinkedIn uh on sorry his his Instagram his Instagram anyways again I posted the the link to his Instagram in the show notes Uh Kevin explains how he wishes he would have spent more time with his kids when they were young and I couldn’t agree more I’ve interviewed hundreds of successful
(07:02) entrepreneurs and investors almost all of them would agree with Kevin in how parents will can never get back those wonderful years of development while kids are still young my decision to make my portfolio more Passive by delegating to share U who ass managing my Assets in the US free me up to do more to spend more time doing what I enjoy which is my work including this podcast and helping hardworking communs their towards their on their Journey towards Financial Peace and uh when I’m not working I love to spend time with my wife and my kids my
(07:33) kids are a lot of fun at the age that they’re at they still think I’m cool and they laugh at my jokes all the while with my real estate portfolio especially in the states uh I’m still a direct owner uh which is what I consider and what I consider the best asset class which is real estate cash flowing real estate while maintaining 100% control while someone else does all the heavy lifting for me uh shares business is exactly what I envisioned for my own Professional Services as a realtor and guing my clients as a coach because I always
(08:01) wanted them to have uh as easy as possible real estate investing as operational easy as possible and to be as passive as possible in Ontario but that’s just not possible in this market landscape with affordability being so bad when so many people can’t even afford to cash flow enough to afford a proper manager uh then you add to that rank control so then your your cash flow doesn’t ever get better while inflation just gets worse and of course tenants have all the rights in Ontario and uh that’s what I’m hearing from my
(08:31) BC friends as well um now I’ve got the big news to share that I’m incredibly excited about as you know my real estate Journey started way back in 2005 when I became a novice landlord and then I got serious in 2008 when it worked out really well uh that’s when I began formally learning about real estate investing treating like a business and since then I’ve always had my eye on landlord friendly USA economic fundamentally in landlord rights it always made a lot of sense there’s better cash flow more stable tenant laws
(09:00) as in like in favor of the landlord Etc but the challenges of getting financing building a power team I could trust finding the right deals IM managing properties from across the border just kept me from jumping into that market well I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve recently taken on a new role as head of Business Development for in Canada for share this partnership is a GameChanger for anyone looking to invest in the US market like I have always wanted to do like I am doing now uh I bought a house in San Antonio Texas just recently
(09:27) shares limitated all my hurdles that once help me back financing we have the contacts one of them just emailed me today they have now they have now signed 4,500 lenders ready to lend to Canadians deal sourcing including including off Market check ongoing Property Management we at share can handle it all with share I get to be a passive us landlord uh I’ve been a landlord for 20 years so I have plenty of experience I’ve own over 40 properties personally I don’t enjoy it and will gladly pay someone else to do it while I get to go while I still
(09:59) get to remain a direct investor uh with 100% ownership and full control 100% of the equities mine I the pay fees it’s dream contr true for me as a nerdy investor I think you all know I’m a really nerdy investor I’ve comparison shopped so many deals over this even just this podcast of well over 300 interviews again I get to keep 100% of the equity and that’s exactly how my 45 past clients made uh the ones who made a million or more in investing in real estate they had control 100% of the equity they gave none none of that
(10:30) control or Equity up so if you ever been interested in us real estate investing now is the time to take a serious look uh if you’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to invest in the US but didn’t know where to start this is probably it the best place to start is uh my website i. Shar Day morning we have limited seats in person and they always sell out so check it out buy if you want to come in person make sure you buy a ticket ASAP again they always sell out if you if the $30 entry fee is too much for you I’m
(11:09) offering another free training event in late November obviously it won’t be nearly as in-depth and detailed as the US investing Workshop but at least it’s free and that’ll be in late November the writing’s on the wall I don’t see much of a future for everyday investing in Canada when deals are that we’re finding at share are just simply better on to this spe show uh a topic that I’m a big fan of indirectly we’re talking about avoiding long-term rentals in tenant friendly provinces like Ontario hence we have Spencer and Ashley
(11:38) Giles back for round two if you don’t already know vacation rentals are a business 247 businesses uh for some airb managers Airbnb managers like Spencer and Ashley who are are pretty for forward about that uh so they’re back to share more we’re going to dig deeper into the strategy because last time we only had an hour this time we’re back to dig to go you know level two get more into the details of the strategy including operating and owning airb bees in the US their management portfolio consists of over 50 properties some of
(12:09) them are their own the vast majority are for clients and they’re are quite spread out uh they’re all over they’re all in great markets across Ontario and Upstate New York which they more recently expanded to just the last few years so they have a lot of diverse experience to share they have a l they have a lot of experience to pull from in terms of what the best practices are and I always love learning from people who know their stuff who are doing it who put their own money into it and yeah my experience was
(12:37) the people you want to learn from just to follow Ashley and Spencer their website is I sure said Spencer and Spencer and their Instagram is also Spencer and Ashley on Instagram please enjoy the show [Music] about yourselves sure so we’re Spencer and Ashley Ashley and Spencer will go either way um we are Canadian Real Estate Investors uh predominantly in the short-term rental market we have a short-term rental management company which is travelux so we co-host basically for owners in the short-term
(13:17) rental space and then we also own a couple short-term rentals in Niagara and a little bit in Upstate New York very cool and then your Instagram handle is literally Spencer and Ashley yes very easy yes very easy Adam doesn’t follow you but this is Adam’s account it’s not my account so so again so we you’ve been on this show before so we’re here for like a part two to expand on everything um uh before we recording we talked about like the three levels of being in short-term rentals can you explain what that is I
(13:50) don’t think everyone definitely not understands that there’s definitely like multiple ways that you can get involved and there’s just different ways that you can go about it obviously the purchasing of it and you know doing everything with your capital in where you’re acquiring a property and then turning it into short-term rentals you know that’s one then there’s the Arbitrage model which is where you’re going to landlords so you don’t actually own the property you’re going to landlords and getting them to agree to letting you kind of
(14:15) suit on Airbnb or other vacation rental platforms so you know you’re you’re usually putting your your smaller down payment of rent first and last maybe security deposit and then the cost of furniture so it’s a good way for people to get in and um get their skin in the game for a lot less money and then there’s the management side which is the one that we we do we don’t do any Arbitrage at the moment uh and that is just giving out our expertise and time to investors so the investors are buying the property they’re Furnishing it
(14:45) they’re putting all the capital in and then they’re essentially handing the keys over to us to run it for a management fee um so it’s very little Capital involved for us as the management um but they’re getting more of like a hands-off experience right they’re getting the revenue management they’re getting the the cleaners the complete operation system our expertise without having for them to to kind of dive in and um get their hands dirty there so for the novice’s exper uh per for for their knowledge so what’s the
(15:14) day-to-day for your for your client then for our client uh we try to make it hands-off as possible so they typically come to us when they’re they have a property it may be furnished it may not be we kind of help them with like our supply list this is what you need to get to the property so they have to do upfront work on getting the house furnished and um getting all the supplies there and we help we have resources and like an onboarding specialist who we helps guide them and then once the property goes live like we
(15:42) like to make it very hands-off some owners like to be a little bit more Hands-On like they want to know about maintenance items or about supplies needed but we have some owners who we speak to every 3 four months and they get sent their money every month with a detailed statement breaking down all the income coming in all the expenses and they obviously get the diff difference they see our management percentage coming off the top as well and they get the money directly into their account every single month so it kind of depends
(16:11) on the owner itself and that’s why we actually as a company have an owner Avatar so we’re going after working with certain types of people because it makes our lives a lot easier when they see us as the subject matter experts and they let us do our job for them mhm yeah tell us about tell us about your avatar so yeah explain what an avatar is and then tell us about who that is sure so an avatar would be someone that you’re looking to either work with or um just like either personalities or like someone you’re trying to Target to to
(16:41) work with that you’re you’re looking for like an overall profile of a person so for us with our owners it’s more investor investor mindset um who want to be more hands-off so someone who typically is in like maybe different areas of real estate and just want to get into airbnbs but don’t want to run it themselves see that property as an investment property to make money and not like a vacation home or a second home because they’re not as emotionally attached to it because when our owners are emotionally attached they tend to be
(17:09) a lot more involved uh and that just allows us to be able to do pricing the way that we need to do it getting the supplies there that we need to do just getting approval for any bigger items that may be needed and otherwise they trust us to run it to have a five-star review and make them the most amount of money because the way that our model is is the more money we make our owners the more money we make right so then someone who wants to use the the property as well that’s not your client we’re okay with that to an extent like obviously
(17:39) you have high seasons and low seasons and you know you have Gap fills and calendars so like you know we definitely don’t recommend our clients to rent out their place on like to use it themselves on like a long weekend because you know a lot of the times we’ll say like hey you know this is your property and you can do what you want but just know that you’re giving up you know $1,000 to $1,500 a night when you’re going to stay here so so it’s that we we’ll always try like not try to talk them a lot of but well certain properties certain
(18:04) properties are less but like you know again I’m talking about like kind of like our our our higher-end portfolio ones where we’ve had people say like hey you know what’s the opportunity cost here and we’ll tell them and most of the time they’re like yeah okay we’ll pick at different time so you know the the benefits of owning a vacation rental and we even get to benefit this with our especially our ones in elville is you can go down and use it but we as owners are more last minute cuz it’s so close we’re basically saying hey if it’s not
(18:31) booked by tomorrow we’re going to go tomorrow we’ll just block it off for two days it’s a week it’s a week day it’s you know not as big opportunity cost versus blocking a weekend during the middle of ski season is like a no-o zone for us because I know that’s thousands of dollars that we’re missing out on and you know I’d much rather have that towards the investment than to go down and and ski a 60-second hill now you uh we you touched on Rental rent rental Arbitrage that’s the term yeah can you explain uh why you don’t do
(19:02) it like I just see like for a while I saw quite a bit of marketing on selling courses and businesses that that did that yeah I mean there’s it’s not that we don’t like it I I think it’s actually a great opportunity if if you can get involved it’s just we kind of naturally gravitated towards the management we found it was a little bit easier to to scale and and and to move with um essentially you’re just you got to convince the landlord that you’re going to be doing this you can’t you can’t lie to them and say I’m going to rent it and
(19:32) then all of a sudden they find out it’s on it’s on A or B and B um you know we just found it more appealing that instead of having to risk putting money out with rent first and last month and and Furnishing it you know why don’t we just manage it have our clients put all the Furnishing in and then they they you know they do the entire investment with our guidance of course and you know really kind of make the same amount of well it’s a higher return really but it’s same amount of cash flow if you want to look at it um like I said
(20:06) nothing that we you know we we’ve even looked at doing Arbitrage especially like down in the states we still like the model it’s just we’ve always gravitated towards the management side and the scalability for management is faster as well like you can take on 10 clients all at one time whereas it’s a little harder for someone to find like 10 units and have the income and being able to furnish all 10 units at one time and get that all set up whereas our overhead for the company and for management especially as you start out
(20:35) is very very low so you can take on all of that business all at one time yeah and like obviously like anything there’s regulation changes you know if you’re in a specific building that originally allows it and then the HOA votes against it and you know now you’re stuck with all this furniture that you you might have to get storage for like those are all things that we kind of factor in as well um but I mean that’s you know that really only happens to people that don’t do the research and they buy in something where they don’t realize that
(21:02) hey like this could happen and they get stuck with it you know the people that do really well in the Arbitrage they do their homework and a lot of the times they’re getting all their money back in six months six to 12 months anyway so they’re really you know after that first year they’re they’re in it with essentially no money attached to that and they’re making good cash flow so you know there really isn’t like the best way to do it it’s really what you’re comfortable with if you’re good with negotiating with landlords and getting
(21:27) them to you know like you lease it and you can get a good rent that’s fine I mean yeah you’re still dealing with the landlords but on the management side you know it’s I wouldn’t say like there’s definitely downfalls to that too now you’re dealing with like you said owners and people that can be emotionally attached to the property um and that’s why our Avatar is straight investors that are looking for an Roi and they’re not as emotionally attached to it because we say like hey you should add this they’ll do it right and they see
(21:53) the return in it and we make sure to highlight it like hey you added this hot tub last year January the year before you didn’t have it you know you made Seven Grand this past January I just want to congratulate you cuz you you went over 10 right like I know there’s more track records and other things that come involved but I guarantee you that hot was a big factor right and just showing them that like hey you know you trusted Us in making that purchase and here’s the ROI that kind of backs that now the next time we we we go and say
(22:19) hey you should add this they won’t they won’t question it so that’s kind of the Avatar that we’re looking for the people that will see the value at and they’re okay to reinvest back into the property as well yeah we we were just this past weekend where we rented my friends rented a a farmhouse in AIA I’m I just stayed and book it but then literally my buddy that we’re driving up with is asking is there a hot tub and I was like I’m okay that there’s not a hot tub because we got a really cheap room rate perfect yeah so you know uh but
(22:49) yeah it seems to be a good thing to do to hot tubs now I want to talk about the like the darker side of of this business uh like there’s many reason like I’m an extremely risk verse anyone who this show knows I’m extremely risk adverse I I have a million reasons not to do anything and they’re all not always rude in reality that’s why we have experts on the show like yourselves to talk to it uh like for example like a like the cottage that we go to uh that our friends own this past Christmas they had the the septic was
(23:19) backing up right and so the owner had to go drive up and he’s pulling animal fat and feminine hygiene products out of the out of the whatever on Christmas yeah this is not my idea of fun because how do you even find someone to work on Christmas to deal with something like that yeah I don’t know how much you have to pay someone to deal with that at that point if there was guests there I would be like I will pay you triple cuz it’s always has to do you’re in Hospitality right like you’ve kind of left real estate we say this all
(23:48) the time once you get into short-term rentals you’re in Hospitality hospitality is 24/7 7 days a week there are no days off if a guest messages you at 10:00 at night you should answer like if a guest messages you at 7:00 in the morning you should answer on weekends on holidays especially on holidays and weekends right so um yeah and sometimes you have to be the one if you’re the owner of the property to go and fix the problem because a guest is there and that is definitely a big downside and finding trades to even go and do it that
(24:18) you trust has been can be very difficult in certain areas yeah forone says that uh airbnbs and vacation rentals are passive income it’s completely false it’s not it’s a lot of work right it is it’s like we get joy in it because we get a lot of families that come down and it’s it’s how you make that guest feel when they show up to the property like we do a lot of like surprise gifts and kind of try to go one step over and above like if they’re down celebrating like a birthday or something we’ll we’ll deliver cakes with their name on it a
(24:46) bottle of champagne like small things like that where they don’t expect it so the second they show up to the property they’re like wow you know and and creating very unique properties where they’re creating memories with their families like that’s kind of what we’re trying to portray to all of our guests but the dark side of it is that when it things go south and they’re having a bad experience like it’s it’s not only a lot of work in a pain but it also feels bad right like you feel horrible I generally feel horrible when someone does not have
(25:13) the experience that we try to give them so yeah like I said we’ll do whatever it takes to to try to turn that around because I guess you know maybe it’s just the human nature in us but we travel a lot and we go on vacations and we know how important that is to us so when someone else isn’t having that great experience that we want to try to portray you know we kind of put ourselves in that shoes and I guess that is kind of the dark side because there’s a lot of days where we just like we we we get brought into that right we feel
(25:41) that like hey now we’re having a bad day because they’re having a bad day and when you have 50 plus properties there’s a lot more things that go wrong and can go wrong so it’s hard to kind of detach yourself from that without not caring and the things that go wrong like to go wrong when you’re out for dinner at a family event at the movies you know New Year’s Eve New Year’s Eve you know that’s when they tend to go wrong and you have to get on the phone you have to you have to deal with it but I think having a strong team is crucial for any
(26:13) short-term rental investor and I love that I love that you say it what I find is with novices they don’t want to know what a strong team looks like that’s fair like before we were recording I was talking about my friend who you know who works in Tech sales in Toronto and her partner failed her including their team so she’s up there on weekends on her hands and knees refinishing the deck and trying to figure out how this make the creen the the pool go back to clear versus this screen right now MH like I can’t imagine what your well the reviews
(26:42) are pretty bad on the yeah it’s the scorecard can you imagine like what your reviews would be if you’re pool screen I would stop renting I would stop renting eventually your listing will get suspended if you have enough enough of those bad reviews right 4.1 is pretty low isn’t it for every 4.2 is usually in suspension range so they’re probably very close to Airbnb saying get your together you have we’re going to give you a few other chances but if this continues to go this way they will suspend your listing and you have to
(27:10) appeal it and it usually blocks your dates for a few weeks and it can get messy right so you have to usually nip that in the butt that’s why I said like if you are going to hire someone to manage your property you there’s there’s a few things that you want to ask them about on how they run their operations like I’m a big Revenue management pricing person so ask them about their pricing strategy do they have an extensive pricing strategy do they know what they’re talking about are they looking at lead time which means how far
(27:35) in advance that average guest is booking um for that each specific month what kind of discount strategies do they do in high and low season like those are things that I would ask if we were to hire it but also what does your operations accountability look like you know how do you work with your cleaners how do you hold them accountable how do you ensure that they get the place set up so the pool’s not green when your guests show up how do you you know how do you hold them accountable to that right are you just trusting them do you
(28:00) have a system in place you know good management companies will have answers to all of those things um obviously everyone’s human things are you know things can break and things can fall apart mistakes can happen but you know that’s another question I would ask is you know how do you handle a bad review or a bad situation with a guest and just making sure that if you are going to pay someone cuz you’re usually going to pay anywhere from 18 to 25 plus perc of gross rents with management um you want to make sure that they’re adding value
(28:30) that they’re going to bring you in more money than if you were to run it yourself right um but you’re not a miracle worker no no and you probably could have bajillions of clients if you service like Moka and karthas now actually made the point that you want your your the ideal client and it sounds like probably the more successful investor separates personal use from business mhm so can you explain why you’re not in MCO are you in cors we are in cors yeah we’ve got over 10 properties there and growing quite quickly but um so it sounds like you can
(29:05) build a business in corus not so much mccoa we’re not saying we can’t build a mccoa I think what I said before maybe it’s harder well we’re looking for one key thing one person yeah so we just said we don’t like we have very strict rules for who we work with but we hold ourselves to a very high standard as well right so and the people we work with and the skills that we bring to theable and we can’t if we’re Spencer and I aren’t phally in that location we need another us who is there who can be the boots on the ground and run it properly
(29:37) like we would love to we get people all the time like on Instagram being like hey I’m in this area I’d love for you to manage it and like I really appreciate that but we don’t have any of our systems set up up there and it would be irresponsible of us to just say yes let’s just do it for the money knowing that we’re not 100% confident that we could give our best best service without properly going through the due diligence of finding our territory manager who’s our boots on the ground of finding and vetting and testing out cleaners because
(30:08) cleaners are integral to the business right there’s cleaners who clean just for the money and there’s cleaners who clean and care about the property who will spend the extra time or say hey your pool’s green I’m going to stay until it’s fixed or I know a guy who can help you and they’re so invested and that’s what we want is people who have vested interest in the property without having ownership because they care and we will pay more for that and I find a lot of novices will be like what’s the cheapest cleaner that I can find and
(30:36) then they get upset when their cleaning reviews aren’t great or their house is being isn’t being taken care of properly well they’re not reliable typically not reliable well that’s the worst then you have someone showing up to a property not clean or not clean properly this is Hotel standard clean right and we have very like Spencer already said it we keep we hold them accountable and we’re very strict with them but we also pay a premium like we’re not paying $50 at clean we’re paying almost over $200 for some of these people per clean right
(31:03) plus garbage removal plus uh pool maintenance if needed right you need someone who’s maintenance who’s able to go around at a moment’s any moment’s time like we’ve had um AC units at 8 9:00 at night cut out in the middle of July recently and we’ve had a guy there within half an hour mhm he doesn’t work for us he’s just a contractor but we pay him well to do this I just want to emphasize the point point that you brought up is like you need to separate investment from living from use like for and again I find it often comes with
(31:37) with novices um and again it’s just really just lack of Education I very common I get people calling me asking for they want Florida and then I’m like have you Googled Florida Insurance yeah right and then once they do and then like okay now once you’ve done that Google yeah Florida 30-year-old condos right because because the a Condo building collapsed back in 202 killing 98 people which Miami uh I forget which it was a Cal City I for which one but like I just can’t believe that happened in America that that a building
(32:12) collapsed my point is that um separate recreational use from investment MH because with with a different lenss it tells you different things I love Florida I’ll go to Florida I’ll go rent I love M skoka Cottages but them I won’t buy one right I’m glad to pay thousands of dollars that we do for a week so that I don’t have to deal with the maintenance and um I’m not in that business and my experience is similar to yours that it’s hard to build a team in certain areas definitely and that’s what I’m trying to extract from you with
(32:44) being experts is if if you uh you know for for listener if they want to get into this business strategy go to areas where you can build teams yes 100% And typically we start if someone’s starting out in this business like we always say start out where you are like in your own backyard or somewhere close to you or an area you know really well because you’re there and you can have a bit of control until you kind of get it together and you know what you’re doing yeah learn the business exactly and we do like working with owners even with investors
(33:13) it we don’t mind that they want to go use the property from time to time like Spencer said because we want them to have pride of ownership we want them to see this as an investment but be proud to be like hey I’m coming during the week in October which isn’t as like High season um and I’m bringing my friends CU I can’t wait to show them the property because if they have pride of ownership they will invest back into it they will maintain it because we don’t have ownership in this property we can say hey you need to do X Y and Z but they
(33:41) could say no yeah even our JV Partners that’s like part of it it’s like yes it’s like you know what you might be giving up 1% or 2% on your cash on cash return but you get to go down and use this thing you know obviously we’ll we’ll we’ll we’ll steer them away from those weekends but if they go down with friends like it is that emotion that like hey we we created this unique space this this really cool thing that people come down and use and love and it makes money MH can we show some pictures uh yeah uh we have to
(34:10) go I don’t know if it would be on our uh on our feed do we have uh anything on our Instagram be more so yeah cuz I I think I’ve seen well like this one here the middle one that’s from the balcony of our one in N Lakes one of our uh with a JV partner so yeah this is off the master the master suite um this is what people wake up to in the morning right and it is like you know something small but like again these are like the things people go out there with a coffee in the morning and the sun rises just to the left of myself which
(34:45) also overlooks Vineyards so you go out there early enough it’s it’s quite a peaceful morning and that’s why we love these properties in Niger and the lake where you you’re not staring at houses you’re staring at Vineyards right right yeah it’s totally different feel when you have a coffee on a porch staring at a Vineyard than and we don’t typically stay at that property it makes it does really well and we use it very much as an investment and we live like 20 minutes away but just experiencing that uh I was like I
(35:14) am so proud of this house and I’m so excited that other people get to experience this very cool and it it financially does really well what’s so what’s like a weekend how do you guys July and August are definitely your highest um we’re we’re over 1,500 a night on the weekends over a th000 during the week um that we’re getting like this this property here it brings in um over 150,000 gross a year that’ss about 65 to 70 a year the last three years it’s done in and around that um we’re we’re going to make some additions to that property I think
(35:51) though to uh is it yours yeah so we’re well it’s a JV so we’re we’re yeah so we we have ownership in it um but again we the way we had it is they were the the money partner we were the operations so we took care of a lot of like the renovations and getting it ready and we do we run everything so what kind of additions are you planning well uh there’s two things that we want to do uh that we’re back and forth the the main one is we want to do a sport court pickle ball specifically it is like a super popular sport and our guest avatar
(36:22) for this property is 40 plus year old couples a lot of families that we get um because it is a higher nightly rate that’s typically the the guest that we’ve seen come through in this space and we know that you know 40 plus year old people they love the sport of pickleball but also families love being able to have that activity on this property because a lot of people do spend a lot of time at this property because it has the hot tubs the saunas The Vineyards it’s got a nice outdoor patio um so spending a lot of time on
(36:52) site yeah like they’re coming there to be immersed in The Vineyards right yes they’re going to Wineries and they’re going into Old Town haager in the lake but they’re also spending a lot of time here in the mornings and coming back here for dinners and um just taking in the scenery because they’re paying for that right that’s what’s kind of nice about creating these types of places is like you know this isn’t a place where people are dropping their bags off and leaving like we’re creating an experience that they’re going to hang
(37:15) out at so you know the the pickle ball Sport Court we want to do like a basketball in there as well um just that gives that little extra uh influence for people but also you know they’ll get to enjoy it a lot more as well and uniqueness but we do there nothing like it yeah we do have a barn there that’s pretty worn out that we’re considering turning into like some sort of games room hangout space it’s got like one of those um sliding door garage doors that we want to do like a glass one with a pad that overlooks The Vineyards so
(37:46) that’s probably three to yeah three to five your play yeah we we think the the sport card will definitely bring in uh a higher Roi but the nice thing about that and what really excites me is there’s no data on it right we can’t really put uh an exact marker and how much more it will bring in but that’s what excites me about it because no one else has it is that like you know I know that it’s going to bring in more money but what excites me is that no one else is going to have something like that so how much
(38:15) is the exciting part this will be interesting to follow uh before we recording uh we were talking about how uh a lot of people are on the news for the wrong reasons um I’ve I’ve talked about it many times one one of the lessons from the financial crisis was whoever went under usually was because they couldn’t support their debt right U and then in today’s news it’s people generally hard money loans and they can’t support it now so my question to you was uh how do you finance a short-term rental it’s a lot tougher in Canada now
(38:50) um most lenders won’t touch short-term rentals I know someone like the B and C lenders will I I know that they’re talking about ch changing that like I said we’ve moved more into the states for that reason cuz they’re a little bit more accommodating when it comes to short-term rentals um but yeah that that is the challenge when you are purchasing now is you need to be upfront with the mortgage lender on what this property is going to be I know there’s a lot of people that will say you know what I’m thinking of moving in here and then they
(39:20) change their mind but again that’s that is not something we would recommend doing because if they do find out you can get in a lot of trouble for that um so that is the the Big Challenge I’d say in in Canada right now but um I would just say talk to your mortgage broker see what you can do before you uh before you purchase anything if you are going to go that route right cuz for me financing drives a lot of my decision- making for for investing um like I’ve I’m self-employed and I’m capped here in Canada and everyone runs into a cap
(39:52) versus in the states it seems to be much there’s way more options mm uh so what what would the what would financing look like in the states well yeah a lot better so for for our allocate bill on better well yeah CU that’s the thing like these these ones weren’t necessarily they were value ads but we were never going to go in and refinance and pull money out they were more value ads in terms of they were vacation rental value ads so we we we updated the outside we created more like unique things we weren’t doing kitchens
(40:23) and bathrooms and bedrooms that kind of stuff where it was really going to increase the value of the property it was going to increase the the value of the income that it brings in um so for yeah for that because we bought it in 2020 and 2021 when interest rates were super low uh we got like 2.2 and 2.59 but the beauty of it was it’s 30 years it’s not five advertised it’s it’s 30 years so we we have that rate for as long as the property exists right so that’s what we like cuz it’s predictable but that sounds like a that’s very cheap
(40:56) in any context yeah that it’s not like that now like you know your your interest rates are triple that but at the same time you have the ability to lock that in for 30 years so if rates do come down or you’re happy with something you have the ability to do that so I know a lot of people now like the exciting time the exciting thing about that is interest rates are higher yes the numbers might not look as good on paper right now you know for talking just vacation rentals this is really any investment but if you can make sense of
(41:26) the numbers and still provide some cash flow and still be comfortable with the rates now and maybe even going up 1 or 2% like obviously you want to hedge both sides of it if for whatever reason it does come down a lot of the times that means value will go up you can pull some money out if you want to refinance or you can just lock in a better rate and improve your cash flow position so you know a lot of people are getting scared away from the rates right now but we’re looking especially into the states for this because I personally we personally
(41:53) see a lot of opportunity and uh in that where it’s like yeah okay you’re not bringing in $5,000 of cash flow every single month but you have the ability to add value add to the property increase amenities on that side of it but also if rates do come down you know there’s there’s definitely a very big win scenario there and short-term rentals are very funny in the sense that um in your typical like when you’re going through the numbers to see if you want to purchase a property as a real estate investor there are some airbnbs or short
(42:23) ter rentals that won’t pencil the way that you want them to pencil like on paper but we know based on our experience that we can look like this is in a great location location is huge right we can put in some money because this is a long-term play like I’m not expecting to get insane cash on cash return after year one short-term rentals is a long-term play um and you know you can bring those those numbers up with different amenities adding into the property we reinvest thousands tens of thousands back into these properties
(42:54) every single year because you need to keep up with competition around but if you had looked at some of these properties and looked at the numbers I don’t know if many people would have really bought them if they didn’t know how to get these up to what others in the area were doing yeah the one property we looked at in elville recently oh no no no this is like the one we ended up buying um you originally we were going to do it with someone else and they’re very well-known investor in the area and like they just you know we
(43:22) showed them the numbers that existed but we were saying like hey like the good news is there’s a ton of opport people don’t know how to take photos in Aliceville they don’t know how to Market it they do not know how to price right and there’s a lot of missing amenities that we can add to really bring this up but it’s hard to just say that because I guess yes it is speculative because you are being the leader in that industry but we’ve seen how that has impacted other areas where people have already done that so we tried to bring that data
(43:49) to it but it I see how that will scare even the most seasoned investors away because it does seem speculative but sure enough we still bought that property and end up being like a very very good investment because of that but there is that risk of like you know we were 99% confident that it was going to bring it but there is because there’s no data in that area supporting it you know I can see how it would scare a lot of people away right but the price point is a lot less risks than yeah that too right you’re not buying a $1.5 million
(44:17) property you know your 5600 Grand right like it’s it’s more feasible there and to your financing question I know we didn’t really touch on that in elville because it’s so close to the Border we were able to get 80% LTV So 20% down um you know there was a little bit more fees involved but um yeah we were able to to only have to put 20% down because they do the crossb banking so rbcd for example oh you still got Canadian mortgage yeah from Canadian bank but they’re us division they were able to use your Canadian credit because there’s
(44:47) a lot of Canadians that have invested down there was so low yeah can you scale that though like whose credit are they using your America your Canadian credit yeah you can only do that when you’re I think you’re close to the board like we weren’t able to do that down in Florida but once you have property and you’re on tile in the US then you can get your ittin anyways which is basically a tax identification number and then you can start getting more favorable rates in other areas of the US using that too funny I think there’s more Canadians in
(45:14) Florida than anywhere I know they’re tracking the Border rather than like where the Canadians are I think Florida wanted yeah 75% LTV cuz we had no we had a property in a contract I mean the rate was higher though the rate was higher than if you were obviously a US citizen with an SSN and you know um it was 75% but then they wanted a $110,000 fee as well yeah the fee was higher back end fee it’s definitely you know it’s more skin in the game for a Canadian still versus if you’re you know if you have a really if you have a credit record or
(45:47) somehow get a Social Security number and have you know good built-in credit down there they’re definitely a lot more aggressive and you can also do that with uh Us credit cards like start getting into uh you guys know this game abely like yes from the points and Miles side of course but even outside of that if you start getting into us then you start building Us credit history and then they will give you a tax identification number and then you can start using that to actually purchase properties at a more favorable rate yeah so you don’t need to
(46:13) just purchase to get it and you can do that you know there’s it’s a bit of a work workaround but you can get that without having an itin or an SSN like you can get a Us credit card you need a an address and stuff in the states of course but you can get creative if you have friends that live down there just get it sent to there and you have to open a bank account but you’re you can open a bank account easily um do you have any pictures of the elville property on your IG know we probably do if you just keep scrolling I’d have to take a look but
(46:43) uh I don’t actually remember I know I know we do eventually I just don’t know how how far down you’re going to have to go you guys talk about it more often uh I don’t know we do talk about it maybe just not like all the time and we love like the travel side of it so you’re going to see a lot of that on our feed this is why we do it right because we want to be able to go experience these things we learn a lot when we travel we stay at a lot of nice five-star hotels and we we get a lot of hospitality tricks from that but
(47:13) do we have like a our personal Investments we did that we talked about that is it in that one though or no I just there there is there is a I want to see if we have it on here sure if we do 56 Grand oh 13 129 grand these are Big rent numbers we would have profiled our our elil ones when we rid the games room yeah that would have been October of last year but yeah so before we were recording we were talking about like what’s your next property can we talk more about elville like how do you like how do you get into it what what does
(47:57) the property look like so yeah the the the challenge I wouldn’t say the CH well it is a challenge with elville is that it’s a small town and there’s not a ton of Supply that’s on the market but they have tons of visitors don’t they tons of visitors it’s a it’s a tourist town so like that’s what we like about it is that the reason why we’re bullish there is because majority of their businesses the restaurants I want look at how many visitors they get cuz I’m sure it’s an obscene number yeah well it’s especially
(48:27) it’s a weekend town right you get a lot of people from you know Buffalo area Canadians especially and then you get a lot of people from like Ohio like anywhere Canadians tons of Canadians it’s not far now it’s not far at all for someone for the west and tono it’s almost the same as going to Blue Mountain in terms of commute I’d say it’s pretty close once you get over the Buffalo border you’re about an hour an hour away so yeah it’s it’s not super far but like we love it because it is a tourist town and more than likely not again going back to
(49:00) the regulations they’re going to be in favor of it I know they’re talking about um bringing in more of a a policy for it because right now there’s the Village area and that’s pretty strict uh in terms of getting a license but it’s like a specific very very detailed outlined on their on their U City website of like what zoning that is and then all like the medium density and lower density zones which again outlines it with the streets it’s very you know cut and PAC are areas that you are allowed to operate in um without like you don’t
(49:31) need a license in those areas they just allow you to do it what I think they’re going to probably move to and they’re talking about but again it’s probably going to be a while from now is putting more of a a licensing program in place and the main reason is just to make sure that operators are doing their job and not just renting it to bad guests right because I think in any community that is the main concern is that you know if you have two residents living beside an Airbnb that person’s mismanaging it and
(49:58) there’s parties and they’re they’re up till 2: in the morning you know create creating noise and garbage and all of that that’s what really makes the headlines in the news about airbnbs right they don’t highlight the tens of thousands of families that come to the area and go to bed at 10:00 and leave the place in better condition than when they got there literally so I think it’s good that they’re looking to do stuff like that but um yeah that’s that’s elegant fing a nutshell so Holiday Valley gets 1.5 million visits yeah the
(50:28) ski resort itself that’s it yeah and they have they have a private one there as well a lot of members called called hont that’s where we haven’t found it yet but that’s where the the one that we we purchased is on it’s literally a 30 second walk to the the ski left yeah so tell me uh like paint The Listener a picture of what your next property would be like in elville or just in general in general because if you’re going to put your money into it I’m sure people will be interested I I they always say like don’t listen to what people are saying
(50:59) follow what their money’s doing yeah that makes sense um I think we still love on the lake like even the the property that we were looking at before that’s a variable mortgage and it’s still done very very well and that was an over million dollar purchase price um I think you need to really Target municipalities like Spencer was was just saying who need tourism to thrive that’s your elville on the lake like they have they big hotels cannot go into on the lake because they have to be historic buildings can’t be built over a
(51:29) certain height yeah but it’s really low height too very low height so they need short ter rentals they send us like thank you letters for operating every single year the city’s easy to work with and operate in um the purchase prices are high but we still find that that it works and then on the elville side like I feel like we would do both because elville is our offseason right so El’s High season is nagar life’s uh slow season and we like having a little bit of boat right CU you get the ski town and so they’ll never get rid of
(51:59) short-term rentals because they need people to come and stay and ski because that’s their High season um but I think the location in these places makes is really where it’s at you can’t go into nag Lake and find a subdivision and find the cheapest house and be like I’m in nagr the Lake I should crush it because people want to see what they came to nagr Lake for which is Vineyards so you want property they want Farmhouse they want country mhm and that’s what our properties would would give them we wouldn’t find something in a subdivision
(52:25) and then on the elville side they want to see like mountains and ski chalet and lots of wood inside you know that typical ski chalet Vibe close the Mountain close to the mountain that kind of thing yeah like we’re definitely big quality over quantity people I I would much rather have something that you know you are very proud of when you step in like every time we go to both elville properties because they’re both different properties where one’s got more more land but it like it’s got two if you want to call them Hills they’re
(52:55) mountains but they’re not mountains uh on both sides when you walk there you look right it’s just the Big Valley and you look left it’s The Big Valley and there’s a little creek that runs in the background so it’s very peaceful more tranquil versus you know our other one that’s right on the ski hill same thing it looks up at a mountain but you’re also in a great you’re in a much closer proximity yes you have neighbors left and right but you still have the views you do have that you step in there and you go wow and that’s kind of what our
(53:21) next property will be like is you know something where you have proximity to two things like ski sounds speech whatever it may be but also creates that unique experience of like there’s views there’s amenities on the property that you know people get to come and enjoy that you would be proud of when you get to go and visit and when you vacation my first time to elville I thought it was a I had no idea what to expect but like my context is like today’s Blue Mountain it’s but much much much smaller like it’s like two two blocks is the downtown
(53:54) but it’s so cute when you we were just there and you walk down there and you’re like this is such a cute town they really have it done up nicely with all the flowers all the little shops like people love that stuff I’m surprised no big private equity’s gone in and try to repeat something like a Blue Mountain there if it did your summer business would explode there’s a hotel going up apparently now um but again like not everyone want wants to stay in a hotel they want to stay in a chalet right like there’s always going to be that market
(54:20) for it and our homes sleep anywhere between 8 and 12 right and those people want to be they don’t want their individual homes they want to have dinners together they want to be in the hot tub together they want to be around the fire pit together right and no Hotel will ever take that away my friends are like that too like even when we still toay at Blue Mountain we Brenton arban B but more my point was like when you have a big Village there’s so much to do and then that attracts so many more people someone told me that Blue Mountain
(54:48) attracts more more visitors in the summer than the winter and that just blew my mind yeah that’s what we like about alil because it’s not just one High season like even the summer we had a very very good summer because again there’s there’s there’s hiking trails big mountain biking trails in that area so a lot of people come down for that but just being in that little town there’s lots of shops patios restaurants um they have they have a good golf course you would love it amazing gol yeah it’s very very difficult but it’s
(55:15) uh yeah really nice golf course right it’s got everything that a summer vacation town you know should have really because i’ I’ve talked to people about again our cotage country here in can in ont is like crazy expensive mhm cuz I I have some friends who are already saying they’re going to look in the states for a cottage and this kind of seems like competing with you but so please get get into get into um um I want can what do the property look like like tell me more about this target property that you have in mind in
(55:47) elville yeah I mean I I would I definitely would want to say something where it’s like more of a chalet Vibe but we we would say we probably do a hybrid between the two so like the first one that we got the more expensive one that’s right on the private Hill is 100% sh it’s beautiful right like you walk in it’s you know just under 3,000 square fet um oh that’s big yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s a good size um how much did you pay for that one 525 we got yeah I was listed at 589 we got it for 525 but that back in 2021
(56:18) price has gone up a little bit since then not crazy appreciation in elville but there there there is some but um wasn’t Callingwood that’d be a small fortune yeah it would be that’s what we’re saying we kind of joke this would be 2 million in Callingwood just given the fact that you can walk to the ski lift it’s right there so you see my point why more canans would be look into this for Cottages yeah especially if you’re going to use it it’s a it’s a I mean it’s US dollars but even then still it’s it’s quite reasonable property
(56:47) taxes are high there right I think that one were over 10 grand or actually right around 10 105 a year for that one and you get nothing for it you still have to do private garbage snow removal all of that um holy Hannah okay so yeah that they that’s probably why it keeps prices down too yeah for sure um but then our other property this is more in the country and this is the one that has the detach garage we turn into a games room it’s got the fire pit cuz you know the the first one is on a hill so it’s a big
(57:15) slant and you know putting in a fire pit there would be very difficult so on the second story balcony we’ve got the luxury Lounge set with a gas fire table so you can still be outside and take in the views and have the fire but we’d want to I would say probably try to find something in the Middle where it’s a little bit nicer on the inside shall like the first one but with a bit of property with views right um even if it’s just outside of town that’s fine cuz the other one is about a f- minute drive outside of elville versus this
(57:44) one’s right in it um s i just paolog you there does your company have a website that with pictures of these uh yeah I mean should we go to the Airbnb ad yeah we can go to the we can go we can go to that um how do I get it to you guys um we can Google if you just go to Al if you just like go to airb and Google Al bille you can go to our profile from there we’ll find the property oh for the listeners benefit we we do Post these to YouTube as well so we actually have the a big screen in our background where we’re going to look at this
(58:12) stuff you know we try to try to be like Joe Rogan once no I love I love it but yeah I would say what definitely an in between we like we see the ones that do really well there to have that the a little bit of land saunas fire pits elville is that what we do for where you have to search El I would just search like any week too because we’re pretty booked you’re not going to find it if you search uh e l i e l l i oh two L’s they there then you can just hit um yeah like flexible do a week yeah just hit search you’re good
(58:54) there all right it might be faster if we go right to um how’s this sorted actually while we’re in here how does how does well this you’re searching you’re searching any week so it’s going to give you um what’s available yeah it’s going to give you the majority of the properties that are available if you just want to I think these are important things for people to know I have no idea so cuz that’s that’s the thing too and like for your pricing strategies that like if you are searching for a specific date like I
(59:24) said if you if you have dates that aren’t available and guest are searching for that date you’re never going to be found right so you do want to be putting in a little bit more of an aggressive pricing strategy to to show up ideally on the first page right here we’re just searching for for any week so might make sense to go on the map here um so go kind of like right in this left side so see where Al Bill see go left of it yeah right see where that gray patch is zoom in on that there it is that’s the property so yeah you can click in on
(1:00:02) that so this is the the first one that we bought that’s right on the hill um oh wow that’s sub 3,000 square fet I think it’s like 20 2,800 gee this is nice so yeah we’ve done some recent updates to it but the nice thing about this is it was a previous Canadian owner so most of this came furnished so we worked that into the mortgage as well but we we’ve recently we redid the floor and the kitchen and the dining room but like we add things like this espresso machines coffee the kitchen was like that already pretty much minus the floor we we redid
(1:00:34) the floor and obviously we upgraded we added some we’re big water we big water snobs so we added like an RO system in there because it makes coffee better and the water’s safe to drink there it’s just people don’t always want to have to buy bottled water when they go in so and there’s still gorgeous some updates that we can make we redid that shower not intentionally the previous one was leaking m yeah that’s is the TRU about real estate investing stuff breaks and costs money but I mean really like what it is is
(1:01:03) like the back of the PAAD here like when when you’re out there you’ve got your hot tub and this and you’re overlooking kind of this view that’s that’s awesome it’s very peaceful and that’s that’s kind of what we want to try to do like not just a subdivision right you want to have views and how big is the lot it looks like there’s nobody nearby oh no there is it’s just cuz it’s on such a slant I don’t know the total size love that’ll give you a better indication of it there uh that one photo on the left like you can see you’ve got a property
(1:01:29) right right to our left and there is one to the right as well it’s just kind of hidden by trees what about back neighbor uh there well it’s more like way down that’s the only that’s like the the thing it’s like you kind of look on top of their house just because it is on the hill and the thing with this property is there’s so many levels there’s like six levels to it it’s like three or four steps down three or four steps down three or four steps down it just keeps going lots of stairs this is super cool and this was your first Venture
(1:01:57) this was yeah this is the first one we we bought and then we purchased another one in Aliceville probably like a month later this that’s outside this is probably the one we’re the most proud of um most proud of like getting people to come by like our friends and stuff if we go down for a couple days during the week but the other one that we have is the more profitable like net they’re both very profitable but the other one was just like actually if you so go back to the listing it’ll be faster like click on that like oh yeah
(1:02:25) click on the click on this picture again go back into the listing no no oh it go through your profile right yeah sorry go back to that where you just were go back to the property atam and then click on the uh click into that operators and then scroll down slightly see where it says let click on the logo at click on the logo again and scroll down all right now we’ll find the other ones um so you can view all oh you have a lot of listings you can go to view all listings it might be faster most most of these are management clients so like see where
(1:03:04) it says view all listings uh below that you manage that many mhm how What’s the total of properties you manage uh just under 50 just under 50 now but okay we have a bunch going live try to find the other El these are all like really pretty like there’s no subdivision houses there’s a couple but yeah we try to stay away from them oh yeah I see one there yeah yeah yeah okay so stay away from subdivision hoses I mean it’s it depends if you get the right deal on it it can make sense but again you’re dealing with neighbors
(1:03:37) and all of that it there’s more there’s more variables when it comes to that it’s probably going to be there on the on the right side there entire we got to redo the photos on this one I just remember that so this is the one we did with the games room um again this property we purchased for 240,000 um furnished as well and then that you can see the games in there on the top right this was just an empty garage space it was already insulated it had heat pumps in there so it was just like a a skeleton it was but it was already fully serviced
(1:04:11) electrical and it had the heat pump so air and air and heat so all we did was we hired a a a design company to to come up with this design and uh we did the work ourselves we went down and I’m never doing that paint job again but sa to say we we we did that ourselves and uh really all we added was you know the TV the pool table the basketball game you know some furniture and table eh you trust that with your guess honestly that wasn’t a very expensive pool table I think it was like a $600 pool table but you wanted something that was like the
(1:04:43) center of attention and you you I didn’t want to you didn’t want to leave it like open and I think that’s what the design company said as well um but yeah there’s there’s damage claims for everything so if it ever does come to that our cleaners are pretty good to replace some of the pool cues but that’s people just drop them like they put them up and they fall over who knows yeah it’s weird yeah so this one isn’t as like aesthetically pleasing on the inside like the other one I feel like a super Chalet they have like the
(1:05:12) wood the wood everywhere on the like very Chalet Vibes which I love this one is like an old converted Schoolhouse so it’s cute but it’s more in the country so you get way more of like a not winter so like spring summer fall crowd and because our covering costs on are so low cuz we bought it for a little over 200,000 it still brings in a couple thousand dollars every weekend all the time and then more in the winter so our our cash on Cas and then especially when we added this games room our um cash on cash on that is just really skyrocketed
(1:05:47) like this is the most profitable home in our portfolio that we own so when did you want more of them yeah that’s why I say we probably do a hybrid between the two but if you look looked at it it wouldn’t pencil the way that I feel like others would pencil if that makes sense well we were when we ran the numbers on this we were running a projections of like hey if this does like 40 Grand a year this makes like close to 800 bucks a month if it does 50 Grand a year we’re very happy and it’s going to do over six
(1:06:11) figures this year because of the garage right and the garage cost us so you’re double very happy yes good return that’s kind of what we looked at but penciling it didn’t do that because there wasn’t a lot of there wasn’t a lot of you know comps per se we like this games room did not exist in alic bille so we’re like you know are we throwing 10 grand at a wall and hoping it sticks probably not but there was 10 grand but I couldn’t go to investor with like hard numbers and being like look if you invest 10 grand
(1:06:37) into this games room here’s what it’s going to return we didn’t know but yeah but when you pencil the next one you have you should have a lot more confidence exactly and there’s also a lot of issues with that house because it’s in the country there was like a whole bunch of like animal issues it’s right beside a cow farm so we didn’t know if that would really impact the reviews or so we had to put a lot of time and effort into this property that we did not and money and that we did not have to put into the other one but now
(1:07:03) that we’ve spent all the money up front we got it all to where it needs to go and it has been pretty good since then C far people love it actually they’re like my kids like cuz they they can walk over and there’s like cows right on the fence you say your kids no not our kids I said kids like cuz we get a lot of families that come here right because like the you know the outdoor space the games room brings in a lot of families and uh yeah like originally were like oh there’s like a farm here but the luckily the smells it doesn’t really smell um
(1:07:31) and and and the kids love it cuz they get to go over and see the cows and yeah it’s just it’s a different it’s completely different from the other one cuz on paper I want a portfolio of these 100% yeah like we were scared because again both of these we purchased sight on scene um because this was during covid we couldn’t get there so we’re running the numbers we had people doing Facetime videos walkthroughs and you know it basically got to the point where it’s like even if they did on the lower side it was still safe so we were okay
(1:08:00) with that but when we went out to see this the first time we’re like oh no what did we what did we buy but again we just like I said did a lot of work to the backyard and you know updated a few things on the inside and yeah slowly but surely it started uh becoming quite profitable and you did one at a time no no that would make sense but no no this was months apart probably like two or three months part that’s not too bad yeah you get for a for a short- term rental when you couldn’t get down there um through 2020 in 2021 when we were
(1:08:35) flying from Toronto to Washington back to Buffalo so we could rent a car so we can go over there like it it was excuse me that’s how You’ get there yeah yeah yeah or like we were on a tail end of a trip back and into turkey and we landed in Boston we’re like why would we go back to Canada we might as well just book a domestic flight to Buffalo and go to the property so we’re all jet legged and whatever and go and do like 3 4 days of work really quick and right you got done though yeah it’s pretty amazing no so so
(1:09:07) say today I want to get into a deal like this let’s use this as a sample deal uh what What’s financing look like it’ still be again if you’re Canadian you can there’s a few mortgage brokers like TD and RBC and then I think First National is a good one as well um where they’ll be able to look at your Canadian credit don’t quote me on this one I’m still positive you can get 80% LTB So 20% down obviously you got to do the conversion you your US Dollars now on a declared student on declared Airbnb you can correct g i you can’t get that in
(1:09:40) Canada probably Canadian Banks yeah yeah probably probably not again like it’s been a we haven’t inquired one here um in two or three years so again that might have changed um but when we were down there you know we disclose everything this is what we’re doing same thing with insurance you have to tell them what this is going to be for what’s Insurance on these is it’s a the short-term Insurance short-term rental insurance commercial commercial insurance so like a Hospitality some sort of hospitality recreational business insurance policy
(1:10:11) yeah like you’ve got like at least 2 million liability and you know uh loss of rent those types of things right if you have like an issue and you have to cancel bookings for whatever reason because you have a flood or so it’s a business insurance yeah it’s it’s not it’s not your home owner occupied insurance it it’s probably double what you would pay for home insurance if not it’s not bad consider the liability exposure but it’s it’s really not that bad like you know some some people pay more for internet and cable you know if you get
(1:10:37) like the really souped up version it’s it’s worth it that’s for sure interesting um but yeah I would say like something in between these two would be our next one like cuz if you know if you scroll maybe down to the bottom like it gives the one picture gives you a pretty good view of like the garage like if you go all all the way to the bottom uh keep going sorry up a bit more my like right here cuz like on that side you still look into what do you want to call it the hills the mountains but then behind it has it as well so like when you’re at
(1:11:06) the property you’re kind of surrounded by this so it’s just like very peaceful and we really like that aspect of it no neighbors um but the problem is Like Houses like these don’t go for sale every week right you kind of got to keep an eye on it and try to scoop it up when you can but also there’s certain areas here that are flood more flood plane prone due to the runoff so you do want to make sure that you’re not in the hot spot there uh so yeah there and then obviously with the zoning you want to make sure that you’re good like this
(1:11:34) area is fine but um if you’re going to be more so near the ski hills there’s certain areas and communities that don’t allow it so big Lookout there like definitely like what I did is I just called the um the city before we bought these and even though it had a pretty detailed and they told me the very detailed zoning map I’m like here’s the address here’s what I want to buy like is this in the zone zoning like can you confirm that and they did they’re like yeah your medium density you’re good to go I’m like okay cuz I didn’t want any
(1:12:00) surprises didn’t want to we didn’t want to close on it and then find out that we can’t do it so I would always recommend doing that in any municipality if they have like some sort yeah a downside to uh elil is finding trades is very very difficult and very expensive y worse than here oh yes oh jeez get worse they they they gou you I mean here’s the thing you can you’ll find someone eventually cuz there’s other neighboring larger cities but it’s not like you’re going to call and get three quotes and you’re going to be happy with one of
(1:12:33) them the year eight plus quotes until you find someone that can do it and even then it’s like are they reliable is are they going to show up it’s because the nature of the majority of people that own here their second and third homes they know that hey we’re going to charge a premium if you want this work done it’s it’s small enough where it’s people can do that I imagine it’s much like that in our Cottage countries too yeah yeah mokas I can’t I’m assuming is the same everyone that I know that owns there brings their
(1:13:04) trade people in from the city to to do work and pay them a premium because it’s still cheaper right yeah my friends do that and then well what big cities are close by uh well Springville I mean when I say big it’s called to Walmart um that’s Big T yeah so like Springville is probably half an hour away and then I’m going to butcher it but it’s either Olen or oen that’s oen they’ve got that’s that was the famous Home Depot runs that we made but they’re all about half half an hour half an hour away they’ve got a
(1:13:32) Subway there so it’s good um but yeah that’s the there there’s two pretty big big towns about uh and then Buffalo is what an hour yeah an hour away you know we running out of time we still didn’t talk about travel rewards might need a part three part three yeah just on that again we’re running out a time any fin final thoughts you want to share with the guests listeners well we can leave a cliffhanger because all of the when we do these projects we also get a few first and business class flights out of them so stay tuned for part
(1:14:02) three and then you guys have you I I see on your website you offer what’s your website first of all it’s Spencer yeah very creative maybe rebranding the Ashley and Spencer who knows yeah and then you can get you guys have courses you have some free giveaway stuff there there as well no sometimes we do um free webinars which we’ll I think we’ll be doing one soon cuz we’ve actually gotten a lot of uh people asking how we keep our cleaners like accountable and stuff so we’ll be probably doing a free webinar on that uh
(1:14:36) Spencer did like a three-hour pricing um paid pricing webinar I guess or a course Workshop that he that we’re selling and that’s like 3 hours in depth of exactly all the things that he does for our short-term rental pricing which I think was like an insane value because that’s everything you’ve learned over years and years and years for like a couple hundred bucks and then we do what you see here is um obviously private one-on-one consultation calls just basically about anything uh yeah but that’s about it we will be doing
(1:15:08) probably some sort of mentorship more than like a course uh more on the management side and that would be upcoming probably next six months or so and you’re looking for more clients to probably manager for oh yeah that like we’re open to to JVS as well but again we’re very specific on who we work with we’re quality over quantity and you know we need to like the people we work with as well that’s that’s that’s very important so we’re uh you know it’s a marathon not a Sprint got to got to enjoy it too yeah life is short mhm very
(1:15:38) cool any final final words for The Listener against a scary time for many people M yeah I I think short-term rentals are still a very viable option I know some people don’t believe that I think we’ve said this before but um you have to be in the top 10% of properties and then you’ll see the the profits I think that we see like we reinvest quite often if you’re a CNB property or if this is a like Last Resort and you’re half-assing it you are not going to do well um you get into short-term rentals intentionally not because selling won’t
(1:16:11) work renting won’t work and whatever right um yeah but still a very big viable option it’s just a big business and and then on the co-host side you don’t really need money to get into short-term rentals you can start by co-hosting for for a percentage of gross rents the way that we did and then we’ve built an entire business that’s our entire lifestyle from that so very cool and then what’s next for you guys sounds like you might expand buy another property yeah I mean want expand to or we are looking at uh acquiring I think
(1:16:41) you know nag the lake and and elville would be probably the the two we keep an eye on the most um but obviously open to other markets the management business we are expanding more into the states so that’s going to be our big push in the next 365 um obviously we’re expanding in Canada too like mscok is still on our list we just need that person that wants to work with us that can be the boots on the ground and you person’s listening yeah exactly you never know a lot of them are realtors too because we get get
(1:17:07) them a lot of representation too that’s kind of we find that goes hand in hand like our guy and cor this is a real estate agent and he’s got his own vacation rental so he’s got his own skin in the game so it was a perfect fit for us um remind our listeners What markets do you service so we are south Ontario so basically Burlington down we are are in the GTA now recently so we do cover basically all the GTA what areas allow it but it has to be pretty unique property I imagine unique property and being able to do it yeah like if you’re
(1:17:36) in a condo they have to allow it and it’s got to be a primary there’s a ton of restrictions but still doable cores uh we service that we are in Norfolk County so sorry where’s Norfolk Simco area more like Lake Erie yeah Simco Dunville um over that area it’s it’s like little Cottage Country down that way it’s a nice spot out there it actually is really really nice yeah then we are also in BC so we service like the mainland and the island and El elville and soon hopefully maybe California but we’ll see mhm any part of
(1:18:17) California where’s Kevin going uh La Huntington Beach like that those kind of areas around there so one of our just moved down there nice yeah not bad free place to say we go down it’s a big decision to move there because it ain’t cheap no no no no no but I mean we’re we’re we’re so preliminary on that haven’t really dove into the markets too much I know from like an acquiring standpoint it’s it’s from what we’ve heard from investors down there it’s it looks a little rough but we’ll see you need boots on ground all right
(1:18:50) well thank you so much for coming in thanks for having us appreciate it thank you thank you for watching if you want to learn how to invest in real estate from scratch my team teaches beginners how to use the number one investment strategy that I personally use in a virtual free training class every month go to investor training.
(1:19:26) com learn the nitty-gritty about real estate investing from a professional investor register for our next virtual class that’s at investor


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Before you go, if you’re interested in what kind of properties I am looking at in the landlord friendly states of the USA please go to for what I consider the best investment for most Canadians, most of the time.

I’ve been investing in Ontario since 2005 and while it’s been a great, great run. I started out buying properties in the 100,000s and now it’s $800,000 to $1,000,000.  How much higher can it go? I don’t know

To me, the remaining potential for appreciation does not match the risk hence I’m advising my clients to look to where one can find rental properties that are affordable range of $150,000 to $350,000 US$, with rents that range from $1,400 to 2,600/month plus utilities.   As many Canadians recognize, these numbers will be positive cash flow and are night and day compared to anything locally. Plus the landlord has all of the rights, no rent control, and income is US dollars which are better than Canadian dollars.

If you don’t believe me, US dollars are better than Canadian dollars, go ask 100 non-Canadians which currency they prefer to be paid in.

So to regain control of your retirement planning.  Go to and check out what great cash flow properties are available in the USA.  

The best part is, my US investments will be much more passive compared to by local investments as I’m hiring an asset manager called SHARE to hand hold me through the entire process.  As their client and shareholder, Share will source me quality income properties, help me with legal structure and taxes, they manage the property manager and insurance provider while passing down to me preferred rates so I save both time and money.  

Share will even tell me when to strategically refinance or sell.  SHARE can even support investors all over the country for proper diversification hence my plan is to own in Tennessee, Georgia, and Texas.  Share is like my joint venture partner but I only have to pay them fees while I keep 100% ownership and control.

If your goal in investing is to increase cash flow, I don’t know of a better strategy for most Canadians most of the time.  One last time that’s to see what boring, cash flowing real estate investing can look like on your path towards financial peace.

This is how I’m going to make real estate investing great again for my family and hope you choose the same.  Till next time!

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This episode is brought to you by me! We don’t have sponsors for this show. I only share with you services owned by my wife Cherry and me.  Real estate investing is a staple in my life and allowed me to build wealth and, more importantly, achieve financial peace about the future, knowing our retirement is taken care of and my kids will be able to afford a home when they grow up.  If you, too, are interested in my systematic strategy to implement the #1 investment strategy, the same one pretty much all my guests are doing themselves, then go visit and register for our next event.

Till next time, just do it because I believe in you.



As a committed advocate for transparent and responsible real estate investment, I want to openly share my involvement with SHARE SFR (Single Family Rental) as an Advisor. I hold an equity position in this company and receive a referral commission for clients I introduce to their services. My endorsement of their business model – focusing on direct ownership of positive cash flow income properties – is consistent with my own personal investing since 2005, is based not only on a professional assessment but also on my personal experience and belief in their approach. Please note that while I stand behind my recommendations, it is crucial for each individual to conduct their own due diligence and consider their unique circumstances before making any investment decisions. As always, my priority is to provide you with honest, insightful, and practical real estate investment education.

Building Systems, Packing Up, Moving from BC To Ohio with Meghan Hubner

Have you been to Prince Edward Island? Have you ever interviewed a billionaire? The unsexy side of real estate investing.  All that and more on this week’s Truth About Real Estate Investing For Canadians episode!!

I’m your host Erwin Szeto and I’m a big believer in education and this show is about exploring truth based strategies, tips, tricks and experiences to help listeners build successful investment portfolios so they may live more fulfilling lives. My show is like a buffet, we have guests from all parts of the spectrum to share their journeys in investing so you the listener can pick out what you like to apply to your own practice to optimize returns, reduce risks for a happier retirement or to fund those things important to you like travel, charity, helping out the kids with tuition or housing costs.

This past weekend, I hosted a bunch of family and friends at my house for my mom’s birthday.  I cooked my specialty, brisket, smoked and baked for 10 hours to perfect melt in your mouth consistency.  No steak knives needed.

Anyone who knows me knows I love to listen and talk about real estate.  One of my guests, and old family friend lives in the most expensive neighborhood in all of Canada: West Vancouver.  It was interesting to hear her own perspective on the costs of sending kits to university and crazy rents.  Her brother is the polar opposite who lives in Minnesota and his name is Phillip and he says it doesn’t matter how successful one is in Minnesota, everyone there can afford a house, LOL. What a tale of two cities and just reinforces my pursuit for affordability and cash flow for my own portfolio in the USA.

How great is Canada? I just returned from a Leadership Conference in Charlottetown, PEI

The event was epic. Our keynote speaker was Robert E Grant. He’s a billionaire, he stayed the entire conference including the excursions and dinners with and engaged with each of us in a small setting. My mind is blown and my work is cut out for me as Robert agreed to come on my podcast. It’ll be a nice warm up for Robert before he goes on Joe Rogan’s podcast lol 

Robert is no regular billionaire either not that I’ve met many, his businesses are altruistic. While we were at the summit, Robert showed me on his Instagram how his company rang the bell, the opening bell ceremony at the Nasdaq.  I said I couldn’t believe he missed such a momentous event… This is a company he founded, owns the majority of with a market capitalization of $1 billion dollars. 

Robert replied, “oh no, it’s OK, I was there for the opening ceremony earlier this year” and shows me again on his Instagram where he’s front and center of the Opening Bell Ceremony at the Nasdaq.  The same stock exchange that is home to Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Meta, Google, NVDIA, Netflix, Tesla, etc…

I went to hear about Robert’s thoughts on limiting beliefs, I didn’t believe he’d come on my podcast but I asked him anyways at break to which he said yes!

Holy cow Batman, I’m going to interview a billionaire who’s the nicest guy, genius IQ, polymath meaning he has expertise in multiple, unrelated fields like Leonardo Davinci so keep an eye out for that episode.

Did I mention how much I like Canada? If you’ve been to PEI then you know what I’m talking about. Everything there costs less, the people are polite, the city is clean, I ate more than one lobster per day on average. The golf and waterfront there is beautiful. I met a lovely couple from Nashville, TN who said they may make PEI their summer home.

This was an entrepreneur’s leadership summit too and from speaking to others, no one is happy with the direction of our country and anyone who wanted to talk about real estate, I happily obliged them about investing in the USA on how much better the landlord rights, cash flow, opportunities are down there. I don’t see how any everyday investor chooses a condo or duplex after seeing what we have to offer in the USA.

I was speaking to a home inspector just today who lives in Mississauga and he was recounting to me about all the flooding they had recently experienced, the Toronto Star reports the damage at $1 billion dollars.  When I told him how when investing in the USA, there aren’t any basements to which he said, he’d never want a house with a basement, too many risks and problems which is what I’ve been saying all this time.

Who would invest in a basement apartment when tenants have all the rights, flooding and insurance risk is greater than ever and the cost to renovate a basement into an apartment could buy you 1-3 houses in the USA where it can be way more passive.

The writing is on the wall and new opportunities to invest in the USA is a dream come true for this Canadian real estate investor. If you’re curious about how Canadians can tap into these opportunities, join us at the hybrid workshop on October 19th, 2024. You’ll not only learn how to identify cash-flowing properties, but you’ll also dive deeper into the legal and tax structures essential for cross-border investors with Cherry Chan, CPA, CA. 

In-person seating is limited and always sells out, so grab your spot before it’s too late!

Get your ticket here:

Building Systems, Packing Up, Moving from BC To Ohio with Meghan Hubner

On to this week’s show! Our guest Meghan Hubner is a real estate business consultant who helps investors run their portfolios like a business. After a 12-year career in medical and pharmaceutical sales, Meghan transitioned to entrepreneurship, using her degree in entrepreneurship to work with various businesses. About 4 years ago, she started focusing on real estate investors, helping them with accounting, finance, operations, and building systems to stabilize and grow their businesses. Meghan is also an experienced real estate investor herself, having built a portfolio in British Columbia, and a cohost of the Real Estate Reliance Summit along with fellow dynamic investors: Elizabeth Kelly and Victoria Cluney.

For information and to register go to but don’t delay, the all virtual conference is Saturday and Sunday Sept 28th and 29th.  Cherry and I are proud speakers and SHARE and I are proud to be sponsoring quality educational content providers at affordable prices by Elizabeth, Victoria and this week’s guest Meghan Hubner.

Please enjoy the show!

Meaghan on:




To Listen:

** Transcript Auto-Generated**

(00:00) have you ever interviewed a billionaire have you been to Prince Edward Island the UN seexy side of real estate investing all that more in this week’s truth about real estate investing show for Canadians I’m your host rwin CTO and I’m a big believer in education free education is even nice too because everyone wants a good return on investment of their time and money uh and this show is about exploring truths based on strategies tips tricks and experiences to help listeners build successful investment portfolios so they
(00:28) may live more fulfilling lives I’d love nothing more than that for my 177 listeners of this show uh and this show is like a buffet we have guests from all parts of the spectrum uh as in like investment Spectrum to share their Journeys in investing so you you The Listener can pick out what you let you want to apply to your own practice to optimize returns reduce risk for happy happy retirement or to fund those things that are important to you like fantastic travel charity helping out the kids with tuition or housing cause this past
(01:00) weekend I hosted a bunch of actually last weekend a weekend ago sorry a weekend ago I hosted a bunch of family and friends at my home at my house for my mom’s birthday I cooked my specialty brisket smoked it and baked it for 10 hours to perfect melt iny mouth consistency no steak knives needed uh anyone who knows me uh knows I love to listen and talk about real estate investing real estate in general one of my guests is an old family friend that lives in the most expensive neighborhood in all of Canada West Vancouver it was
(01:29) interesting to hear her own perspective on the cost of sending kids to University in Crazy Rands and she lives in a house so it’s an insane amount of money what her house is worth um and for anyone to get into that market again it’s West Vancouver it’s the most expensive Market in in um least it’s the least affordable City in all of Canada uh at last check any so again she and then she sends her kids to University in Toronto so she knows what how crazy expensive rents are in Toronto for her kids now her brother is the polar opposite he
(02:02) lives in Minnesota his name is Phillip and according to uh my friend Brenda she says Philip says it doesn’t matter how successful one is in Minnesota because everyone there can afford a house because it’s that affordable What A Tale of Two Cities and just reinforces my Pursuit for affordability and cash flow for my own portfolio and of course the USA before we talk more about the USA how great is Canada I just returned from a leadership conference hosted by O Canada entrepreneurs organization Canada in charlott Town PEI the event was
(02:35) absolutely epic uh our Keno speaker was Robert E Grant uh for some of you it’s probably a big deal I had no idea who he was so FY he’s a billionaire uh he stayed the entire conference with us including the excursions and dinner uh dinners with us so we got we each had a chance to engage with them um uh in a very small setting my mind was absolutely blown uh and my work is cut out for me as Robert agreed to come on this little podcast not this little podcast it’s another podcast I’m working for but I will I will share it on this
(03:08) podcast as well um it’ll be a nice warmup as Robert is preparing to go on Joe Rogan’s podcast shortly after now Robert is no regular billionaire either not that I’ve met many if any uh and will be the first on the show uh yeah that’s yeah yeah his businesses are altruistic uh while we were at the sumach Robert showed me on his Instagram how his company rang the bell which is the opening ceremony at the NASDAQ uh I said I couldn’t I told him I couldn’t believe he missed such a momentous event uh this company he
(03:41) founded uh owns that he owns the majority of uh with a map market capitalization of over a billion dollars Robert replied oh no it’s okay I was there for the opening ceremony earlier this year and then he proceeds to scroll down his Instagram and show me when he was front and center doing the opening bell ceremony at the NASDAQ so that’s the same Stock Exchange that is home to Apple Amazon Microsoft meta Google Nvidia Netflix Tesla Etc uh and then I went on to hear Robert’s talk he mentioned limiting beliefs obviously this guy doesn’t have
(04:15) many of them because he’s just accomplished so much uh and I didn’t at the time I didn’t believe he’d come on my podcast so I didn’t ask him uh but after hearing that like him his uh his opinion of of not having limited beliefs I went ahead and asked him at the break and he to which he said yes holy cow Batman I’m going to interview a billionaire uh who’s the nicest guy he’s got genius level IQ he’s a polymath meaning he has expertise in multiple unrelated Fields like Leonardo da Vinci so keep an eye out for that episode now did I mention
(04:50) how much I like Canada if you’ve been to Pei then you know exactly what I’m talking about everyone everything there costs less that’s nice people there are polite City’s clean uh I ate more than one Al Lobster per day on average because it’s local and it’s uh cheaper than buying it here the gulf and Waterfront there is beautiful uh and I met a lovely couple from Nashville Tennessee who said they may they may make uh Pei their uh vacation destination every summer uh now this was the entrepreneurs Leadership Summit too
(05:19) and from speaking to others uh so these were Canadians from all over the country folks I met folks from winipeg uh Vancouver uh Quebec City of course uh Toronto my own Pro chapter a lot of folks from Ottawa and uh no one is really happy about the direction of this country and anyone who wanted to talk about real estate I happily oblig them about um how my own Journey I’m investing in the USA uh how much better the land rights are cash flow opportunities are down there um and you know there’s a good number of people
(05:50) interested in real estate investing so um they were happy to hear about it and interested in learning more uh I don’t see and who can who’s surprised here because I don’t I don’t see how the how any everyday investor chooses a condo or duplex in this country after seeing what we have to offer in the USA uh I was speaking to a past client of mine who is a home inspector just today who lives in Moga and he was recounting to me about all the flooding that happened recently in his own neighborhood the Tron star reports the
(06:19) damage at $1 billion uh when I told him how investing in the US in how we’re investing in the USA or investing we’re buying properties with no basements to which he said he’d never want a house with a basement ever again too many risks and problems which is what I’ve been saying this whole time uh who would invest in a basement apartment tenants have all the rights flooding and insurance great risks are greater than ever and the cost to renovate a basement into an apartment could could buy you one to three hoses
(06:47) in the USA uh and where the investment would be much more passive in the states that is the ratings on the wall and new opportunities to invest in the USA is a dream come true to for many Canadian Real Estate Investors like myself if you’d like to learn more about how a Canadian May invest in the USA simply go to my website www.
(07:09) truthout realestate investing.con a future training webinar that I um I’m having one this week unfortunately this episode will come out uh before you have a chance to sign up for that one uh but we’ll probably have one in the in the near future as well again I I believe education should be free so I’m doing my part to make that a reality uh onto this we show we have Megan hubner who is a real estate business consultant who helps investors run their portfolios like a business after a 12-year career in medical and pharmaceutical sales where she achieved
(07:37) her goals she decided to transition out to entrepreneurship using her degree in entrepreneurship to work with various businesses in real estate after about four years she started focusing on Real Estate Investors helping them with accounting Finance operations and Building Systems to stabilize and grow their businesses Megan is also an experienced real estate investor herself having built a portfolio in British Columbia across different strategies as well uh she’s also the co-host of the real estate investment the real estate
(08:04) resilience Summit along with fellow Dynamic investors Elizabeth Kelly and Victoria Clooney Friends of the show for more information and to register for the resilience real estate resilience Summit go to real estat resilience. CA but don’t delay the all virtual conference is Saturday and Sunday September 28th 29th cherry and I my wife and I are proud sponsors and Sher and I are proud to be sponsoring call quality educational content providers at affordable prices by Elizabeth Victoria and this week’s guest Megan hubner
(08:37) without further Ado I give you Megan [Music] hubner Hi Megan what’s keeping you busy these days I’ve got a lot of things going on right now we are packing up we are heading to Ohio we’re looking at real estate investing we’re going doing some homeschooling this year we uh we have a lot of things on the go right now and it is so fun oh my God that might take the record for busy hes schooling two kids nonetheless well the little one is only two and a half so she doesn’t require a lot I will get some support with this without a
(09:15) doubt but yeah it’s uh it’s going to be an adventure and a half and you’re not from Ontario you’re moving a long way that’s right I am from British Columbia I live full-time in Whistler BC um and we are driving out to Ohio in the middle of September here um with our family we sold our cars cars recently we packed everything out put long-term tenants in our place for a few months and bought a truck and trailer and we’re getting ready all right that’s a mouthful for for those who know who don’t know who you are please tell us a
(09:47) bit about yourself absolutely um so my name is Megan I live in British Columbia as I mentioned earlier uh I spent 12 years in medicone pharmaceutical sales and in 2019 I thought gosh there’s got to be something greater out there for me I reached the Pinnacle of my career I was a regional sales manager selling in the hospitals it was what I had set out to do and I had this pull on my heartstrings that there was something else bigger out there and I felt like I could make a greater impact if I started working with small business owners and I
(10:15) actually walked away from my dream job in 2019 head I would imagine I was doing I was doing well you know we had yeah we were we were doing great we both had corporate careers and jobs and we thought you know what I think there’s another path out there for us and it’s funny because I actually have a degree in entrepreneurship and when I left the corporate world and went back to entrepreneurship I felt like I was going home I just felt like I reclaimed a piece of myself that I’ve been missing for a really long time and I started
(10:40) working with multiple different business owners everything from high-end Golf Apparel to health and fitness and wellness and underwear and different brands and I just knew that Consulting was where I needed to be um but I’d always had a passion for real estate and then I kind of started to uncover what was happening a little bit more in the real estate world is that businesses were growing really fast and people were lacking the clarity of how to actually run their portfolio as a business and so I started about four years ago really
(11:08) focusing in on working with Real Estate Investors fantastic um he a name drop and I don’t know if I want to I don’t want to know if I want to name drop the investors but um because they least tell us something about their businesses are they like are they they’re developers in Edon multiple Boutique developers um long-term rentals uh short-term rentals property management companies um private Landing companies yeah lots of different areas kind of all woven into real estate um and people usually come to me with the
(11:41) fact that you know I have a business it’s thriving it’s doing well but in order to get to the next level I need to start organizing it as a business and so what we do is we really take a look at like what’s happening in your accounting Finance practices what’s going on with your sales and marketing do you understand your human resources do you have kpis do you have have measures of success in place um and then we take a look at operations do you have a CRM a project management software you know where can we help you with your business
(12:07) to stabilize things and then really prepare for growth and clean up the back end I think it’s partly because that we’re all victims of our success uh I was literally speaking to a client who held a property for well over 10 years a rental property single family home really really really simple in the GTA and we helped her we helped her sell it um and she walks away with a capital gain of over $100,000 now if for investor getting that into that property today they have no one help Hope in Hell making that thing work unless they do something
(12:38) invasive like a development some sort of repositioning basement sueding even with basement seding and a garden sueding we’re talking like half a million dollars of capital you have to Shell out versus my put down a down payment of like 40,000 I know I know I mean we were we were lucky and fortunate to get into real estate um oh when did I buy my first place like years ago in British Columbia right when things were still attainable and stuff but it’s it’s it’s tough in BC right now for sure without a doubt prices are prices are wild and
(13:09) things what what’s your real estate investment Journey been like what was your um you know I think I I think I probably got to that four that four units and kind of hit that level of like I don’t even really know where to get next so I bought my first unit at 29 you know put all my money into it and then a year later my now husband and I bought our house in the suburbs and then I crunched numbers for the next three years and worked really hard to figure out how I could buy a vacation rental in Whistler bought a vacation property in
(13:36) Whistler um and then we knew at one point in time that we wanted to actually move up to Whistler and live full-time so we moved from the city to Whistler and uh so I bought I sold my downtown condo the first one I bought and I upgraded to a townhouse in Whistler as well so we now had those couple properties um then we did a joint venture on the island with some friends where we have a two and a half acre property on Vancouver Island that we run as an Airbnb we still have today and so I went through all these steps and I
(14:04) didn’t even think and this is always embarrassing for me to say but I didn’t even think to Google how to become a real estate investor because I didn’t even know it was an entire industry I just knew that I wanted to buy real estate I just needed to KN knew that I needed to learn how to crunch numbers and those are all the steps that I went through it wasn’t until actually during covid we were in our bubble we were in lockdown we were with some people around the table and there was a a a new young woman there and she said oh yeah my
(14:28) dad’s a real estate investor and my ears perked up and I was like oh tell me more I want to know about this industry and that’s really where I started to really dive deeper into that yeah for for for for the listeners uh who aren’t from business backgrounds um I think that’s often missing from the introduction of real estate investing because when you hear investing it’s supposed to be passive to me investing means passive like if I’m looking at buying nutrian stock I buy the stock and I do nothing right and I think mistake novice
(14:59) investors make is that they think they don’t have to do anything don’t compasses just you just bought a business right and you know I talk to investors every single week that are really Keen to grow and scale their portfolios um and you know a lot of times I say like let’s just build the framework first okay like what you know what are you doing for accounting practices do you have QuickBook set up do you have a bank account for each property are you routing do you know what your fixed costs are do you know what your variable costs are do you know
(15:28) how much it cost to run your business not including your properties M and we go through all that first and then we sort of say okay okay now that you’ve understand your finances and things do we have any money to spend on marketing do we need a website do you need branding what are you actually marketing are you looking for private investors are you looking for joint venture partners and we really take it through like what’s the sales and marketing that you’re really focusing on and then we say okay who’s going to help you with
(15:50) this do you have a VA do you have an assistant have you hired a bookkeeping team like you are the people that are going to help support you get to get to those next goals and so take a look at job descriptions and your you know high value tasks versus low value tasks where can you start Outsourcing how do you hire when do you hire um and then we really dive into operations so do you have a project management software that you’re using if you’re doing you know flips or if you doing repeat tasks like development projects and things are you
(16:17) just checking the boxes every single time or are you going back to the drawing board on every project and starting from zero again so we do a lot of that too operations is really I mean real estate operations is very heavy um and until you kind of get up and running and have that TurnKey system and you hear about these people that are growing and SC scaling quickly and things but they should be going through the process in the same manner every single time it creates efficiencies that way that was mouthful now for for The Beginner’s uh
(16:47) benefit so like my portfolio was very lazy at 10 plus properties it was really just buy hold renovate very one property at a time we didn’t it wasn’t that complicated in my opinion now now speak to who do you think needs what you’re talking to like to basically have a business plan and consider marketing budgets what kind of who is who is that investor really business owner yeah who is the who is the business I encourage people to get started as early as like three to five properties if you have three to five properties you have a
(17:17) business you should be running it as that um and so I would say start the earlier the better because if you come to me at 35 properties man it’s a lot to clean up yeah if they haven’t started they’re run they’re probably ready to fail wait is that not the point of coming to you are they no like I don’t I don’t want to I don’t want I don’t want to see you fail I want to see you thrive so I say get these things done early I mean if you’ve got three properties you should be having these done you should know what your fixed costs are your
(17:47) variable costs how much cost like you should have your bank accounts routed properly like even on three properties and I’ll say that’s the commonality between all the folks are in the paper and all all over our social media for having very public failures is yeah I don’t think even bookkeeping was done properly let alone anyone knew what the numbers were because even to me as an outsider look looking in like I saw deals and they don’t pencil as the term they don’t make sense I can’t believe people put money into them yeah I’m I’m
(18:21) to be honest often shocked at the decision-making process as well of saying yeah we’re going to stay heavily invest in a tracery market or yeah we’re going to take on this this and this without actually trying one model first before you really scale that model um so I’m always yeah I’m always curious about what goes into the decision decision making process or the buy box if you would um and yeah it’s it’s often it’s often easy to see people fail when they grow too fast like that and then yeah and then just lack of
(18:54) experience like we you mentioned tertiary Market which would be like third level yeah so what would Whistler be just I want to use a BC use a BC anal Vancouver would be primary yeah I mean technically it’s a secondary Market but it’s also unusual in the fact that it’s a international destination so we don’t just have local buyers right so it is kind of a primary Market I mean if you’re looking for a res destination in British colia recation absolutely gota be primary number one yeah so yeah it’s kind of a unique situation in that in that area I
(19:24) mean the market there has done crazy things like the rest of Canada has but we’re talking you know we’re not talking about a $400 it didn’t start as a $400,000 home it started as like a $900,000 home and so now yeah property there is is wild it’s is funny because I I I didn’t have to Google it what comes after tertiary because I find so many people use tertiary incorrectly people have been using saying Timmons Ontario is a tertiary market and Timmons to me is famous because other than Sinai Twain is because it used to own the title of
(19:56) being the most affordable City in Ontario which to me no one wants to go there that’s a good way look at so is it quinary is it quinary is it scenary septenary I would just I would lump it in as a submarket I don’t even think it gets a titled just a submarket of right of whereever and I think I think it’s a lack of people’s again I think some people just deliberately misrepresenting and some people just not being able to do the math yeah and and I do think that you know a lot of times is that with that growth coming the pain of really having
(20:30) to take the time as entrepreneurs I see people being so busy all the time and it’s the heavy grunt work that people don’t want to do that gets left behind fascinating CH disagreeably they think it is tertiary anyways this is a CH by real estate investing show so I’m happy to fact for people to fact check me and my to fact check myself I may disagree with chat gbt but that’s okay they’re supposed to be smarter than I am yeah now now um yeah so tell us tell me more about uh tell me about your own Journey now you’re sure
(21:07) how how far is this drive from from DC to Ohio 4,000 kilometers or something like that where forecasting it’s going to take us about eight or nine days because we’ve got young kids do so we can’t we can’t be trucking 12 hours a day you know that’s so that’s almost the width of of a Canada 4,000 well it’s only seven hours from south of London Ontario so we’re pretty much driving driving across um so yeah so we are in the process right now my family and I like I said sold our vehicles we bought a truck and trailer we are just prepping
(21:40) that up this weekend we are going to head out mid-september um driving across the country heading to Cincinnati Ohio and surrounding areas uh my husband likes the Cincinnati Market he thinks it’s a great spot to base ourselves out of and we’ll go and we’ll check it out um you know it’s difficult in our Market in Whistler it’s not an area that we can we have invested there before and we are down with our investing in wi right now um and so we needed to go to some other location and we could sit and be really
(22:07) comfortable for this next year our children were registered at school we had it all mapped out and planned or we could get uncomfortable and actually make some big changes and so we decided that this is the time that we’re ready to go all in I’ve had this RV trip in the back of my mind for about five years and it just seemed like the the timing was right is Ohio nice I don’t know much about it I’ve been to Cleveland apparently Cleveland’s not super nice but apparently Cincinnati is supposed to be relatively nice there’s a green belt
(22:34) there there’s some mountain biking things I mean it’s going to be nothing in comparison to Whistler um but yeah we’re gonna we’re gonna go to check it out and if we don’t like it we’ll change we’ll move um but from you know from all the research that my husband has done and he’s the he’s the one who who dides all that due diligence the prices are good the rents are good um there’s great areas of opportunity in there in and around there tell me more about the decision for Cincinnati Ohio how did you arrive there um some good markets in
(23:02) their surrounding area there’s some new EV plants going in um the area is not right for appreciation I mean coming from BC we have a definitely a skewed landscape of what appreciation is supposed to look gener find Canadians in general do have a skewed a deal with appreciation is like yeah so there’s some decent appreciation there um some good development as well it’s a good relatively safe city um likes the market dynamics the r the rent rates are good things like that fabulous we thought we’d go give it a try right and and
(23:34) again this is a journey if it doesn’t work out you can move on you literally have you really can just pick up and keep going we can literally just leave the RV park and go to the next destination yeah absolutely um and I think that just having that mindset of doing those types things you know I’ve had a lot of commentary of course in making this decision so quickly um and I’ve had everything what from is that safe should should should you actually do that um I don’t know if you want to invest in the US market isn’t real
(24:03) estate risky to uh should we be doing that too right so there’s so many everyone has such a different perspective like different risk tolerances and things like that and so yeah that’s my feeling is if we don’t end up liking or the market doesn’t end up being as good as we forecasted it to then we’ leave we go somewhere else it’s interesting because they have these conversations all the time as well like my DMs and comments are on my social posts are always are always filled with usually people were more inquisitive about the states yeah I’ve
(24:31) yet to have anyone in fullon debate me that that invest diversifying in the states um yeah pretty much no one’s wants to debate me on that that diversifying the states makes sense yeah probably because you’re too good at debating no I think I think I think the writing is on the wall right I literally shared on my Instagram just yesterday uh American Wealth has grown S I think the number the dates were between from 2010 to 2023 Americans wealth has grown 162% and then oh let me bring it up because I don’t want to get it
(25:12) wrong oh and then and then uh not let me bring it up I don’t want to get it wrong because these things it just keeps coming up where the Americans are beating us on almost everything okay so hang on so percentage change in wealth from 2010 to 2023 in the US has gone up 121% Canadians Canada has gone up 62% okay right well you you’ve held real estate you did well yeah yeah right definely but we’ve done half as well these as the Americans yeah and then for people who like to poo poo on the US dollar or think that the dollar is
(25:48) expensive or whatever the US econ is bad I think I saw another statistic where the US dollar has been the number one investment currency six of the last 10 years right yeah I believe it all right so like so I don’t know who wants to so yeah at the end of the day no one wants to debate me on this topic that diversifying makes complete sense yeah I mean I take a look at what we could accomplish in Canada or I could take a look at what we could accomplish in the US and the more I learn about the US market yeah um because I do work with a
(26:19) lot of us investors right now too and just have access to different strategies they’re utilizing um I cannot believe how much more opportunity that I’m seeing like I am shocked you’re you’re quite a few months ahead of research ahead of me so you probably like sitting there doing a happy dance but I cannot believe every month that I learn more about the layers of what we can do down there versus here I’m shocked and I think uh yeah I’m not sure why a lot of canans aren’t so familiar with what’s going on in the states I
(26:49) think well I think part of it is first of all when we all became Real Estate Investors we all had to find we all started that Journey on our own like because no one out there with the media or has big advertising campaign makes money selling real estate right so the folks who sell mutual funds the banks financial advisers are not promoting real estate investing right because they can’t make money selling it now in turn pretty much no one in Canada makes money selling us investment property right Realtors mortgage folks they
(27:20) generally don’t do it there’s a very small number of us very very very small number of us uh so I think that’s maybe why it’s not out there about how different it is in the states so so let’s um let’s use uh an example from your own context what would be like an everyday investment where you are right now for a regular mom and pop investor to get into uh in well in BC I think the most successful client I have is a boutique development firm in downtown Vancouver right that’s not a mom and pop investor what is someone with they started as a
(27:54) they started as a mom and pop though right they started there um yeah in I mean in BC I I don’t see the mama I see I see the mama pot moving to Alberta is what I see and buying a single family home buying a single family home and turning it into a illegal basement Suite that’s what I see right right yeah so we’re talking about Calgary I think the average price in Calgary is 600,000 now yeah Calgary’s a little bit too high for that strategy right now but Edmonton you can find that strategy still right so we’re probably four 500 grand for a host
(28:23) uh you’re going to be anywhere from 350 to 450 on the house house and then the work to Suite the basement MH yeah right okay so that’d be like a an accessible investment for an everyday investor in Canada right y now what what kind of deals are you looking to do when you’re in Cincinnati Ohio uh we’re looking for single family we are interested in um looking into the section eight rentals as well um heard a lot of success around that strategy I like it a lot um and for those Canadian listens that aren’t from with Section 8 is a government funded
(29:00) program the average Section 8 renter actually stays in their property from seven to n years versus the average uh renter is usually one to two years in a traditional setting and the average Section 8 um resident actually takes about a two-year application process to get in so once they get in they don’t want to mess it up and they are relatively good tenants um yes you deal with a little bit of a different demographic that might not be your ideal tenant profile um but the government is paying that that rent for you every
(29:28) month mhm and I know the the BC on investors like oh you don’t want them to stay cuz uh you know you need turnover raise rents right Megan what are you talking about this is a terrible business yeah point I’m trying to get to is there’s no run control yes exactly no run control and we we need to do do I mean I was listening to podcast yesterday and or no actually I was um on a sales call yesterday and the the client that I was speaking with was saying that this their Section 8 rentals were actually paying about 13% above
(30:03) Market rent that sounds good to me and I imagine you’re to hire a manager right and you’re not going to selfman oh yeah absolutely we will not self-manage at all no yeah yeah definitely we will hire Property Management we will hire an entire team we mean we’ve got this is that’s the US expansion and things we have um a team in Edmonton we are developing there as well in Edmonton right now um and so we have a team same thing a team of people that are helping support us in all of this yeah now for like uh okay so can you
(30:36) give us some uh high level numbers for uh Cincinnati Ohio property you’d be looking at let’s start with the Section 8 what what what would it cost to buy it what would the renovations be what would the rent be yeah we’ve looked at anything from an $889,000 duplex um that needs about $25,000 of work and is going to rent for uh probably uh I mean just think of the triplex that we’ve looked at recently the triplex to buy was in a secondary Market to Cincinnati it was $90,000 to buy it needed about $225,000 of work and the rental income was
(31:10) forecasted to be 51 unit 81 unit and 700 in the other unit all right so 2K yep yeah rents uh plus any utilities utilities were paid they were paying all of them yeah on on that one I think they were very nice yeah and um and again I don’t think most Canadians have context for this how much more affordable it is how much more affordable it is yeah I mean just that have anything in the low 100s to purchase is like staggering for Canadians and then how would you finance these deals um we would Finance through uh well we we could do cash we could it
(31:58) also do dscr loans there’s a lot of different funding opportunities down there we just got um approved for uh kind of like another a loan which is more like a short-term loan um yeah so lots of different lots of different options what do you what do you expecting for your your long-term financing to look like uh long-term financing we’re going to start with the dscr loans and we’re going to take a look at some subject two properties as well all right we’re getting complicated yeah let’s not get too uh do you know the ter what kind of
(32:30) terms you’re going to get on dscr so debt service coverage ratio folks um I don’t know on that one yet no we haven’t um gotten any any paperwork back on that as of yet super cool uh we’re actually seeing some of our clients are getting uh quotes in the high sevs okay yeah I’m GNA dig I’m actually trying to dig into some of my friends if we can get 15year terms as well because the 15 year term mortgage pay has a lot less interest than than a 30-year absolutely since my plan is to get a new mortgage in about two three
(32:59) years anyways why would I don’t need a 30y year yeah yeah yeah that’s interesting yeah okay High sevens you said High sevens or low sevens uh I have a have a text from a client who got quoted High seven for a refi okay I’m sorry I’m just scroll through my text to look for yeah High s is in 799 but that was a few weeks ago I know rates are on their way down and we see see a rate cut probably in two weeks as well so yeah so 799 is is technically High seven yeah it is pretty high seven I say that qualifies but again that was about
(33:41) a month ago so likely uh that was actually uh early August so likely it’s lower now and it’ll be lower in two weeks so yeah and we’re because we’re in a middle of a right cutting cycle in the states as well as well as here do you want to explain what subject two is uh I mean you probably have more experience to it than I do because I think you’ve been through the process yeah okay so my experience it seems it varies uh but in my experience uh it is where the investor takes title but the seller remains on mortgage and
(34:15) essentially the the the investor will make payments directly on behalf of the uh of the uh seller umh so for any investor listening to this knows well you know I’m P I’m naturally an empathetic person so if someone offered that to me like well here let me offer to you Megan I’m G to buy your house I’m going to take title but you’re going you’re going to hold the mortgage and I’m gonna make the mortgage payments on your behalf how’s that sound would you do it and that means that well if for me that means like a lot of these owners
(34:48) are in a point of desperation right where they don’t have any other options they don’t have the funds to pay the mortgage so yes it’s a better option for me at that point in time could be but but I think for most people at least people that I’m normally talking to they can just sell the house pretty quickly like most people I deal with like my own my own like you know the four houses I sold this year I sold in an average of 22 days oh wow that’s great would you would you think that I would accept those terms yeah no you
(35:16) probably would you probably would not but I do feel that because you’re so heavily ingrained in real estate you know so many different strategies where the average person doesn’t have any clue to all these different strategies of what’s available to them oh absolutely I’m actually going to go real estate uh oh cin Ohio real estate days on Market see how fast I can get that because uh again uh a Canadian context for Real Estate is very different than an American’s context uh like for example Phoenix Arizona which is a market I’ve
(35:44) been monitoring closely yeah uh days on market for a single family house is like over 50 right yeah uh you know I’m in Hamilton I think our average days on Market is 26 days yep you know live in Hamilton or Phoenix it depend depends on what season you’re in summer I don’t want to be in Phoenix too hot so median days on Market according to red fin is 42 days for Cincinnati um Cincinnati Ohio so again context folks uh you know if you’re if you’re in a major Center in Canada I’m sure it’s a lot less than that my point is that in
(36:24) the softer Market more creative de um strategies can work better right yeah absolutely um I mean we’re invested in the mexo market too days on Market average probably 525 yeah year and a half yeah I’m not joking maybe for maybe for another time we can talk about the business case for how you got into Mexico but you’re going to be fine right we’re going to be totally fine we had enough of a buffer that we are totally fine we are totally fine yeah without a doubt it’s going close to plan somewhat close to plan um completion the completion of the
(37:09) project was significantly over plann um it was a really unique learning opportunity because the building is so different there so we we take things down to the studs in Canada well they take things down to the concrete in Mexico like the building is everything is so different they say that they’re coming to put in beams on your prop property there’s actually a welder in the back hand making the rebar beam that is then going to be poured with concrete like it is a completely different experience we learned a ton we did think
(37:40) that we were maybe potentially going to do a couple properties because there’s um so many dilapitated properties that do need some updating um and the margins are quite good but just the just the time on Market it’s just it’s so slow so we will not be doing another project down there right now we do have our house listed for sale it is fully completed as of now um and yeah we’re waiting for a great buyer um probably a US buyer to be honest that is leaving the US and moving to a more affordable market and they can buy a completely
(38:10) renovated House downtown in the downtown core for $450,000 US Dollars Andor what city uh it’s a city called ketto which is uh just over just about two million people I’m not going to try to spell that but wow two million people it’s huge you I mean it is a it is thriving booming City you can go to IKEA you can go to Costco you can go to Sam’s Club like it’s got all the normal amenities that you would think in a large it’s q e r e t a r o San Diego de yeah San Diego dto just going to do this quick screen share yeah listeners we’re on zoom and
(38:57) so we able to do these things let’s back this up about two and a half hours Northwest of Mexico City interesting yeah big beautiful city yeah yeah I’m ignorant on Mexico but I imagine there’s a good number of cities that are 2 million plus oh yeah yeah absolutely so it’s the second second safest city in Mexico um yeah big sprawling city um tons of development and growth moving from there uh following Co a lot of people moved from Mexico City to uh that town as well just to get out of the bigger city um and we we actually spent a year there so
(39:40) when we started this project in Mexico we were actually living there at the time okay we don’t have any we have we’ had only a small number of Mexico investors on the show what is the legal title like you’re probably thinking of the legal title on the beach properties and I believe it’s aund I can’t remember what it is 100 kilometers from the the beach line you can’t actually technically own is kind of like a leas land and that’s probably what you’re referring to um but we hold legal title there okay and it’s simple to understand
(40:11) title system I would actually say that the due diligence that’s done in the purchasing process in Mexico is actually better than in Canada like it fantastic was it was done so well you know everyone is there everyone is signing together it’s a very long drwn up process nothing moves fast in Mexico as you can imagine um but yeah we felt very safe in our decision right yeah this is why I’ve stayed out stayed out of that area Mexico and sou I just I I like things done quickly I think my business values and speed of operations is just
(40:43) completely different than that culture yep yeah 100% yeah yeah and hey you’re kind of saying that with your own actions you’re going to the states instead of doing more 100% yep very cool exactly now now something that uh I’ve always worked on is just understanding myself and what I’m willing to do like for example I’ve St many time on times on the show like um let me start off with there’s a there’s a a warm Buffett quote that I always lean on and I explain to every investor when they’re early on in their Journey it was
(41:15) actually a question posed by Tim Ferris to Warren Buffett it was along the lines of I have a million dollars in cash I want to invest it but I’m really busy with what I really enjoyed doing for Tim Ferris at the time it was his podcast it was uh startup businesses invest being Angel Investors those sorts of things and his point was I don’t have time to be a professional stock person Warren’s response was if you’re uh if you’re not willing to invest 15 hours a week uh researching stocks then put it in uh like the S&P
(41:46) 500 Index Fund a che one mon low fees and go back to go back to your day job right go back to your family right and so I give the same analogy for real estate investing if you’re not willing to invest at least 15 hours a week in your real estate business you are thus an amateur a passive investor go go do something simple be happy with market returns go back to living your life go back to your day job right and I’d argue for Real Estate you need more than 15 hours because of all the on-site work requ onsite VDS required like earlier
(42:16) you talked about having to go to like investing in Edmonton once in a while you need to go on site right for my own clients I who lived an hour away from their properties in Hamilton if they had major renovation going on my advice to them was one site visit a week right you have to make sure getting done right so we’re well over 15 hours a week yeah yeah yeah and I think that um the the people that are have no problem with that 15 hours a week that are ready to get gritty and do the hard thing and things like that they’re the ones who
(42:47) are going to be successful because it’s it’s not passive it’s takes work whether you’re analyzing deals or doing a site visit or vetting a contractor like all of it is all of it in my opinion is work now it’s work I love yeah absolutely love um so it doesn’t feel like work right when I take a look at my corporate career I mean I loved my corporate career until I didn’t and then I was just bored with it and I was over it um and I had a bit of an identity crisis because I thought like oh my gosh like you know at that point you are the value
(43:15) of the name on your business card and all of a sudden you have this identity crisis thinking I’m walking away from this and I’m going to this but then you realize that this lights you up so much more and it’s so much more engaging and exciting that it just allows you to push sure you go aside can you tell us more about what what a successful active investor what kind of traits they have because part of I I’m trying to get distract from you is um because I the part part of the show is for people to well part of the point
(43:43) of the show is to be like a ginormous Buffet of options but also part of that is for people to understand themselves right for example I’ve had Ultra successful workaholic investors on the show folks like for example my friend Ryan uh he for a decade 7 days a week 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. he was working right that was what required for him to be that successful the point of having someone like on the show is like are you that right if you’re not then find some level in between here and there that you are and and be that right I think it’s
(44:22) really important for investors to recognize their strength and weaknesses without a doubt and and as soon as you start kind of doing that high value versus low value tasks and recognize where your strengths are recognize where your weaknesses are and start Outsourcing some of the weaknesses that’s what makes a successful investor because you can’t do it all right I look at these large corporations that I used to work for and they had an accounting department and they had a marketing department and they had an operations
(44:46) department and they had a customer retention department you’re you are that for your entire business and there’s no way we can be really good at everything so I think recognizing the high value versus the low value is what makes you successful and then Outsourcing that low value to get support on him I always remember one of my lessons from watching the the uh The Apprentice Donald Trump show the first season was the gentleman uh his name is Bill the gentleman who won was the only one I thought on the show that was strong in almost every
(45:15) area of business interesting HR people uh sales marketing operations a lot the gentleman he lost the gentleman who came second place was a salesperson M and um and no fault of him he was brilliant at what he what a special skill was but he lacked operational skill right my point is that you know there are those that was the entire show there was only one who I felt was strong in all areas of business yeah so that does exist out there it does for sure that but if you’re not I think people need to recognize within that they’re
(45:53) not all those all those things and need to be able to back fill those areas either Source partner whatnot because if we look at who failed who’s in the media and who failed a lot of them were brilliant social media influencers whatnot great at raising money couldn’t execute an actal portfolio y right and they they didn’t see that like they had a blind spot they didn’t see I would argue you and I would see it though yeah I I mean I the reason I only do work one to one is because it’s vulnerable when you tear apart your
(46:25) business yeah it’s vulnerable it does not feel good all the time time MH um and so I don’t do anything group I just do one to one because yeah we’re going to get into the nitty-gritty of it all and we’re going to peel back the layers and see where you’re sitting yeah because your clientele is typically uh there has to be high margin in order to afford staff to be able to delegate to yeah yes you do need to have cash flow in your business for sure but you also need to know um if you have cash flow in as well right so that
(46:57) that’s another thing but two but I do also love the fact that there are so many fractional positions coming available fractional CFOs fractional marketing people Vaas that you can hire like you can actually bring people on for a relatively affordable cost if you get really clear on what that person needs to do they’ll be able to execute efficiently can you give us like a working example that you’re working with someone now who’s doing these sorts of things using fractional sources vas whatnot yeah absolutely I’ve got clients
(47:25) that um a couple different clients uh one client um has realized that uh they can’t do all the site visiting like you were just talking about you got a development project going on you need to start Outsourcing that and so we take a look at the site visits as a lower value task than say the capital raising um and so he can go this person can go do a site visit as long as you’ve created the standard operating Pro operating procedure and a list of things that that person needs to go through the way that you would do it then that person now
(47:52) does the site visits and we have hired that person they have ramped up their hours they were train them accordingly to the first 12 weeks of training um that person is now up and running in the business reports back through the project management software to the owner the owner stays high level it’s really efficient brilliant now now my first thought is like I think about epic Alliance and all the folks who invested in Saskatoon and did no you don’t have to go like I wouldn’t have flown out my top of mine I would have hired a home
(48:22) inspector and go look at it right I don’t need to I don’t need to explain to them what to look for yeah great I pay you you protect my interests go look at the [Laughter] property down house like let me know about it windows are boarded up that’s not a good thing that’s good fire code or city code oh really that’s what it’s like okay yeah yeah yeah absolutely yeah we like I said we’ve got these development projects going on in Edmonton and actually one of our shareholders has actually decided to move out Edmonton to
(48:58) be boots on the ground and see the project every week and um really learn the process right they’re really investing in their own education which is incredible fascinating now being having I’ve spent a lot of time entrepreneurs I think it’s interesting to see uh some people are in it for the money some people are in it passionately whatever business this is across everything not just real estate some people really like their industry right I have a friend who uh has has dozens of painters on staff and he loves house paint M okay right
(49:29) and you know I know some people who are just in that business because it makes money yeah right what are you seeing among your your entrepreneur clients uh as far as like different Industries you mean in terms of not so much industry but what is it that drives them oh yeah that’s a good question um because if you’re not driven you’re gonna be doomed it’s 100% true I mean we talk often on coaching calls around the Peaks and the troughs of Entrepreneurship because it it’s not a straight line right like it goes way high way low I
(50:02) mean yeah what drives them is the internal burn for success for themselves yes I mean I’ve got I’ve got clients that are building safe affordable amazing homes for people I’ve got other clients that are building beautiful dream homes for people I’ve got other clients who are working in Immigration um and get driven by the fact they’re helping someone achieve their Canadian dreams um and so a lot of people have that internal burn themselves but most of them are just motivated for their own success sure it’s the the benefit is
(50:32) that you you provide housing housing for people and stuff too but I think a lot of these people just have that internal burn that a type driving um that they are committed to their own success I think it’s the ultimate when you can you like making money and that’s part of your drive and you’re also in something that helps people and if assuming that’s part of your drive yeah yeah absolutely I mean I used to affect change for thousands of people through the work that I did in the operating room um as far as reducing surgical
(50:59) sight infections and preparing people for surgery in a safe A Safe Way um but I feel more impactful now working with one small business owner helping them to make their dream come true than I did when I worked for thousands of people making surgery safer sounds like you could good work both places yeah no I’m good I’m got on the corporate foray now um I’m in I’m in an office cond right and I met a gentleman um who has an office across the laneway from me and I asked what do you do he goes oh we um I’m a counselor for leaders of churches
(51:37) I’m like those are those are people are among the closest to God how come they need help what he told me was was that uh these folks put so much effort into the work uh that he actually works on them with their their typically their marriage relationships because they put so much of themselves into their work that when they get home they’re just done they’re topped out they don’t really have anym anything else to contribute um in terms of relationship building right back home my point is where I’m trying to get
(52:08) to is what kind of blind spots do you see within the entrepreneur uh between the business within business owners boundaries people have trouble setting boundaries might be something that you’ve been through Jerry gives me about like she’s posted on social media where like we’re at we’re at Home Depot on date night cuz we need materials for a ridd project somewhere yeah y boundaries right like we really struggle with boundaries because so much of our life and our work is woven into one and we have that internal drive for Success your partner
(52:43) has that internal drive for success and so it just gets automatically P pushed in and I think your point on the um the counselor is a great point because you give so much of yourself to others that often we don’t leave time for the other things that are actually more important because you’re just at the end of the day so beat I think jessiee it’s says it the best and he says what does he say he says um I will never be too tired for my kids so if my kids want to throw a football at the end of the day even though I’ve worked a full shift full day
(53:11) like whatever it is that he’s done that day he’s like I will find the energy to do it and it’s a good reminder for us to be like oh yeah because often we do get wrapped up well I forgot to put boundaries in today I worked for 12 hours and I’m super excited about the project but now my kids need my attention but I’m also really tired and so I I like that take of thinking oh yeah right just a good reminder to set your priorities straight he’s got energy for days because he runs Ultra marathons so oh yeah he’s got energies for days and
(53:38) because he only eats food until noon does he still as far as I know haven’t seen a social media post updating that I don’t know I don’t get how he gets enough calories I don’t know he’s a right that we love following him because like like like if you if you ever hug the guy he’s very substantial like he’s got lots of muscle on him so for for the amount of calories he from what I don’t know what exactly what he eats but just face value what he eats I don’t see how he gets enough calories to sustain themselves but again there’s always
(54:11) special folks out there there’s always special folks now you mentioned Partners now I think that’s another area that a lot of entrepreneurs especially folks who are in the media who’s who are for all the wrong reasons have screwed up on what what makes a good partnership that’s a great great question um I I can be many things I can be romantic well like in my case my business partner is my romantic partner too yeah yeah that’s sure you answer however you like yeah for sure um I think that what makes a good partnership um people with aligned
(54:45) values and goals without a doubt clear communication is a must um and go I think going to the other person when things like let’s use the example of a project right maybe a project timeline has been significantly delayed due to some other reason um the communication and how you navigate that will set your partnership up for success or failure and I don’t see enough Partnerships in good communication with each other respecting each other going together when times are tough if they can’t get together when times are tough then they’re going to
(55:27) they’re do crumble yeah yeah not all properties and not all developments are success stories right some of them are there’s bumps along the way there’s hiccups due to things that you can’t control look what happened during Co with all the backlog of supplies like there’s things that happen right if you can’t communicate during those tough times then it’s going to be a pretty rocky road for you what about like skill sets are complimentary anything yeah complimentary skill sets um are fantastic I actually have a
(55:57) corporation with nine shareholders in it and we all have very divided skill sets and we kind of etched people into a specific role to begin with and then they really morphed into their role and picked up additional skill sets along the way and I think that when we really play into where their strength strengths are and take them out of their weaknesses the company can grow it’s it’s thriving because of it but because we’ve gotten really specific on where everyone is excelling [Music] it seems to be a bit of a debate in that
(56:29) area as well like should people work on their weaknesses or just play to their strengths like for example Cher and I belong to the same nonprofit board she of course is the finance chair I’m in the integration chair so mine is my role is more for onboarding new people new members to our organization we’re both in our strengths we’ve just both discussed planned uh for being in areas that really put us out of our comfort zone what do you think yeah I mean I think there’s Merit and perks to both sides to be honest I think
(57:02) both sides you can excel in in time if you build the systems and things but I also kind of feel like depends on where you’re at in your business right I am like you said before I’ve got a lot of things going on I’m busy it’s not the time for me to play into my weaknesses right now it’s the time for me to focus on my strengths so that my businesses can grow exponentially um and so I think that there’s a there’s maybe an e and flow of when you say hey you know what this is an area that I am not good at I’m going to start nurturing this area
(57:30) right now because I want to get better at it and there’s other times where you’re like you know what I just need to focus on the things I’m really strong at and I’m going to focus on those so I think there’s a time and a place for all of it I do like working on weaknesses I do it in other areas of my life all the time um but as far as the business development stuff goes I’m in an area right now where I’m just focusing on strengths now we you touched on it earlier and I think it’s a common issue is um how should business owners entrepreneurs
(57:59) allocate their time and where I’m going with that is for example I’ll see typically newer folks to the industry be really ambitious y I’m going to develop this 40 acre property an hour or two hours away from a home maybe it’s not that many maybe they’re going to build 30 houses on a small small lot right hour two hours away from my home never done it before I have a full-time job n eight like an to six type of job of kids yeah do do you see these types of things yeah without a doubt um I often to be honest I often see people start smaller
(58:37) than they really should like I’m going to buy one property this year when in actual fact they they could buy two um and so I do often see people start like you know we’re talking like the mom and pops the people are just starting right I see them play a bit smaller than they actually can as opposed to going too big too fast although I do also talk to entrepreneurs they’re like oh yeah I’m gonna buy my first deal and it’s going to be a 32 unit build and I’m going to do affordable housing like okay have you have you vetted any contractors before
(59:04) have you do know how long it’s going to take to do surveying and rezoning and um so built one house before yeah there there is a bit of that but to be honest I think it’s in general more people paying smaller than they could be MH so you should buy two houses and Whistler instead of one oh man if you can buy two houses and Whistler like you’re doing great can retire already retire yeah you can retire I mean you can’t rent them out but you know it’s funny someone had made a post on a Facebook page today about Whistler
(59:35) rentals and they had a picture of a beautiful home um and it said $21,000 for the month um for this outstanding home was four bedrooms four and a half bath this home is probably a I don’t know $6 million home like it’s it was gorgeous and of course everyone was commenting just slamming the post right like oh yeah I’ll rent it with me in my 4 4 friends and maybe that would be semi affordable and I’m like you arrogant people have no clue even if they bought that home 10 years ago the $21,000 a month like is not even going to touch
(1:00:09) you know the between the mortgage payments and the cost of keeping that up and the the heat with those scouring um those super high 30 foot ceilings in the winter the heat the electric baseboard heat that we have in Whistler ridiculously hundreds of dollars excuse me your Elric yeah we don’t have a lot of gas and Whistler it’s mainly baseboard heat most of those are all 80s builds so couldn’t get a pipeline built this is Canada most he in all electric um so it would just like it just kind of made me shake I didn’t
(1:00:45) comment because I’m not into getting into debates like that but I was like you know the cost of those properties the cost to maintain and keep them and yeah the nightly rate in during the winter yeah $21,000 actually seems like it’s on par crazy yeah oh so in your in your uh the example you gave uh folk you you thought folks were two playing too small buying one property versus to what Market did you did you have in mind when you were talking to that oh I mean that could be that could be anywhere from Ontario to Alberta to the United States
(1:01:22) these are all just you know different leads and things like that that I talk to off often and so um I actually see like I said I see more of people being conservative and playing really small as opposed to thinking hey like how could I buy two properties this year I can buy three properties this year and thinking a little bit bigger expanding their thoughts got it now I’m going to have a guess that you had you helped shaped uh helped shaped uh the real estate resilience Summit it’s called The Business Edition a little bit to do with that
(1:01:55) yeah absolutely tell me more I was a i attended the real estate resilience Summit last year also um was able to share the stage with Elizabeth which was fantastic um Elizabeth and I have since collaborated on this with the with the addition of Victoria Clooney which is absolutely amazing and we have really taken a look like we dug so deep on this you guys for this year what do investors need and so we took it based on what Elizabeth hears in the field what I hear in the field what Victoria hears in the field and we built it
(1:02:24) around what we think investors need right now mhm they need information on how to get to the US because that is a Hot Topic right now they need information on how to run their portfolio as a business they need information on how to continue to grow their marketing um and really understand their brand and their branding and so we took a look at all of the topics that were kind of hot topics and we brought this Allstar panel speakers there you are right there um Allstar panel of speakers to really help people with
(1:02:52) where we felt they what they needed over the past year and this is based on what we have heard in um yeah what we’ve heard in the industry so yeah sorry go ahead sorry no I I didn’t know um I didn’t know Manny Maller was involved with gobundance yeah I think um she I can’t remember what her role is off the top of my head but yeah super cool I actually modeled small Mastermind group of my own after co-funding oh yeah oh fantastic we couldn’t afford their their trip so we called it ham abundance as as an Hamilton abundance yeah and then as the
(1:03:32) running joke we we’d only do things we could find on group on oh gosh that’s funny because the reality thing is is that investors even successful ones are quite Frugal yeah yeah well especially even right now right there’s less less margins for people to play with and things so way less way less yeah so yeah so we’re so really excited about this year we really think it’s you know coming to the market at the right time I I actually love the digital Summit I’ve got young kids it allows me to actually be fully involved and um invested in a
(1:04:04) conference without um the travel the expenses things like that yeah and also keeps the cost down keeps the cost way down right way down right I attended the multif family conference last year too and you can attend this for just a couple hundred dollars um the other thing we did is we also brought a lot of us speakers in because we wanted to show some new faces to people oh yeah some big Canadian faces too like Daniel yeah yeah big Canadian faces big us faces um new faces for people and we just went to have a little
(1:04:34) bit of a fresh take on it I’ve been following Daniel Kong since the pandemic on Instagram yeah yeah right on and he’s in Hawaii he’s in Hawaii yeah and he has got a very significant size portfolio he does he really does I can’t remember how many doors as of right now and then you know we got David RoR with that fractional CFO title as well um and just kind of really taking a look at the business finances of your operations so who would benefit from coming to the uh real estate resilience Summit any intermediate to Advanced
(1:05:08) business owner or real estate investor so we really designed it with the two the te two themes in mind both businesses so just general entrepreneurs as well as Real Estate Investors as well like you and I were talking before we start recording is there there is very few people in Ontario BC or Quebec who are adding to the long-term rental portfolio take Foria cloney for example like she’s focusing on like manufacturing tiny homes and and Tiny home Community that’s more of a that’s more of a business than than traditional
(1:05:38) long-term rental investing absolutely yeah uh and and like my good friend Andrew Hines like I don’t think he owns a long-term rental anymore in Ontario he’s focused largely on his uh his recreational properties near toomore it’s all and it’s all short-term rental well I think it shows people that there is opportunity out there still but you need to get a lot more creative more creative but also my point is like people aren’t putting money into long-term rentals in Canada other than outside of Alberta yep apologies to folks in
(1:06:10) Winnipeg I’m sure there’s some good stuff out over there as well but but generally just what’s getting what’s most talked about is generally Alberta for Canada 100% I mean we just take a look at BC alone right like it’s near impossible to bring rentals to the market right now sure love to providing more housing w we have a massive housing crisis and we’ve had it for 20 years since I worked there as a ski instructor 20 years ago um it’s been like that forever but there’s no opportunity for more housing unless it’s Whistler
(1:06:38) Housing Authority that’s stepping in to help right and it’s largely a function of nism I in the swing is too high I was in gu just recently and U my friends from from guol were telling me that the the city bylaws don’t allow anything taller than a certain building that’s already there like they’re that restrictive right yeah if you want density you generally need to go tall but the restricting density yep restricting growth in general so yeah I think it’s gonna be a great conference for any of those intermediate to Advanced both business
(1:07:09) owners um as well as Real Estate Investors and we are really excited about bringing it to everyone and where can folks get more information on the real estate resilience Summit yeah you can jump right over to the website that you’re on right now real estat resilience. CA grab your ticket there or you can also find us on Instagram if you have questions and where can people learn more about your coaching yeah you can jump over to Megan it’s Meg h n HB NE r.
(1:07:37) com there’s my website popping up right now and I’m most active on Instagram fantastic oh and what’s your Instagram handle Megan hubner easy peasy yeah exactly thanks so much for doing this Megan yeah you’re welcome thank you for having me so much everyone I appreciate it can’t wait to follow along your your your trip homeschooling your kids oh my gosh yeah so many things on the go but it’s uh it’s going to be good um you know I actually received an email in my inbox from some from an someone that I follow on Capital raising the
(1:08:13) other day and she said if you’re feeling overwhelmed the overwhelm is the abundance of everything you once dreamed of and I was like a it hits so hard I was like that’s true it’s where you wanted to be yep yeah yeah it’s not always easy yeah exactly I mean you guys have been entrepreneurs for a long time so you get that oh yeah it’s been fun but you know we’re very grateful for our real estate portfolio because without it we wouldn’t be able to afford to live the way we do yeah yeah for sure fantastic well thanks
(1:08:45) thanks for having me despite being a cold [Laughter] guest uh Megan uh we are again we are in the middle of middle of a real State winter and uh real gdtp per capita per Benjamin tall Chief Deputy Economist of CBC we are in a recession based on real GDP per capita the Americans look like they may vot a recession they may go into recession who knows uh what what are your what are your do you have any final thoughts for the listener if they’re afraid if they’re excited what what what do you any final words yeah I
(1:09:21) mean my final thought is just to make strategic decisions based on research that you have done not just recommendations from other people um I do think that you know really leaning into going with your with your gut after you’ve made those decisions and you know stop operating in so much fear stay I tell people all the time stay with your horse blinders on stay in your lane don’t look Al don’t look around to what everyone else is doing take a look at what you can accomplish in this next little bit um because it’s really easy
(1:09:54) to either diminish our success or say that we can’t achieve the hundred doors that so and so has done right even if that’s not even your goal so I really say just like stay in your lane stay with your head down stay focused on your own goal take in the news to a certain point so you know what’s happening in the economy but don’t let it completely stifle any decision that you’re making right there are still opportunities out there it’s just a matter of uncovering them right and a lot of L of the best businesses are born out of recession so
(1:10:23) 100% yeah 100% fantastic all right thank you again Megan for doing this yeah you’re welcome thanks for having me thank you for watching if you want to learn how to invest in real estate from scratch my team teaches beginners how to use the number one investment strategy that I personally use in a virtual free training class every month go to investor training.
(1:10:55) com starting out feel free to ask questions and comment below and I do the best to answer each of those comments and questions myself again if you’re ready to learn the nitty-gritty about real estate investing from a professional investor register for our next virtual class that’s at investor


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Before you go, if you’re interested in what kind of properties I am looking at in the landlord friendly states of the USA please go to for what I consider the best investment for most Canadians, most of the time.

I’ve been investing in Ontario since 2005 and while it’s been a great, great run. I started out buying properties in the 100,000s and now it’s $800,000 to $1,000,000.  How much higher can it go? I don’t know

To me, the remaining potential for appreciation does not match the risk hence I’m advising my clients to look to where one can find rental properties that are affordable range of $150,000 to $350,000 US$, with rents that range from $1,400 to 2,600/month plus utilities.   As many Canadians recognize, these numbers will be positive cash flow and are night and day compared to anything locally. Plus the landlord has all of the rights, no rent control, and income is US dollars which are better than Canadian dollars.

If you don’t believe me, US dollars are better than Canadian dollars, go ask 100 non-Canadians which currency they prefer to be paid in.

So to regain control of your retirement planning.  Go to and check out what great cash flow properties are available in the USA.  

The best part is, my US investments will be much more passive compared to by local investments as I’m hiring an asset manager called SHARE to hand hold me through the entire process.  As their client and shareholder, Share will source me quality income properties, help me with legal structure and taxes, they manage the property manager and insurance provider while passing down to me preferred rates so I save both time and money.  

Share will even tell me when to strategically refinance or sell.  SHARE can even support investors all over the country for proper diversification hence my plan is to own in Tennessee, Georgia, and Texas.  Share is like my joint venture partner but I only have to pay them fees while I keep 100% ownership and control.

If your goal in investing is to increase cash flow, I don’t know of a better strategy for most Canadians most of the time.  One last time that’s to see what boring, cash flowing real estate investing can look like on your path towards financial peace.

This is how I’m going to make real estate investing great again for my family and hope you choose the same.  Till next time!

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This episode is brought to you by me! We don’t have sponsors for this show. I only share with you services owned by my wife Cherry and me.  Real estate investing is a staple in my life and allowed me to build wealth and, more importantly, achieve financial peace about the future, knowing our retirement is taken care of and my kids will be able to afford a home when they grow up.  If you, too, are interested in my systematic strategy to implement the #1 investment strategy, the same one pretty much all my guests are doing themselves, then go visit and register for our next event.

Till next time, just do it because I believe in you.



As a committed advocate for transparent and responsible real estate investment, I want to openly share my involvement with SHARE SFR (Single Family Rental) as an Advisor. I hold an equity position in this company and receive a referral commission for clients I introduce to their services. My endorsement of their business model – focusing on direct ownership of positive cash flow income properties – is consistent with my own personal investing since 2005, is based not only on a professional assessment but also on my personal experience and belief in their approach. Please note that while I stand behind my recommendations, it is crucial for each individual to conduct their own due diligence and consider their unique circumstances before making any investment decisions. As always, my priority is to provide you with honest, insightful, and practical real estate investment education.

Building Resilience: From 100+ Unit Investment Portfolio to Active Business with Elizabeth Kelly

Summer hard 2024 complete, back to school, back to learning about investing. Is anyone investing in long-term rentals anymore? What we’ll be learning about at the Real Estate Resilience Summit – Business Edition!  All this and more on this week’s Truth About Real Estate Investing Show for Canadians, I’m your producer and host Erwin Szeto since 2016.

The Bank of Canada just made their 3rd consecutive rate cut of 0.25% after what has been the quietest summer of real estate in my career history, landlord since 2005, investor specialist Realtor since 2010.

The market has spoken, rental properties as investments in Ontario are out of favour across the board.  I have friends with very nice apartment buildings for sale receiving no showings.  I’m seeing the most lopsided investor imbalance of listing/selling vs buying.

Listings of rental properties locally has never been this slow in markets once popular with investors and multifamily.  

Elizabeth Kelly’s Real Estate Resilience Summit – Business Edition couldn’t have come at a better time as Canadian investors have never had a harder time finding opportunities.  

I was having dinner with a coach recently who informed me that it’s been months since she’s seen a deal she’d be willing to put her own money into.

On the flip side, we at SHARE, a tech enable asset manager who in my experience makes building a fully managed rental portfolio the easiest I’ve ever seen.  Fortunately or unfortunately, that can only happen in the USA thanks to the size of their economy, fastest growing in the G7, combined with low taxes and landlord friendliness.

I was literally telling my little cousin about a deal I was reviewing in Kansas City.  He’s looking to invest, he’s in real estate, his dad, my uncle was a big time broker.  Point is, he knows a deal when he sees one and he’s family.  Back to the deal: An off-market, 1,200 square foot bungalow, 3 bed, 1 bath built in the 1950s.  Most investors know this type of property in their own target markets as it is typical for basement suite conversions and would cost around high $600 to low $700k in most investor target markets like Hamilton, Oshawa, Barrie, Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge.

Back to the deal in Kansas City, MO.  Price from wholesaler including their fee $152,000. Renovation quote to bring the property to rent ready: $20,000.  Projected rent: $1,300 per month.  For Canadian investors who’ve been around for a while, we’ve turned back the clock on our real estate market over 10 years.  Cap rate for those who understand commercial real estate: 5.9%. I have the home inspection report from a 3rd party inspector, I have the renovation quote from the property manager, personally I would do the deal from the comfort of my home. 

This type of deal can be done as a low effort side hustle.  I do think it’s wonderful what all my developer, flipping investor friends are doing but I personally don’t want to invest that time and effort nor would I choose a strategy where the linchpin is CMCH, a government institution.  For those strategies, I’ll have experts in those fields as guests of my show like best selling, co-author Russell Westcott out in Edmonton who’s building, developing small multifamilies all the time and he’s also investing a lot more time, money and effort than I’m willing to.

There is no right or wrong in real estate, it’s just what is best for you.

After saying there is no right or wrong in real estate, I’ll read to you a quote from one of my newer clients who’ve I’ve been trying to coach out of a jam they got into before they ever met me.  This is what they wrote me this week.

“Hey Erwin. Just want to let you know that everyday I’m grateful for your wisdom about my private lends. I ignored red flags and didn’t act fast enough so things are still quite painful. But, we would’ve been wiped out if you hadn’t shared your concerns with me. Thank you beyond words.”

Also this week, I was congratulating one of my long time clients who we helped sell their income property in the GTA and realize over $500,000 in capital gains which everyone knows is taxed better than lending interest. 

It should be no surprise that the long-term real estate investor is winning even in this market and going forward, I fully expect my clients and I to translate our success here to landlord friendly USA.  My only hope is to reach and educate as many people as possible so they can be successful like my long-time clients.

Speaking of education, I’m offering a free training webinar, a real estate 101 investing on September 17th, 8pm EST, anyone new to real estate investing or USA investing should attend this so if you have friends or family interested in investing, they need to attend so they can at least compare any and all opportunities they review against a single family house rental property in landlord friendly USA. SAVE YOUR SEAT HERE

I review deals all the time and it’s tough to beat SHARE’s offering of fully managed from acquisition to ongoing management to disposition, and when compared to any condo or duplex in Canada…. There is no comparison.

Building Resilience: From 100+ Unit Investment Portfolio to Active Business with Elizabeth Kelly

On to this week’s guest!

Award-Winning Real Estate Investor, Coach, Speaker, Educator & Proud Entrepreneur, my old friend Elizabeth Kelly who tells it like it is.  Elizabeth shares about her wins and losses in real estate.  She’s been an active leader in the community for nearly 20 years and is here to tell us about how we Canadian real estate investors can be resilient, what she sees for our collective futures in real estate and she’s hosting the 3rd annual Real Estate Resilience Business Edition of the summit on September 28-29th.  

Myself and SHARE are proud sponsors of the summit. I will be joining an expert panel on USA investing with friend of the show Glen Sutherland.  My wife, the lovely Cherry Chan will be a speaker as well and I’m super excited for the other speakers as well.

On today’s show Elizabeth shares her personal journey from mega real estate investor to entrepreneurship adjacent to real estate, the challenges of affordability for investing in local markets even after learning the hard way when back in 2010, she bought 100+ units and struggled with systems and operations.

Any and all investors should give this episode a listen to learn how to both win in real estate and to avoid losing which IMHO is another way of winning.

For more information on the Real Estate Resilience summit go to:

Please enjoy the show.

To Listen:

** Transcript Auto-Generated**

(00:00) summer hard 2024 complete as in like enjoy that summer we’re back to school we’re back to learning about investing is anyone investing in long-term rentals anymore Alberta folks I know I know you love it but is anyone else in Ontario investing in long-term rentals we’ll talk about what we’ve been learning what we what we will be learning at the real estate resilience Summit Business Edition all this and more on this week’s truth about real estate investing show for Canadians I’m your producer and host Irwin CTO
(00:29) since 2016 and we are back we are finally back we’ve taken a few weeks off uh Busy Doing summering summering Hard spending time with the kids enjoying what little summer we have in Canada the Bank of Canada just made the third consecutive rate cut of .25% after what has been the quietest summer of real estate in my career um I’ve been land since 2005 been I’ve been an investor specialist realtor since 2010 I’m a real estate geek I check how Sigma often just like everybody else does I like to know what’s going on in my
(01:02) neighborhood I like to know what’s going on in the neighborhoods where I own property and where my clients own property whatnot for anyone who’s in real estate who’s a friend of mine knows I don’t shut up about real estate uh so if you are a real estate investor you know we always have much to talk about and I have many questions to ask anyways the market has spoken from my uh understanding rental properties uh as investments in Ontario are really out of favor the most I’ve ever seen in my my career and that’s across the board I
(01:33) have friends with very nice apartment buildings for sale receiving no showings I’m seeing the most lopsided investor imbalance of listing selling versus buying all the balance is on the listing selling side folks have property is listed and they’re selling them or they’re not there are very little buyers out there what little buyers out there that I’m seeing uh from the more sophisticated investor Community what I’m seeing is they’re buying mostly student rentals because uh University students naturally turn themselves over
(02:04) uh and then my point to what I was asking earlier is anyone investing in long-term rentals anymore in Alberta lots of them uh rest of the Canada not so much it seems the listings of rental properties locally has never been this slow again in my experience uh in the once popular with investor uh in the markets that were once popular with investors and and for apartment buildings uh now we’re going to be talking about Elizabeth Kelly’s uh real estate resilience Summit Business Edition and it couldn’t have come at a better time as canadi
(02:33) investors have never had a harder time of finding opportunities I have this discussion almost every day as I take calls from Canadians all across the country who tell me they can’t find opportunity I was having dinner with a coach recently who informed me that it’s been months since she’s seen a deal that’s worth putting her own money into on the flip side we had Sher uh Sher is a tech enabled asset manager who in my experience makes bill building a fully managed rental portfolio the easiest I’ve ever seen fortunately or
(03:05) unfortunately uh that can only happen in the USA thanks to the size of their economy which is the fastest growing in the G7 combined with low taxes and landlord friendliness uh I was literally telling my little cousin about a deal I was reviewing Kansas City uh he’s actually looking to invest uh he’s in real estate invest he’s in real estate his dad my uncle was a really big time broker before he retired uh last a couple years ago point is he knows a deal when he sees one and he’s my family so I everyone takes care of their family
(03:38) don’t they anyways back to the deal an off-market 1,200 ft Bungalow three bedroom one bathroom built in the 1950s most investors across Canada know this is your typical property so you typical investment property because this is the type of property of folks Target for uh basement spe conversions now um in Ontario in the popular markets for uh basement spe conversions that type of house a 1,200 foot Bungalow but cost around 600 somewhere in the high 600s to low 700s and Target investor markets like a Hamilton an ashaa Barry K Wu
(04:16) Cambridge and I know folks in Alberta do look for the same type of property as well for their for their mortgage helpers and same with folks in BC anyways back to this Kansas City uh deal in Missouri the price from the wholesaler so there’s no Realtors involved price from the wholesaler including their fee is $152,000 that’s American dollars um yeah $152,000 including the wholesale fee renovation quote on to bring the property up to being rent ready from the property manager is $220,000 projected rent $1,300 per month
(04:50) plus utilities for Canadian investors who’ve been around a while uh what like we’ve turned back the clock over 10 years on what these numbers look like uh we would we would get these types of numbers back somewhere around 13 14 years ago back in Hamilton for example which is where most of my experience is uh for cap gr for capitalization rate for those who understand commercial real estate we’re talking about a 5.
(05:13) 9% cap rate on a single family home and it’s not a very expensive property so you don’t have to come over with to pocket that much in order to do this deal I have a thirdparty home inspection report uh from a home inspector uh I have a renovation quote extremely detailed from the prodct manager uh and personally uh I can I have the Comfort level that I can do the deal do this deal from the comfort of my home I’ve personally attended a 100 home inspections for my own clients I I have enough comfort with uh home construction anyways this type
(05:47) of deal can be done as a pass as an operationally passive side hustle uh the the only thing that keeps this property investment from being uh fully passive is that the investor still has to deal with their own mortgages which is the way you want things to be you want to be in control if you don’t believe me just read the news and look at who’s losing their shirts who’s going bankrupt who’s owing 30 million to 100100 million whatever anyways all those folks have lost control I am a bit of a control freak when it comes to my investments
(06:22) anyways I do think it’s wonderful that uh my developer friends folks who do flips I think it’s all wonderful uh I personally I’m happy when I see people successful as long as not as long as they’re not hurting anyone uh but personally I don’t want to invest that kind of that much time and effort uh into those types of strategies I was literally speaking to uh a new a new friend of mine at the golf course who does uh he does kitchens and bathrooms uh so he works for folks investors who do flips in Oakville Ontario so I can’t
(06:55) even imagine the type of capital these folks are throwing around on million2 million prop proper doing flips and then like the realtor fees and and the rental budgets like holy cow anyways uh also again myself being risk adverse I personally would not choose a strategy where the uh financing uh Lynch pin is the cmhc a government institution um who has been known to change their mind from time to time for for those strategies uh I’ll have experts in those fields again I have no experience in that field of getting cmhc or or mli select and stuff
(07:28) like that but I’ll have I’ll have happily have experts in those fields as guests of my show like upcoming guest bestselling co-author Russell Wescott who’s from BC but invest in emont and he’s building he’s developing small multifamilies all the time brand new ones and the numbers sound fantastic but he also invests a lot more time money and effort than I’m willing to do uh especially being out Market anyways there’s no right or wrong in real estate uh it’s really just what fits you for for the best now I did say there’s no right or wrong
(07:59) real estate but there is a wrong losing money that is wrong I’m not saying never lose money most investors well sorry every investor who’s been around for a while has lost money on a deal or two or three or four what’s more important is over the long run they make money makes sense right now I’ll read you a quote from one of my newer clients who I’ve been trying to help coach out of a jam that they got themselves into before they ever met me this is what they wrote me this week quote hey heroin just wanted to let you
(08:28) know that every day I’m great for your wisdom and my private uh about my private lens I ignored red flags and I didn’t act fast enough so things are still quite painful but we would have been wiped out if you hadn’t shared your concerns with me thank you beyond words end quote also this week I’m I’ve been uh congratulating one of my longtime clients who helped uh who he helped uh sell their income property in the GTA and realiz over $500,000 in capital gains which everyone knows is tax better than lending interest uh you know
(09:00) interest that you earn on lending money anyways it it should be no surprise that the long-term real estate investor is winning even in this market maybe they didn’t make as much money if they sold out the peak but anyone like is anyone upset over a $500,000 plus Capital game anyways uh and and uh what I was going with is that going forward I fully expect my clients and I to translate our success uh that we’ve done in Ontario to being to landlord friendly USA my only hope is to to reach is to reach out and educate as many people as possible so
(09:38) they can be successful like my long-term clients uh speaking of Education I’m offering a free webinar uh a real estate 101 investing on September 17th 800 p.m. Eastern Standard Time anyone new to real estate investing or new to us investing should attend this so if you have friends or family interested in investing uh they need they need to attend this so they can at least compare uh any and all opportunities that they review against what a single family host uh rental property and land friendly USA can do like the property I just
(10:09) mentioned in Kansas City Missouri uh for a retail investment as an investment that an everyday investor can do I have yet to see a comparable property in Canada for a retail investment that an everyday investor can do again operationally passive uh I reveal deals all the time and on and and again my experience it’s really tough to beat shar’s offering for a fully managed uh for fully for being fully managed from acquisition to ongoing management to disposition and when compared to any condo or duplex in Canada there really
(10:42) is no comparison especially if it’s in Ontario BC or Quebec where landlords have little rights on to this week’s show award-winning investor coach speaker educator and proud entrepreneur my old friend Elizabeth Kelly uh we’re we’re old friends because she likes to tell it like it is Elizabeth shares about her wins and losses and real estate she’s been an active leader in the community for nearly 20 years and she’s here to tell us about how we Canadians uh how we Canadian Real Estate Investors can be resilient what she sees
(11:10) for our Collective Futures in real estate and she’s hosting the third annual real estate resilience a business edition of The Summit on September 28th and 29th uh that’s a Saturday and Sunday myself and Sher are proud sponsors of the summit I will be joining an expert panel on USA investing with friend of the show Glenn Southerland um I’m really honored to be uh uh really honored to be that Glenn and I are sharing a panel together uh and uh many of us consider many folks out there consider us the the leading voices on this subject and very
(11:44) grateful for the opportunity uh my wife the lovely Cherry Chan will be a speaker as well and I’m super excited for the other speakers on that are that they have planned and again uh this is business Summit this is a business Edition Summit but there are like uh the gentleman from Hawaii really interested in hearing what he has to say about real estate investing cuz he’s got a lovely portfolio in Hawaii anyways and a very sizable one too on today again so on today’s show Elizabeth shares her personal Journey from Mega real estate investor to uh
(12:13) entrepreneur adjacent to real estate the the challenges of affordability for investing in local markets even after learning the hard way back in 2010 where she where she and EMT her husband EMT bought over a 100 plus units and struggles with systems and operations this is why you need to be resilient you be to take that and what you’ll learn at the summit will be larg around systems and operations so that you can Thrive with these types of uh business businesses and portfolios anyways uh any and all investors should give this
(12:47) episode a listening to learn how to both win in real estate and avoid losing in which in my humble opinion is another way of winning for more information on the real estate resilience Summit go to real EST State resilience. CA please enjoy the [Music] show hi Elizabeth what’s keeping you busy these days not too much I’m actually taking some time off and enjoying the summer I’m uh I’m loving things how about you what are you up to trying to do the little same but it’s really busy so I kind of don’t want to take too much time off like while the
(13:25) iron’s hot you got some ex shining right which is funny it’s not that’s not the same for most of the community no it’s it’s been really quiet for Real Estate Investors surprisingly quiet Facebook’s quiet social media in general is quiet but even people taking action has been really quiet mortgage brokers are reporting it’s quiet Realtors everyone across the board investors are quiet these days what do you think they’re up to I think they all see a lot of what I see a lot of lack of investor interest uh just to give data points for example
(14:03) uh like we’re seeing vacant duplexes in Hamilton just sit which would never happen in the last 10 years this is the first time ever really uh so we used to think that vacant would would be marketable enough um but it’s not and a friend of mine posted about his kiter research showing that a tenanted property sells for $60,000 less than a tenanted property it also of days on Market from like 20 like 20 something days to sell for a non-ed property versus like 50 plus days to sell for tendent to property so that tells me the market is
(14:43) not uh interested in investment property even house hacking so my original investment theory of duplexes would be a wonderful liquid asset as as liquid as it gets for Real Estate thinking that people would always want a host hack is proven incorrect correct in this current market so what’s what’s an investor agent or mortgage person to do when investor appetite has dried up and that’s a small stuff like I think we’re we we both know lots of apartment building owners who have very slow movement uh on refinance or for
(15:19) sale of their apartment buildings so it’s it’s slow I and I don’t so I had a rent to own uh a couple of weeks ago that was a ailable and I’ve always had a lineup of people I’ve never ever had a challenge finding an investor and this run to own this was a little guy this was a mortgage of$ 450 $600 and some dollars a month in cash flow like it was a great little opportunity and I was willing to be the active partner take care of everything just come in qualify for the mortgage bring in 80k and it was a struggle just bringing
(15:54) 8K that’s it that’s it it was a struggle it was not I’ve never had so many conversations and people so nervous about taking action and I think it’s because there’s so much money that’s tied up or missing or that people aren’t confident that they’re going to get back uh right now that it just money isn’t turning over the way that it did for years and if you’ve been investing I mean you know you look at the lifespan of an investor most people think well I’ve been investing for 10 years I’m you know I’m one of the the ogs here but the
(16:29) last 15 years were a Heyday for investors and the the the downside always comes calling at some point yeah and seems we’re there doesn’t help that uh you know a lot of people are looking at interest rate renewal interest sorry mortgage renewals on their homes as well so I think the broader markets affected as well it’s it’s definitely interesting out there yeah I mean to me it means that we should be focusing on cash flow which we should always be focusing on but if you’re struggling right now with a situation where you’re not positively
(17:02) cash flowing on your investment properties I believe that it’s a great opportunity to get out there and look for cash flow from another means and what do you mean by that or or look for a different investment strategy like right now for me my apartment buildings I’ve had I’ve been socked with a couple of big bills I had a a big Plumbing bill that I had to deal with and then I had a big roof repair that I had to deal with and um you know that kind of took a good ch of my cash flow the last little while but the one the
(17:33) one investment that’s continued to grow for me has been my commercial building where I do short-term rentals and I don’t have to deal with the residential tency act I don’t have to deal with um some of the challenges of the long-term um you know when when you’re providing housing for people versus somewhere for them to come and stay for a little while while they’re in town to work it’s a a very different game and you know if things get quiet then I focus more on marketing I’ve listed some units on Airbnb as a way to increase the
(18:05) traffic in the building and have more people find out about us before they come to town and I just feel like it’s given me my control back and that’s one of my most important things the reason why I fell in love with real estate was I could buy a single family home and I could turn it into a duplex and I could force the value and then I could refinance and pull it out and and go somewhere and do it again and be able to provide homes two people that were affordable and it just it doesn’t feel it doesn’t have the same feeling anymore
(18:35) that it used to and I came through 2008 so I know what it’s like to go through a downturn this one feels heavier to me though do you see that too I think it’ll naturally be heavier because where affordability is now just because the the run up over the last 10 15 well honestly since the since 2008 we’ve been on a s serious Bull Run yeah so I don’t know how people get into the market now just because the numbers are so big now some some clarifying questions from what you just mentioned you mentioned commercial
(19:04) property so that means uh that’s a multif family right no so we have it used to be a Senior’s home in Kirkland Lake okay we bought it in I want to say 2012 it was 2012 and it had been vacant for 10 years so we worked on it and we kind of got it back up and running a lot of the plumbing was broken just issues all over the place the heating system wasn’t working and we took the spaces and we converted them into rooms so before Co we had a dance studio in there and we had a restaurant uh the hair salon is still there we’re exploring our
(19:42) options with doing other things I looked at um self storage for a while I thought that would be great I think our Market is kind of capped out for Self Storage so I’m looking for some other options but right now my bread and butter for the business is people coming to Kirkland Lake who need somewhere to stay you know for a couple of weeks or a couple of months while they’re in town working and it’s worked out so well we we have shared kitchens so people don’t have to eat fast food all the time we are a more cost-effective option than a
(20:13) hotel so people are thrilled they come and stay with us we provide housekeeping weekly housekeeping and you know Wi-Fi and parking are included so we’re kind of an all-in-one building and it works for us it works for the community it’s it’s really we identified the opportunity from analyzing the need and I think that’s often lost on Real Estate Investors because I think partly is that you know what you’re talking about is not really an investment it’s a business like I treat my invest my Investment Portfolio as a
(20:43) business I came to the decision to be a real estate investor as a business you know doing SWAT analysis strengths weaknesses opportunities threats like you know you have something that’s in high demand it’s going to generally perform well that’s that’s what business is now again like here you’ve identified business opportunity and and my point is again like many people forget that like it’s this and this was not this doesn’t sound passive at all yeah and I I don’t know that people forget it so much as when people are new
(21:14) to investing they just don’t realize it you know it becomes it becomes you know you’re focused on the concept of you know learning leverage and you know I can take the equity in my home and I can use this to generate money and they don’t realize hey guess now you have to learn Taxation and accounting now you need to learn bookkeeping and HR and you need to you know know the residential tency act inside and out you need to know how to vet people for your power team like people a a lot of people really think I mean this is touted as
(21:47) passive and especially when you’re starting out it’s not passive it’s very active yeah and then uh can you make this passive Can you hire someone to take up the day-to-day or you already done that well I do I mean with my property management company I had I don’t know I think I had 15 staff at my B bits at my biggest but then you’re just managing people I’ve done my job it’s not the easiest no if anyone thinks law is tough look at look at the employment law it’s yep it’s pretty in my experience employment law is
(22:31) generally favors the employee no different than tenant law it’s generally favoring the tenant yeah and this isn’t to say that people shouldn’t invest in real estate I think what I think what I’d like people to understand is that this is a challenging time to invest which doesn’t mean you shouldn’t and quite honestly you know there is a lot of wisdom in the saying that you know do the opposite of what people are doing so if people aren’t investing right now there are definitely some tremendous offers like there’s a house up the
(22:57) street for us that was list for almost 1.3 it finally sold at 1.01 they got a steal that house is definitely worth more than that but then there’s other people there’s someone just down the street who bought a bought a house for 1.1 and then they now have it listed for rent for 3350 a month that’s it 3350 that’s it that sounds low yeah 1.
(23:25) 1 for 3350 like there’s no way they’re making money there’s no way so if that your investment model you need to rethink it they got to flip that thing soon I don’t know I don’t know what the thought was behind it I haven’t met the the buyers but um it’s important to know your numbers and understand what you’re signing up for and there are definitely deals out there right now there are definitely people who are motivated because stuff is sitting but you have to have a plan and you have to know you’re getting into a business so you need that
(23:56) business plan for how you’re going to make money and how you’re going to make things work so the general Trend what I’m noticing is from guests on the show and this is not a popular opinion among Realtors and mortgage people is so many people are getting away from long-term tenants when it comes to Canada generally BC Ontario Quebec I don’t know much about the other provinces uh is what are you seeing I me like you know for context I think everyone knows you you have a lot of past coaching clients you’re you’re one of the best
(24:31) known coaches in the business what are you seeing on your clientele are are is is my observation do you see similar things I do I think it’s important that if you’re going to go if you’re going to move away from long-term tenants you need to understand the repercussions of that so you need to understand that financing is definitely more challenging to obtain um it definitely the theory is it gives you more control I think it does because I have both I have both and I have a problem right now in one of my apartment buildings and
(25:03) I don’t know what’s going on with the tenant upstairs but there I don’t know if it’s mental health or if it’s you know something else but continuing ongoing disturbances and I have other tenants who are threatening to leave my hands are tied there’s really not much I can do I mean I can ask them to continue to call the cops when there’s issues but the cops don’t want to deal with it um there’s not much I can do I I just I have a very disruptive tend and who’s causing issues with for everyone else in the building and there’s no there’s no
(25:33) consequences for that and as a landlord I would shy away right now from larger buildings because the smaller ones from a property management perspective I tend to have a lot less issues in my smaller buildings because there’s just less shared space there’s less crossover there’s less common areas again that’ll be an unpopular opinion among many realtor and mortgage people I know I’m okay with being unpopular I don’t need to be liked by everyone I’m talking from 20 years as an investor and 15 years as a large scale
(26:07) property manager I find that my smaller buildings typically present less issues yeah so so when people ask me why I’m back in the single family that’s exactly why I have no tenant conflict yeah when there’s poop outside on the lawn you know exactly whose dog it belongs to right like it’s not a you know tenants all pointing the finger at each other it’s literally like you’re the only person with access to this property so it’s you yeah at had a tenant who uh has anxiety issues so he he’d regularly smoke weed in the back
(26:39) corner of the property and then upstairs tend complain like what do you want me to do he’s exercising his human right yeah yeah it’s it’s his right he can do what he wants yeah and but the point point is if if it’s only only one tenant there’s no one complaining and I think that’s another thing that beginners forget about is that they for they they don’t know what experienced investors know is that your typically your top problem is endent conflict yeah absolutely and you can’t I mean everybody’s on their best behavior
(27:09) when they’re applying that’s really the only time when you have any control over who is who is going to be in your unit and I think people get really fixated on the numbers and it’s you know go big or go home and I want this size apartment building and this scale and I want to grow to this and it’s it’s okay to be smaller and to say one building year for 10 years is going to change the trajectory of my life for me and my kids and it’s okay to sell you know if you’re in a situation where you’ve got some other stuff going on you know maybe
(27:40) your mortgages payments have gone up and you know it’s it’s you’re really being squeezed it’s okay to turn around and sell so that you have the capital to be able to withstand the downtimes the idea is not to become a property hoarder the idea is to have these little picky banks that you can access if you need to in the future when the going gets tough MH there’s no shame in selling yeah something got lost along the way like the current generation of investors like folks who started like within the last five years they they
(28:10) were not their goal was well beyond one biling per year can you talk to that because you you’ve had to pick up the pieces for a lot of these folks who belong to Guru groups I picked up the pieces from us too my my husband and I fell victim to that mentality in 2010 I don’t always we must have bought hundred and some units that year um and it just you grow so quickly and there’s so much going on that you can’t that you can’t keep up with it you can’t create the systems and processes you can’t find the people to help you
(28:46) sustain that and the cracks start to show I mean you can’t like I don’t know are we allowed to talk about live stuff ongoing stuff sure so are we allowed to are we allowed to talk about the the whole um I don’t know if you want to pause the recording and verify but are we allowed to talk about like the Dylan sudor situation and how that happened it’s up to you because it’s you have your own stories because you’ve transacted with them yeah but I think looking at it from the outside and I I don’t know these people all I know is that they bought a
(29:19) couple of buildings from us but what I found when it comes to investors is that systems and processes tell the story so if the systems and processes are not in place then it is indicative of what’s going on in the rest of the operation so if someone buys a building and it takes them 120 days or 90 days to pick up keys and tenants are calling and saying you know it’s been two months and I still don’t know where I’m paying my rent to and you know we’re drowning in snow here and there’s no there’s no one who’s plowing um you know the the heat’s
(29:57) off we’re getting disconnection not notices on the utilities like if you start to see stuff like that it means that there’s systems and processes lacking on building turnover and that probably indicates that there’s other issues that are happening as well yeah like I said there there’s smoke there’s fire sorry Elizabeth can you back up a little bit uh yeah so from your portfolio uh Dylan bought properties from your from properties of for sale of yours yeah a couple of our multis and what year was this 2022 okay so not that long long ago and
(30:30) then you tenants were reaching out to you past so not your no longer your tenants but know managing for them did did he keep you on to to manage them or he he he transitioned to no we we actually wanted to um I was happy to keep managing them because we had good relationships with the tenants we knew the buildings we knew he didn’t have anybody local in town um just to back that up as well you started your own property management company in Kirkland Lake cuz they you couldn’t find a PM either yeah we if you can’t find one how
(31:04) is he finding one well he was bringing his people in from outside like I think someone was I think uh there was someone in Timmons that he was using to manage like exer how far apart of these these cities Timmons is like an hour and 15 and again I’m just I’m trying to piece things together right like I’m I don’t I don’t know these people I don’t have their phone numbers I’m just is trying to piece together from what I saw uh from an external perspective an hour 50 per Google Maps as of right now 140 kilometers Timmons to Kirkland Lake all
(31:41) right sorry I interrupt continue that’s okay um so when you start to see things like that then you start to I mean there are times where as a business you grow very quickly and it can be challenging to keep up with your systems and processes it can be Challen in to make sure that you have the right people in place and I see it a lot with my clients who are realtors my clients who are mortgage brokers where the volume of business has to grow to a critical mass before you have the financial capacity to take on another
(32:12) staff person to take some of that load off so typically the customer service that your business is providing will suffer during that time so it’s hard to tell from the outside whether that’s what’s happening or whether it’s legitimately um hey you know we don’t have any of the infrastructure in place that needs to be there to manage all of that and growing very quickly and aggressively there’s a whole process that should happen when you buy a building there’s a ton of admin with changing all the accounts over setting
(32:42) everything up getting all the tenants uploaded into your systems and processes your software everything else so it’s not the kind of thing unless you have a big team it’s not going to happen quickly and easily so when you see people acquiring multiple buildings a month they either need need to have a really strong team or there’s the potential in the future for things to be a little bit bumpy MH yeah so you and I already saw cracks in that business before they ever made the news yeah and then noever reference checked
(33:15) with you or I I I don’t know that people and this is part of the thing like at some point I think as humans we make decisions based on our emotion and I find myself doing it you know I I looked at this rent to own and there were there were some some things that I you know kind of raised little red flags for me but I wanted to do this really badly I wanted to do this rent to own and I was I said to myself you know no matter what I’m an experienced investor I can handle this you know if if things don’t go according
(33:49) to plan I’ve got Plan B C D E and F and I’m like but wait a second just because you can handle it doesn’t mean that you should ignore those little warning signs those little red flags and I think sometimes as new investors that’s what we tend to do we get a little emotional you know we we like people we see what people are doing we get excited about it and then we fail to step back and say you know if I was doing proper due diligence on someone what should I be doing it would make sense if I was investing in a building I
(34:25) would contact somebody independently to do an appraisal an independent realtor uh an in I’d have you know somebody at least hey drive by the building and tell me that it’s there and I’m not putting anybody at fault who has invested money with someone based on trust like I’m not trying to I’m not trying to hurt people when they’re already down but I think as a community we need to do a better job of asking the tough questions and as borers which I am we need to do a better job of saying I expect you to ask me
(34:57) this question here’s full transparency this is what’s this is what it is like my commercial building I don’t have traditional financing on it an appraisal is $20,000 so I have continued to work with people who I know and care about and I have private money on my building I’ve owned it for 10 years most people could and should not do that but that’s what works for me I like working with people who I know and who I trust yeah but you have a lot more qualifying criteria to build trust then unfortunately the folks are
(35:35) out of a lot of money yeah I mean there there’s a lot going on in the world of real estate right now and um I I think we need to do a better job as investors of protecting ourselves by asking the right questions and I wish there were more of the big companies and the big organizations teaching people that that’s stuff out there it is I I feel I feel for new investors because it’s not like I mean when we started in 2005 I started I didn’t we just social media wasn’t a thing like we didn’t know then what we knew now there wasn’t this you know
(36:13) communication around the world there wasn’t this you know when you learn things you you had learned it the hard way or you had done the research or I mean now we can just we have instant access to a ton of information but now we have no way to verify on the flip side though like for example there’s a coach who’s failing out there who’s well promoted by by their Network like I I saw her deals years ago and I knew that was doomed to fail again I I think I don’t know what it is um yeah I don’t know what it is I think
(36:50) I think there’s a lot of people who can’t qualify a deal so then you got to think what are they paying all that money for for coaching if they don’t know how to qualify a deal yeah but I I think sometimes again people you know you you’re on social media and you see someone and they look like they’re successful or they look like they’re doing really well or they’re talking about how amazing they are and people go yeah okay I want to believe that I think most humans fundamentally want to believe the good in people they don’t want to believe
(37:19) that they’re going to hire someone who’s not going to teach them what they need to know about how to run their business and I think that kind of takes me to where I’m heading now which which is I want my control back MH I I I’m tired of giving away my power to everybody else and I want my control back what are you doing to get your control back I’m I’m still going to be coaching on real estate for people who want to learn but I want to focus as well on people who want to start active businesses people who want to generate
(37:52) income people who want to say you know what I don’t want to work here forever I want to transition out of my job um you know maybe I want to go on maternity leave and I want to have a side hustle so that I don’t have to go back afterwards um people who say I I know this or I can do this and all I need to do is tell people about it and then I’ll have the opportunity to be able to take charge of my income yeah wa wait till you come to Yo and I’ll introduce you someone to my friends who bought businesses it’s uh
(38:24) it’s lifechanging for many it’s a lot of money too for not to say it’s easy or that everyone makes it but man the people who make it and I’m not talking about people like I love and I admire people who want to buy businesses I’m talking about people who have a love they have a passion they have a vision and they just don’t know how to start you know they have a transferable skill set that would be really in demand but you know right now they’re trading the security of in theory anyways going into into to the office for two weeks and getting a
(38:59) paycheck at the end of it for the freedom of being able to um to work as and when needed so right now my in-laws they’re um they’re in their they’re 85 now and unfortunately their health is declining it’s declining really rapidly and we have multiple doctor’s appointments a week we get calls from them where we need to drop everything and go over and I looked to my husband I go could you imagine if we worked for somebody else and you and I were both at offices and we couldn’t be there it would be it would be heartbreaking I
(39:30) mean how many people are there who want to be there more for their families and don’t have the capacity to do that because they’re stuck somewhere that they don’t even necessarily want to be so I want to help those people a lot of people looking for help I think a lot of people just don’t even know where to start the whole buying a business so sorry you you’re but even starting a business both are complicated I actually think that they can be but I like to keep things really simple like I don’t I think we we don’t have to make
(39:58) it complicated at least initially you know once we kind of figure out the landscape you know what we’re offering where it would fit is there a need for it like there’s a lot of due diligence you should do before you even start a business and I don’t think people realize that you need to make sure that there’s a market that there’s demand that you have the right skill set there’s a lot of analysis to do even before you say okay I’m starting this business and yet you buy your domain yeah it’s like valuations for
(40:27) example is so different compared to real estate like when we’re when we’re looking at businesses to buy it’s so different and I’m having these conversations almost every week or so just friends who are looking at businesses just to evaluate their own businesses or looking to acquire businesses it is so different valuing a business compared to any piece of real estate yeah so what is it that you have seen in your experience that are the number one drivers of valuation for a business uh for example like Professional Services and recurring
(40:57) recurring revenues like if you’re a professional service that has significant recurring revenues like an accounting firm your valuation is so much higher and you have so many more buyers right which makes a lot of sense and that’s how Cherry structures her hers right where there’s a monthly there’s a monthly fee and that drives the value of the business regular curring income you know in their line of on the line of business people need to file the taxes every year so that’s people generally have to you know do it
(41:26) every year uh but then there’s like hair cutting businesses where people need to get the haircut every you know 3 weeks two months whatever that the recurring income but a lot of people can do that business so the barrier of Entry are very low so then so then that your valuation is completely different for a business like that yeah and it’s interesting because I think a lot of businesses waste money on marketing when if they put a little more time and energy into making sure their existing clients were happy yeah and converting
(41:55) that the marketing budget into a loyalty typ type program I think that they would have a lot more returning clients and a lot more happy people so they wouldn’t need to spend as much time marketing and recruiting new people yeah retention is generally I think everyone knows retention is retaining a client is cheaper than acquiring a new client uh now we kind of touched on this just briefly what start starting new starting a new business versus buying what are your thoughts I I have I mean I haven’t bought a business myself personally my
(42:26) preference is always to start fresh I feel like when you buy businesses I mean you’re buying potential problems you’re buying liabilities but you’re paying for not having to be part of that initial growth phase which is can be some really heavy lifting I personally absolutely love that feeling of seeing a vision and a plan come to fruition I find it energizing and exciting so many of my clients have done it you know they’ve started rent to own companies they’ve started property management companies um and so seeing them you know do their
(42:57) first deal it’s it’s part of it’s like real estate it’s adjacent to real estate but it’s you can create that ongoing sustainable income through you know Property Management fees and and some of the other different um the different investment models that they’ve chosen but I don’t know I I have an affinity for starting my own because I have these visions and these ideas in my head that I want to make happen and I don’t know that I would see the same thing if I was buying business tell me what you love about buying though because you you
(43:30) prefer to buy versus start don’t you that’s largely a strategic decision though no different than real estate it’s real estate winter it’s business buying winter as well a lot of people don’t have cash and credit so when when like being strategic means doing what the opposite of what everyone else is doing like you said so there’s a lot of people selling businesses but there’s like no buyers and a lot of these businesses don’t have uh don’t have plans for the Next Generation typically the kids don’t want it yes right so you have a glut of
(44:01) Sellers and if you can be a buyer then you can make a lot more you can negotiate a lot more for example like uh like Victoria who was Clooney was on the show they did a share purchase right so she bought the shares of the company so she assumes everything the employment contracts any contracts they have the debt everything but again if you’re able to negotiate you can just buy the assets and you can buy the assets for example for 10 on the dollar and not assume any of the debt and that’s I’d always prefer if I was going to buy I think I’d always
(44:34) prefer to buy a business that had real estate as part of it like I wouldn’t want to buy a business that was renting a space I would want to buy you’re buying something Ontario if you’re buying something in the Golden Horseshoe you’re paying through the nose for that piece of property and maybe and again it’s Case by case like for example if it’s office space you may not want it strategically office space is is is a very weak position in the current market or or retail depending on where for example I had a friend call me looking for a referral
(45:04) for a leasing agent for retail in Hamilton I’m like I think the vacancy for retail in Hamilton like 50% so you that may not be the piece of real estate you want but for example if you’re industrial there’s a good chance you might want it right but Industrial in Ontario Golden Horseshoe would be a lot of money so it’s not the easiest decision and pretty much I think every business owner in the industrial would want their real estate State they not may not be able to afford it yeah I think it’s easier to start
(45:33) businesses that are service-based because the startup costs are so much lower like you’re talking about retail or you’re talking about um retail and you know some of the industrial stuff there’s a lot of costs involved because you need the inventory whereas you know it it costs a few thousand dollars to start a property management company or um you know to become a mortgage broker and start your own business that way it doesn’t require the the heavy Capital that some of the other types of businesses do yeah again I think it’s Case by case
(46:05) and it depends like for example Wade um Wade was on my show Wade Graham he he was like that was years ago when he bought his float can War business float you know those float tanks and he shared how he paid Pennies on the dollar like I think like 15 cents say it’s like 15 cents on a dollar for the equipment right and he negotiated a seller seller seller takeback mortgage MH so out of the profits of the company he was able to pay off his loan right and again he only bought the assets he assumed nothing else just the lease and
(46:36) now he just recently announced he bought the bu bought the building he was in good for him so again it’s Case by case uh and again if what it’s largely strategic like for example for someone who like really wants a restaurant or a gym personally if it was me I would wait to buy a failed one you know because then you can take over their brand equity right you can buy all their equipment for like cents like 30 cents on the dollar for example right rather than starting new and again it’s Case by case depends on what people
(47:06) are interested in for business right sometimes that client list for example is worth a lot of money right maybe it’s worth a lot of money to you not worth a lot to someone else so again strategic right but starting up yeah it’s something well you know you’re starting up with no systems and operations that’s tricky too it is but I find that there’s a lot that you can replicate so for example I have a full Suite of of documents if someone wants to start a property management company that I share with my clients so it gives them a foundation of
(47:38) systems and processes um but you can take that and you can use that I find as long as you have an aptitude for starting systems and processes then it doesn’t really matter what you’re applying it to you’re just going to do it anyways yeah like I find even Evan and I are working on renovating our house and you know I take the same systems some processes okay we’re going to use Google keep we’ve got it each day of the week and we’re going to go in and we’re going to put in what we’re going to do and we have a running list of all
(48:04) the tasks that need to be done and you know if we have more time in a day and we finished all our things on our to-do list then we’re going to go down to our running list and pick something and move it up I use that same system and process in all of my businesses and I use the same transferable skills yeah but you’re out there how many people have that skill set how many people want to put in that that kind of effort too for example all these people who invested passively quote unquote passively into into private
(48:35) mortgages right they just they just wanted passive they didn’t necessarily want a business but again that’s not your clientele well I mean I do teach private lending but I teach a lot about due diligence on private lending like I I really want to know what other assets are back there I mean I assume when I do private lending I assume I’m not going to get my money back and I work from that basic premise I don’t I’m not there going I’m going to get you know $1,500 a month this is going to be great I assume that I’m not
(49:05) going to get it back so I’m already making sure that if you know plan a doesn’t happen what’s Plan B well plan B is you know I’m secured over here and again I’m not I don’t do prom notes I don’t do unsecured lending but I’m already saying you know what happens if the market drops and my you know the the value that I believed was there when I closed is not there what are my other options and opportun unities who are these people I mean I think sometimes we get sucked in by saying oh this person has a big presence
(49:35) on social media so they must be good without actually saying hey can you show me a statement that shows me you know what properties you have in your name or what your net worth is or you know what your taxes are sometimes when you ask the right questions and somebody gets angry then that can be as much of an indicator I remember there’s somebody who was part of a a failed company um a very publicly failed company and someone went to her and asked uh for financial statements and I remember how angry she got at them and she said if you need to
(50:10) ask for financial statements then I’m not let then I don’t want to borrow your money and uh you need to go and find somewhere else because that’s not how I operate and they were so upset and they were like oh I did something wrong and I’m like you did something right yeah because then the business went under it’s like when landlords are screening tenants and they refuse to fill a credit report like that’s a good thing yeah when people self- select themselves out of your world yeah don’t don’t believe it’s because you did
(50:43) something wrong I mean it might be but maybe it’s not maybe it’s the universe looking out for you crazy so what else do you like about what else are you thinking about for getting control back uh well that’s why so uh I’ve invited uh Victoria Clooney and Megan hubner to co-host the real estate resilience Summit with me this year and part of the reason that I selected these two wonderful ladies is because they have the same vision that I do that people want to learn more about how to make better choices and whether we like it or
(51:22) not quite honestly a lot of the times we do follow what’s going on in the US maybe not politically but when it comes to you know um businesses and investing and there’s some amazing people out there like Cody Sanchez talking about how to buy businesses and how to find Value and that kind of stuff so we have gone one step further this year with the summit and we have included some speakers from us some of these people they’ve never spoken in Canada before so the information that we’re hearing is new and it’s you know what’s up and
(51:55) coming in the world of not just real estate but investing in general in being an entrepreneur in starting a business or buying a business or revamping a business um most of it being real estate adjacent but I really think you know much like you have identified the issues with investing in Canada and you’ve pivoted to the US I think there’s going to be a lot of pivots coming and I think that there are opportunities I mean I have clients who are looking at buying properties in Spain and portug Portugal um you know
(52:29) buying in the US buying in Costa Rica Mexico I think the internet has given us the opportunity to be able to identify places outside of just our own little niche here and it’s exciting to meet other people and see what they’re up to and look for the opportunities that potentially we can earn income and take control of our future MH yes I’m kind of sick of what we deal with Ontario landlords yeah and I I mean I don’t like I don’t like dumping on Ontario you know honestly I’m grateful I’m here you know it’s just a fluke that I ended up being
(53:08) born to my parents and you know they were in Canada and you know like I I still consider myself lucky to be here in Canada but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the place where it’s the best for me to be in charge of my future I’ll also qualify that with just with the assets that you and I have purchased over our time and also the time we were born generally our generation’s done very well and I M admit that completely which is why when people say are you are you moving to the states like then when they ask me that
(53:42) and my answer I want to share it here publicly is I don’t have to because I made the right decisions along the way to play this game right so I can afford to live here chairing I can afford to live here our businesses operate here I don’t have to go but if I was 20 years old old knowing what I know and no kids I’d be doing everything I could to leave this leave this country that’s just me right but I don’t know that us is the answer either to be perfectly honest because not saying it is I mean the US to me right now is kind
(54:12) of a scary place like my husband travels a lot he spends a lot of time in the US and you know he was talking about um one of the hotels he stayed I think it was in West Virginia and there were like there was huge fences around the hotel and like armed guards MH in a hotel in the US I mean when he goes to Egypt there’s armed guards at the pyramids yeah they’re not around the hotels yeah yeah yeah like the US has some some and they’re so divided I I don’t think I don’t know that the US is is the answer either it’s a big country though it is a
(54:50) big country and quite honestly I would like to just go in the middle of nowhere and be left alone to do my thing that would make me really happy and you could buy land a lot cheaper like that in the States you i’ had discussions about it you could probably buy 200 Acres so you would have to deal with any people and you probably pay like less than half a million for it yeah absolutely yeah land land is so cheap I mean you know I look at the the parcels of property we’d like to buy and we’re well into Northern Ontario to be
(55:17) able to buy the size of land that we’d like to buy yeah and the black flats will heat you eat you for half the year or the polar BS I’m kidding about the polar bears yeah there is no perfect and I I say that I’ve been seeing that regularly as well uh I it’s it’s my belief like if you can afford it I think two homes is the ideal right one one place to live during our Winters when it’s warm or it’s warmer if that’s your preference but you know I was watching the surfing the Olympics over the weekend I’m like that looks so hard I’d rather
(55:47) snowboard than drink salt water and Get Smoked by waves so so again point is there’s no perfect uh I do believe just me person that we’ll probably end up snowb biring somewhere else for the winters and and still returning to Canada for the for our summers which are absolutely lovely here yeah I mean I look at you know Europe and Spain and some of the some of the countries over there and their food is so much healthier it’s so much less processed their lifestyles are so much healthier um their populations you know
(56:19) live longer with less health issues I mean I look at that and I go what are we doing over here we’ve got all the money and we’ve got lots more Independence than a lot of other countries and yet these are some of the issues that we’re we’re having you know we got the terrific obesity rates and all the other health issues that we’ve got yeah when just living just when I was in Moka we were averaging well over 10,000 St steps just staying at the YMCA Camp because it a hike wherever you went it was a hike so yeah I I think Seth
(56:55) Ferguson has the right answer he’s one of the the people I’ve talked to and and done podcasts with and he’s on his treadmill the entire day genius just walking away on his treadmill I think that’s I think that’s the way to go for those of us who are stuck in in offices and on Zoom for most of the day he spent a lot of time in Florida and Texas [Laughter] too but it’s it’s about creating that life that we want right and I think sometimes there’s what we think we want and then there’s what we need I think you need to explore a lot of
(57:28) that too and part of it Al is you need the money to do it right for anyone yeah yeah I don’t need to go into like money is the source of all evil we’re trying to give some people something good to listen to irn We don’t want to make everybody cry I think most people listen to the show realize that that’s not the truth but money for some like money money money will amplify people’s personalities if they were evil to start with giving them more money will make them more evil right if you’re a good person armed with more money then you
(58:01) tend to do more good things right at least that’s how I like to think I find my husband is a my husband’s a pretty cynical person and he always says to me follow the money and I at first I was like that sounds so that sounds so cold but the more I talk to people who are struggling and the more they tell me who they who they’ve spoken to you’re gonna stand up now are you the more I talk to people who you know they’ve asked they’ve gone to people asking for advice and the advice that’s been given has been self-serving
(58:37) because it’s you know they they’re wondering about their insurance policy so they talk to their insurance broker and their insurance broker tells them they need more Insurance because it benefits the broker for them to buy more insurance so that’s just an example but it’s really hard for people to find out right now who to trust and I think ultimately what that means is you need to go inwards and you need to make sure that you are cultivating a voice of your own that is independent of everything else around you that is independent of
(59:04) other people’s opinions that is independent of other people’s you know you can go to people and you can um seek to learn from their experiences but recognize that just because somebody did something and it turned out this way there’s no guarantees that it’s going to turn out that way for you too I think it’s important to know who you are as a person and what you’re really looking for and the only way you find that is by going inwards you don’t find that from outward stuff I’ll disagree when all these people were running to NE Brunswick I
(59:34) called you I did not look inward I don’t have an answer why all these people go to NE brunwick I’m going to go to the most OG NE Brunswick investor I know and call Elizabeth and then I had you on the show right immediately after talk about it right but I think that you if you had gone inwards I think there was enough you went inwards enough to realize that that might not be the answer yes it didn’t they didn’t didn’t pass the sniff test to run the new exactly so there was an initial something that happened there in that
(1:00:08) process for you that you said I’m not comfortable with this I’m not happy with this now I’m going to reach out and get an external I’m going to talk to somebody and I think that as investors we have gotten bad at doing that and we become so focused on missing out so focused on opportunity is passing Us by that we do not listen to those red flags that our guts throw up that you know they they our guts are telling us something and we try and stuff that down and bury it and there’s a difference between analysis paralysis
(1:00:43) and legitimate red flags and I think that’s where reaching out to somebody can help you differentiate between them yeah I have this friend who’s who who has who has Capital to deploy and he and he looking he’s looking for bigger stuff right and like the deals he was showing me he was looking at and he was like this doesn’t feel right this doesn’t feel right like that’s fine you can be patient you don’t have to deploy your Capital right like versus like now is a good time to deploy so my point to him was there’s no rush wait for the deal
(1:01:17) you’re in no hurry right and I think that’s and to your point like fomo investing like so many people are afraid of missing this wage and I’m not I’m guilty of it too my timing of buying cryptos was horrible that’s why I’m negative the fact that I’m negative on my crypto tells people a lot about how bad my timing was uh but again my point is um but they were small bites my point though is that I made small bites right versus there are some folks who invested their life savings into some of these gurus for for
(1:01:52) fomo and now now that money is gone it’s crazy out there yeah and I think diversity is something that we’re not counting on as well you know if you have $50,000 with the world the way that it is you can buy a little bit of gold and silver you can do a little bit of you know like Addie for example invest in real estate in a smaller capacity you can invest in some businesses in a smaller capacity and you can give things a try and see what works and then analyze what works and Le a little more into that there is nothing that says
(1:02:29) that in order to invest in real estate you need to have a million dollars and you need to go out and buy a big building right yeah I’ll just throw it there that I only need I only needed 76,000 us to closeing my house in San Antonio right yeah and then for context that’s why when people ask me should I do a duplex conversion or garden Suite well those both cost way more money than me just buying a house in the states yeah yeah yeah again you don’t need a lot of money to do it you don’t need to do everything and yeah I’m sure you’re
(1:03:04) gonna cover this all the real estate Brazilian Summit what are you g to cover first of all it’s a three-day event is it not 4 day it’s two days it’s two days we found the first year was three days and people were like I’m exhausted how am I supposed to go back to work so we brought it down to two days it’s um 100% virtual we have a fantastic platform so even if you can’t make a session in real time you can go back and watch it uh there’s for 30 days everything is still live on the platform it allows you to connect and network unlike anything I’ve
(1:03:39) ever seen so you can go in and connect with the speakers and we are so honored that you are going to be one of our speakers talking about you know your transition into investing in the US some of your key learnings uh and what you need to know and start thinking about when you’re investing in other markets um and so let me see what are the other benefits oh we do uh speed networking so you’ll have the opportunity to connect with people this will be of course people are now attending across Canada and the US so you’ll have the
(1:04:09) opportunity to build your network potentially find Partners find investors learn from people who are doing the types of deals and the types of things that you want to do so you can connect with them live on the platform we have a speaker Expo so all the speakers who are joining us are going to have gifts for all of our um all of our attendees and then you’ll be able to connect live with them as well and take advantage of the opportunity to actually connect with some of these people and like I said some of these some of our speakers
(1:04:37) they’re us-based you know even if you message them on social media you probably wouldn’t get a response whereas in the summit it’s a more intimate group it’s smaller and it’s really about what do we need to know as entrepreneurs how do we buy a business how do we invest in business how do we grow a business uh we focused a lot this year on financials because we want people to understand how to do proper due diligence so we have cherry who’s going to be on talking about of course taxation we have David RoR t on talking about how to actually
(1:05:08) run a profitable real estate business you know when do you get paid how do you know it’s okay to pay yourself um and then we just have it’s it’s business and real estate mixed so if you are someone who wants to learn how to run a real EST estate business a real estate adjacent business how to invest in a business buy a business this is 100% the best place to spend two days it’s the last weekend in September uh regular tickets right now are I think they’re 247 and then VIP is 297 but with the VIP ticket you get three accountability
(1:05:47) sessions with Victoria Megan and myself as well well that’s good value and we’re working on an extra special bonus for the VIPs possibly an inperson component for the inperson VIPs it could be we’re talking about that we’re talking about it and I have to say that’s tremendous value that you’re offering thank you it’s I wanted to be able to provide and this has always been my vision with the summit as well even when Corey and I have done it the last couple of years I want to provide people with high quality information for an
(1:06:23) affordable price uh that they might not have been able to do otherwise because I don’t want cost to be a barrier and I don’t want people to think that they have to have tens of thousands of dollars to learn how to do things properly so at the end you know this is not a big sales pitch these speakers are not paid to be here at the end they get a couple of minutes to say hey I have you know this option if you want to connect with me or if you want to buy something but the vast majority of the presentations from each speaker is
(1:06:52) quality information and content it’s not sales and you vetted each of these vendors each and speakers oh absolutely like we literally start with hundreds of potential people at the beginning of the year and we spend a ton of time talking to people and saying what information do you want right now what do you need what is missing from the marketplace right now what questions do you have and then every single year we curate and cultivate the content of the summit to be the questions that people are asking and we’re finding more and more people
(1:07:21) right now are frustrated with real estate they’re chasing their taals they can’t find deals where the numbers actually work and make sense so a lot of us are pivoting to this idea of how do I generate income not just from Real Estate not just by buying a property but how can we create something like I have with my commercial building where I can use real estate to make money to actually drive income yeah people like deals are out there people just work way harder to find them you you do and so this is where networking comes in right absolutely
(1:07:59) and then uh you and I were talking before we recording about how people are going quiet as well and people were messaging me about it as well because I posted something on my DM on my uh Instagram stories last night about I think a lot of people are gonna a lot of people real estate professionals will struggle in Canada yes especially if they sell real estate Investments y it’s um I think it’s a space that is it’s become a tough place to be I think people are lacking energy I think people are feeling kind of down
(1:08:31) and they’re feeling scared I mean there are some people out there who are just doing their own thing and rocking it and I have you know so much admiration for them um and I think that there’s a portion of the population that are having a really hard time right now and I’m happy to support those people yeah like again my several my past guests are doing fantastic so I don’t want to be all Gloom Doom and Gloom like I just had Marty and uh man uh Amanda and Marty Gordon on my show they’re doing great I just had uh Kelly Caldwell
(1:09:01) on my show she’s doing greator Clooney right I had uh Spencer and Ashley like there are ways to be fine at this but I think one of the things that makes them all um what the commonality between all of them is that they didn’t try to go crazy scale at the beginning yeah or all really absolutely and I think you know I don’t know all of your guests really well but I look at the people you named and they all have a business component to what they’re doing Victoria 100% is is business focused so it’s not just about I’m
(1:09:44) buying an apartment building and sitting on it like a chicken with an egg and waiting for it to hatch yeah she’s getting I’m sorry go ahead yeah it’s I’m actively involved I’m figuring out at the very least if I was buying an apartment building right now I’d have short mid and long-term rentals in there I’d have the three different types of income so that I had control over at least portion a portion of the building yeah it’s scary out there but in order to do that you need to have a team right you don’t want to
(1:10:10) be in there cleaning every Friday afternoon when someone leaves so you need to know how to build a team and back you’re back to your systems and processes to build an effective business yes and then again I categorize that as active business active investing so I kind of think investors have been sold a bill of goods with the idea that that it’s passive yeah like let’s call it what it really is yeah I I have challenges with that I I like to say as passive as it gets because that’s closer to a proper description uh for depending like what I
(1:10:47) do like with my duplexes in Hamilton for example it’s as passive as it gets no I’m not doing anything really that active but I still have to check in on it once in a while once once every quarter or six months or dealing with talking to tenants talking to property managers yeah so I am you have to know at the very least you have to know what your property manager doing to be able to see if they’re doing a good job are they worth the money are they taking care of your property yeah I’d love to get you to weigh in on do you think if
(1:11:23) the government changes over at the next election do you think they’re going to do away with the increase in the capital gains on the sale of properties so are people better off holding off if they’re thinking about selling right now are they better off holding off to see that’s what I’m doing because with the whole capital rate inclusion thing there are some good things to it but I generally think it’s bad because the way the system is was set up was for everyone to invest in real estate it was just a no brainer to that
(1:11:57) everyone invests in real estate including your principal residents because it’s taxfree the downside of that is all these wonderful companies that are starting up how do they raise Capital when they’re competing with the real estate market and then now with this capital rate inclusion why not the distinction between real estate versus investing in a Canadian business why are you punishing people from investing in a Canadian business right why why is it not a distinction you government taxes are generally incent incented to for you to
(1:12:31) do the right thing what is the best for society and the best thing for society is that we people like you and I who have Capital invest in small businesses but why would we when we’re taxed at the same rate as our real estate with these new with the new inclusion rates right so I don’t know what this government is thinking I’m going to guess the conservatives will do something to fix some of these things to to make it more um make it do more of the things it’s intended to do right stop making real estate the best investment there is in
(1:13:05) Canada and and to do more to support small business in Canada yeah that would be a really nice thing to see I think yeah it just makes sense right because by supporting small business that means more investment stay will stay here in Canada when we grow homegrown more of our own businesses and then we create more employ employment right and what do you think is going to happen in the real estate market in the next couple years I think it has no choice but to go up with the way things are with the with the immigration I think the number I saw was
(1:13:37) we had 200,000 new Canadians in the first six months of this year maybe not new Canadians but we have two 200,000 new people in the country so and I think the number was we had 36,000 new housing completions and they’re primarily Apartments so all those so the imbalance is still there uh but the continue problem will be just negative cash flow inflation’s really harming landlords um I don’t see how that uh how that self-corrects to make the market the way it used to be in terms of investor appetite I don’t know how it
(1:14:15) improves and especially when you throw out my messaging about investing in the states I don’t see how logically an investor would choose a comp or duplex in Canada over an income property in the states just purely logic to me yeah absolutely how tough is it to get your money back up across the border uh haven’t done it myself personally uh like I said one of the best wealth hacks anyone can ever do is marry their accountant so that’s more her problem um but again end of the day uh the overall tax implication is um my tax is
(1:14:54) the same there is no tax saving while I remain a Canadian so as long as you’re willing to pay tax you can you can have your money um but the way it is right now again based on my situation I’m probably just going to leave the money there and my intention is to grow the portfolio love it yeah and again I’m in I’m in the states almost a once a quarter now so if I’m GNA spend the money I’ll just spend it when I’m there good for you well congratulations on closing on your first property in the US yeah fun this I can’t wait to share more
(1:15:26) it it was incredibly easy compared to anything ever done before yeah and I think that’s the way things are going I think being away from long long-term rentals makes a lot of sense in almost across Canada U cash flows matters more than ever since capital gains are being taxed more so I might as well earn cash flow instead focus more on cash flow uh remove yourself from risk from from land low tener board so generally that means getting away for long-term rentals so yeah I keep thinking the government’s going to wake up and realize that this
(1:16:00) is what’s happening that landlords are leaving on mass I don’t based on legislation and Taxation it’s what they want and generally I find when you go against the government you’re generally going to be in trouble so just go with the government get a government job get a federal government job or invest elsewhere that’s what the government wants based on taxation for my experience for where I invest like Ontario is is dug forward conservative government yet we pay yet our rental increase allowed rental increases 2 and a half% the lowest in
(1:16:39) the country and our conservative government and that’s the maximum that can be that it can be that it can be because they put a cap on it yeah it’s cap on it and that’s the lowest in the country for allowable rent increase and that’s in a conservative but and again and we have a liberal government and and uh Toronto has an NDP mayor uh and it’s not so it’s not political we have problems everywhere but across the board doesn’t seem like they like landlords I agree with that yeah so so again I think naturally it makes sense
(1:17:12) to divest from long long-term rentals in Ontario largely in other places as well uh you know I was talking to a developer just before this call and like I wish you all the luck developer because we need more housing here but he too is looking to is long-term rentals here in Ontario and diversified to the states so again and that’s a real estate professional with 10 years experience so I think it’s just going to be the continued Trend within our community interesting well perhaps that will translate into some opportunities for
(1:17:40) newer younger people who want to take over and do some some management here in Ontario and um for those of us who want to go in other directions I’m so excited for the summit yeah yeah and that’s what I love about your summit is there’s lots of options out there it’s just people need to know who to listen to there are no as far as we know there’s no speakers who are going bankrupt on your stage and taking down all their investor money with them oh so sad out there no I I I try really hard to make sure that people are walking the talk
(1:18:16) and um that they have a tremendous amount of Integrity MH and then just very simple like uh just from observation anyone who started investing before last five years generally have done quite well and they’re still just fine yeah so it’s not all doom and gluma folks out there there’s actually lots of positives out there it’s just you know that’ll saying you are the average of the five people you hang out with and and like a client of mine I told her like because she was in one of these communities with a lot of lot of
(1:18:48) folks who are bankrupt I said you need to network with people outside of that Network yes right yeah you you need other opinions other perspectives other ideas you you need to spend time with people who are doing things the right way and you know what slow and steady it’s not sexy but slow and steady is not a bad thing in real estate like we need to bring back the popularity of one or two properties a year um you know making sure that you complete your renovation project and you are repositioned before you move on to your next one like that’s
(1:19:24) what’s killing people that’s what what’s killing some of the really big people is they’re buying too many projects they’re trying to execute too many things at once they’ve got too many Renos going on then the government changes the the criteria for being able to refinance and then they’re getting stuck with the money with the with the high cost money and a lot of that money is hard money some of these investors have hard money loans they call it private money I don’t know why how we ever got away from the term hard money hard money loans but
(1:19:50) they are hard money loans yeah all right well oh wait do we where can people learn more about the real estate uh resilience Summit I think it’s can I give you the email address and you can post it in the show notes I want to double check I just had a brain Gap it’s real estat resilience. CA but there’s um the website and then of course we are on uh Facebook and Instagram as well and we would absolutely love to have you join us if you can’t make it for the whole weekend you can go back and watch the recordings
(1:20:23) for the next 30 days on the platform if you are a VIP you will be given lifetime access to the recordings and of course all the contact information for all the speakers and then all the free gifts as well yeah real estate resilience. CA September Saturday September 28th 10 oh the West Coast people will appreciate that 10:30 a.m.
(1:20:48) eastern time start yeah we did it specifically for those West Coast people including Megan hubner who is a West Coast or was a West Coast person I’ve done so many events at like 9:00 a.m. on Saturdays and my vancouverite followers do not appreciate no no we 6 a.m on a Saturday we love our West Coast people so we want to make sure we include them yes because they have many of their own challenges as well yeah I’ve seen how much how expensive it is to develop I forget which city I was I was watching on on on social media the gentleman was
(1:21:22) sharing how how deals don’t pencil they they’re looking to build 1,200 units of rental purpose built rental housing and they’re going through how difficult it is based on the costs uh largely they’re talking about development charges yeah they talking about 10 20,000 per unit for development charges well I was where was I was I reading anyways um 30% of the cost of building is taxes and fees and those are all being passed on directly to the buyers so if the government waved some of the taxes and fees even a 15% drop in the
(1:22:00) new housing would make it much more affordable they to me is Bonkers when the government’s at least the municipal government collects property taxes after it’s built like you have this ongoing Revenue stream why do you have to gouge them up upfront as well yeah like you and I investors there’s so much we will do and invest to have that recurring stream of Revenue so much anyways oh you have Daniel F speaking that’s super cool yes he’s gonna talk about what he sees coming up for the next uh for the next little
(1:22:37) bit fantastic David RoR I don’t know him he wrote um um oh my goodness profit first for Real Estate Investors that’s his book I haven’t read that one I’ve read profit first yes so he he creat one specifically for obviously Real Estate Investors so he’s going to talk about how we should be allocating our money and um how to know like how to run numbers that’s super cool yeah because I really like the profit first book Cher live by it yeah all my accounts are set up that way so that that’s a great endorsement then if Cherry’s if cherry the
(1:23:18) accountant the expert accountant for Real Estate Investors loves what he said and what he’s written then having him on I think will be exciting um Daniel Kong is from Hawaii and he’s going to come on and talking talk about how he was able to leave his job he does flipping and wholesaling um uh uh Janelle Wilson who is going to be sort of our first um external speaker um she is going to be talking about Section 8 Housing and basically how she has built a tremendous business with Section 8 housing in the US fabulous but
(1:23:52) it’s available through share as well yes yeah absolutely but she’s talking about how to take adversity and turn it into opportunity which I think is a really important message for a lot of people right now because we faced a lot of adversity and how do we find the opportunity in that I’m a big fan of Glenn southernland as well I love his tell it like it is hilarious we thought you and Glenn would be amazing to share because you guys are both really real you you both share like this is where you know I’ve struggled this is where it’s been hard
(1:24:30) um this is what I’ve learned and that’s what we really want the summit to be is not the The razzled Dazzle this is not sales this is not marketing this is not this is really what you need to hear what you need to know yeah when Glenn was on my show he was very Frank about how challenging it his business is you how he earns his his Equity split of the deals yeah yeah he’s he’s been around a long time too he’s got a lot of Integrity too I think fabulous yeah he keeps it real he’s pretty OB he’s pretty transparent
(1:25:04) like he he’s pretty transparent on the show like this is my loss rate like this this is and that’s how it is and my thing is when people if anyone ever tells you they never lose money they either haven’t been in business long enough or they’re lying yeah I have um a client who’s a really successful flipper he does really well in addition to his other um investment models and he did eight flips last year and he said he didn’t make money on every single one of them but what happened was that the volume was high enough that overall he did
(1:25:36) really well but he said you know if I had only done one or two flips then I could have been underwater but it was because I had the higher volume that I um that I did so well yeah and part of that’s being resilient exactly right it’s it’s knowing that there are no guarantees that everything will turn out the way that you think it will or the way that you hope it will so you’ve got to have a couple of backup plans in your pocket yeah you have to have the resiliency to keep going because there will be losers and your financial plans have to account
(1:26:08) for account for losers is this the Melissa missa ker that is but she is everline social is what you’re looking for is her company got it yeah so she’s going to talk about marketing and how to um how to Brand ourselves how to communicate with people what’s working in the world of marketing right now because even if we’re not using marketing to attract new people into our world the reality is as an investor it’s a source of credibility and if you are not online and people can’t look you up and they can’t do their research then
(1:26:42) unfortunately you are um you don’t necessarily have the credibility that people are looking for take take a look at Janelle Wilson There session two she’s the one who’s doing the um section eight stuff she’s doing some really cool stuff that’s her yep that’s her fabulous yeah have friends with the law Section 8 hoses she’s I admire her so much she’s another one who’s just like tells it like it is I think we need more honesty in our world right now you know I talk so for those who don’t know like Elizabeth and I talk a
(1:27:25) lot in the background that that I’m sure many people would love to be privy to our conversations but yeah and part of the reality is out there is that those who pay for stages get it right those who pay to for to be on other people’s platform often they’re either they’re paying for it or they’re giving up percentage of the sales so they’re paying for it not always necessarily of the best people making it on the people stages other stages not this one which if that’s your business model that’s fine but I think there needs to
(1:27:57) be a little bit of transparency about it too oh my my she does auctions that’s amazing she’s got some really cool stories oh sorry for the listeners benefit I’m I’m sharing my screen actually on Janelle Wilson’s Instagram and and pictured is what looks like a bunch of roses that are boarded up and there’s literally a a a Power Shovel bulldozer on the front lawn of one of the properties for the folks who don’t know we do we do share the recordings on on um on YouTube so you can check us out there as well if you want to see it
(1:28:38) follow along with the visuals anyone else cover do you have time for this it’s like we just we forgot about Michael ponie like we don’t talk about him anymore who who can forget about Michael he brings so much value but everybody knows Michael Bethany laflam is another one that you might want to look at again these are people who are really crushing it in the US and I feel like we can learn a lot from them so let’s bring them to the Canadian audience let’s learn from them conscious wealth Creator she do some really cool things
(1:29:09) with sorry how do you how do you know these folks um some of these are Victoria some of these are people that I follow on um social media and I learned from them and then Victoria from her time as uh with invest her she helped to organize uh the national International invest her uh event amazing so she met a lot of these fantastic women like Bethany amazing anyone else we should profile you have time do you talk about I have time Mandy McAllister is another one Mandy buy oh I love it buying your business we should convince you
(1:29:57) oh seems like it’s a popular name there’s an actress named Annie mallister oh yes gobundance I think is her gobundance yeah interesting I think she yeah she’s official Mandy mallister oh super cool gobundance women because I’ve heard of gobundance uh for men not that it’s called that it’s just called gobundance of course and what’s she going to talk about um she’s going to talk about valuing businesses finding opportunities um what you need to know to start thinking about buying a business fantastic and again she’s American yes
(1:30:43) she’s American super cool so we’re both 5050 in terms of um in terms of split between Canadians and us um oh I like that set piece of Mind as your highest goal then organize your life around it I think I’m finally doing that yeah because you and I talk about it as well uh anecdotally I I I noticed that Health uh among my real estate friends and entrepreneur friends is is lower than that of uh my 9 to-5 friends yeah so while it looks sexy to be a real estate investor and an entrepreneur underneath a covers generally they have much more stressful
(1:31:27) lives yeah it’s funny because July um I committed to walking at least 10,000 steps a day love it and there were only two days where I missed one day I had a migraine and one day I was on the road and traveling but I feel different my body feels different literally after 30 days of hitting 10,000 steps a day that’s it are you doing that first thing or just all through the day um I generally do one walk in the morning and if it’s a shorter walk then I’ll do another one after dinner and uh now I’m putting in strength training as well I bought an X3
(1:32:06) system at the encouragement of one of my clients who has a health and wellness business so I will be starting to do that as of this week later this week what X3 sorry what’s that the X3 system so I’m not an expert on it but it is super cool because it literally takes you 10 minutes a day and it is it works with your body to um so one day is push one day is pull and it’s with bands a bar and bands love it and again it’s yeah that’s it I don’t even know how to pronounce the guy’s name but it’s super science-based and it’s about muscle
(1:32:53) fatigue with less damage to your joints I’m all about less damage to my joints is it John jaquish jaish I don’t know how you pronounce it I’ll post the little URL in the show notes but this is this is part of the power of networking right is that you know through networking I found Megan and Victoria to do the summit with and then through networking we found and vetted all of our speakers and through networking so Rachel Oliver introduced me to my client who has the cryo U therapy business which I’ve started
(1:33:30) focusing on my health and well-being with him he’s the one who actually recommended this to me and the cryotherapy that I’ve been doing has been amazing to help with my arthritis in my hips and it’s all all the positive changes that I’ve made have been as a result of the people that I’m spending time with at my networking you are the average of The Five People You spend the most time with absolutely and I betet those people with you and [Laughter] Christian absolutely this has been such a pleasure irn it is always so nice to
(1:34:10) connect with you and it’s interesting to hear that our Journeys are sort of you know we’re are even though we’re focusing we help people in different ways and we’re focusing on different things independently we’ve sort of ended up at the same place yeah boo longterm rentals I think my husband would have told you he was there about five years ago but you know yeah and then slow and boring it’s okay it’s funny because I’ve been criticized for calling things boring let’s just call it one property at a time one property a year can change your
(1:34:48) life yes remind yourself of that a and a vacant property per year will will change your life as to as well for the wrong ways so don’t forget that folks vacancy to me is like poison to a portfolio I I despise it and you feel the same I don’t know it depends I mean I’m certainly uh I’m heading to the landlord tenant board in a couple of weeks yeah yeah so there’s bad vacancy yeah there are times where I’m very grateful to have a vacant property in all honesty yes yes I’m my my lowest paying rent tenant is is is uh giving up his unit so
(1:35:27) I’m grateful for that vacancy as well yes there is good vacancy but uh systemic V vacancy not good and I I feel very fortunate that you know having been around as long as I have and having been to the landl tenant board I’m comfortable representing myself but I know that for a lot of investors they would have endured months and months of non-payment of rent the potential damages and then they’d have to go out and spend at least $800 hiring a paralal to represent them at the landlord tant board MH oh it’s sad I already know there’s a
(1:36:00) pargal on the other side I’ve already been given it that from the community legal help so I mean they they have a paralal they they have all the legal advice they need and I mean I prepared my my document uh my evidence and it was 160 Pages this is the one that’s disruptive to the other tenants no this is a different one this is one who’s actually out of the unit already and she brought a was a T2 where she’s saying that we ignored her and we didn’t do any maintenance or anything so 160 pages of all the back and forth the conversations
(1:36:35) the um the work orders the maintenance requests the um please stop harassing our staff when they’re in the property uh yeah that’s August 22nd so what does she want you have nothing to do but she’s already out of the unit what does she want just wants money she’s just how much how much that that this is worth it uh I think she’s asking for I don’t know let’s say $3,000 or something yeah be kidding me because she gets free legal aid that’s why and this doesn’t happen friendly USA I’ve already sent an email to the
(1:37:16) paralal and told them all the mistakes with all the documentation that was filed including that her husband’s name is nowhere on the lease he’s not a tenant he’s not someone that we recognize that she has sent all the documentation to the property management company and not to the legal owner of the building despite knowing who the legal own owner of the building is as per the lease the rent increases um I’ve Cent her documentation of all of the um complaints that she made and where we finally had to say to her you’re not allowed to be in the
(1:37:47) premises when we’re there completing work repairs because your harassment of our staff has been so bad MH um um and they have not withdrawn the the thing so they’re actually taking up time at the landlord in tended board somebody else with a valid issue could be heard because all that’s going to happen is I’m going to go on the 22nd and the uh the members going to look at it and say this is not a valid document the the information on it is completely incorrect you’ve named the wrong parties you don’t even have the owner of the
(1:38:17) property here like this is not valid my word but and that would save everybody time go I love the system I don’t know I’ll just show up with popcorn that’s all over zoom over zoom and and quite frankly up north we were over Zoom long before Co so crazy times one last time real estat resilience. CA thank you we’re so looking forward to having you and Glenn and everyone else join us last weekend of September it’s truly going to be life-changing yep Saturday September 28th and Sunday 29th see you all there 100% virtual so I’ll
(1:39:00) see you there too and affordable thanks again Elizabeth thanks for coming on thank you irn always great to see you take care thank you for watching if you want to learn how to invest in real estate from scratch my team teaches beginners how to use the number one investment strategy that I personally use in a virtual free training class every month go to investor training.
(1:39:24) com I publish at least two to three videos a week here so subscribe if you want to keep learning from seasoned investors like myself and my guests and if you’re just starting out feel free to ask questions and comment below and I do the best to answer each of those comments and questions myself again if you’re ready to learn the nitty-gritty about real estate investing from a professional investor register for our next virtual class that’s at investor


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Before you go, if you’re interested in what kind of properties I am looking at in the landlord friendly states of the USA please go to for what I consider the best investment for most Canadians, most of the time.

I’ve been investing in Ontario since 2005 and while it’s been a great, great run. I started out buying properties in the 100,000s and now it’s $800,000 to $1,000,000.  How much higher can it go? I don’t know

To me, the remaining potential for appreciation does not match the risk hence I’m advising my clients to look to where one can find rental properties that are affordable range of $150,000 to $350,000 US$, with rents that range from $1,400 to 2,600/month plus utilities.   As many Canadians recognize, these numbers will be positive cash flow and are night and day compared to anything locally. Plus the landlord has all of the rights, no rent control, and income is US dollars which are better than Canadian dollars.

If you don’t believe me, US dollars are better than Canadian dollars, go ask 100 non-Canadians which currency they prefer to be paid in.

So to regain control of your retirement planning.  Go to and check out what great cash flow properties are available in the USA.  

The best part is, my US investments will be much more passive compared to by local investments as I’m hiring an asset manager called SHARE to hand hold me through the entire process.  As their client and shareholder, Share will source me quality income properties, help me with legal structure and taxes, they manage the property manager and insurance provider while passing down to me preferred rates so I save both time and money.  

Share will even tell me when to strategically refinance or sell.  SHARE can even support investors all over the country for proper diversification hence my plan is to own in Tennessee, Georgia, and Texas.  Share is like my joint venture partner but I only have to pay them fees while I keep 100% ownership and control.

If your goal in investing is to increase cash flow, I don’t know of a better strategy for most Canadians most of the time.  One last time that’s to see what boring, cash flowing real estate investing can look like on your path towards financial peace.

This is how I’m going to make real estate investing great again for my family and hope you choose the same.  Till next time!

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This episode is brought to you by me! We don’t have sponsors for this show. I only share with you services owned by my wife Cherry and me.  Real estate investing is a staple in my life and allowed me to build wealth and, more importantly, achieve financial peace about the future, knowing our retirement is taken care of and my kids will be able to afford a home when they grow up.  If you, too, are interested in my systematic strategy to implement the #1 investment strategy, the same one pretty much all my guests are doing themselves, then go visit and register for our next event.

Till next time, just do it because I believe in you.



As a committed advocate for transparent and responsible real estate investment, I want to openly share my involvement with SHARE SFR (Single Family Rental) as an Advisor. I hold an equity position in this company and receive a referral commission for clients I introduce to their services. My endorsement of their business model – focusing on direct ownership of positive cash flow income properties – is consistent with my own personal investing since 2005, is based not only on a professional assessment but also on my personal experience and belief in their approach. Please note that while I stand behind my recommendations, it is crucial for each individual to conduct their own due diligence and consider their unique circumstances before making any investment decisions. As always, my priority is to provide you with honest, insightful, and practical real estate investment education.

12 Apt Buildings, Selling ONT, Buying AB&USA With Mike Beer

Greetings friends to the truth about real estate investing show, I’m your host since 2016, Erwin Szeto from west of Toronto and landlord since 2005.

We have an excellent expert guest with 12 apartment buildings averaging 20-30 units each building plus he just acquired two sizable properties in Alberta and you’ll want to hear why.  Mike’s journey of immigrating to this wonderful country at the age of 10 with his family from Poland… when you hear what Poland was like for Mike growing up.. Needless to say Mike Beer has done very very well for himself.  

But first, I’m not going to lie, I quite enjoyed this past week while the kids are at overnight camp.  They are up in Muskoka at a rustic camp.  They sleep in a cabin without air conditioning but they do have a bathroom the campers are responsible for cleaning.  

There’s no smart devices allowed so no Ipads or cell phones let alone laptops.  Just good old fashioned camp activities like arts and crafts, canoeing, swimming, they have motor boats so my son even went knee boarding and love it.  This is the kids’ now fourth year of overnight camp so for next year they’ve asked to camp for two weeks.  Cherry and I are proud our kids can rough it a little bit including 30 mosquito bites and want to go back.  Parenting win, my son’s camp counsellor said he was the best behaved camper in his cabin. 

Needless to say we’re proud of our kids, our investments of time and effort are paying off and we’ll continue to invest including an RESP of at least one house each in the USA.  Something less hands on because the truth about real estate investing is, in my experience, there are a whole lots of adult children who want nothing to do with their parent’s Ontario rental properties.  The younger generations want more balance, less stress, along with much better numbers and less risk, that’s why I’ve divesting locally and buying American.

What did Cherry and I get up to while the kids were away? Would you believe I golfed more this week than any other week this summer? On Tuesday I went boating with my Entrepreneur’s Organization mastermind group.  Everyone had a turn at water skiing but me, I never grew up with a family cottage, never learnt and feel no burning desire to when being dry, booting around Friday Harbour, conversations with my boys is plenty stimulating.  

In breaking news, my friend Moosa sent me the article, as reported by the Globe and Mail, yet another real estate club organizer, this time Daniel St. Jean of The REITE Club, an organization co-founded by Daniel has a stop order from the Ontario Securities commission. From the article, Daniel has raised more than $25 million in promissory notes.

Kyle Ford whose company manages $150 million in private mortgages said on this show, “promissory notes are a bad word” at his company.  Friend of the show Ron Butler is extremely against the use of promissory notes saying they’re worth less than used toilet paper.

Me personally, I like to lean towards being conservative hence I don’t private lend nor borrow. It’s scary times for folks who have privately leant on complicated repositioning and development projects…. I’ve heard too many stories from friends who lend hard money with rates in the teens only have their borrowers not return payment and ghost them. To me there are better options discussed with past guest of this show like Tim Collins and Calvert Mortgages. I’ve posted links to both episodes in the show notes.  In the Calvert mortgages episodes, near the end, I asked how my guests how they personally invest their own money for a much more diversified and secured investment than most private lending options.

12 Apt Buildings, Selling ONT, Buying AB&USA With Mike Beer

On to this week’s guest!

Mike Beer is is an owner of a real state investment company Mike Beer Investments. They have developed an investing system that has been working for well over a decade and invest in apartment buildings in Canada. His mission is to enable each of his investors to provide their families with the financial future they truly deserve. In the past he was a professional ski instructor and scuba divemaster. Now he focuses on coaching for charity, ice water plunges, health, and loves personal self development.

Website to contact:

To Listen:

** Transcript Auto-Generated**

(00:00) greetings friends welcome to the truth about real estate vesting show I’m your host ER CTO since 2016 I live west of Toronto and I’ve been a landlord since 2005 we have an excellent guest expert with TW who owns 12 apartment buildings uh where each unit each building has about 20 to 30 units and he’s just acquired two sizable properties in Alberta and you want to hear why he’s buying an Alberta and why he’s sold in Ontario and why he plans to be buying in the states within 12 months Mike’s journey of of immigrating to this
(00:33) wonderful country at the age of 10 with his family from Poland and when you hear what inflation was like in Poland when Mike was growing up needless to say it made sense to leave come to a country with much more security and stable currency and economy needless to say Mike beer has done very very well for himself considering where he’s coming from the first not going to lie I quite enjoyed last week uh as the kids were at overnight camp cherry and I were empty nesters the kids were up in Moka uh at a rustic camp where they slept in cabins without
(01:06) air conditioning but they did have a bathroom with plumbing however the campers were responsible for cleaning their own bathrooms no smart devices were allowed so no iPads cell phones let alone laptops just good old fashioned camp activities like arts and crafts canoeing swimming pingpong outdoor ping pong kind of interesting uh they even had motorboats uh at this Camp so my son was able to go kneeboarding and it’s not something something I’ve ever done let alone go to overnight camp and and he loved it so I’m happy to hear that uh
(01:37) this is now the kids fourth year at overnight camp uh We’ve uh it’s always been important for us to for the kids to learn how to rough it a little bit and be independent uh and they’re enjoying it they enjoyed it so much that they’ve asked to go for two weeks next year so two weeks of overnight King uh cherry and I are proud of our kids um of course they complained about the 30 mosquito bites each they got yet they still want to go back and then minor parenting wi my son’s camp counselor said that uh he was the best behaved in their in their
(02:09) uh in their cabin group so again needless to say we’re proud of our kids our investment of our time and effort is paying off no different when you invest time and effort into real estate investing we will continue to invest in our reses uh real estate savings plan I have at least one house uh per kid in the USA with no I have no intention of them living in in them uh I’m these are straight Investments to me if they decide to live in them one day that’d be just an added bonus uh we of course we are looking for
(02:38) something less Hands-On uh the truth about real estate investing is the younger generation is not that interested in being investors in my experience I see it in the adult children of my clients uh less than half of them have any interest of doing what their parents do as active investors in Ontario uh and then just what I’m noticing and I’ve heard it from experts as well especially folks in education uh the younger generation wants more balance they want less stress and um and from real estate investing standpoint who doesn’t want much better
(03:11) numbers and less risk which is why I’m divesting local my local properties and buying American uh so what did cherry and I get up to while the kids were away would you believe I golf more that that week than any other week in the summer add to that on Tuesday I went boating with my entrepreneur organization Mastermind Group which we call Forum everyone had a turn water ski but me I never grew up with a family Cottage like my friends uh never learned nor felt and I do not feel the running desire to be uh draw to get out of the
(03:46) boat a perfectly fine boat get wet uh and also a good friend of mine got hurt recently while water skiing so anyone who knows me knows I’m pretty risk adverse I am somewhat active and athletic but again why would I get into a cold Lake when it’s nice and sunny and warm in the boat yeah booting around Friday Harbor was and conversations with my with my buddies it was plenty stimulating in breaking news uh my friend Musa sent me this article as reported by the Global Mail yet another Real Estate club organizer uh this time
(04:18) Dano St Jean of the right Club re e t club uh an organization co-founded by Daniel along with other influencers that anyone who knows a r Club knows who the other organizers are uh he has received a stop order again I’m quoting the article so this is not liable even though people want to threaten me with things uh again there’s a stop order from the Ontario Securities Commission which is the regulator of investments in Ontario the highest level uh from the article Daniel has raised more than 25 million in promisory notes
(04:54) uh link to the article is in the short notes if you’re if you don’t if you’re techsavvy and you don’t have and you don’t have a Global Mail subscription um I actually have an apple News subscription as well I have both I have apple News subscription and Global Mail so I’m able to access it uh I can’t recommend enough the Apple news app it gives you access to so many news outlets it’s it’s a very good value in my experience and if you don’t you can just Google the article and you’ll likely found the the version without a pay wall
(05:27) anyways uh Kyle Ford who’s a past guest of the show he manages 150 million in private mortgages and he said on the show promissary notes are a bad word at his company friend of the show Ron Butler who’s who has an interesting uh vocabulary he’s extremely use against extremely against the use of promary notes saying they’re worth less than used toilet paper I paraphrase me personally I consider I lean towards more conservative side hence I don’t private lend nor do I borrow private borrow uh again as we’ve trying to bring back the term on this
(06:02) show these used to be called hard money loans before they’re ever called uh private um private money anyways it’s scary time for folks who have primarily lent on these complicated repositioning and development projects let alone business startups uh I’ve heard too many stories from friends who have lent money hard money with uh rates in the teens so like 12 13 14 17% only to have their borrowers not return payment and ghost them this is actually going on pretty uh a lot in SE several communities however I actually has some friends who’ve been
(06:37) around the business a long time who one friend mentioned to mentioned this to me and he’s been uh lending to Flippers he knows personally people he’s known for years and he’s still and he ran into this problem recently so folks never forget return of capital is something that needs to be evaluated before you do any risk will you get your money back money back say I always personally live with the quote uh the very very famous warm Buffet quote two rules of moneymaking rule number one don’t lose money rule number two see rule number
(07:10) one so avoid losing money it’s such a terrible thing to happen when investing to me there are better options out there as discussed by past past guests of the show like Tim Collins and Calbert mortgages I’ve posted links to both episodes in the show notes in the Cal mortgages episode near the near the end of the episode I asked my guest how they personally invest their own money for and um and if you listen you I think you would agree it’s a much more Diversified and secured investment versus lending on individual properties
(07:44) and individual investors on to this week’s guest uh Mike beer is an owner of a real estate investment company called Mike beer Investments the website’s Mike and beer spelled how you think it is like the beverage Mike they have developed an investing system that has been working for well over a decade and invest in apartment buildings in Canada uh Ontario and Al more recently Alberta as he mentions on the show uh his mission is to enable his each of his investors to provide their families with a financial future they truly deserve in
(08:14) the past he was a professional ski instructor and scuba dive Master how cool is Mike now he focuses on coaching for charity ice water plunges yes not just ice water plunges Mike walks into Lake onario in the winter Health obviously and Love’s personal self-development again website’s Mike be.
(08:38) ca please enjoy the [Music] show hey Mike what’s keeping you busy these days hey everyn how are you thanks for having me here I’m uh pretty excited I’ve been looking forward to this for for a while me too because we’ve known each other quite a while and have a a lot of mutual friends and you know I think the community in general needs to hear more positive news and that people can get ahead quite well in real estate investing you know I met you many years ago and then I still remember I don’t know even know if you want me to say
(09:13) this on the show but no it’s a good thing you were at these rain conferences with your Mr Hamilton shirt I can’t get that out of my head my wife said like who who are you seeing Oh you remember the Mr Hamilton guy oh who now has moved on many many many times and grew as a as a as a businessman right yeah it’s yeah it’s it’s been a fun Journey yeah but yeah we’re here to talk about you so tell us about yourself uh and this is a truth about real real estate investing like I said before we recording like tell us about your
(09:46) investing um so so right now I’m uh I’m an apartment building investor we invest primarily only in Canada for now uh mainly focused around multif family property and uh we essentially purchase average properties with investors and then turn them into pretty amazing communities MH so that’s the goal and then make some money along the side for for investors and their families and then hopefully get their you know get them to realize their dreams M uh and part of the reason why you’re here is because you’ve done well right and part
(10:25) again I know you’re not in the community as much as I am partly because I just hear all the negativity but you know thanks for being a Discerning investor and being at this for a while you’ve done quite well have you not you know what I I I never I never it’s it’s it always surprises me when someone says I can do well because I don’t necessarily think of it I haven’t done well but I kind of focus on this is pretty normal right now and then I focus on the future yeah but thinking back is a skill so so yes it’s I should
(11:04) be thinking more about yes all these things that have happened and all the lessons have led me to where I am today and you described your current portfolio as 12 buildings so let’s you you have wor three how many units do you have then so they’re so they they average between like average 20 30 units and then now we’re buying 50 plus uh unit buildings right yeah so right now we’re actually selling some stuff off and so the portfolio has shrunk a bit and then we’re building quickly too so right so sh going through
(11:39) a big shift right now yeah right so you’re well over 200 units right and then take us through the Journey what was your first income property so first income property you know what I’ll the Year sorry go ahead go ahead so over 10 years ago um I’ll tell you more about uh my most interesting first one of the first income properties so uh my wife has this friend he’s a he’s a realtor in and then they went to McMaster University together and we met for lunch with a bunch of them and then he you know I casually sitting now with him and he
(12:17) said uh you know what I I have 43 tenants I thought 43 tenants M how do you have 43 tenants I love it I want 43 tenants and it turns out he was investing heavily in student rentals uh since uh since he was like fresh out of University so right away within next I would say like next week he took me to see a property and he said we’re not buying we’re just learning and uh at the time I was uh working pretty hard in uh in the Consulting world you know traveling around a lot um I think making some pretty good money uh but from the
(12:59) early age uh I saw kind of my parents uh play the flicker in Lottery and I hate the Lottery lottery tickets lottery tickets because they were an immigrants and so was I uh but whenever I asked about like their future you know retirement oh we’re going to play their Lottery and we’re going to win they’re betting and then so iting the lottery retir ref to play the lottery it’s just so so I wanted to just secure my financial future that was the goal wait I think you’re more likely to hit by by lightning than win in the lottery I
(13:32) believe I think I think that’s the stat right okay sorry continue So So the plan was yes retire at whatever 55 60 and then live the you know live the the dream so that’s why that’s why I started kind of buying property so we went out to buy like look look at uh Triplex which was actually no fourplex and it was an illegal fourplex it was a legal triplex in Hamilton and he said we’re not this is your first property we’re seeing we’re not buying we’re just learning I looked at it looked at the numbers I like it I’m buying it mhm
(14:15) first one mhm and then I bought it MH so that was the that was the first fourplex I bought and then then we kind of bought another couple student rentals within months because I refinanced my properties like my home and kind of went all in uh and then my wife was uh kind enough to be very supportive she said sure let’s do it mhm and uh that’s how that kind of started actually pretty quickly F fantastic were the St rentals all around McMaster or yeah around McMaster that’s been a gift to many investors you know what it’s they they
(14:54) seemed expensive at the time wait tell the tell the investor tell the listeners what what’s expensive expensive it was like 300 something thousand it was like 350,000 crazy crazy high prices for uh for seven bedrooms or eight bedrooms and such and then for context I sold you know I sold my seven bedroom for over 860 recently so okay yeah so yes compared to today 300 doesn’t look so bad [Laughter] right but it it happened pretty quickly and then from there on I thought you know what I can do more yeah yeah and
(15:33) then what was the transition like cuz then when did you start doing apartment buildings then so so then it’s just uh like I joined some real estate clubs where where kind of met you as well um I bought uh like a sevenplex in London uh and then just uh and I met a mentor of mine mhm where he started kind of he was kind enough to to educate me through actually I didn’t I met him but he wouldn’t take me on so I kept harassing him nice hey he’s like no I don’t have any mentees right now M I kept at it and then and then he said
(16:14) finally fine you got to pay all this money up front and then you got to pay monthly like so he’s actually setting up barriers so I don’t like I I I don’t get coached by him so he was kind of like seeing how much I’ll resist before I’ll like give in but I said sure whatever whatever amount of money like I want to be like you Mr billionaire here right so can we shout him out or we need to keep oh absolutely yes so so my mentor is uh Brian pulus and then he’s uh I liked him a lot we connected really well because he’s uh he’s very humble he
(16:52) he immigrated here he had a furniture store uh where I think he struggled with his partner and such and then grew this this massive real estate portfolio so very inspirational but very down to earth and then I think we have a lot of the same kind of qualities where we’re not like we’re we don’t really love shouting from The Mountaintop but we’re more kind of reserved uh yet ambitious and driven right right right so so he’s kind of helped me a lot to kind of transition into larger and larger apartment buildings throughout it it it took a
(17:26) while and then I was fortunate of like when I when first started mentoring with him I I just asked him so so what do we do like what’s Step 1 2 3 4 5 well like what’s the what’s the recipe I want to become like a big investor now M and he said no no no it this is you got to build your own Journey like this is going to be about you kind of building your own journey I thought why don’t I just follow your journey and just make it happen faster but it doesn’t work like that so so with him we kind of worked on progressing um on this journey so that
(18:00) it’s fulfilling and it’s it’s the right thing for me at the time uh and then uh so I can so I can build on growth and continue to grow instead of just doing something stupid fast right away and then failing and then not picking myself up yeah people forget the old warm Buffett quote rule number one don’t lose money what’s rule number two see rule number one cuz I I mentioned that cuz people are losing their shirts left right and Center these days um but that was uh but for context for Brian is I think possibly the most successful real estate
(18:40) investor to com out of our community back from the rain days absolutely so so that’s the way I kind of found him I thought who’s the most successful real estate investor I’ve ever bumped into let me see if I can he can mentor me right um so that’s uh but I think what’s most important and I kind of realize it now it’s there’s got to be like a fit with with the mentor you got to have kind of similar values and and then I think Brian can work with pretty most people as long as they’re good people yeah right like Brian’s a good person
(19:13) yeah yeah it’s it’s crazy cuz I I watched that Journey like like I’ve known Kyle since he was in university oh wow his son oh yeah you remember these those days like I remember Kyle was telling me about the the student rental property that he lived in that they owned it was it was like it was like absurd it was like more than 10 bedrooms in water near water in water but love the hustle and that’s why I tell people like you know you send to kid University buy the house make them the landlord the business yeah well look
(19:44) at them now yeah he’s running the biggest Reit among anyone we know personally who started it themselves yeah they’re very successful in a good way and the they’re they’re I did they qualify a private read cuz they don’t publish what they own what like you know this world better than I do they are um they are on an exempt Market yeah yeah meaning they they offer they’re like a private like a they’re they’re available to the public and through exempt Market dealers but they’re not on a stock market yeah yeah yeah well but the my
(20:19) point is that um like their reports aren’t available publicly so let alone their portfolio right I can’t really look into it which is actually smart of them CU we won’t get get into that my point this in this uh my point in this is that he’s highly qualified right to to coach Mentor like the PES right yeah yeah and that’s a way to accelerate your growth pretty quickly because one thing I think one of the biggest things um out of coaching for years that helped meh wasn’t like a strategy or a book or or like a long coaching session where
(21:02) things are laid out on a map mhm it’s it’s like a split second of a of a comment so I said uh this is in the beginning years Brian I want to make this much like I want to get to this and he he said like this he goes that’s it and he laughed mhm and because he thought it was so achievable so almost funny and I think he did it on purpose he wasn’t laughing at me he was trying to drive a point with a comical way MH so that’s it I thought okay so if he’s laughing at it that means I can do it yeah that one little thing I think was
(21:40) the most impactful thing he said that kind of changed things for me yeah he basically gave you confidence right yeah cuz he’s a pro he’s a pro pro yeah and and he could he quickly tell you were thinking way too small I can appreciate that now now can you can you explain some of the challenges from going to student rental to going to apartment building that you had that coaching helped you get through um I think uh so so I was I I did things gradually so good I went to I I didn’t do this kind of crazy crazy Journey where I go from five to 100
(22:25) units borrowed all private money yeah yeah yeah with the OPM which you know I despise that term too because a lot of people say like I just heard it at a conference oh OPM this meaning other people’s money but um it’s you know like OPM the reason I I don’t like it is because it equals people’s life savings and they care deeply and they’ve worked extremely hard for that money so leveraging other people’s money I took a lot of time to make my own mistakes before I ventured into leveraging uh investor money because it
(23:08) was just so important Integrity is key for me and I wanted to do everything possible to learn and to respect other people’s money before I use them yeah like prove the process yeah right like you know cut your teeth with your own money yeah before you bring it to somebody else yeah so so I I kind of went linearly right so I did like seven 13 units 17 and then up and up and up then how did you fund them with other people’s money so So eventually by the time we got to the 177 we first we took some loan money from like private uh
(23:42) investors uh but I backed that with my net worth and then after we started doing Equity deals and then sorry at what point did you start selling the smaller stuff to trade up for bigger uh you know what uh that’s kind of not too long ago oh I seem to be waiting for cycles and but uh but now we’re selling like uh smaller stuff because we’re trading up for for bigger what do you consider smaller stuff so anything under like 20 units okay majority of the audience is beginner investors so none of them none of the 80% would own a 20 unit so that’s
(24:20) why I laugh but holding on doesn’t own a 20 unit but holding on to real estate is great so I I I wouldn’t sell them if I didn’t want if I if I didn’t have to where I didn’t have a bigger opportunity elsewhere and that’s why I’ve always told clients like like this Monopoly is won by owning real estate and charging rent right could you imagine playing Monopoly and not buying any real estate and just trying to avoid paying rent and going to prison and just collecting money at go that seems to be what most people do right but you’re doomed but
(24:52) not people here right not people listening nor will they be but like you you’d be doomed if you if you w a property owner in the game of Monopoly or imagine not collecting rent and then just uh having negative cash flow and continuing through that cycle yeah it sounds even worse [Laughter] right yeah so you found better opportunities then so what are these new opportunities that you’re that you’re selling off you’re divesting so tell me about why why this process why what made you think you need to divest some to and
(25:25) what is the new Venture so when when I previous s purchase these uh smaller properties like the S and and 12 and I thought why is the owner leaving some kind of like room on a table like he could have positioned this property better or improved the units and such and then now I see why is because I have some properties which were selling off they’re not 100% um fully renovated or turned over or uh uh beautified because we have other properties that larger deals where we can make more money faster right and I think that’s that’s kind of key word
(26:06) trading smaller for for for larger properties so Ontario has been on a on a good good run for a while but very I would say last few years has been you know very tough for for a lot of uh uh for a lot of investors so you can sit and wait this out it it will it will get figured out I think properties will do well here onario in time but um I don’t know if I have that much time where I’m willing to invest a bunch of more years to to wait for some of those properties to to fully achieve their Peak where elsewhere in in Canada and in the US um
(26:44) you can invest that money and be on a trajectory to to really realize value because there’s some economies like in Alberta where where I think that that cycle is just beginning the good cycle and and there is really economic demand which makes sense so like in Ontario previously um 50% of immigrants used to come to Ontario uh and then 50% rest of Canada and that has shifted so now only a third and you can correct me if I’m wrong it’s somewhere around a third only comes to Ontario and 2/ thirds elsewhere yeah
(27:22) because Ontario is very expensive for very expensive to it cost living so if you can cut your rent in half and then live in Alberta and then also increase your income by 30 40% and cut your taxes who cares if it’s cold right you’re polish that’s different right life is my family is from Hong Kong we’re from We’re tropical people speak for yourself fine and but you’re you’re talking like um like economics high level stuff but I I imagine you see it in your own building do you see less demand there’s less rent growth like CU again you have property
(28:04) so you have your own data like what do you seeing with your own portfolio and also uh and then your portfolio is mostly Kitchener watero Cambridge area uh Kitchener watero Hamilton London and then a little bit in Toronto okay and and are you seeing resistance for contined rent increases like what what are you seeing so the market the rental market has softened like we’re getting lower rents than that we were getting last year oh we’ve receded oh we’ve gone down yes yes in in Kitchener in in particular and then also in Hamilton too
(28:37) for uh for nicely renovated units uh we’re getting maybe I would say 5 to 7% less rent now and it takes vacancies are longer as well what what’s what’s vacancy Now versus last year so last year we had lineups of people oh okay French and now we have tenants oh you know what I’m looking at seven other units today so I’ll think about it wow I would say uh yes because we’re look we’re targeting tenants at the top of the market yeah yeah yeah which so they have a lot of choice that’s interesting too so so there’s softening of that and
(29:26) then also in terms of building and such in Kitchener waloo Hamilton and such it seems to be more of a buyer Market than sellers market right so all that put together yes the interest rates have gone down a little bit but there is there is quite a bit of uncertainty there fascinating because what I’m seeing in the small investor Market is uh from the from the from the resale Market most investors are selling right now more more are selling than buying um for whatever reason and then like you know like for for small real estate the
(30:03) best practice is you sell it vacant right so my point though is that know if if if existing landlords aren’t trying to rent their properties that would make you think there’d be more renters for your buildings right there’s you know what there seems to be more demand more there’s demand that I would say it’s equal or greater but seems to be a lot of product on a market available for rent this year right and it’s just I would just this this just happened from the beginning of this year like last year was a completely different story so it’s
(30:38) shifted quite a bit I don’t know how long this will last right like it’s cyclical it’s interesting well I again like just anecdotally I keep hearing the topic of Alberta coming up as in like young people that’s where young people generally I hear either going to Alberta or the states okay right it depends on their um what kind of uh job they’re in mhm right and and um like I posted I posted something on my social media about uh who where are uh where are millionaires going right so number one is uh Dubai right I
(31:10) think number two number two and three was either Singapore in the US number four was Canada right and I think it’s largely I think it’s largely what your background is yeah and I mean you know without a better way of saying it color of your skin that’s usually where you end up okay I my list knows I knows I love everyone I mean no offense to anyone but just just that’s just anally the trend I see like if you’re of a certain skin tone that you go to Singapore you know what I mean I think people know what I mean
(31:41) well you know just simp again let me explain that like Chinese because of what the Chinese government did to Chinese people like with the lack of Freedom during the pandemic a lot of them are going to Singapore okay right so culturally and then even here like Asians that they’re looking to move I often Singapore often comes up anyways I worked in Singapore I love it it’s great I love Singapore too I don’t know if I go back I I wouldn’t live there it’s just too hot for me but uh it’s you cold I do well sometimes hot sometimes
(32:15) you know just a mix but I digress um but for newer investors right there’s a lot of money to be made in in Ontario so if you’re trying to buy a single like a single unit M right um why fly out to Alberta and then look for stuff and then it’s going to be expensive why not look for an amazing deal here cuz you probably have a lot more time than like a larger investor yeah right so so the market is not dead it’s just there’s a little bit more work to be done here to to make money that’s a tough one explain to me
(32:54) what what what would the single unit look like uh like what’s what Market what price point um so I I don’t buy single units anymore but I’m thinking anywhere anything where you can get really creative around building value yeah yeah right into a property so so no longer just buying a single family home and renting it but uh adding multiple suits right that’s become easier and in Ontario uh offering some kind of like extra services on top of that MH mhm mhm um so I I’ll release this soon I’ve already done the math behind it um so my
(33:35) perspective for investors locally if they’re going to buy duplex you’re paying somewhere around 800 Grand it’ll run for somewhere low 4,000 right and then you work at the math fully loaded expenses you know fully loaded expenses what a projected financial report looks like CU you actually know what expenses are and I’ve done them for apartment buildings but I haven’t done them for like duplexes so so so commercial inv you know cap rate every and anyone listening to the show needs to know what a cap capitalization rate is absolutely
(34:04) right uh for a duplex the capitalization rate for my numbers and they’re pretty conservative it’s about 4.5 okay right yeah versus the house I bought in San Antonio’s 5.1 yeah that’s a big difference big difference right and I’m talking about a $800,000 property here in onario versus I bought a property for 265,000 American that’s awesome right and I only have one tenant does y have experience with density like yeah most most most duplex investors no your your usual biggest problem is the tenants conflicting with
(34:39) each other exactly so that’s what I experiened when I have that for plexus that the tenants started fighting with each other and then I figured okay so they have to be kind of similar in terms of tenant base they can’t you can’t have like an older grandma and a students living and a and a couple with kids to together because they’re going to be fighting mhm right so I’m then for my research that’s why I’m okay going back to single family like uh happy to have this conversation offline with you because I know you’re like researching
(35:11) the states so America America housing for rent which is one of the biggest REITs in the states they were asked the same question because they do a lot of building they build develop they develop their own rentals so the question was naturally asked why don’t you build more multif family and they said we’re building what’s scarce and that’s family detached that makes sense in their experience again this is one of the biggest reads in the US in their experience they’re saying that with multi family their vacancies are longer
(35:37) and they then they have to give up more rent concessions meaning what free rent or Renovations in order to attract a tenant to rent from to take it right and this is from arit which is a very capitalist organization and then they have everything calculated abut exactly right they build like over 300 houses a year like these folks are not insignificant like I love all real estate you know what like single I’ve made money on single family on on the triplex on on multif family on some commercial too right it’s just what do you want to
(36:12) specialize which direction you’re going to like we have some commercial but it’s more by chance because we bought a building and there’s some storefronts at the bottom but they have again longer vacancies and and my team doesn’t specialize in that space so we kind of treat him as a like a little step child right right right and then your valuation your underwriting has to account for that yeah there’s a longer vacancy yeah yeah but you’re a pro so you can do this yes but sometimes I uh I just let it be a little bit of I
(36:45) could probably run those commercial units much better but they’re only couple percentage of our entire portfolio like 2 3% of our entire portfolio are the commercial units so you got to kind of focus on the main thing make it happen right cuz you’re I mean as an investor you’re battling every day with noise right there’s stuff Happening Here stuff happening there yeah you have well over 200 units I’m sure there lot of noise so like for me like when I first half of my day I don’t typically do emails like I don’t look at
(37:17) my emails I tell people don’t like don’t I’m not going to answer calls I got to do what I need to do and then get the biggest things done during the day and then I’ll look at my email and get bunch of like operational meetings happening and all that stuff right cuz otherwise you just you’re just distracted and then you’re not going where you should be going and some balls will be dropped right here and there but but they kind of keep key things will get done yeah yeah there’s no perfect Focus yeah my point where with the commercial
(37:52) unit is like you you properly underwrite it knowing it’s going to be like 50% vacant or whatever yes yes yeah yeah because that my point was that uh I think many novices don’t account for that correctly because they don’t they don’t count for vacancy correctly on on Commercial units especially if it’s like retail or office absolutely the deal has to basically work if that thing’s vacant but because it’s such a small piece of our portfolio our team is not the best at kind of managing lease ups and vacancies around commercial
(38:23) units so I know that’s not our strength so we’re probably going to have a little bit more vacancy on these commercial units than someone that’s where that’s a line share of their portfolio right right so there’s a bit of uncertainty there tell tell me about what what it is uh is give me some broad or high level view of your portfolio is is it like more Suburban is it more urban are these along like major Transit lines so I typically like um bigger cities like Hamilton Kitchener London that’s close to something meaning
(39:01) Transit lines uh close to schools depending on the tenant type we’re trying to attract in that location uh we have very few student rentals I don’t focus on those anymore so it’s uh it’s all families and ideally like working professionals um so then because if you purchase an asset in a bigger city there’s going to be there’s there many ways you can dispos of that asset later meaning you can sell it there’ll be buyers but if you purchase an asset in a smaller small town it may cash flow may have better cap rates uh as well but
(39:40) then what’s your exit strategy and then are you going to find a buyer for it are you going to find a property manager are you going to find a handyman are you going to find an electrician because there’s probably two in that town who knows so I like the certainty of a bigger city bigger economy that’s kind of even close to other economies like Hamilton great right it’s close close enough to Toronto where people can commute and so is Kitchener it’s got the universities you know University of woo laor and and then other colleges and
(40:08) such so it’s almost like it’s all connected and a desirable place where people like to live mhm um like one of our properties is close to like a big large shopping mall and then an LRT in in light rail Transit which is like kind of like the street car right which is which is key so we got get a lot of tenants that don’t even need to own a car and they can get get to uh you know get around without it very attractive yeah who wants a car parking is expensive traffic is bad and then how do you know you found a deal because I I I bring this up because
(40:45) that’s often a mistake that new investors make is they can’t identify a deal and they get into a bad deal like you get into a bad teal you’re in a lot of trouble so you know what confuses me about a lot of investors they say they’re not not good in math Yeah Boy And then and then they start buying deals I don’t know how they do it I just literally don’t you don’t have to be great at it but someone does because the Realtors the performa they give you they it may not be exactly the reality wait wait wait how many how many how
(41:18) many reality realistic per performers have you seen from a realtor zero 0.0 yeah 0 Z so that’s the scary thing I think if um if Mike’s words not mine no I I I think I CH I joke cuz I’m licensed right you’re not that’s the standard out there that’s what’s done that’s common everybody knows it and then that’s the world we live in yeah yeah my point is that not everyone knows it that’s what I want you to say it yeah so this is the truth about real estate investing and and my experience is very much similar I I can’t recall a Prof
(41:58) forer I didn’t have to make adjustments to yeah which is typically always adding expenses and vacancy allowance yeah cuz somehow if they’re selling a new building and an old building it seems like the the repair and maintenance is the same but reality it’s not right aging infrastructure Plumbing electrical things will happen yeah 100-year old property with like a tiny repairs and maintenance budget but also I can’t connect with people that don’t want to do math or don’t understand math because I always been good at as a child and I went to
(42:31) you know University of watero got a Bachelor’s of mathematics and then computer science so so like when I have my big screen it’s 32 in and I have 600 numbers on it my wife looks at it and she’s like she goes what do you see in there the Matrix The Matrix The Matrix exactly because I know how to read this I know I can predict the outcome the the numbers they they speak right versus uh versus like the nicest performa so so a lot of um so when you buying a property whether it’s big or small you’ll see typical expenses they
(43:09) have to give you the actual property property tax utilities rent roll uh rent roll which sometimes is not even true so you have to kind of check it because they may project that the increase in a few months so they kind of bring that in so you have to verify the rent role because it may not be actual or they may be projecting vacancies to be rented for this amount but they haven’t rented it yet so but just kind of understanding uh the type of properties you’re buying because so that’s why I talked about commercial
(43:46) units is not our primary I would say expertise it’s more multif family because just seem so many performers so we know how how they’re going to perform whether if it’s an older building tow houses or newer they’re going to have different levels of expenses and uh and just making those realistic so you have a realtor portf performa then there’s a performa that your mortgage broker will do which will be different more realistic and then there’s one that you’re at least more conservatives and then the one you’re
(44:16) going to do MH so not to confuse people but but yours is going to be more most realistic out of the three on what’s going to happen and you have to be you have to be sophisticated to come up with a realistic forecast and just just see a lot of perform I see a lot of properties how they actually perform actuals yeah yeah yeah cuz the more actuals you see the better you can discern what a property will do and it’s especially common in smaller properties for for sellers to to not disclose the you know a lot of the
(44:53) things that have gone wrong or issues that have gone on in the property right yeah so you have a better dose of reality than than the novice would which is okay everyone’s got to start somewhere yeah but just uh you know verify yeah look at it look at the ceilings do you see any Stains have the roofs been leaking right how old is a building like if um I bought a building from early 1900s mhm and built in 1913 okay so we have a lot of like the operational costs are sign ific anly more because of the wiring because of
(45:30) the plumbing I mean things happen a lot more than they do in a newer newer building but uh so I was fortunate enough to kind of understand math from from a young age and then until this day it’s kind of the best scale and I thought I made a complete mistake I should have went to business school but it seems like it’s much better that’s uh I think all it’s all good and you can always do business school later but um but like to your point people who can’t do math and you know like I’m sure I’m sure you’ve seen deals and I’ve seen deals
(46:04) and I can’t believe someone did it and like like a property for sale or a deal and I like I see deals get sent to me because people are raising money and whatnot and I’m like I can’t believe they did this deal yeah someone can do math along the way but everybody’s can learn it I mean it’s not rocket science right like little bit of dose reality plus some numbers and then boom comes out like does this make sense yeah yeah and don’t try to tweak it till it makes sense cuz if you sit there for two hours you kind
(46:32) of you you’ll tweak it and then and then convince yourself it’s a good deal yeah now you mentioned you’re divesting someon Ontario and I don’t think we mentioned it yet but you’ve you have two deals in Alberta you’re you’re working on can can you explain so I think you already touched on why you’re divesting Ontario and yeah tell us about what you’re doing in Alberta so we’re shifting our portfol cuz I think that Alberta is at the beginning of a uh of a good real estate cycle so not only the rents are lower but also the uh the
(47:06) incomes are higher so just economically it makes sense and then you can find properties that cash flow uh which it’s it seemed like in Ontario for for multif Family Properties it became more and more difficult and then and then actually the execution of a business plan here Ontario because there’s a lot of uncertainty around landlord tenant board and tenants and such so it’s less it’s less predictable on if you can execute on lifting a buildings value here in Ontario so that’s another reason of uh starting up in Alberta and
(47:46) then I think in about a year we’ll we’ll start working in the US as well so business so demand like common uh you know economics and then also also predictability of execution of a business plan because when we’re put a deal in front of our investors we want to be sure we can execute it and there’s as few of things that are out of our control as possible which seems like in Ontario it has changed uh kitchen or water has changed substantially over the last 12 months and there’s a lot of pressure for uh on landlords um like what kind of pressures
(48:20) to not uh to not increase rents for new units to not turnover units to so basically they’re discouraging uh landlords from investing into uh into uh infrastructure into into buildings well not to get paid for it not to because above guideline rentals like I can’t believe how much negativity there is in the media about above guideline rentals that the LTB approved that the landl tender board the landlord the tenant friendly landlord tenant board approved above guideline rentals and then people resist them absolutely and then I
(49:01) mean util someone else needs to pay for my balcony someone else needs to pay my parking lot my roof I don’t have a car someone else should pay for the parking lot to be be refinished not me and and then at the same time I mean the city funds these kind of campaigns too and but the utilities and property taxes all that stuff has gone up right in a rent controlled environment yeah and so so it’s a it’s uh it’s become I would say One Step even more difficult so that’s that’s the reason right cuz we’re trying to execute in a
(49:34) business plan a good investment where we can remove some of the uncertainties and then also I’ll tell you um I’m looking forward to having a great relationship a much better relationship with our tenants meaning like a business and then provider client business relationship where they’re where we’re appreciative of them and they’re appreciative cretive of us um so that’s beyond the numbers yeah yeah well before we move on for the numbers like with rising cost of operating your business then your cash flow and profitability is being is
(50:10) reducing yeah right so it’s making it’s becoming less of an attractive business and you’re basically you’re saying it but not saying but tenant landlord relationships aren’t nearly as good as they used to be if you can have customers that appreciate you why not oh yeah life is short I see it all the time life is short right I tell I tell novices all the time like life is short like choose who you want your customer to be tell me what your tell me about your customer and then build a business around that like I’m all for working
(50:41) hard and then doing stuff and and continuing to kind of like go beyond and doing the hard journey I’m all for it and I’ve done it for for a long period of time and I came from kind of my parents and my upbringing but there is a point where there is a business decision that needs to be made does this still make sense yeah it’s not my ego talking it’s not fear talking it’s more about how can I make money and have a better life right and enjoy right more what we do and this isn’t just you I imagine your employees would
(51:15) appreciate a better customer relationship that’s even tougher actually putting putting your employees in in in positions where where they’re you know they’re facing kind of a diversity and then such on a daily basis yeah I agree I’m going to go somewhere else well I already started so tell us about Alberta tell us about what your what what these properties are like so we’re right now we’re buying 100 units there so it’s a couple couple different properties uh one is a comp like a townhouse complex and another one is a is a value ad uh
(51:51) multif family building so that’s uh so those are the first two and we’re looking to scale that up uh pretty quickly I think uh I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about and talking to investors about what they want and the old model was more about hey how can we increase value to properties in Ontario and then boom uh within 3 years four years or or five years get your money out and then and then sell the properties for a great profit but um that 5 years seems to go by so quickly MH like you think think 5 years okay I’m going to be able to do
(52:28) all this stuff but it goes by so quickly and then who knows where the market will be in 5 years where in Alberta we’re focusing on cash flow from day one because I think there’s a lot of certainty when investors get cash flow from day one try to accelerate the return of their initial Capital as quickly as possible and then we’re going to hold on to the buildings forever which is unheard of because everybody’s used to timelines but once you get your cash back and you’re getting cash flow yeah there’s you love
(53:01) your Roi then forever seems like a good thing right because that provides family with income replacement income whether you want to stop being um whatever you’re where you’re working right I just met a friend of yours that was a teacher and then he’s got his income replaced which was a powerful story I love that I love it yeah so so that’s kind of it’s it’s it’s offering 2.
(53:29) 0 that’s that’s where I’m going with so this whole shift is is with investor in mind how can I bring more certainty and then bring more cash flow bring more income to them for infinite periods of time so that’s that’s where that shift came from it wasn’t oh it’s too hard I don’t want to do this anymore I wake up at night thinking about you know if if this plan will no no no none of that it’s it’s more kind of investor first and then oh by the way this this sounds like actually pretty good plan so so that’s what we’re doing now and in these
(54:04) properties are they they’re existing are you building ex yes so so both existing uh so townhouse complexes existing and then um and then uh apartment building so these are the first uh first two how how old are they is this a value Aden they’re they’re both value ad uh one of them is about 30 years old and then the other one’s uh 10 and for context like that’s a lot younger than stuff in London on Hamilton Cambridge then the 1913 building yeah yes you know the city of London came back to me say oh that’s uh that
(54:42) property you have the seven units actually only a legal duplex I’m like how do you know it’s been like that since I have rent rolls from 1970s that show seven units yeah yeah and then what they say uh they just stopped just gave up yeah argue with you I guess maybe when they hear this podcast they’re going to come again knocking on my door but how do you [Laughter] know so yes 19th 1913 in the middle of a housing crisis you want me to kick out five tenants no it’s a it’s a good property no I I I like it no I like I like
(55:22) younger property like I can’t imagine who doesn’t like younger property just with more modern building building code less cap less capital expenditure needed up front you definitely need to be expecting surprises if you buy older properties and they’re not good surprises they’re always something breaks and something costs more operating expenses are higher right so you can you can still make really good money on older properties it’s just being an expert in that uh in the S side of the business and these properties
(55:52) what city are they in uh so Edmonton and we’re looking outside of Ed Minton and then also looking in Calgary as well so kind of I would say bit all over um but that’s not the only solution I think you can you can find good properties in many parts of the country it’s just uh what kind of environment do you want to be do you want to be in an Ontario and BC where rent controls are tough uh or do you want to be in some of the uh just like us right you have some more landlord friendly States and then less uh landlord friendly States like
(56:30) you though I like I prefer bigger cities just cuz I’m very risk adverse I I I want to be in a bigger city so I have more people to sell to more people to rent to more people to sell to right you know what I’m risk reverse too but but I like um I like sometime taking leaps into into calculated risks yeah yeah so when I was uh I remember when I was uh five I think I was five or six years old M and then and then we uh we we I could barely swim and my sister uh was a okay swimmer and we were going to pass like this uh I think it’s just a c
(57:06) certificates for swimming so you can like rent you could rent like a paddle boat or whatever right and back in Poland so so they so they said okay you’re going to you’re going to now um they they brought us to the pool my sister and I we stood on a like the olympic size pool Podium and I’m like 5 or 6 years old and it was pretty deep in there and we were supposed to jump and then swim length and then back right and I only knew how to kind of float on my back and then my sister looks at me she’s like yeah I’m not
(57:40) doing this and I I just jumped so I jumped in the water and and then like I can see the bubbles kind of coming and and then I see this hand kind of pull me up and the Lifeguard kind of pulled me out of the way water like this and then put me down and it started yelling at my mother how can you let this kid jump in the pool so so so now taking that skill and of Leaping which some people don’t have and then putting C and then calculating risks around it is kind of sometimes what you need just to go for stuff as long as it makes
(58:23) sense financially and with the economy and such but there’s like this kind of I like bringing out this this little bit of an impatient fire in myself and then calculating around it and having the team verify and then boom Going for something yeah see your risks are pretty calculated right going to the fastest growing Province per capita whatever it is is not that doesn’t sound that risky where it’s landlord friendly but a lot of investors will sit there and overanalyze and then over educate and then and then
(58:56) just not pull the trigger oh and I think a lot of that is just inability to do math right if you can’t do math and if you’re not a logical thinker then every thing that’s harder to come to the conclusion to do something yeah but you can always partner with a logical thinker yeah a problem solver right right with someone and then go with them together use leverage your your your skills both of you yeah and we have your website here and and that’s part of the point of it right like you you have the ability to you do take on Partners like
(59:26) absolutely so we’ve uh we do everything on a project by project basis we take on uh take on money Partners at credit investors uh onto projects and I think the key is that we try to keep our overhead as low as possible so that we can give the investor as much of a return as high a return as possible um while they’re actual owners of the opportunity um because I see that there are a lot of reads out there uh and and the returns aren’t amazing and I see that a lot of um a lot of their costs go into the the overhead of
(1:00:06) the property so why not be an owner but partner with somebody and you leverage economies of scale of of a 100 units um and go through this kind of Journey instead of um I don’t know I’m not even going to talk about mutual funds but but instead of um buying into something where you have tremendous overheads so from day one there’s already a little bit of a disadvantage right so that’s what we kind of do we do project by project basis but the project keeps growing M like so now focusing on 50 plus units and then and then sooner or later it’ll
(1:00:45) go up from there right so I think we’ I think we’ve established that you qualify as an expert how do you structure the deal because I’m sure many people are interested in that like what like from from the listeners perspective they they want to do deals like you do so they want to know how they should structure the deal to how what does the passive investor get and some people are listening for being a passive investor so they want to know what they get to okay so what did they get so are these hard money loans promis no it’s for 17%
(1:01:11) interest what are we talking about here no no no none of that so so the simplest way to structure a deal is uh so there’s kind of two two main ways one is with a limited partnership and then the second is with via a corporation I would say for for listeners that the simplest way to structure a deal is via a corporation where the corporation owns the apartment building and only owns that one apartment building um of course the bank needs a guarantor so so I become a guarantor for the project um and then the passive
(1:01:50) investors so it depends on a deal they own a share of the of the property and then and and then whatever that split is they own actual shares so they as directly as possible they own a piece of the actual building MH so regardless if we refinance or or such they get paid out uh the profits and then for us um we don’t take any uh like we don’t mark up any anything so in terms of uh handyman or property management or anything like that we pass that on to at cost to our investors so basically we only make money if the building makes money right
(1:02:32) do you take an asset management fee a find uh acquisition fee anything so so typically we just do like a a piece of the rental as a to pay our staff for administration but otherwise it’s all a cost right yeah and then property management is that in-house is that third party it’s a bit of a blend so we have a team uh teams established and and then all the the cities and for the emergencies yes we leverage a property management company and calls but for the dayto day that’s our team doing the work it’s just because it’s uh I found that
(1:03:07) it’s um once we have a presence in the city and then we have our our own people that do the things that continue to repeat themselves like uh like cleaning and and the garbage and handyman and all that stuff it’s just a costs uh because of the the the size of the portfolio they get driven down quite a bit and you ear mentioned about like utilities and property taxes going up I imagine your payroll has inflated as well naturally with inflation the way it is it is it is but we’re you know what um actually over Co something weird
(1:03:46) happened uh before covid we are paying certain P amount of money per unit uh and then because everybody was talking about delays increasing costs we hyperfocused on how can we reduce the costs of of renovating each unit we actually brought our brought down the cost of our units by about 20% sorry repairs and maintenance or renovation of an entire unit wow what did you do so we just got a dedicated team and then um some of the suppliers eliminated some of the uh Middleman man from the from the suppliers so basically
(1:04:29) got more direct and then and then promised more volume which happened and it was just because there was just this fear of how we’re going to do this if if our costs escalate like crazy so just hyperfocused on that um how do I reduce costs there and they actually went down over a period of three years all right right which was odd I didn’t expect that right but it’s just trying to work with whatever you’re given yeah and sometimes it works out really well I’ve been saying lately on my like on my platforms how uh middle people are at risk with
(1:05:05) the way things are these days but I I feel like like I’m like I’m a middle person you know like uh meaning like you a middle people people like in the middle here trying to trying to survive like I always have this always have this uh you’re the asset owner how are you the middle person oh maybe maybe you talked about kind of like people people working towards to make a living and and and and to better their life situation no I don’t mean middle class middle class where people are in a lot of trouble if they don’t own assets but that’s not
(1:05:38) what I was getting at I was more getting at like um like i’ I’ve posted a couple times I think a lot of Realtors and mortgage people that service investors or okay they they at you know some of them are middle people and oh that’s what you mean okay I get it like they’re you know they get they’re they’re how they get paid just adds to the expense of the investor and there’s lots of investors looking to cost save costs especially if they get get more volume right why why not order 10 kitchens direct from the supplier at the same
(1:06:08) time yeah cuz you were you were already doing significant volume had you you have a lot of stuff so so we’re just going direct more and then and storing that stuff which uh which helped a lot mhm yeah you my friend Caleb West he’s he’s actually a he’s in construction so he told me about that like they were ordering containers directly from China from the manufacturer for their builds to and they save so much money there so many middle people got cut out yeah yeah You’ got to learn from the REITs right they order skids of flooring yeah at a
(1:06:43) time from China well these guys are ordering the guys are ordering shipping containers full of materials right directly from the manufacturers yeah that’s what that’s what I mean like a lot of middle people are at risk with just relationships technology right but for the smaller investor um kind of building relationships with your supplier I think will drive your cost down too MH like if you forecast okay I’m going to do I don’t know three units this year and and build that relationship I think you can kind of
(1:07:12) work with uh with people to to to bring your cost down too yeah yeah you know when product sales are coming up for example and if you have the ability to store yeah you know that can work yeah so Adam’s question was you okay we’re a little over time you’re okay sure sure adma’s question was what would you do today investing cuz again we have a lot of younger investors on the show who are like under the age of 30 say you have 100 Grand saved can I talk about mindset a little bit because I think that’s super super
(1:07:41) important because to me the the mechanics of it is the 20% and then 80% of is the mechanic is the is the mindset right and for me uh I underestimated how difficult it would be to trans I into into this from being like a right poor immigrant yeah right that that mindset shift took a lot of books mentors and and such so so I don’t know if if you know my story but I know your story listener doesn’t know we we please go ahead go ahead so we grew up in in Poland uh until I was uh 10 years old and what city what city it was uh G
(1:08:25) which is cities in in the north of Poland uh and it was Communist at the time so the economy was extremely unstable I remember going to the store that to buy an ice cream for 20 Z right which is their currency is a still a currency it is but it’s stabilized significantly because they entered the European Union in 2004 and they’re not in the Euro sorry no oh they’re still not in the Euro okay no yeah no we we’ll leave that aside why not but uh um so we used to go to the store and something would I remember for
(1:09:00) for for 10 get an ice cream and then it was like a like you know those machine made ice creams and then they added a bunch of water to it so if you if you tilted like 6° it would just like the version of Str flation right yeah water and the next day we go and then today cost 20 oh wait sorry over over over a day over a day over day today is 20 same water content or do they have that too same water no product didn’t get better or worse it didn’t get worse either just caused double and then you how that for inflation and then a week later it would
(1:09:38) cost 30 right so so I saw my parents like frantically whenever they got money cuz my my dad was a chief engineer on a cargo ship they would frantically spend it so quickly and we would wait in a like there was a lineup a huge lineup and products weren’t readily available you you would go to the meat shop and then there were rations and such so you couldn’t buy whatever you wanted and it was mostly stores were empty but there was a huge lineup it was a two-hour lineup and then my mom was like go go go go go kids go line up and I’m going to
(1:10:11) and then I’m going to go to the front line and see what they’re selling right so they were selling a TV just one type of TV and my dad’s okay we’re buying it and we had a TV but the TV wouldn’t lose lose value as quickly as the money so so we would buy anything like just anything to have like that’s more tangible right because the economy is so unpredictable and just cash burns your hands literally because you need to you need to buy whatever a bottle of vodka is better than having money because it’s always tangible right something and the
(1:10:54) US dollar was extremely expensive and uncommon in in Poland so it’s more about what kind of products can we get to and then and then because ideally you would have bought US Dollars over over a TV the best thing were were the the rejects prod the products rejected from the West so some factories made like these Nice Nice Clothing that would go to like the Western Europe but they were rejected by the manufacturer so they would sell in Poland it was just so nice and everything like that so people would buy that up like crazy but anyway my parents
(1:11:31) decided that enough is enough so somehow they it wasn’t easy to get passports so they I remember my my mom bringing like kilograms of coffee that my father bought outside of the country cuz he was like uh he was he was allowed one of the few people that are allowed to leave because he they were trading with India and Europe and and such right so he allowed to get off the ship yeah yeah people weren’t allowed to get off the ship uh no most people weren’t allowed to leave the country right right right yeah but
(1:12:01) because he had the job he was able to get off the ship and then actually buy foreign products so sorry I need the history lesson was it the neighboring countries that didn’t want to polish or your government was trying to keep you there the government was trying to keep people there because they would never come back right right yeah right so they wouldn’t let cuz living was so hard you’d seek other opportunity elsewhere exactly communism yeah so so when so I I I joke because when people say on social media Canada is
(1:12:28) going to the Communists like you’ve never lived under communism sorry continue you have so so then he would bring back like coffee and then products and I’m like why are you bringing so much and a lot of it was for for bribes right which so so we had this like big coffee my mom comes currency it’s my mom comes to passport office nobody could get passport and he like here you go he’s here’s a nice like whatever European coffee and boom we got passports a week later so you used it for currency a barter yeah basically but but everybody
(1:13:07) did it so it’s not like a well yeah cuz nobody wants the money what would you rather take people people were probably lining up for European coffee too not just TVs so that has value it’s a it’s it’s hard to imagine but uh but we all had enough food and everything like that like everybody body was well fed and such it’s just more about there’s no possibility of getting ahead there’s no savings right yeah let alone investing well that’s yeah how do you save you don’t want to save that currency it’s devaluing so we were so we
(1:13:40) were kind of my a parents said where we’re going on vacation to Norway mhm said Norway okay awesome so we’re on a way uh in a car my sister she was 16 uh I was 10 years old um and then one hour before the hitting the Border they said by the way we are we’re actually going to be escaping the country and I don’t know why you would tell a 16-year-old 10 yearold that military police and Border guards are an hour away that you’re actually leaving illegally yeah I wouldn’t told them but they did so my sister started crying
(1:14:16) because she left her boyfriend at home but somehow we got through and then we got to Norway and it was like a whole different world um we lived there for a little bit they didn’t let us stay there but then my dad got up we got we got an option to move to Australia and Canada and because my my dad’s had one University friend living in Canada that kind of set the rest of my life that’s why I’m here wow how Greatful your parents for Canada you know what it was uh it was a crazy journey and uh where I’m getting to this
(1:14:48) it’s just um keeping something in your life that kind of drives you and for me it it drives me because my father and my mechanical engineer chief engineer was delivering pizza pizza right when we got when we got to Canada and then also working in the factory and so humbling right because he’s uh he’s always kind of educated and very studious and uh you know delivering pizza for $2 tips Ian come on it’s so so crazy so so seeing that his skill is so needed here as a mechanical engineer I mean on a ship like that’s that’s
(1:15:22) massively needed here it is but it’s it’s not as easy right yeah so then later he he actually got into like Drafting and and such but uh but that um that kind of showed me that you know what this is kind of a crazy opportunity that I need to do more so it drives me every single day just to do more and be more so for younger people that are starting out just find something that drives you right even if it’s you know what life is short and we need to make things happen MH um do you want to struggle for the rest of your life or
(1:15:56) you want to make something right realize your so if someone has like some money you said 100 Grand they have yeah just look at uh buy something or anything with calculated risk I don’t even care where it is as long as it’s it’s good real estate that makes sense economically MH right I don’t um something that will bring cash flow though like you don’t get get into negative cash flow situations which I think a lot of people do in hopes that something will happen but a lot of that what happens if you buy a negative cash flowing property
(1:16:35) it’s it’s kind of tough on a psyche too because every every month you see kind of that money eroding away but you don’t necessarily see that property appreciating and appreciating is on paper and bank account is is real so something that will Propel you and then help you emotionally to to like the investment because if you’re cash flowing negative on a condo you’re going to hate that condo yeah and your spous is going tote you for doing that deal yes no matter what you think is going to be worth in 5 years and who knows what
(1:17:09) it’s going to be worth in 5 years I already spoke to someone who uh had two preconstruction condos I think he was losing 1,400 on them each and he lost his job oh that’s so hard right and so the point is if you if it’s negative cash flow it is so much more risk than a positive cash flow property yeah right cuz positive cash flow property you don’t have to worry about it absolutely I mean and if here it’s not possible maybe it’s possible somewhere else or even the us or or whatever but it’s got to be you got to have a healthy
(1:17:41) relationship with your investment yeah because it’ll keep your relationship with your partner healthy right and then there’s plenty of space in plenty of uh places in US and Canada where you can invest a 100 grand in cash flow for sure maybe it’s not in your backyard but but it could be somewhere else now what are you looking at doing in the states same thing so I’m uh like I’m I’m very disciplined and we’re looking at multif Family mhm because of the cap rates because of the opportunities uh I like the the states
(1:18:19) that um I think you do as well that have good tenant laws uh that are favorable to uh to landlords mhm so I I I I kind of like the diversify a bit outside of Canada do you have any uh what’s different about the US investing for you then versus what you’re doing locally are you finding better affordability because in general for example like the vacancy rates are higher generally in the states just generally than than in Canada I I mean I I I keep reading that the vacancy rate is shrinking in Alberta andon Calgary while while rents and
(1:18:53) prices are going up uh what do you do you have any Target markets or properties in m in the states so right now I don’t have any any specific spots we’re kind of looking at a few different ones but it will be the same kind of model where it’s value add 50 plus unit buildings uh and just continue to kind of crank those out but we’ll pick a location and I don’t like to kind of pepper uh my investments around because we we want to build up a team in that City and like I mentioned we have a blended team between property management
(1:19:27) and our people so we have to have some kind of scale in that City yeah so you’re going to build up you’re going to you’re going to scale in one location so same thing different city right right but there’s you know there is a little bit of a currency risk between because the currency May shift between Canadian and us right plus we’re not you know citizens or residents over there so things are a little bit more difficult to start up but not impossible like you’ve done it yeah passive investing in like you know my wife so she can help
(1:20:00) you give you some advice on that too yeah on the structure and stuff like that yeah so so same thing always uh kind of multif family same tenant type similar type of type of areas but uh I think it’s going to be exciting mhm you know because I’m excited yeah there there’s one Alberta and then in the US there are many albertas yeah I think people forget that as well like we have I think what what how many how many cities over Pop I think what we have three or four cities with population over 2 million in Canada
(1:20:30) whereas the states has lots of them yeah right you and I like big cities like there’s only so many big cities in Canada yeah yeah absolutely um now I I mentioned it I mentioned to you before uh uh another time we were talking about like uh because you belong to entrepreneur organization like I do yes who referred you to entrepreneurs organization originally uh you know what it was um uh um no one referred me oh you found on your own yeah someone someone kind of told me there might be an organization like it so I actually didn’t get
(1:21:03) referred into it um kind so the the so so someone from within the organization didn’t refer me okay into it the word of mouth got to you yeah yeah yeah and it’s a it’s a wonderful organization I like the fact that it’s a it’s more of a supportive uh Mastermind of SL community of people that uh that help each other to do business and then and then mean well are you reaching out to other EO members in the States on your on your us due diligence uh not yet not yet I’ve talked so I haven’t I’ve done it a little bit but not to this the
(1:21:46) point where just just starting to I would say that journey in in the US but I have done it in elsewhere like across Canada I know the finance chair for Atlanta in case you’re looking in in Georgia oh he he manages 800 doors his his business so okay okay good yeah and that’s the cool thing about having these community and network of nice people yeah because my experience with EO has been they’ve been like the the the frequency of nice people’s just extremely high right because you have to be more helpful and and and open and and and uh
(1:22:26) want to be so I was actually going to join a different uh different organization which I won’t mention uh nothing bad about them but they are more of a like a coaching strict kind of let’s get you to the next level but for me I wanted to be part of a community MH right because it’s uh it’s harder and harder to find people that are driven that have achieved something and that can that you can kind of collaborate with B ideas off mhm yeah and and then everyone’s been screened because to be part of EO you have to have a you a
(1:23:01) million dollars US Revenue right right so then they’ they’ve achieved something right and and again my my experience is people are really nice so and we don’t you don’t always find that everywhere you go it’s a unique Community it’s a unique Community I I would say it’s just uh because sometimes we and with our friends feel like a little bit of an odd ball because you’re doing all this stuff and then being driven and then coming up with new ideas all the time and then in that kind of environment everybody’s everybody’s
(1:23:35) kind of coming up with new ideas everybody’s talking about what they’ve done to develop themselves and then and then at the same time are super helpful too MH so uh no definitely an awesome Community yeah it’s been fun what a gem no and then you’re in the we call it Forum but outside people call it Mastermind groups and you’re in The Mastermind group form with my wife yes yes that’s that’s been very helpful it’s been uh it’s it’s a Greek group yeah yeah absolutely there’s nothing like people selflessly helping each other
(1:24:07) bonding and forming friendships yeah watch over for her when she’s when you guys are in Miami okay we’ll do amazing any final thoughts you want to share anything we haven’t covered uh you know what um uh I would say is um cold plunge real estate cold plunge I love cold plunging so I discovered it in U during Co and it’s uh I’ve read I I took a course and I read a book by this guy Wim Hof whof whof this crazy old guy but but it seems like he’s uh he’s special man I don’t know how he does it he’s in human yeah it’s it’s it’s kind of weird but I
(1:24:52) there seems to be science around it that is good the cardiovascular system um and you feel good and feels like oh it’s just a such an Euphoria when you leave the water and then there’s just this crazy energy around it it’s like you’re you’re high on your own dopamine it’s uh it’s pretty it’s pretty amazing feeling so I do it um one for health reasons but keep in mind you only need to cold plune for up to 2 minutes which sounds crazy but you can do it work your way up to it this is a medical advice folks you probably want to do
(1:25:27) this under supervision the first few times talk to your doctor whatever but I I try to always push the boundaries right because to see if I can stay longer and it’s more of a like a mental and I’m thinking sometimes like I take cold shower like I haven’t taken a hot shower um unless I’m sick in about 3 years and when I take that cold shower every morning I’m thinking if I can do this I can do any anything M so it’s more of a pickup I would say to to the day yeah so it’s part of my kind of workout Health routine cold
(1:26:03) plunging amazing continuously I imagine you’re doing this under supervision as well if you’re testing your limits like you can’t just pass out Lake Ontario Oh no no we do it in groups groups of people go it’s it’s all like a good environment where people have done it for for longer period of time so so no no no no just don’t go out start swimming in the middle middle of lake onario in the winter no if you want to look up like anything else you wanted to cover is before I throw a c plunging any final words I would say you
(1:26:35) know what what I hear a lot um from Real Estate in from from uh I guess working professionals you know what like I hate my job and then I’m in between jobs or whatever I can always do real estate um real estate especially at a bigger level it’s not not easy so it’s not easier than your job I actually think it’s a lot harder because there are more risks and such and if you do math you’ll know you’ll find it you’ll find out so so it seems like that the shows they made it there is like romance around it uh around real estate around flipping
(1:27:15) there’s no romance being a landlord sorry but it becomes I would say if you don’t like it it becomes old pretty fast so so thinking about like if you’re thinking about real estate investing to what degree do you want to get into it and why right is it to save up for a retirement is it to save up for your income but remember it’s not uh like I mean if it was easy everybody would own thousands of units but it’s not so um so putting aside the ego and saying no the number of units is just a number um but what I currently need and
(1:27:54) do I love to do in my life and what real estate what is it what role is it going to play in my life CU you want to be happy right that’s at end of the day everybody wants to be happy but if you’re let’s say doing something where you’re miserable then figure out another way to incorporate into into your life or not so don’t treat it as a as like an escape be conscious of because I hear this all the time oh you know what I don’t like my business I could always do real estate I heard flips are good God where did they learn that from not this
(1:28:33) show so so get into real estate it’s it’s amazing I mean so many people made money into and real estate I mean people don’t know but Arnold schwarzeneger I heard him speak and he he made when he was bodybuilding he was saving every money to every every dime to buy real estate and then that’s how actually how he got rich so he could choose the roles wisely and build his career as an actor to have choices yeah yeah he mentions it in that Netflix special on Arnold it’s actually really good have you seen it yeah SE yeah so I highly recommend
(1:29:09) everyone to do it because yeah like you said because he had cash flow he didn’t have to do roles he didn’t want to do where he was being like inappropriate roles or whatever yeah right so he could he could be choosy and you know whenever you’re whenever you have strength in negotiation that’s generally a good thing who who would say no to that to have strength in negotiation and look he wanted to build a life that he he liked yeah which was to be a Hollywood leading man yeah yeah yeah so that’s what I kind of encourage the audience to do too is
(1:29:39) think about how do I want to design the life and then does Real Estate fit into it and then how right versus the other way around I’m escaping from my job because I Hate My Boss he’s a you know whatever and I just I’m going to get into flipping and buy a yacht yeah yeah because the yacht will fix all your happiness issues right you have a yacht you have a Lambo don’t you screw the overhead no I don’t have a I leave I live simply I have everything I need in my life right now I don’t I don’t have a lot of stuff it’s
(1:30:13) just not my thing and then where can uh where can people I see there’s a schedule a call on your website so sorry for listeners benefit we have Mike’s website in our background M yeah Mike beard. C the best place and it that has link to all our uh like uh uh social media handles and and then such and but when they click schedule a call who do they get they get your cell phone or any time of the day or they get a form I would love to take and give people advice but uh there’s only so much time I have so no now going forward
(1:30:49) just tell people listen to the show but but definitely no do check out uh the website I have some educational material and such and then and then also info around the Investments we’re uh we’re doing now and then upcoming exciting stuff we’re doing in Alberta is any of that on the website right now uh the Alberta stuff no not yet okay and then uh can people find like past deals or something like definitely yeah past deals uh check out uh YouTube there’s a lot of uh I’ve been doing like hundreds of videos around educational for Real
(1:31:22) Estate mostly less specific stuff but more what I like kind of mindset how to kind of break through and then form your own journey into real estate investing and and apartment deals why they make sense Too part of it makes me makes me a real estate investor because I’m so scared because I I read a lot I’m familiar with economic collapses you know so then you know what are you doing to prepare yourself for these things and even more simply like the government keeps printing money like crazy I think I just saw uh the
(1:31:53) government created more over 5% more money in the last 12 months wow right so but this is experience talking because you’ve gone through Cycles you’ve done stuff that’s kind of hurt you a little bit and then benefited you so so you’re just a wiser investor right but I’ll even just say like uh like everyone’s experiencing inflation is anyone happy with where inflation is right now so the natural questions are how do I protect myself from inflation and then spoiler alert everything directs you to assets so pick
(1:32:27) one whichever one you want right yeah go out and buy TVs M’s joking fol don’t do it CU When you mentioned that I remember like like just for my age like I remember when when Grease was falling apart economically and people were running out buying everything that could in the Apple Store and appliances like stoves microwaves laundry machines it’s crazy they’re trying to get rid of their C their drma I Greek I think that’s the currency they’re trying to get rid of their currency into something that they could resell yeah cuz they couldn’t res
(1:33:05) because they didn’t were confident reselling their currency their own that’s what that’s what they did in communist Poland that’s exactly what they did but we just went there a couple months ago it feels like such a Western Country they’ve gone up and up and up and up and and it’s just uh you know what if I didn’t have family here or Investments business probably move there my point though is where I’m getting is like you know like that happened in Greece I’m pretty sure they’re first world country yeah right and so you know
(1:33:35) for me naturally like who how do I prevent this and like you know I’d rather much rather have gold than a laundry machine or an Apple iPad as my hard asset yeah right course right the course right or even Bitcoin again not getting into device but for large sums of money how does Real Estate not make sense yeah especially if you have a tenant like if it’s your own house nobody pays you rent it’s different but if you have a cash flowing property m i mean you make money so many different ways uh it’s a definitely a
(1:34:14) blessing and if real estate dips by 10% and goes up two years before that goes up by 40% please don’t cry okay it’s it’s like that uh that you know like uh we’re recording this uh today’s uh April 15th like just last week how like how like the Japan real estate market and currency just blipped right and dropped uh like I think that stock market dropped like eight or 10% one day did nothing to my real estate portfolio my real estate portfolio didn’t blink you know what I I get this Canadians are so used to real estate
(1:34:51) going up and up and up and up and up continuously that that just they’re in shock if it goes down by 5 or 10% Like 5% even and then their stocks will jump and crypto will jump up and down like crazy but if real estate dips by 5% we’re like what what is happening in this world that leads the conversation it seems right among Canadians that’s what the first thing they talk about they don’t talk about Bitcoin dropping under 50,000 us they talk about real estate yeah yeah we have it too good it’s too stable and that’s why foreign keeps
(1:35:24) coming here yeah all right one last time Mike um thanks Mike thanks so much for coming in doing thanks for having me no absolutely I’ve been looking forward to this was amazing thanks so much thanks so much thank you for watching if you want to learn how to invest in real estate from scratch my team teaches beginners how to use the number one investment strategy that I personally use in a virtual free training class every month go to investor training.
(1:35:54) com I publish at least two to three videos a week here so subscribe if you want to keep learning from seasoned investors like myself and my guests and if you’re just starting out feel free to ask questions and comment below and I do the best to answer each of those comments and questions myself again if you’re ready to learn the nitty-gritty about real estate investing from a professional investor register for our next virtual class that’s at investor


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Before you go, if you’re interested in what kind of properties I am looking at in the landlord friendly states of the USA please go to for what I consider the best investment for most Canadians, most of the time.

I’ve been investing in Ontario since 2005 and while it’s been a great, great run. I started out buying properties in the 100,000s and now it’s $800,000 to $1,000,000.  How much higher can it go? I don’t know

To me, the remaining potential for appreciation does not match the risk hence I’m advising my clients to look to where one can find rental properties that are affordable range of $150,000 to $350,000 US$, with rents that range from $1,400 to 2,600/month plus utilities.   As many Canadians recognize, these numbers will be positive cash flow and are night and day compared to anything locally. Plus the landlord has all of the rights, no rent control, and income is US dollars which are better than Canadian dollars.

If you don’t believe me, US dollars are better than Canadian dollars, go ask 100 non-Canadians which currency they prefer to be paid in.

So to regain control of your retirement planning.  Go to and check out what great cash flow properties are available in the USA.  

The best part is, my US investments will be much more passive compared to by local investments as I’m hiring an asset manager called SHARE to hand hold me through the entire process.  As their client and shareholder, Share will source me quality income properties, help me with legal structure and taxes, they manage the property manager and insurance provider while passing down to me preferred rates so I save both time and money.  

Share will even tell me when to strategically refinance or sell.  SHARE can even support investors all over the country for proper diversification hence my plan is to own in Tennessee, Georgia, and Texas.  Share is like my joint venture partner but I only have to pay them fees while I keep 100% ownership and control.

If your goal in investing is to increase cash flow, I don’t know of a better strategy for most Canadians most of the time.  One last time that’s to see what boring, cash flowing real estate investing can look like on your path towards financial peace.

This is how I’m going to make real estate investing great again for my family and hope you choose the same.  Till next time!

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This episode is brought to you by me! We don’t have sponsors for this show. I only share with you services owned by my wife Cherry and me.  Real estate investing is a staple in my life and allowed me to build wealth and, more importantly, achieve financial peace about the future, knowing our retirement is taken care of and my kids will be able to afford a home when they grow up.  If you, too, are interested in my systematic strategy to implement the #1 investment strategy, the same one pretty much all my guests are doing themselves, then go visit and register for our next event.

Till next time, just do it because I believe in you.



As a committed advocate for transparent and responsible real estate investment, I want to openly share my involvement with SHARE SFR (Single Family Rental) as an Advisor. I hold an equity position in this company and receive a referral commission for clients I introduce to their services. My endorsement of their business model – focusing on direct ownership of positive cash flow income properties – is consistent with my own personal investing since 2005, is based not only on a professional assessment but also on my personal experience and belief in their approach. Please note that while I stand behind my recommendations, it is crucial for each individual to conduct their own due diligence and consider their unique circumstances before making any investment decisions. As always, my priority is to provide you with honest, insightful, and practical real estate investment education.

College Instructor Invests in Real Estate: Duplexes, ABNB, 11 Plex

A broken Canada? No way. We’re richer than ever but tell that to young people who don’t have rich parents, living on their own paying rent. $1,800 for a basement apartment? Welcome to the Truth About Real Estate Investing Show for Canadians.  We’re a little podcast that started in 2016 with well over 300 episodes, each an hour long and these days, we have an unpopular opinion depending on where you stand.  

Friend of the show, Scott Dillingham, owner of Lendcity who can co-broker as in accept referrals from other mortgage professionals to aid their clients in obtaining US mortgages with US lenders beyond the Canadian banks has been signing and onboarding over 20 agents and brokers.

I spoke to some of those veteran mortgage agents and one of them said “I see no business case to invest in a Canadian investment property unless the parent is buying a student home for their kids to go to college or university for ten years”

What I love about mortgage professionals is they know numbers hence they’re fans of US income properties over Canadian ones and I’ve yet to have anyone want to debate me I’m wrong.

Sure, they’re is good business to be done flipping, wholesaling, and developing which are active businesses, hardly passive investing but I’ve yet to have anyone disagree with me that US long term rentals are better than Canadian ones.

For that reason, I have a bad feeling for investor focussed real estate realtors and mortgage professionals going forward.  My advice to my clients is to diversify to the US, hold, maybe sell some Canadian properties if they’re unable to hold them or they no longer serve them.

I could be wrong but based on the information we have right now… for example, my colleague Tim Hong posted a reel to his instagram showing the difference between tenanted, 3 bedroom properties and vacant or owner occupied 3 bedroom properties in Kitchener-Waterloo.  Tenanted properties were selling for on average $60,000 less than non-tenanted properties and took 65% longer to sell: 38 days on market vs 23.  


This current market is telling us they value rental properties less than regular properties.  We are seeing the same even for vacant, legal duplexes in Hamilton.  My investment thesis was the house with the basement apartment aka mortgage helper would be the most desirable property as it would be more affordable than a single dwelling home.  Live in one unit, rent out the other but no, the market doesn’t want to be a landlord.

That may change as rates are cut further but the math is the math. Income properties in the USA have better numbers with less tenant risks, no rent control, no landlord tenant board.  To me, the more Canadian investors get educated on how easy it is to invest in the USA, the better so they can avoid the troubles I’ve had from three basement floods and four visits to the Landlord Tenant Tribunal, easily one of the most depressing places to me. 

And I can’t wait to lead the journey for many.  Speaking of, we are back on September 17th with an all new Free Training, a 101 of real estate investing to now incorporate the best practices of both local real estate investments vs. USA.  I’ll got more into detail about the house I bought in San Antonio, Texas for $120 per square foot or $265,000 for 2,200 square feet and $2,300 rent per month.  I’ll share my latest from my economic research including which market we’ve taken off the list for top areas to invest in which will again be an unpopular opinion but we can as we at SHARE can service all of the USA so we may cherry pick the best markets for the best returns.

“A Broken Canada? No way. We’re wealthier than before the pandemic…”  Some brighter news as per the headline of a recent Toronto Star article.  House owners and those with stock portfolios are generally better off than before the pandemic in terms of net worth.  I have no argument there. Where I disagree is in every conversation I have with someone from the real estate community or anyone younger than me with limited assets. They all complain about the lack of affordability and how they can make more money and pay less tax elsewhere.  Usually the USA or Dubai.  For lifestyle, I hear a lot about Mexico, Costa Rica or southern Europe.  The grass may seem greener on the other side but the truth is, we all know talented people who are investing outside of Canada, preparing to leave, or have left. Am I leaving? Just my capital.  I doubt my kids stay in Canada after University but they may have to leave for university as it’s so competitive to get into our excellent programs here while spots are reserved for international students.

Sadly, I won’t be surprised if my kids have to be international students somewhere outside Canada.

College Instructor Invests in Real Estate: Duplexes, ABNB, 11 Plex

Speaking of education, we have a college instructor on this week’s show! Brian Gordon is an old friend of mine from years ago, he works full time for the largest appraisal company in Canada, if not North America in Management.  Prior to that he worked as a Senior Property Tax Analyst for one of Canada’s largest REITs, if not the biggest.


Brian has been methodically growing his own real estate portfolio over 7 years consisting of duplexes, a AirBnb in Blue Mountain, more recently an 11 plex development where he’s adding two additional units.

As mentioned Brian is the course creator and instructor of “Real Estate Investment Strategies” at George Brown College, a comprehensive, yet affordable course which is one of the big reasons why I wanted him on the show.  Real estate investing is largely about return on investment and that includes one’s education.  This course is only $392.24 for 20 hours including private 1 on 1 consultation time with Brian.  What an absolute steal.


Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed recording this episode for you all to learn Brian’s tips and tricks so we may all improve our own businesses and you’ll want to hear about where Brian’s next investments will be and his views on Canadian opportunities.

Please enjoy the show!

Follow Brian on Instagram:

To Listen:

** Transcript Auto-Generated**

(00:00) a broken Canada no way we’re richer than ever but tell it to young people who don’t have Rich parents living on their own paying rent 1,800 for a basement apartment yes that’s what I’m asking for my basement apartment not just one bacon welcome to the truth about real estate investing show for Canadians where’re a little podcast that started in 2016 with well over 300 episodes we’re probably approaching 350 by now each an hour long and these days we have an unpopular opinion depending on where you stand on the future for real EST investing in
(00:31) Canada friend of the show Scott dilam owner of Len City who can broker as in he can accept referrals from other mortgage professionals to who want to help their clients obtaining us mortgages with us lenders uh beyond the Canadian Banks um appreciate that Canadian Banks still use your local credit which most of us real Real Estate Investors don’t want to because we’re all tapped out anyways uh Scott’s been on boarding and signing uh a numerous number of mortgage professionals agents and Brokers so anyways I spoke to some
(01:02) of them uh just this past last week and one of them said uh again these are veterans uh to quote to quote Bill he said I see no business case to invest in a Canadian investment property unless the parent is buying a student home for their kids to go to college or university for 10 years end quote what I love about mortgage professionals is they know numbers hence they’re fans of well Bill and uh Dory and I are on a call because they want to learn more about us income properties because they’ve seen the numbers that we off that we’re that
(01:38) our clients are doing at share o over the Canadian deals that they they’re used to looking for and uh just quick side note I’ve yet to have anyone debate me uh that uh that I’m wrong anyways uh so there so yes I agree there is good business be done in flipping on repositioning properties wholesaling developing which are all much more active businesses or Investments so it’s hardly passive so again I agree with all those things there’s tons of that to be done I’ve seen I have lots of past guests of the show who are making making hay on those
(02:18) types of businesses um if you don’t believe me just look at you know half my past guess anyways uh but again I’ve yet to have anyone disagree with me that us long-term rentals uh are better than Canadian Mones pretty much again if you PLL Canadian investors these days there’s almost no one buying something that has long-term rental attached to it uh for that reason uh I have a bad feeling for investor focused real estate uh realter and uh mortgage professionals going forward my advice to my clients uh for many reasons uh other
(02:55) than just the state of the the Canadian Market is to diversify to the US hold uh maybe even sell some of their Canadian properties if they’re unable to hold them or if they no longer serve them uh I could be wrong I admittedly I could always be wrong but the I’ve been generally right on these long-term trends uh based on the information we have right now um for example uh my colleague Tim uh Tim Hong who on my team a member of Rockstar real estate like myself uh he posted a real on his Instagram showing the difference between
(03:26) ATT tenanted three-bedroom properties uh that are are vacant owner occupied again these are three bedroom properties in Kitchen warl Cambridge he he was showing stats comparing uh tenanted or occupi sorry tenanted properties versus vacant or or occupied properties the tenanted properties were selling for an average of $60,000 less than nonr tenanted properties and they took 65% longer to sell that’s 38 days on Market versus 23 and this is just what happens to sell now that’s not these aren’t perfect comparisons but that gives you an idea
(04:02) on what the market thinks about tenant properties so uh I posted I posted uh screen capture in the link in the show notes so you can grab it there or you can follow my my my colleague I recommend that you do follow Tim Hong on Instagram because honestly he’s hilarious and he tells it like it is which is why we get along so well uh the current market is telling us that they they they Value Rental Properties less than regular properties we are even seeing the same for vacant legal duplexes in Hamilton uh my investment my
(04:31) my investment thesis was the host with the Bas in our apartment AKA in in the west they call a mortgage helper I I always thought it would be the most desirable property as it would be more affordable than a sing than a regular single dwelling home live in one unit rent out the other but uh based on the market that we’re in today the market does not want to be a landlord of long-term rentals and then in general a lot of these markets are are quite against uh airb be short-term rentals in general uh so that may be the case may
(05:05) change once we have rate cuts and the market goes back to being nuts uh but the current math is the current math income properties in the USA have better numbers with less tenant risks no rent control no landlord ten boore uh to me the more investors the more conventing investors get educated on how easy it is to invest in the USA the better uh the better for them so they can avoid honestly the troubles I’ve been through I’ve had three basement uh three basement’s flood I’ve had four visits personally where I’ve had to go visit to
(05:35) the landlord tenant Tribunal for tenant issues for nonpayment of rent for tenant vandalism uh and if you’ve never been to the LTV before that’s a short term for it it’s easily one of the most depressing places to be uh so again I can’t wait I’m having so much fun in my work I cannot wait to lead the journey for many uh speaking of we are back on September 17th with an all new free training uh a 101 of real estate investing uh style to now incorporate the best practices of both local real estate investing and the USA I’ll go into more
(06:10) detail uh about the property I just bought in St San Antonio Texas uh so on they actually list uh my property as having 2,200 fet I paid 265 for the house for all you condo investors out there you all know square foot costs so the math says I bought my house at $120 us per square foot how’s that compared to condos which are $ 13 to $1,800 a square foot oh also my rent is $2,300 per month I’ll share that my latest economic research including which markets which Market we recently took off our list to invest in which will
(06:51) again be an unpopular opinion uh but uh we at share we have no geography bias because we basically service the entire country um so if you can service the whole country why not just cherry pick the best markets with only Mark with Market leaders in their Industries making historic levels of investment to me it’s a very pragmatic decision a broken quote a broken Canada no way were wealthier than before the pandemic end quote uh some brighter news as per for the headline that is the headline of a recent tal Star article house owners and
(07:29) those with stock portfolios are generally better off now than they were before the pandemic in terms of net worth I have no argument there I person my client vast majority of my clients and I have benefited greatly U by holding properties since the p since before the pandemic started where I disagree though is that every conversation I have with someone in the real estate Community or anyone younger than me with limited assets they all complain about the lack of affordability um for anyone who’s a parent they all
(07:59) are concerned for their kids uh due to the lack of affordability um a lot of folks know they can make more money in the states or they have friends who are already leaving in Canada or have already left because they’re make they can go make more money in the states uh they can and there’s many places in the world they can pay more less tax maybe not many but generally the conversation centers around the USA or Dubai uh for lifestyle I’m hearing more and more Canadians are going to Mexico Costa Rica or even southern Europe the grass may be greener
(08:28) on the side but the truth is we all know talented people who are investing outside Canada for sure there’s t i we have my phone won’t stop bringing FK on on folks interested in investing outside of Canada there some folks are preparing to leave some have already left I was just the I was just chatting with uh friends who had moved to Florida and the question comes back to am I leaving right now just my capital is leaving uh based on the world today the way things are in Canada today I don’t expect my kids to stay in Canada
(08:58) after University uh for the same reasons I mentioned it before uh and uh and the other thing is I’ve spoken to a lot of parents who have kids in high school and they all tell me that the good programs here in Canada at our wonderful universities they’re really hard to get into like 90s 95s High 90s to get in honestly I don’t think my I don’t know if my kids have that in them uh and also where our local kids are having to compete with uh SP uh with International students a lot of stud spots are saved for international
(09:32) students so uh the writing’s on the wall I’m at least mentally preparing myself that my kids will have to be International students themselves as in they won’t go to school in Canada uh for College University sadly uh speaking of Education oh we have a college instructor on this week’s show Brian Gordon is an old friend of mine from years ago I believe we met both I think we first messed each other at rain uh he works full-time for the largest appraisal company in Canada if not North America in a management position uh I’ve
(10:06) linked his his LinkedIn in the show notes if you want to know who it is we’re we’re not naming it because we’re not we’re not here to promote his employer anyways prior to that he works for as a senior property tax analyst for one of Canada’s largest REITs if not the biggest uh you know working for the re that is owned by one of Canada’s biggest million billionaires again you can get the details on on uh Brian’s LinkedIn uh Brian has been methodically growing his own real estate portfolio over a 7-year period consisting of a dup a collection
(10:36) of duplexes an Airbnb in Blue Mountain and more recently an 11px uh development in Branford Ontario where he’s adding two additional units so super cool um adding value that’s typically a good way to go uh as mentioned Brian is a course creator and instructor of it’s called Uh real estate investment strategies at George Brown College a comprehensive yet affordable course which is one of the big reasons why I wanted to have him on the show real estate investing is largely about return on investment and that includes what one the dollars one
(11:08) invests in one’s education Brian’s the course that Brian teaches it’s only $392 24 cents uh and I’m pretty sure there’s government stuff out there that uh that will that will help you make this even cheaper it’s a 20-hour course and it includes some private one-on-one consultation Time with Brian that Brian will in the show what an absolute steal uh I’ve got a link in the show not show notes for this course again it’s real estate investment strategies uh online and if you add George Brown when you’re Googling you’ll find it that’s how I
(11:42) found it needless to say I thoroughly enjoyed recording this episode it’s always a pleasure to speak to folks who are very very well-versed in real estate investing again he’s been in full-time his day job is working in analyzing properties for over 10 years uh so you better believe Brian knows what the deal looks like and we need more of those folks in this community so anyways we’re going to learn Brian’s tips and tricks so we may all learn uh for ourselves to add so we may improve our own businesses Brian recently returned from
(12:16) Mount Everest or yeah I think that’s right uh inde he did kgal recently as well so he he’s here to share these absolutely extreme experiences and again talk about my favorite subject real estate investing uh and of course we you want to hear about Brian’s next Investments uh what his views are on the Canadian opportunities please enjoy the [Music] show hi Brian what’s keeping you busy these days what’s keeping me busy um I’d say probably my garden Suite that I’m working on right now um first time ever doing a garden Suite you know I think
(12:59) it’s the city of Toronto um introduced it what was it last year um changing zoning so I’m working on a converting a detached garage into uh one-bedroom Garden Suite so very excited about that project it’s my first Garden Suite ever so a lot a lot of learnings with that but very excited about that project now tell us some more uh are you is it going to be two unit one unit how you financing it yeah yeah great question so it’s going to be uh one unit it’s about 400 square feet so what makes the numbers work with this particular
(13:32) project is because I know a couple other investors that are building Garden suites and have built Garden Suite but on average you’re spending about $350,000 for a garden Suite give or take I know people Sor are you’re tearing down the garage so no so what makes my numbers work and what makes it make what makes it make sense is that I’m going to use my existing detach garage got it and convert that into the one bedroom so my all-in cost is going to be approximately $160,000 and that’s hard and soft cost so Renovations the hard cost is going to be
(14:04) about $130,000 and then soft cost and then I’m going to add you know I’m building a shed but anyways there’s some other ancillary things that I hadn’t expected um to or I didn’t budget for but roughly it’s going to be about 160,000 right and this particular property it’s a triplex in Toronto the young and fut exting Triplex then the the garage will be a fourth unit exactly sorry yeah no no the garage is going to be a fourth unit that’s right and so it’s a great location I should be able to get rents upwards of
(14:34) $2,400 plus utilities um and I had one of my property managers come out to you know take a look at the property and give me their you know their perspective on rents and so on so he said anywhere from 22 to $2,400 Daisy and so it makes sense so if I’m all in at $160,000 and you know my financing is at say 6% interest only it makes sense and you know as we all know interest rates have started to come down um there’s been two what interest rate decreases in the past what month or two yeah so and two more expected this
(15:11) year yeah exactly at least two more expected this year so it makes sense what I don’t think makes sense is building a garden suite and spending $350 to $500,000 and getting 26 $2,700 for rents right um and what but a lot of people are promoting it these days a lot of people are promoting this year and I have friends that done it and what I like with what I’m doing is and that’s was a this was an idea from my property manager is I think this property the specific property will will help with that missing middle um you’re not going
(15:42) to be able to put a family in there but you’ll be able to put a couple for you know a couple one or two people and it’s going to be relatively affordable um versus you know spending $35 $33,700 for a two or three bedroom Garden Suite right so I could have built a 2 or three bedroom Garden Suite 800 ft um but that would have cost me probably upwards of $350 to $400,000 right so I opted to just stick with the shell yeah spend $160,000 that increases affordability for many people and it just it just makes more sense so it’s a lot more
(16:18) affordable and it’ll attract a lot more people and that was kind of my rationale for sticking with the existing detach garage and not tearing it down and starting from scratch any feedback from the existing tenants in yeah Sorry’s up with that yeah oh yeah great question so that’s been a challenge dealing with tenants so anyone that has invested before and has done Renovations where there’s existing tenants there’s always going to be issues and I’ve done that with my first projects about seven years ago and I promised myself I would never
(16:48) do it again I had no choice because it’s a Triplex so I’m not going to get rid of all the tenants U myself included so there are challenges so one one of the things that happened is when I was getting the trench dug to put in the piping the contractor ran over one of my tenant bikes so warped the bike yeah and so my tenant showed me he was good about it he’s like you know I wasn’t going to make it a big deal but you know it’s going to cost quite a bit so I told him don’t worry about it just invoice me go get it fixed invoice me and I’ll pay for
(17:18) it um you know my uh the again when the trench was getting dug the contractor blocked in my tenant cuz my tenant didn’t move his car yet and so my tenant’s car was there and he couldn’t use it and he had to go out so I said you know I’m a very reasonable landlord and I believe in treating people fairly so I told my I told my tenant look if you need to go out take an Uber give me the invoice and I’ll pay for it right because you want to keep good tenant relations right um so I’ve had challenges with that and you know my my
(17:47) projects already should have been done technically this week but I’m only at the point where I’ll probably be calling for inspections early next week so I’m probably halfway there so I’m way behind schedule but again that being said when a contractor tells me a Project’s going to be done in a month I budget for two months so although I’m behind scheduled based on what he projected I in my mind I’m more or less on track I’m a little behind but I’m still more or less on track and neighbors been okay with this
(18:15) cuz you have right you have right to do this absolutely by you can do this yeah by right you can do this in the city of Toronto which is awesome and my neighbors actually have been awesome so my neighbor to my right he owns there’s a sixplex on the right side um of where I live and he’s very very nice guy and you know my my contractor damaged the fence right so he was very good about he didn’t even mention it I told him I’ll fix it um and actually I got to know him a lot better which is nice um but yeah there’s been no issues with with uh
(18:45) fantastic with tenants yeah sorry was not tenants my neighbors which has been good I don’t know if we mentioned for listeners benefit you live in the triplex yeah so I live in the top unit so when I purchased a Triplex 2 years ago two years ago yeah about two years just over two years ago the main the top floor was vacant um so I renovated it gutted it um almost to the studs and refinish the entire unit oh wow so it’s a 1200t unit it was a two-bedroom unit I then converted it into a 2+ one um beautiful unit my contractor did a
(19:19) fantastic job and um yeah so I live on the top unit and the main and the basement unit are currently rented MH and because it’s City Toronto that’s why you can get at these kind of rents you’re probably not far from the subway no so I’m probably a 10-minute walk to Finch Station amazing and then probably about 11 minute walk to North York Center so yeah so that’s why I can get these great rents because you know an older two-bedroom apartment would is renting for about $2,600 whereas I just rented my basement
(19:49) a two-bedroom basement about 800 ft um for 24 plus utilities right so those rents are pretty good amazing yeah because your walk score is probably like 99 exactly exactly walking score to everything shops like you said transit entertainment very cool now we’ve we’ve talked micro I want to talk to my backup now now um what I like about you as a guest is you your entire career has essentially been in real estate including your education can you can you share about that sure so I went back to school as a mature student probably
(20:25) about 12 years ago and so I got laid off from my job I used to work for the Law Society and I knew I wanted to go back to school I just didn’t know what program I wanted to take and so I scurried through all the colleges universities real estate has always been a passion of mine since I my early 20s and I wasn’t necessarily looking for a real estate program but I wanted to finally take a program that would interest me so anyways long story short I started looking at a number of programs and I found this program that
(20:56) was offered through the University of British Columbia and senica college it was a joint program and I started looking at the courses and they all resonated with me so it was like um real estate investment analysis um property tax and Appraisal property tax and assessment uh law courses real estate law and so it just it to me it was a no-brainer it was a two-year program but because I had um previous gone to University and college before I was able to accelerate it and do it in eight months right and uh which means so l
(21:29) courses yeah so less exactly less courses it was it was still tough though I think I was taking six to seven courses a semester okay versus normal is like five yeah versus normal so you’re like 20 40% more workload exactly so it was intense like I didn’t see my family for eight months it was insane but it was totally worth the sacrifice and so with that graduated with um that diploma certificate from UBC in property tax and assessment so I’m technically a qualified appraiser I can go and start appraising properties
(21:58) if I wanted to right now I work for an appraisal company I decided not to go that route um as soon as I finished school I was hired by one of the larger reachs yeah um so a big one yeah big one so Choice proper they used to be called Canadian Real Estate Investment Trust but they were bought by Choice Properties so they’re you know gayen Weston they own all the Shoppers Drug Mars the LA Blas Etc um throughout Canada so they’re huge R um one got be one of the biggest oh yeah by far they’re one of the biggest if not the
(22:27) biggest now since the merger and so they own office Towers commercial properties they own industrial again right across Canada so they’re Coast to Coast so I used to work in the property tax and assessment uh department so I’d manage Consultants do the budgets for property tax um related I do forecasting for future um developments when they’re finished you know how much they were pay in property taxes um but what again what was cool though what I got excited about is the fact that my vice president was the vice president of developments and
(22:56) so he was in charge of all the acquisitions and dispositions so I was sitting with all the guys that were buying properties that were you know budgeting for huge developments you know $2 billion office properties commercial properties so I was in that group so I got to see it hear it and again I’ve always loved real estate always passionate about real estate so I learned a ton you know just by being there and you know being around those guys and uh yeah so from there I got recruited um to one of the companies
(23:27) that does the assessment and um um assessment in Ontario um from actually one of my former professors um she was the vice president there and I got recruited from her and then so I moved over there and yeah so I’ve been with so what what year was that mov that year was 2015 December 2015 you’re making me age myself or when um for the listener’s benefit we have we need to justify your reason to be here absolutely why did you listen so yeah so December 2015 I started at um this assessment organization and I’ve been there for 8
(24:00) and a half years in management and a senior management position now oh sorry just for the listen benefit for privacy reason we’re not naming it but it’s a big one that everybody knows yeah absolutely absolutely absolutely um you know I’m not there on I’m not here on their behalf which is why I’m not going to name it but but yeah they’re the biggest in North America okay right and uh so yeah so I is a it’s a National Organization right no provincial provincial okay so every province has their own jurisdiction and
(24:30) even some provinces it’s broken down by municipality so but again we’re the largest in North America I believe definitely Canada but I’m pretty certain in North America right and then what what kind of real estate did you assess all of it any Farm everything so every single property type in Ontario so Farm um office Towers you know TD Tower downtown Sky doome yeah so failing marks for anyone who can’t guess who this is but basically basically you can easily Google it you can easily Google me right um but yeah they’re they’re
(25:06) they’re huge and you know again so I’m I love real estate passion about real estate this allowed me to be in the real estate industry from a different perspective because I work in stakeholder relations um there but and it’s good relations and to me that’s my when people ask you what’s your superpower it’s to me it’s it’s relationship like I’m a relationship person you know naturally I enjoy people I’m able to build relationships with people very naturally easy and so that’s you know it’s no surprise at my day job I’m in I
(25:39) guess stakeholder relations amazing yeah that’s cool so yeah you’ve seen lots of stuff yeah seen lots of stuff like I said my background educational background um is in real estate assessment Taxation and of course you know I’ve been a real estate investor I’d say seriously for about nine years um and and yeah so I I have the Practical I guess and the theory mhm behind what I do and your day job isn’t it yeah and you’re paid lots of money to do this stuff yeah I get paid decent I got paid decent definitely I have no
(26:09) complaints uh sorry quick question about the UBC synica program is it still around yeah absolutely it is around actually I met with the coordinator of the program a month ago cuz I started a scholarship um at the program I started it a couple months ago actually it was one of my goals this year um in honor of my brother who passed away years ago in a car accident s so thanks so I so I started a scholarship on on his behalf and I was just met with the dean for a coffee who’s a lovely person and uh we were just catching up so because again
(26:42) the program was like you said it’s still around very beneficial did a ton for me from a career standpoint yeah um and just I I can’t see enough about the program right right because before we recording we were talking about like private education around this and coaching programs and how you know they can range from like 10 to 35,000 I’ve seen yeah per year versus like how much do you think this how much is the UBC course for example uh the program probably you’re probably looking at I don’t know maybe two grand two three grand a semester I’m
(27:13) sure inflation but still you know say you spend 10 grand for the two semesters if you do the accelerated program which is what I did you’re you’re almost guaranteed a job right basically they have like a 90% um chance that you’ll get a job when because such huge demand and it’s such a niche industry so you can either do inhouse property tax for a major re you can work for an assessment jurisdiction you can work for as an appraiser you can work as a consultant for property tax like you have a lot of opportunities and because the industry
(27:44) is so Niche there’s just not a lot of people right I actually have this conversation with a lot of investors when they like they tell me about what they’re paying for coaching whatever and then they’re they want to they want to do a development project and learn on the job I’m like yeah why not just get a job yeah and then not risk your credit and capital in like your home which is often the security for the development yeah yeah no absolutely like you can go learn on someone else’s dime and get paid for it well that’s it so but you’re right
(28:11) though right cuz it’s a it’s a win-win you’re learning you’re getting paid for it and you know most people I would argue and the best way to learn is learn by doing right and so you get to learn on someone else’s dime yeah you get paid yeah you mentorship it’s all part of the job you don’t have to pay for it exactly so to me it’s a win-win right right um and which is kind of how it worked out with me fortunately um especially at at the re right yeah so you you you have a wealth of knowledge to apply to your own
(28:41) portfolio so tell us about tell us about what are you investing sure so so this is your own portfolio yeah so my own personal portfolio that I built over the past seven years consists of several triplexes in Pickering and ashaa specifically um so you know the Ty go buy a detached property at a legal secondary Suite so I have several duplexes in again aswa Pickering I have a Airbnb in Blue Mountain that’s worked out really well I bought that about seven years ago8 minutes yet I paid $250,000 for a three bedroomroom four
(29:15) bath town home and uh 9 minute walk to the Village my actually my son and his friends are there right now sorry for the listeners benefit this is our I don’t really want to say it but it’s like a equ it’s Ontario’s equivalent to Whistler yes yeah Fair yeah fair not as nice but not as nice not not world class skiing but you know Ontario is really populated so they get a ton of people up there it’s a huge tourist destination humongous huge and so with that prices have you know more than tripled since I bought it so I I that property that was
(29:48) more luck than anything else and so I bought that with some investors so that worked out really well um I have a that Triplex that I’m converting now to a fourplex Young and Finch which which I bought two years ago I have a 11 unit building in Brandford where I bought with my partner and I we currently adding two more units so the property is more or less stabilized now which is awesome we bought that just under a year ago we bought that last year August closed on it last year August and we’re just working on like I said we have
(30:20) permits for the 12th unit we’re working on we’re getting a we applied for a minor variance for the 13th but that should go through and then we’ll be able to add two more units to that are these additions or within the existing envelope yeah so so one of them is we’re converting the washer the the laundry room laundry room thank you to a unit and then so that’s in the existing envelope and so we’re relocating the laundry room into the hallway the hallway is massive it’s a waste of space so we’ll close it off and add the washer
(30:51) and dryers there and then the other one we’re adding on top of the um existing envelope of the property so cost a bit more but okay so it’s like a top up exactly exactly how much is a topup cost so we don’t have many people doing top-ups in we’re budgeting about 160 grand for it because it’s going to be a small unit so it shouldn’t cost too much really cuz we’ll make the building is Brick but we’ll just use vinyl for this for the side we’ll put it off to the side so it won’t cost too much okay um how long does that take and there many
(31:21) contractors that do this yeah yeah so we’re we we’re still in the process of getting quotes because we’re still W we’re still waiting for the minor variants um but we got a quote for the first one I think we budgeted 70 grand for the first one because we’re using the existing envelope it’s it’s like a 400 square feet property around there and um so that’s not going to cost a lot Plumbing is already there electrical is already there it’s just about running um further plumbing and of course your framing your studs your drywall Etc
(31:50) kitchen bathroom exactly exactly IKEA style right um so that’s so that’s ongoing U my part George he takes the majority of lead on that so shout out to George and U also Sir George is more like the like the operations guy yeah he’s the operations guy so it’s interesting we so we’re both active investors and I’ve never I’ve never been a passive investor in my life so when we decided to team up to do this project you know we were talking back and forth you know who’s how do we do this right and I reached divide up the work right so I reached
(32:20) out to one of my mentors um ask him like you know you know how should we divide it how should we do it what are your thoughts and I got and he the exact same thing so the long story short is he takes most of the lead you know I provide you know my expertise in terms of knowledge um you know resources where he needed but he does a lot of the boots on the ground work which looking back at it now I’m glad I live in Toronto yeah bf’s a little far for you far for me much closer for him and traffic’s horrendous traffic’s horrendous and it allows me to
(32:51) continue working on my projects allows me to continue teaching and do all the great things that I really prefer to do yeah things you enjoy exactly and it’s a different tenant profile right and that’s one of the things what do you mean between braford and Toronto evening but even but even just the product type right so everyone touts multif family and multif family is great but you with multif family unless the property is in Toronto and even Toronto has sketchy multif family um um tenants but the tenant profile is just very different
(33:26) yeah for 11 unit in Brandford will be different than a duplex in aswa very different very different right like asosa you have workingclass people they’re not going to skip out on on your rent assuming you know you you you screen properly um I’ve never had an issue with a tenant in terms of R paying rent whereas Branford again totally different tenant profile apartment um but you’re also assuming these tenants you didn’t place them exactly totally different yeah so we got I think three or four units were vacant when we got it
(33:56) and now it’s fully stabilized which is is great we’re getting great rents um so right you know things are looking good but still different tenant profile which well an 11 unit in ashaa would likely have a similar profile to Brandford absolutely versus the duplex because the rents are in the duplex are way higher so again the price point kind of filters out your like well sort out your demographic yeah exactly price point and and and your T target audience with a duplex you’re going to get a small family one kid maybe two again they’re
(34:24) not going to skip out on on your rent you know in the middle middle of the night and do a and dash right you’re not going to get that generally speaking I’m generalizing but you’re not going to get that type of tenant profile with a duplex um whereas 12 Unit in ashaa or brenford some of those tents have probably been there forever exactly exactly so some like be on government assistance and again I’m generalizing stere for sure you get talking from my experience you get that and that’s why for me I’m decided to stick with you
(34:56) know like singles duplex Triplex because of the ten yeah and what I’m looking for in life yeah like yeah I the same thing like I think everyone should just um Define who they want as their Customer because you’re going to be they’ll be part of your life yeah so if if if certain people you don’t want to be part them to be part of your life then maybe that’s not for you agree like for example like in an 11 Plex in Branford so I’ll use my own experience like if it was an 11 Plex in Hamilton you know probably half the
(35:24) units the tend to smoke which is their right I don’t like smoke so I don’t want to be there so that’s why it’s not part of my strategy yeah and we had that same issue too when we moved in for months tenant smoking your Tri no not no not the Trix no in the uh Branford got it yeah all right so to your point my in my Triplex I have young the true definition of like young professionals just both graduated from um UFT master’s program got jobs before they graduated and working I think for celestica and oh they’re making good
(35:59) money though yeah yeah both making good money young tech people um yeah and my other tenant is an engineer yeah right so totally different tenant profile right which I prefer I want I want peace in my life yeah yeah right and again I don’t I I am passionate about real estate but I’m more passionate about traveling and spending time in family so amazing that’s my focus okay we need to take the travel but I still need to get the George Brown can I say that yeah yeah of course absolutely yeah how do you end up teaching college yeah so so
(36:30) great question something that I didn’t expect I would do too so one of my best my best friend uh we we go out once a month we’ll have dinner we’ll talk about life like everyone else business Etc and I told him that I want to create a a program and a real estate program for um new investors and I’m thinking about may maybe not sure how I’ll set it up would I do a workshop on the weekend like many other investors um but I wanted to teach it at a college and he was like yeah that’s a great idea he’s like well I’m uh you know I teach
(37:03) at George Brown and I can connect you and I’m like oh my gosh I forgot that you teach there right so the next day it’s it’s a part-time thing for him too totally yeah yeah he he doesn’t teach you anymore he actually he facilitates the the um he’s just one of the coordinators so he built um an HR program there and so he he connected me with the dean of continuing education and we had a like a three-hour conversation back in um your first conversation was 3 hours about 2 hours about a 2our conversation we hit it off
(37:35) still long yeah we hit it off really nice guy he was totally um interested and and in what I was going to going to uh offer in terms of you know the Target and George Brown doesn’t have a program like that and I don’t think any college has a program like that and um so he looked me up you know he did some research on me I could tell he went on my LinkedIn profile and obviously wanted to make sure I was credible and you know did some other due diligence and then he called me back a couple weeks later and he’s like yeah we’d love to have you
(38:02) teach so I developed the program the curriculum and uh that took several weeks and then I started teaching so the course is geared to new investors and the reason I did that is selfishly is because I know when I was in my early 20s you know internet wasn’t as readily available as it was you know I had no one to go to you know I guess the typical immigrant parents they were trying to you didn’t have a smartphone that used access the internet no not at all and I didn’t have anyone in my circle that I could use as a mentor or
(38:34) leverage and so that’s why I wanted to create this program that could be a starting block for new investors right um like someone like the 20-year-old you yeah ex exactly a 20-year-old me surprisingly enough my my the age range of the program is probably on uh probably maybe 40 right because it is done through the continuing education program okay in the evening so which is fine though because these people are more likely to take action this age group they either have a house or they’re thinking about buying a house so I just hope more young
(39:08) people would take it too some 18y olds 20y olds no I haven’t I think the youngest person in my program so far is probably late 20s right because I’m guessing they don’t get a they don’t this this credit isn’t credited to wordss or diplomas exactly exactly it isn’t credited towards a certificate program or diploma and nor do I want to build a curriculum that way way like my focus is just to give them enough tools and I try to make it as practical as possible that’s the benefit right not just Theory just practical so I provide resources I
(39:39) provide podcasts you know like so one of my slides is here are some real estate investment groups in Alberta because I have students in Alberta I had a student reach out um from New Brunswick that’s going to take my course so I find real estate groups saying Hey cuz to me one of the things that you should do as an investor is join a real estate group like that propelled me as a new invest and durh exactly durh sh Quinton yeah shout out quintona and that helped Propel my investment career and so that’s one of the things I promote right
(40:09) so I have a slide with you know a number of real estate groups in the GTA that I think are credible I have you know podcast you know one of the podcasts that I listen to right again free education so yes you are going to have to pay for certain things but you know what are what are other ways that you can educate yourself um and podcast is a great way it’s free you can listen to it at your leisure so again practical tools I try to I provide to the students and steps that they can take to start their Journey amazing how long did it take you
(40:40) to put together this course oh probably about a month and a half right how many hours do you think that was oh god of effort maybe 50 hours okay 50 hours um the good part is a lot of the knowledge I already had a lot of the knowledge it was just putting it on paper putting it on a slide deck presenting it properly making sure that I’m not using a lot of jargon and I can explain it easily to the students and then you know where I have the gaps because I’m definitely not an expert in every field I’ll bring in a
(41:16) expert in the industry right so if I want to present on short short-term rentals or midterm rentals I’ll bring in a midterm Rental specialist um if I’m really passionate about a project um or shouldn’t say a project but a strategy that I think is working right now I’ll bring in an expert on that strategy if I’m not the expert so it’s awesome because you know you have you get to obviously hear me speak and and you know try to share my knowledge but then you also have experts in the industry that you wouldn’t typically have access to
(41:46) unless you’re paying hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars for coaching or workshops Etc and so it’s it’s a huge win for the students and where can people find more information on on the George Brown course yeah so if you go to George Brown continuing education uh course you can find it there I think it’s under the business um program but I I would just type up real George Brown real estate investment strategies and it’ll come up so again just type George Brown real estate investment strategies and you’ll see the course I typically
(42:14) run it each semester so the next course starts I think September 11th and then I I run it again in the winter and I think the next course is around February and then I take the summer off because I like to spend time with family and and just relax and it’s it’s $10 to $35,000 to take this course it’s actually 26,000 no I’m kidding so again for limited time only for limited time only there’s only eight slots left run to the back of the room going back to what I said earlier I wanted to provide the education to the audience again I
(42:48) thought about myself when I was in you know when I when I was 20 years or 20 years ago and I couldn’t afford a course for 10 or $5,000 25 years ago and so I wasn’t going to even consider charging that much I wanted to make sure it was accessible and affordable for the average person so the course is around $400 and it’s eight courses for roughly three hours I think it’s two and a half hours once a week so it’s a very affordable course and what I like is that so a lot of people like you irn they’ll reach out to me on Instagram and
(43:21) say hey can I pick your brain can I take you for lunch and you know I’m probably too nice when it comes to that I will always do it and so now what I do is and you know it’s not and I’m not promoting my course but what I tell them is take the course and then I’m happy to have a couple consults with you after because I know that if you are serious you’ll spend $400 but if you’re not serious you’re not going to spend $400 and I’m frankly I’m just not going to spend time with you right yeah so that especially with like absolute begin your questions
(43:52) should I incorporate or not uh what are the top cities to invest in yeah yeah that’s that’s like the number one rookie question I always tell people that what what uh should I incorporate now or later like but yeah so it allows me to actually step one figure out how to make money basically right we’re all going to pay taxes yeah so it allows me to sift through people that are actually going to take action um which you know so so to spend $400 not a lot of money they can start to learn and then like I said I I do provide my time I tell each
(44:23) student I’ll give them three hours of free consult to help them along their Journey right afterwards for a $400 course yeah where they’re going to learn a bunch of stuff to get three hours of your time as well yeah which is insane I mean I know myself I’ve paid $400 an hour to consult with certain people yeah well our lawyers are like right and I even saying other Real Estate Investors that I respect I’ve spent upwards of $400 for an hour of consult right so you’re getting I don’t know what is it 24 hours for $400 so anyways I think it I
(44:57) think it’s a great program um especially for what you’re what you’re paying and it’s it’s a great way to start you know if you’re a seasoned investor this is definitely not for you um but for those people that want to start the process and they have they don’t know where to go they don’t have resources then this is a great way to start I always think it’s good for refresher as well especially for $400 and you can take this anytime you want you deliver it live looks like I deliver it live September’s delivered live 6 6:15 p.m.
(45:25) on Wednesdays delivered live and you get the recording yeah you get the recording right how long you get to keep the recording you can keep it as long as you want if you download it oh wow yeah which is cool yeah okay and you get you get my slides as well um but and you get to meet other people you get to build relationships with other industry folks because again I bring in a lot so what I’ve heard from many students is that one of the greatest benefits that they’ve seen is that the resources that I bring that I
(45:53) bring in right so again I bring in experts in the industry um from you know whether it’s folks in the west whether it’s folks in the East so you know if you live in the East or you want to invest in the east then I’ll bring in experts in the East that can whether it’s a real estate agent whether it’s a mortgage specialist to um you know to help people on their Journey because as you know Irwin if you’re going to become an investor you want to work with investor focused everything investor focused agent investor focused mortgage
(46:20) broker investor Focus appraiser etc etc and so these are the resources that I bring in that I make available to my students which otherwise they wouldn’t know how to do folks you’ve already vetted exactly yeah cuz I you and I both know that you can’t trust everybody oh gosh and that’s one of the things I stress on my course is that just because someone’s on Instagram yeah you know in front of a plane or in front of a fancy car means nothing yeah a lot of those people went bankrupt recently yeah exactly sadly so sadly to your point you
(46:50) know I make sure I vet the people and that you know they’re aligned with my values right it’s not all about money yeah we all want to make money that’s fantastic but like they actually truly want to help people that’s important to me yeah amazing and we before we recording we were talking about like return on investment you know if your investment for Education starts at $400 there’s a good chance your return on investment will outperform no question a lot of things yeah right no question I know I know I’ve had people on the show
(47:19) who who’ve taken like $30,000 programs whatnot I had one that took I had someone that took paid 40,000 and it was complet they said it was complete sham uh so you know negative Roi for 40,000 but again like you know this is a small bite yep small bite great way to leverage resources great way to see if you want to get started and you know one one of my first class I tell people tell my students that you know before you even consider becoming a real estate investor you need to decide what type of real estate investor you want to be
(47:53) meaning are you going to be an active partner are you going to be a passive um um investor sorry active investor or passive investor and I met one of my students um I won’t say her name but she she was actually at the event I saw you at that Rockstar event the last one actually and um she’s a doctor and she’s like I don’t need the money obviously right but I’m going to retire soon and I need someone to keep myself stimulated and so I told I told her and I met her after and I said you need to figure out what type of investor
(48:22) you want to be based on where you are and then we met her for a coffee a couple weeks ago and she said she’s like okay Brian I’ve decided I want to be a passive investor for now until I wind up my practice and then also become active and I’m like awesome you know now your next step is deciding who you want to partner with right so again everyone thinks they want to become an investor or an active investor but there’s other ways to become um an investor right like through channels like share um which we’ll probably talk about later but
(48:49) there’s different ways to still invest in real estate but not be an active investor as you know Irwin right I will say and I think always it always I always like to repeat it is uh in my experience people who get rich are generally the ones who who are somewhat active by definition they’re active and I’ll qualify by that saying U they’re they’re 100% owners yeah right it’s it’s I don’t know many passive investors who get rich going that way if they get rich if they make a lot of money like a million or more it’s typically because
(49:21) they have a lot of money to put in right exactly and they don’t need the money originally right it’s just a great way for them to diversify and on the flip side though the people who are losing their shirts were the active investors as well true so more risk right more risk more risk but then we we this the stuff that’s going on that like neither of you or I were ever touch no no like we before we were recording you were talking about and I say this all the time I do one project at a time y right like my Project’s not over until tenants
(49:48) in rent rent’s being paid and collected and properties refinance for me like again I’m very methodical and some people will say slow so part of the that my investment Club I know people are doing FES or were doing five or six Burrs flips at the same time and I’m like wow that’s fantastic but I’ve always said I’m going to buy renovate you know Place ATT tenant like you said refinance the property and once my refinance is done then I’ll take a break for couple weeks and then I’ll look for the next property so that cycle is
(50:18) usually about 8 months from beginning to end and so I you know for the past seven or eight years I’ve been buying a property about every eight months but it worked for me I have two kids I enjoy full-time job I and a parttime job and a parttime job and now I teach as well so you know my time is very precious like most of ours and I want to make sure that I’m using my time in the best way and I don’t want I don’t I don’t need to do two or three Deals you know simultaneously I don’t need that for my goals again and you know or I don’t have
(50:52) to tell you but one of the first things you should do when when you become an investor is saying you know what are my goals what are my objectives what am I trying to achieve and I didn’t that was a mistake I made I just did what everyone else was doing but um you need to decide like what are what are your goals what are your objectives and the strategy should then be determined based on what your objectives and goals are right where they should align and so you really need to determine like what are you trying to achieve with your
(51:18) Investments um so yeah that’s kind the point of the show as well is like if uh for example I have like I’ll have like stars like yourself like Thea like Ryan Carr on the show and then I extract from them like what their day-to-day looks like what what that period of life has been like for them to to You Know M build massive portfolios and now for an investor who’s listening to this like I want to be like Ryan Carr like okay understand Ryan car is like a 7 to S guy seven days a week 7:00 a.m.
(51:48) to 7 p.m. that’s how he works like oh I don’t want to do that but I want the same results like can’t have it both ways I don’t know how you get there is my point and that’s kind of the point of the show when I have people like that on right like you know and then like for me I know I’m not that so I Stay in My Own Lane agree right and again that’s the kind of the point of the show like this is how they got there and now decide for yourself where you fit into that yeah I agree with you 100% And I remember when
(52:11) I was when I was traveling with Quinton last month he said to me he’s like you know there’s times that I’m very stressed like there’s a lot of stress that comes with having a portfolio and it really made me think to exactly what you were saying like you know it’s great to be extremely successful but understand that there’s downsides right stressed um you have to be available you know so it’s in many cases you can’t have it both ways like you have to put the work in you have to put the time in if you want a mass a massive portfolio
(52:41) yeah and and uh and like we are in real estate winter right now I was talking to uh someone you know someone you know as well who whose apartment buildings to sell and I don’t even think they’re getting showings and she’s a great investor and she your buildings aren’t even getting showings yeah right I know who you’re talking about yeah so it’s whereas fast forward or go back two years ago and people were buying side on scene yeah villains were going like hot cake Hot Cakes it’s six PL I’ll write the offer right now yeah no totally I
(53:12) remember I was flying looking at look looking for apartment buildings it was it was a totally different environment totally crazy totally crazy um but you know and everyone was celebrating everyone was making money but like uh but yeah so many people have gone quiet social media right now for example yeah well it’s again it’s telling and again I tell my students yeah the war Muffet quote right yeah like when what does it go again when when the goes out yeah you know who’s swimming naked and this is what you’re seeing so I expect to see a
(53:43) lot of investors disappear a lot I expect to see only a few investors really left over the next couple years which is why I still think there’s you know there’s still a ton of opportunities depending on the strategy but a lot of people have already disappeared right you know you’ve seen the news um headlines like I have you know we’re in the Investment Circle you know we you know I hear things people that I know that have done extremely well you know they tell me about other people that have reached out to them and
(54:10) see if they see if they’re buying yeah yeah yeah I have this to sell you buying exactly so although again what people yeah we went from flying to fine building leads to sellers of of owners of apartment buildings calling you to see if you’re buying you’re 100% right people reached out to me and said hey this person’s selling their buildings they’re offloading all their buildings really but it’s it’s just a different time and you have to understand that and some of the great best advice I’ve gotten from one of my previous mentors
(54:39) was that you have to have staying power and I was like what do you mean what do you mean by that right and what he said is older guy’s I think he’s probably 60 and so he’s been through the ups and downs of the real estate cycle and he’s like you know there are going to be bad times and you you need to have you need to be liquid enough to get through those bad times and Co taught me if Co taught me anything was that from a financial standpoint was that when covid hit I wasn’t liquid um April rolled around and like
(55:14) many investors I was very concerned because we thought you know Doug Ford was telling people not to pay rent um politicians were saying not to pay rent I love that and so I was worried right that who wasn’t exactly every investor was worried everyone was sh so I’m running I’m running all these models saying okay what do I look like and I had access to you know line of credits and so on right I access a ton of line of credits but I did not have a lot of cash right right you know give God thanks all my tenants continued to pay
(55:43) but it taught me a lesson without going through the lesson was that I was not comfortable relying just on my helocs to get me through bad times so I started raising Capital right enough Capital right to to get me through the back at times which is actually the only reason why I was really able to buy that apartment building that I bought last year because I had Capital um for an emergency fund MH so you know a lot of people have have come through the situation where you know we’re all dealing with rough times
(56:13) now because of interest rates but you know a lot of people are overleveraged they have no Capital available and no liquidity they have no liquidity right no credit no credit no liquidity and sorry I’ll clarify credit like they’re credible it says lenders ain’t lending lenders aren’t lending you know they have to exit deals like we were talking about with private money um you know I raise private money for this this uh duplex s not duplex this building that we bought fantastic deal we did a vtb and then a good friend of mine led us to
(56:49) rest privately um but I made sure that I had like threee btb right because I knew this wasn’t going to pass anytime soon soon um and so so far it’s working out extremely well but I told people if you’re going to do a btb now or private funds you better have it for at least two to three years at a minimum and this was about a year ago yeah get through real estate winter get through real estate winter but um but yeah so it’s tough times you know I don’t wish ill on anyone I hope everyone’s able to make it through this you know this downturn but
(57:21) that’s not going to be the situation no it’s going to be pretty bad yeah yeah it’s going be this is going to be the worst correction I’ve seen because um you I I saw some people go belly back in 0807 0708 but the commun the investment the community is way larger now yeah and there um and The Leverage that people took on was way higher than back then yeah by far Yeah by far by far so we are going to see way more Carnage here cuz a lot of it was hard money loans in this current time versus back then it was people with people it was largely equity
(57:56) deals back then yeah yeah but the cash flow just yeah well the credit ran up credit problems cash flow problems and that that put people under but like all the this current generation they never learn from those mistakes because they’re brand new y yeah and they never like I said experience there’s one thing you know when you when you teach Theory or you listen to Theory but you really learn through taking action and actual practical experience and a lot of these folks have never been through a downturn yeah right so they don’t know how to
(58:24) react yeah 2008 was a credit crisis meaning there was no credit so your portfolio should be stress tested against what if you can’t get more credit yeah and most people don’t even understand that right so again I stress tested my portfolio I don’t know I can’t tell you how many times over the past three years right whereas you know newer investors I mean you upwards of five years they probably don’t even know how to stress test their their portfolio properly because they they can just continue to raise money right right or
(58:51) or or interest rates not interest rates or values continue to go up so it’s you know it’s good times and you know even myself included I got pretty comfortable in that prices were just going up right um but you know it’s unfortunate but again I think there’s going to be more opportunities because there’s going to be a lot less investors right in the next for people who have capital and credit exactly for people which we’ve always known yeah you have capital on credit you will win Agreed 100% now we Al you and I have also talked about a
(59:19) bit about the states as well what what are you seeing I think most people know where our standpoint is yeah I think most people and like I said recording I don’t want to drink my own Kool-Aid no no no but I so here’s there’s a couple reasons I like the states I think Canada you know and I love Canada I was born and raised in Canada is on an economic decline right like even if you don’t understand money and I spend a lot of time understanding money money supply um the history of money and how money works and so on
(59:50) right but even if you don’t understand that and you know you’re not really into that Canada has has and had a a productivity problem right we’re just not productive which is interesting considering that we bring in and I was thinking about this on the way here we we bring in record numbers of immigrants and especially way more per capita than the US oh yeah then you ask yourself why is Canada not as productive right because a lot of the productivity The Innovation the entrepreneurship comes from immigrants right at least in the
(1:00:23) states and some degree here too so why musk was an immigrant yeah so so why do we have such a productivity problem right and we could spend hours talking about that but the reality is Canada is on an economic decline um our productivity is like the lowest I think in the G7 and the bright spot of Canada right now is Alberta because of oil of course um but and they’re attracting all the talent of people and they’re attracting all the talent absorbing it from everyone else and they have aord housing so where does that leave the rest of
(1:00:59) Canada um we live in Ontario you know you probably know Ontario has the highest sub sovereign debt in the world meaning if Ontario was a country they’d be the most indebted in the world most people don’t know that so think about that for a second yeah and while our services haven’t improved hasn’t Ser has healthare and education haven’t improved so what does that mean Irwin it means that governments have to raise taxes which they did which they did and will continue to raise taxes um it means that it will be tougher for
(1:01:29) landlords or rental providers going forward investors period investors period there’s no question in my opinion so if you believe those things which I do I think it’s prudent to look elsewhere so and I also realized too and a friend of mine was telling me this when we were traveling it’s like he said he owns a number of properties in the States because a him and his wife were thinking about moving there wintering there but also he never has to change you his Canadian currency when he travels to the US and I’m like that’s a
(1:02:02) fantastic idea if nothing especially at today’s rates especially at today’s rates they were like 72 cents right now yeah especially after the most recent announcement uh interest rate announcement yesterday and so you ask yourself where are you going to go right you know we we border the the country that has the largest um the largest economy in the world or is almost everything right and that has similar property rights which are important to Canada yeah and that’s still very productive and still has the the world
(1:02:42) Reserve currency sure it’ll be gone in 20 30 years but yeah yeah we’ll be dead i’ probably be dead by then I may be dead by then no maybe not yeah but but I’ll be well set up for it exactly that’s my point that’s my point right so I’ve started doing some research I started talking to different people i’ I’ve had a couple calls with Sher I started doing my own macro research um no different than what I teach in you know my course and we should have lunch and talk about it totally should so I’ve narrowed down my search to Atlanta oh
(1:03:12) that’s where I’m going to buy and I started researching the neighborhoods the only thing I don’t know with is am I going to go with am I going to get use share to support the process for the first couple properties and go on my own or do I just go on my own and just start buying so that’s that’s where I’m at right now I want to take a trip to Atlanta either this month MH or next month just deciding on life because I may have some Life Changes soon so if that does happen then I’ll probably go in mid August um if not I’ll go in I’ll
(1:03:42) go September and do boots on the ground and and just to get a feel I’m a very visual tactile person so I like to see touch and feel and I find taking a couple trips out there um just to get a feel of communities and so on make sense but I’m I am my focus after completing this Garden Suite in Toronto will be the US um single family homes yeah yeah and I I keep having to CU Canadians are generally marketed courses around much more advanced things I find CU because there’s no cash flow in single family homes condos single
(1:04:15) detach duplexes really y so almost everyone comes to me like oh I’m on a garden Suite I’ll buy a apartment building like in your they’re a complete novice and they’re like why are you buying single family home in the states like so like literally my house in San Antonio is a 5.1 cap rate Wow versus duplexes for my math for like Osa Ottawa Hamilton roughly about like a 4.1 to 4.
(1:04:40) 3 yeah and think about it right if you could buy a single family house in a GTA you would go nuts and just start buying single family homes right the least tenant issues yeah at least tenant issues um you’re not dealing with multiple tenants you don’t have to split the utilities split you’re getting a higher profile tenant your property manager loves you property manager loves you it just makes sense so you can go to the largest economy in the world in great neighborhoods beautiful homes oh they’re so nice and cash flow or break even on a single
(1:05:15) family house yeah yeah why would I complicate it I’m a simple guy Irwin so to me it just makes sense from a currency diversification standpoint a geographic diversification standpoint and like I said unfortunately things are going to get worse in so many different ways in Ontario again whether it’s it’s um increased taxes U more Pro um tenant legislation anti- landlord anti capitalist sentiment anti- capitalist sentiment anti- bus sentiment at some point people are just going to give up investors right and seen well yeah you
(1:05:56) see it I’m sure you saw the same stats the same stats I saw where they said there were record outflows of capital um in Canada record right B Canadians Canadians aren’t investing locally Canadians aren’t investing locally and although people will always hate on landlords but the reality is you know there are small landlords like us or rental providers like us that are you know that own one to 20 units we’re the ones that are responsible for producing like 80% of the housing in Ontario by adding one two or three Suites so if
(1:06:29) people like us are leaving and I can’t tell you irn there’s not a there’s not a real estate meeting or real estate session that goes by where I speak to an investor that either has left or they’re thinking about leaving mhm yeah wait till I talk to them honestly so not everyone’s going to leave and don’t get me wrong I still think there’s opportunities here from like small development intensification yeah but I think you really I think if you look long term the opportunities are going to dry up in the GTA yeah in the next I don’t
(1:07:08) know three four years yeah like even just simply like my my uh cash to close in my house in San Antonio is 67,000 American wow right like that’s your hard cost on your garden Suite or 130,000 Canadian I paid I paid what did I pay I paid I think I paid like 25,000 land transfer tax oh my God on this Triplex I bought two years ago was insane some ridiculous amount Hey cuz it’s Toronto yeah CU of Toronto you’re paying double land transfer tax but you know I I think it’s prudent to start looking at other options yeah
(1:07:46) my advice to my clients is um you know you don’t have to sell everything but your your next purchase you have to compare to what we’re doing in the States agree agreed and and I’m not going to like there’s a couple properties I have I don’t I don’t usually buy new construction at all but I did buy a new construction um in Georg and Bay I paid 600,000 for 2200t end unit town home on a golf course sounds amazing yeah fantastic deal it’s gone up hundreds of thousands of dollars and they keep pushing the closing which is
(1:08:17) fantastic for me um but I also own a property in Blue Mountain with investors that property the property in Georgia Bay I won 100% And but I I’m not going to keep both properties right like I don’t need two I don’t need both properties so I’ll sell one of those and I’ll divert that cash to the states um but I will sell one or two properties and invest there and right now I’m just in the process of raising capital and I’ll use some of my own to make my first purchase but I think you have to look outside of Ontario or Canada I think you
(1:08:50) we’re we’re at a point now where it’s not a nice to have it’s a I think you almost have to start looking outside to me I think it’s a baseline I think I think a share of property for everyone in that and you know obviously I’m biased but Al straight up I make more money selling a local property in commission wise than I do in in the states not even close uh but yeah so my bias my professional opinion is a share of property should be everyone’s Baseline and compare everything against that yeah both in terms of cash flow return and
(1:09:22) effort and capital out outlay right like we know many people who are shelling up 300 350 to build Garden suites yeah right 350 I know a friend of built the 350 I know someone who spent 500,000 yeah and you get no land with that right and because we in real estate cuz we want hard assets yeah I get I have a large lot in the state I’m getting my San Antonio property but but it’s a good point though because if you spend 350,000 on a garden Suite you 200,000 yeah but let’s say you’re going to be conservative you wanted to dip your feed
(1:09:54) in and you bought it cash 300,000 like I don’t know or like it said buy two properties spit it I don’t know I just think at that at this point now a lot of investors are looking for ways to continue to invest and until something changes with Garden suites the math doesn’t make sense because if you spend $350,000 you’re better off lending it at 10% ideally using two tfsas so you don’t pay taxes and then you pay tax on the other because interest interest interest income is taxed high and but otherwise like it it doesn’t make
(1:10:29) Financial sense I’m generalizing to build a garden Suite yeah I agree with that right I don’t even think it makes sense for a basement Suite no because if you spend say you spend 80 grand on a basement Suite 90 oh that’s a cheap one okay yeah I mean if you’re if you don’t have connection you’ll spend 130 but I would probably end up spending about 90 right it’s still worth it because 90 so you do that in Ashawa you’ll get $1900 rent it’s still worth it now if I know people a friend of mine she just finished a
(1:11:01) basement she spent 180 Grand for basement and some cosmetic finishes at the top so at some point it doesn’t make sense but it doesn’t make sense because the purchase price is too high so whether it’s whether it makes sense to spend the money on a basement apartment you can’t buy the house to spend the money on the basement apartment because prices are too high so it doesn’t make sense dup the duplex formula is gone that ship has sailed years ago it doesn’t make sense which is why people are you know pushing Garden suites but
(1:11:30) Garden suites also don’t make sense unless in my opinion you can use a detached garage to do it yeah do with in an existing building exactly but otherwise Garden suites don’t make sense yeah yeah so I’ll throw in at the other pieces uh my current observation of the current market is that the market we uh for example I believe there’s six legal duplexes in the in sitting in Hamilton that aren’t selling they’re vacant wow so the market is telling me that buyers don’t want rental property like there’s a cuz my original
(1:12:01) philosophy with buying doing basement suiting duplexes was that people would want the mortgage assistance from having the rent being able to rent out part of the house M but the the current market is telling me that’s not not wanted anymore interesting right the the the uh the market is telling me that like being a landlord is like a basically a stigma no one there the market does not want to be a landlord so that part that plays into my decision why would I invest all that money if buyers don’t want it now
(1:12:31) that’s a snapshot of this current market I don’t know what’s going to happen a year from now but based on what I know today this is where it is and and if the LTB doesn’t improve how does this how does this change well we know that’s not going to improve and and well you know what it’s funny because my students I’ve had a couple students reach out to me and and they don’t want to buy an Ontario at all they’re just not interested they won’t yeah buy an Ontario and it’s because of they don’t want to be landlords because they’re afraid of
(1:12:59) they don’t want exposure to the LTB exactly which is reasonable which is very reasonable and so they’re looking at other options so even new investors which I mean most new investors they want to invest close to home it’s familiar you know they feel it’s easier money though right which is more money but even new investors now which is interesting they’re not they don’t even want to invest in Ontario so it tells you how bad things are mhm mhm right and even my one experience is being a realtor uh is converting rich people to
(1:13:30) become landlords in Ontario really difficult oh yeah yeah because they don’t to them it’s not worth it no because they’re rich yeah they’re rich they value their peace and they don’t want the headaches y yeah so again so that plays into my decision my my own current theory that it doesn’t make sense to basement Suite or garden sweet yeah and as you get older too or as I get older you know my my needs change right so I’m not going to yeah do some of the things that I did when I started 79 years ago right oh yeah this is fluid
(1:14:03) I want is fluid right I want more peace right so to more to me single family homes in great markets makes sense yeah I was just in I was in Atlanta just uh two months ago for uh a networking meeting among seven figure entrepreneurs and I met a rapping manager there who who manages 800 units wow I’m like oh you have a qualified what are you buying next single family homes okay okay you just more of my own Kool-Aid but again qualified opinion right yeah no agreed agreed all right we have to talk about Everest because
(1:14:38) you’re crazy sure let’s talk about Everest what do you want to talk about what L you the people die wait did you see bodies no well we saw we saw a shrine so let me backtrack so I’m sorry I’m just getting right into it let me backtrack so why did I do Everest let’s backtrack so I climbed kilamanjaro last year and the reason I did it was because my my mentor at the time as we were planning out I think 2023 he he wanted me one of the things he wanted me to do was he wanted me to do something that was going to challenge me physically and
(1:15:13) mentally and make me uncomfortable yeah you could go run a 5k right could you could but so this was December 2022 and I had just come back from a trip with a couple Durham REI members and I remember Quinton saying that he was going to he was going to climb Kil Manjaro and when he told me I kind of gave I kind of just did the whole IR roll thing cuz I was like yeah good for you right and um you know I moved on and then when I sat with my my mentor at the time I was like okay and I so anyway I went back and I messaged Quinton and I
(1:15:43) was like hey is there a room for me right cuz I was like oh that’s going to make me uncomfortable I’ve never even camped before I’ve never slept in I’ve never slept in a sleeping bag before I’m not an outdoors person nothing so I knew this would make me a hardcore city boy yeah I’m a city boy right I mean sure I go to a cottage but I’m in a nice Lake I’m sleeping indoors airing air conditioning yeah yeah the weather’s not going to kill you outside no no not at all so I knew this was going to challenge me mentally physically push me
(1:16:11) make me uncomfortable and anyway long story short I I you know I went on that trip to uh to kilamanjaro how hard is that oh it was very hard the last night I got very sick I could barely I so we started we started our Trek about 12:00 in the morning and it was a 10-hour Trek to get to the peak so it was- 20 um it was you’re wearing so you’re wearing five layers B bottom and top I felt amazing I started walking ear than I kid you not within 50 minutes of starting you know the ascent 12:00 in the morning I felt sick I started
(1:16:47) getting hot flashes I thought I was going to pass out so I I needed to sit what was this altitude sickness food poisoning was it altitude sickness that that got you no yeah altitude sickness and long story short so for the next 15 20 hours going up and down I struggled I could barely walk I was literally taking four steps pausing for I don’t know two or three minutes the uh our Sherpa thank God they were were awesome they were literally feeding me my protein bars because I was so weak it was it was absolutely it it was the most difficult
(1:17:24) thing I’ve ever done in my Life by far hands down um wait hang on how much harder is Everest then so the difference I find with Everest is most of kilamanjaro was manageable except the last night right Summit night so the last 36 hours that was absolute hell the difference with Everest is every day was difficult it was manageable but every day was very difficult so I think overall Everest was harder than kilamanjaro um you know but everyone has their own opinion but the views with Everest were absolutely stunning but again very
(1:18:04) mentally tough you know physically tough but it’s worth it it’s worth it so I’m a big believer in pushing yourself making yourself uncomfortable I think those things build resilience when things go bad like they are now with you know many Real Estate Investors and I think it makes you it just makes you a better person father husband wife because it builds resilience if you if you purposely put yourself in uncomfortable situations you’re going to build that experience experience on how to deal with uncomfortable situations right so
(1:18:34) when they actually occur um involuntarily you have that experience and you don’t bury yourself your head in the sand so to me it’s it’s it’s done wonders for me I think over the past couple years I know it sounds crazy and I’m not a like I’m people are like oh you’re a hiker I’m like no I’m not a hiker I mean I like it but I’m not a hiker I just do it to push myself and you meet amazing people which has been pretty awesome did you get sick wait how do you prepare yourself for altitude so when I was climbing Killy I went to a gym
(1:19:06) downtown Toronto called altitude and they can simulate the loss of oxygen mask and so you can simulate different elevations so I did that um to train and then for Everest it was just regular training you know strength training cardio um hiking up Mountain ski hills in Toronto they have a couple ski hills in Toronto and so i’ you know walk up and down the hills um how how many months was prep for Everest so Everest I prepped for four months I started January and serious May yeah so four months and yeah so it’s you know it’s a lot of
(1:19:43) training you have to walk you should walk at least three or four hours a couple times a week just so your body gets used to walking that long cuz generally you’re walking 6 to 8 hours a day uphill sometimes just steps which I was expecting so you could walk 3 hours up a up a hill just step after step after step you know in 35° weather so it’s brutal sorry 35 Fahrenheit or Celsius 30 Celsius it was hot yeah hot so the first couple days it’s very hot oh yeah yeah first couple days it’s very hot because you’re at sea
(1:20:15) level right okay and then and then once yeah once you start ascending it gets colder and colder and colder and colder right so like where that picture was taken that was a base camp and you know so there’s glaciers off to the side you can see glaciers and just um yeah absolutely incredible for the listeners benefit we’re looking at uh Brian’s Instagram uh acquiring wisdom base C 5,000 almost 5,400 meter elevation yeah so about that’s what uh it’s probably about 16 17,000 feet above sea level what’s the equivalent in Canada would
(1:20:52) that that’s Canada we’re probably at sea level so maybe like would would B be close to that elevation no not even close not even close nothing nothing in North America nothing North America no okay nothing in North America South America has a couple mountains that are huge AK in kagwa um but nothing close to this would you recommend this experience absolutely I re so here’s what I tell people you don’t need to climb a mountain uh most people won’t that’s fine but just find things that are going to push you and make you uncomfortable
(1:21:22) so if you’re afraid of heights you know maybe do the Tower um walk outside I think you did that right did you do that done three times doing a. this summer yeah so do that right it’s going to make you uncomfortable it’s going to push you do whatever is that you know is going to make you uncomfortable it’s going to push you because there’s lots of local options there are a lot of local options but one of the cool things is again we were talking about I’m a relationship person and you meet people from all over
(1:21:48) the world yeah right and which we all stay in contact we have a WhatsApp group so a lot of the people that I climb kill them on J are the same people that I climbed Everest with right and we’re all we’re it’s an experience of travel you’re you’re all bonded for life exactly exactly and you know we stay in contact you know we message each other all the time so it’s very cool and you know we’re planning our next trip we’ll see where that takes us but it’s awesome Atlanta Georgia there’s mountain to climb there but yeah I’m I’m just a big
(1:22:20) believer in pushing yourself amazing right all right all we’re running out of time Brian I always like to give some um some open air to my my guests anything we haven’t covered or you want to share um not really just take action in life be intentional about life regardless of what it is if you want to build wealth take action if you want to become a better father be intentional you know I book date nights with my daughter you know I book you know date nights with my son just be intentional put it in your calendar and just be
(1:22:51) intentional about life whatever that is for you whatever important to you be intentional amazing uh Instagram acquiring wisdom search I’ll have the George Brown Link in the show notes but what can they search George Brown George Brown College real estate investment strategies course amazing yeah so if you’re thinking about getting into real estate this a great first option right ridiculously affordable um feel free to message me if you want some more details or you just want to B some ideas off me and learn more about the course maybe
(1:23:21) some people should even just sign up their adult children for it yeah actually I met uh I was meeting who did I meet with a couple weeks ago and they’re actually oh my one of my co-workers and she’s uh she’s going to do that um pay for adults on to do it amazing yeah any us component to this course so I actually I do have a us I had a US speaker last time someone who invests in the US because it’s this is what people want right it wasn’t my intention but people are inquiring about investing in the US because
(1:23:50) unfortunately they’re afraid to invest in Canada it’s kind of sad actually yeah if you need Carmen Demetri or Andrew I’m sure we can set that up yeah yeah for sure well my next class like I said starts September so we’ll have you guys on Amazing happy to assist awesome because I I feel like we’re like I feel every day I’m doing a public service by sparing Ontario landlords cuz hard assets we still need it still need hard assets absolutely yeah yeah yeah if if like you you you mentioned like if the US dollar fails in 30 years that the
(1:24:25) US Canadian dollar had already failed somewhere along the way exactly well that that’s how I look at it right the Canadian dollar will fail way before the US dollar yeah yeah way before so we we need diversification outside of Canada even if the Canadian economy was doing well relative to its peers we still need diversification outside of Canada yeah yeah hard assets yeah take your pick yeah exactly you and I have our favorites obvious yeah all right Brian thanks again for doing this no glad to be here and hopefully people saw some value in
(1:25:00) it thank you for watching if you want to learn how to invest in real estate from scratch my team teaches beginners how to use the number one investment strategy that I personally use in a virtual free training class every month go to investor guest and if you’re just starting out feel free to ask questions and comment below and I do the best to answer each of those comments and questions myself again if you’re ready to learn the nitty-gritty about real estate investing from a professional investor register for our next virtual
(1:25:37) class that’s at investor


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Before you go, if you’re interested in what kind of properties I am looking at in the landlord friendly states of the USA please go to for what I consider the best investment for most Canadians, most of the time.

I’ve been investing in Ontario since 2005 and while it’s been a great, great run. I started out buying properties in the 100,000s and now it’s $800,000 to $1,000,000.  How much higher can it go? I don’t know

To me, the remaining potential for appreciation does not match the risk hence I’m advising my clients to look to where one can find rental properties that are affordable range of $150,000 to $350,000 US$, with rents that range from $1,400 to 2,600/month plus utilities.   As many Canadians recognize, these numbers will be positive cash flow and are night and day compared to anything locally. Plus the landlord has all of the rights, no rent control, and income is US dollars which are better than Canadian dollars.

If you don’t believe me, US dollars are better than Canadian dollars, go ask 100 non-Canadians which currency they prefer to be paid in.

So to regain control of your retirement planning.  Go to and check out what great cash flow properties are available in the USA.  

The best part is, my US investments will be much more passive compared to by local investments as I’m hiring an asset manager called SHARE to hand hold me through the entire process.  As their client and shareholder, Share will source me quality income properties, help me with legal structure and taxes, they manage the property manager and insurance provider while passing down to me preferred rates so I save both time and money.  

Share will even tell me when to strategically refinance or sell.  SHARE can even support investors all over the country for proper diversification hence my plan is to own in Tennessee, Georgia, and Texas.  Share is like my joint venture partner but I only have to pay them fees while I keep 100% ownership and control.

If your goal in investing is to increase cash flow, I don’t know of a better strategy for most Canadians most of the time.  One last time that’s to see what boring, cash flowing real estate investing can look like on your path towards financial peace.

This is how I’m going to make real estate investing great again for my family and hope you choose the same.  Till next time!

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This episode is brought to you by me! We don’t have sponsors for this show. I only share with you services owned by my wife Cherry and me.  Real estate investing is a staple in my life and allowed me to build wealth and, more importantly, achieve financial peace about the future, knowing our retirement is taken care of and my kids will be able to afford a home when they grow up.  If you, too, are interested in my systematic strategy to implement the #1 investment strategy, the same one pretty much all my guests are doing themselves, then go visit and register for our next event.

Till next time, just do it because I believe in you.



As a committed advocate for transparent and responsible real estate investment, I want to openly share my involvement with SHARE SFR (Single Family Rental) as an Advisor. I hold an equity position in this company and receive a referral commission for clients I introduce to their services. My endorsement of their business model – focusing on direct ownership of positive cash flow income properties – is consistent with my own personal investing since 2005, is based not only on a professional assessment but also on my personal experience and belief in their approach. Please note that while I stand behind my recommendations, it is crucial for each individual to conduct their own due diligence and consider their unique circumstances before making any investment decisions. As always, my priority is to provide you with honest, insightful, and practical real estate investment education.

20 Years of Investing: Duplexes, to Apartment Buildings, Now A REIT with Amanda & Marty Gordon

Sharing a stage with Brandon Turner of Bigger Pockets Fame at the Aligned Life Conference, lessons from losing one’s life savings, telling it like it is with often censored, former real estate coaches Marty & Amanda Gordon.

Greetings from cottage country my fellow truth seekers. This is the Truth About Real Estate investing show, I’m your host, producer since 2016 and over 300 episodes where we tell it like it is.  

In my experience, real estate when done right is a sure path to getting rich slowly. Unfortunately there are those who have challenges scaling and executing which to me is no surprise.  I’ve shared on this show several times how someone I know had a pretty great portfolio of 50+ properties in Hamilton but a series of unfortunate events, his car getting broken into and rent cheques getting stolen (this is back in 2007 when post dated cheques was the most popular means for paying rent), he was getting in over his head with so many renovation projects on the go: mostly cosmetic as those days, you could cash flow with single family, these weren’t basement apartment conversions, the credit crisis hit, the investor went bankrupt, the properties went to power of sale. His investors got wacked and investor buyers at the time were picking up deals if they had capital and credit.  I personally know many who were affected which is why we coach our clients to be both offensive and defensive with their portfolios, to not over leverage including next to no private money.  B lender money on occasion as a short term solution but no hard money loans like promissory notes in our close to half a billion in income property transactions.

Then this new wave and I literally mean new investors, folks with maybe five years experience who failed to learn from history.  This Robby Clark who’s all over the news with Dylan Suitor and Claire Drage.

They were operating in small markets, bigger volumes, expensive hard money, duplex conversions are totally doable but the timelines and budgets can’t always be predictable hence my clients almost never did more than one conversion at the time. Plus these were small cities, finding quality contractors would be difficult and liquidity would be poor. As someone who despises risk, I wouldn’t recommend any of this to my clients.

I had a bad feeling about Epic Alliance, I don’t know Robby Clark or Dylan Suitor let alone their investment strategy.  The stuff written about them in the news is just sad as well, especially all those who invested with them via promissory notes.

On a positive note, I’ll be presenting at the Aligned Life Conference alongside huge names such as Brandon Turner of Bigger Pockets fame, Dan Martell, hosted by Caleb West who’s a super cool guy with tons of experience in commercial development, management and construction.  Caleb will be next week’s episode guest and he’ll share his journey to the Aligned Life Conference and what role real estate investing played in his own family and allowed previous generations the freedom of time to spend with their kids and grandkids. For those about intergenerational wealth, you’ll like this episode!

20 Years of Investing: Duplexes, to Apartment Buildings, Now A REIT with Amanda & Marty Gordon

But first we have my friends returning to the show, Marty and Amanda who’ve been renovating and investing for nearly 20 years, Amanda Bouck has managed properties for nearly 20 years, Marty her husband is a carpenter by trade and personally much of their 15+ duplex conversions in Guelph.  They are a power couple: they get numbers, execution, cash flow and hate vacancy. They drank the same Kool Aid I did. They’re reward is a country acreage and building the custom home of their dreams they’re too humble to talk about with all the gurus out there flaunting Rolex watches, Lamborghinis, private jets and yachts.

Amanda & Marty scaled up as well in small multis likes six plexes, small apartment buildings to their current project, both a REIT: real estate investment trust called Legend Real Estate Trust and a 60 unit building in Waterloo.

Amanda and Marty are here today to share their experience including coaching, retiring from coaching for possibly the biggest real estate education company in Canada.  As always, we share both the negative and positive of real estate investing including all the losses going on in the community, over leverage with expensive hard money loans and their own investment philosophies where none of their investors have lost any money.

The honest truth about real estate investing is, speculative investments can work until they don’t and also I don’t endorse any product or offering of Marty and Amanda nor do I receive any compensation from Marty and Amanda nor from their businesses. This episode is for educational and entertainment purposes only.

Please do your own due diligence. If you read the article about Robby Clark, you see how some of the property used to secure financing had fires and were torn down by the city. If any lender, broker, investor had simply driven by the property, they would have known the deal was no good. 

For my house in San Antonio, Texas I have a termite inspection, home inspection including pictures and video walkthrough, a quote from the property manager for renovations and maintenance. My cousin is in San Antonio next week for work and doing a drive by.

Diligence people, trust but VERIFY. That goes for all guests of this show. I do my best hence Epic Alliance and Robby Clark never made it on this show or any of my platforms.  I learnt my lesson from Paramount Equity.

Back to this week’s guests, Amanda and Marty, just to note, they have been censored on other platforms and Facebook groups for trying to warn people about gurus losing other people’s money. They going to offend some so be warned.

Please enjoy the show!

To Listen:

** Transcript Auto-Generated**



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Before you go, if you’re interested in what kind of properties I am looking at in the landlord friendly states of the USA please go to for what I consider the best investment for most Canadians, most of the time.

I’ve been investing in Ontario since 2005 and while it’s been a great, great run. I started out buying properties in the 100,000s and now it’s $800,000 to $1,000,000.  How much higher can it go? I don’t know

To me, the remaining potential for appreciation does not match the risk hence I’m advising my clients to look to where one can find rental properties that are affordable range of $150,000 to $350,000 US$, with rents that range from $1,400 to 2,600/month plus utilities.   As many Canadians recognize, these numbers will be positive cash flow and are night and day compared to anything locally. Plus the landlord has all of the rights, no rent control, and income is US dollars which are better than Canadian dollars.

If you don’t believe me, US dollars are better than Canadian dollars, go ask 100 non-Canadians which currency they prefer to be paid in.

So to regain control of your retirement planning.  Go to and check out what great cash flow properties are available in the USA.  

The best part is, my US investments will be much more passive compared to by local investments as I’m hiring an asset manager called SHARE to hand hold me through the entire process.  As their client and shareholder, Share will source me quality income properties, help me with legal structure and taxes, they manage the property manager and insurance provider while passing down to me preferred rates so I save both time and money.  

Share will even tell me when to strategically refinance or sell.  SHARE can even support investors all over the country for proper diversification hence my plan is to own in Tennessee, Georgia, and Texas.  Share is like my joint venture partner but I only have to pay them fees while I keep 100% ownership and control.

If your goal in investing is to increase cash flow, I don’t know of a better strategy for most Canadians most of the time.  One last time that’s to see what boring, cash flowing real estate investing can look like on your path towards financial peace.

This is how I’m going to make real estate investing great again for my family and hope you choose the same.  Till next time!

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This episode is brought to you by me! We don’t have sponsors for this show. I only share with you services owned by my wife Cherry and me.  Real estate investing is a staple in my life and allowed me to build wealth and, more importantly, achieve financial peace about the future, knowing our retirement is taken care of and my kids will be able to afford a home when they grow up.  If you, too, are interested in my systematic strategy to implement the #1 investment strategy, the same one pretty much all my guests are doing themselves, then go visit and register for our next event.

Till next time, just do it because I believe in you.



As a committed advocate for transparent and responsible real estate investment, I want to openly share my involvement with SHARE SFR (Single Family Rental) as an Advisor. I hold an equity position in this company and receive a referral commission for clients I introduce to their services. My endorsement of their business model – focusing on direct ownership of positive cash flow income properties – is consistent with my own personal investing since 2005, is based not only on a professional assessment but also on my personal experience and belief in their approach. Please note that while I stand behind my recommendations, it is crucial for each individual to conduct their own due diligence and consider their unique circumstances before making any investment decisions. As always, my priority is to provide you with honest, insightful, and practical real estate investment education.

Insights on Portfolio Health, AI Integration, and U.S. Investment Opportunities

Greetings my fellow investors and truth seekers, this is the Truth About Real Estate Investing Show for Canadians and if you’re addicted to social media like I am, there’s not a lot of good news within our community.  It’s not all bad, we just had Kelly Caldwell, Victoria Cluney, and Milena Simsic. Spencer and Ashley with their AirBnbs, Zac Killem whose company Front Lobby will thrive.  In general those with healthier portfolios as in not over leveraged, focus on cash flow and operational execution are doing just fine like many past guests of this show. I was just speaking to one investor/Realtor while preparing this episode who did just that, he’s buying more multifamily buildings and completed two flips in the USA. 

Off the top of my head, I can think of two past guests in significant financial trouble, one has already declared bankruptcy, the others owe a lot of people a lot of money to individual investors, not just banks.  Individual investors post to social media and tell others to warn them. I know because I have friends everywhere in the community and the messages arrive in my DM’s.

Both were newer to real estate as they made the switch to full time within the last five years or so.  I’ve left the episodes up because as far as I’ve know, there was no criminal intent nor are they being accused of any.

I run a real estate investment business called iWIN Real Estate where we are always looking to learn, evolve, and adopt best practices to help our clients optimize their investments and time, the only non-renewable resource. We started investing in single family, then multifamily, then student rentals, basement suite conversions, to garden/garage suites and it’s gotten unaffordable. We use Ai all through out our businesses.

I used Chatgpt to research case law when sellers accepted a higher competing offer when we had already accepted their counter offer.  I’ve used Chatgpt to proof read my clauses for counter offers which saves everyone time: my clients, my lawyer, my broker. 

I’m working on creating a digital duplicate of myself as I’m really busy booking calls to discuss USA investing. 80-90% of the questions are the same: what is the legal structure to own US properties, how do you get a mortgage, what are the fees like, etc… all repetitive I could have an Ai twin version of myself do. 

If you think I’m crazy, check out the found of LinkedIn, Reid Hoffman’s two way interview of his own Ai twin:

For anyone in sales or customer service, if you’re not afraid for your job, I don’t know what will. This is one reason I diversify my business, use Ai tools, own cash flowing real estate.

The owner of Property Guys was on BNN talking about how 25% of Realtors in the USA will leave the industry after those historic lawsuit settlements.  This August, listings will no longer display co-operating commission for buyer agents hence buyer agents must negotiate commission from the buyer.  Property Guy mentioned there are two lawsuits in the works in Canada which confirms the rumours I’ve heard.  The implication is the public will be more aware that Realtor commissions are negotiable, they always have been and it my experience, sellers who want top dollar when selling will continue to offer co-operating commission.  Most of the professional investors do it. I do it, I actually offer above market co-operating commission and use it as a marketing tool and negotiation piece. I mean it’s worked for me, the last four houses I sold, I did so, on average in 22 days on market.

Point is, I’m a Realtor, I’ve worried for my job since 2010 and never been more worried with Ai, class action lawsuits and competition among other Realtors at their highest levels ever.  If only we had as many doctors and Realtors. Imagine how good our health care would be.

For complete business and investment sense, I of course partnered with SHARE, a tech enabled asset manager that allows Canadians to be US landlords without all the heavy lifting.  My 17 listeners know I’ve conducted well over 300, hour long interviews with successful and some no longer successful real estate investors work, invest, blood, sweat and tears.  In terms of cash flow and overall returns to effort, I haven’t seen anything before that beats SHARE’s offering.

In short, I’ve seen how the top investors implement their real estate investment business and can separate the hype from results. Those with results did not overleverage, were in control the whole time, delivered operationally to renovate and rent as fast as they could.  Those who didn’t are the ones making all the headlines in the news for declaring bankruptcy protection or bankruptcy or have their names dragged through Facebook groups for owing money. 

I had a call with a newer investor who’s got a great investment property in BC, she AirBnb’s the triplex in the summer months then rents to students during the school year.  That’s investing on steroids and she’s rewarded with six figures of rental income.

The investor asked why I call in long-term single family rentals boring?  To me it’s not exciting, there’s nothing innovative about it vs. what gets all the attention and likes on social media, note how many of those influencers have gone quiet or done major pivots. I know one big time condo agent appears to have pivoted to coaching Realtors which is going to be really tough in this market.  My clients and I’s investing is as passive as possible and we’ve done quite well. Our biggest challenge is under rented properties due to rent control but over the long-term, we’ve all done amazing with market appreciation.

Compare that to Airbnb in the summer where this newer investor does all the client interaction and only outsources the maintenance and cleaning to a property manager for 10% PM fees. Student rentals in my experience are a niche investment that is much more challenging to insure, manage, and get cheap financing.  My last student rental mortgage was with Home Trust at over 8% interest plus 1% lender fee.

Again, a wonderful business for the active investor.  Just be prepared for plans B and C and D should the municipality turn against student rentals or AirBnb.  Just last week, 10,000 protesters in Barcelona took to the streets, some even using water guns to shoot at tourists. The Mayor of Barcelona is banning 10,000 Airbnbs in the city… this makes me thing I need to buy some shares of hotels… source:

In my city, the City of Hamilton implemented rental licensing in the student neighbourhoods with plans to expand across the entire city and the mayor is former NDP leader Andrea Horwath.  To conform to licensing could costing landlords from a couple to several thousands of dollars in order to comply along with ongoing fees.  Thankfully I’ve sold my student rentals and I’m grateful for having done so as I look out the window of my office and know there are basements being flooded all over the province. There’s plenty of investors struggling out there already who don’t need this.  This widespread flooding event will push up insurance rates yet again, more housing cost inflation we can NOT pass onto the tenant in a rent controlled environment.

As someone who despises risk, I’m removing basement flood risk by divesting local houses and investing in houses in the USA that don’t have basements. I’m advising friends, family and clients to not invest in suiting their basements as it makes more sense to allocate those funds to buying a house in the USA.  To close on my house in San Antonio I need $97,000 US$ including a $10k reserve fund. A typical basement apartment conversion is $160,000 in my experience and you’re vacant six months.  How long depends on the municipality and the quality of your contractor.

My San Antonio tenants are renting the house back from me so I have zero vacancy and can defer my renovations till after they move out which I hope is never since this is Texas and there is no rent control

Only in colder climates do we need basements that go below the frost line to prevent heaving.  The same problem doesn’t happen in the southern USA making housing a lot less expensive to build, no need to ever have waterproof let alone flooding if you avoid coastal areas and Florida.

Even if you wanted to buy a turnkey duplex in Hamilton, Barrie, Oshawa, Ottawa etc… I’ve chosen those cities as prices and rents are similar there, I’ve calculated the capitalization rate = $ Net Operating Income / $ price at 4.1%. 

Compare that to what my clients are getting, low five to mid 7 cap rates in the USA.  The numbers don’t lie, the laws are landlord friendly, no rent control, and commercial style mortgages for us Canadian investors. I make way more commission selling a Canadian property than an American one but I want happy clients hence I recommend US investments over Canadian ones. Diversification and cash flow reasons alone make plain sense. The truth is also it’s way easier selling US income properties. I’ve sold way more US income properties than Canadian ones this year, never in my career since 2010 as a Realtor have I seen so little interest by investors to buy local income properties when the timing is ideal to pick up deals.

I do truly worry for my fellow real estate professionals in Realtors and mortgage agents/brokers. There’s a lot of them already and if they make a living focusing on selling local real estate investments and they not able to sell US products, I won’t be surprised to see many of them leave the industry.  

To me, it’s all a matter of education before investing in the USA via SHARE by Canadians is the norm, I honestly love my work, SHARE is the partner every lazy investor like me is looking for except they don’t take any equity share of the investment. Control and ownership remind 100% mine and Cherry’s. 

I’m going to record a video comparing a new condo investment vs. a duplex vs. my client’s property. He’s from Montreal, has never seen the house that is a 7.6% cap rate that only cost him about $160,000 Canadian. 

Link is in the show notes.

There is no guest this week. I literally had invited a former coach of a defunct real estate “university” as they invest big, nice people but their name is being blasted on social media for not making payments on their private mortgages.  The coach didn’t respond which never happens as gurus generally love coming on my show.  This isn’t an indictment on the coach/investor. If they can survive they’ll come out a winner.  Even if they don’t, I believe them to be talented and will come back.  

Personally I don’t like my investments to be a roller coaster hence I choose boring as I don’t have thick enough skin to tell people I’ve lost their money or I can’t pay them back.  That’s just me. The world needs the self declared crazies like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk. I just know I’m not that and stay in my boring lane.

But I do have equity in SHARE, I have some say in the company’s direction as Head of Business Development in Canada and I don’t see a more efficient path to my company’s 10 year gold: help 200 Canadians become real estate millionaires.  I’m at 45 or so now and I can see it in my mind’s eye, 10 years from now enjoying golf and dinner with 200 Canadian real estate millionaires who’ve gained a lot of financial peace via their boring real estate investments.

I can’t wait but I’m totally enjoying the journey. if you’d like to learn about the deals my clients and I are doing, from there you can book a Zoom call with me. Past clients, I’m always down for coffee, dessert, breakfast, lunch, dinner, or golf. You know where to find me.

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Before you go, if you’re interested in what kind of properties I am looking at in the landlord friendly states of the USA please go to for what I consider the best investment for most Canadians, most of the time.

I’ve been investing in Ontario since 2005 and while it’s been a great, great run. I started out buying properties in the 100,000s and now it’s $800,000 to $1,000,000.  How much higher can it go? I don’t know

To me, the remaining potential for appreciation does not match the risk hence I’m advising my clients to look to where one can find rental properties that are affordable range of $150,000 to $350,000 US$, with rents that range from $1,400 to 2,600/month plus utilities.   As many Canadians recognize, these numbers will be positive cash flow and are night and day compared to anything locally. Plus the landlord has all of the rights, no rent control, and income is US dollars which are better than Canadian dollars.

If you don’t believe me, US dollars are better than Canadian dollars, go ask 100 non-Canadians which currency they prefer to be paid in.

So to regain control of your retirement planning.  Go to and check out what great cash flow properties are available in the USA.  

The best part is, my US investments will be much more passive compared to by local investments as I’m hiring an asset manager called SHARE to hand hold me through the entire process.  As their client and shareholder, Share will source me quality income properties, help me with legal structure and taxes, they manage the property manager and insurance provider while passing down to me preferred rates so I save both time and money.  

Share will even tell me when to strategically refinance or sell.  SHARE can even support investors all over the country for proper diversification hence my plan is to own in Tennessee, Georgia, and Texas.  Share is like my joint venture partner but I only have to pay them fees while I keep 100% ownership and control.

If your goal in investing is to increase cash flow, I don’t know of a better strategy for most Canadians most of the time.  One last time that’s to see what boring, cash flowing real estate investing can look like on your path towards financial peace.

This is how I’m going to make real estate investing great again for my family and hope you choose the same.  Till next time!

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This episode is brought to you by me! We don’t have sponsors for this show. I only share with you services owned by my wife Cherry and me.  Real estate investing is a staple in my life and allowed me to build wealth and, more importantly, achieve financial peace about the future, knowing our retirement is taken care of and my kids will be able to afford a home when they grow up.  If you, too, are interested in my systematic strategy to implement the #1 investment strategy, the same one pretty much all my guests are doing themselves, then go visit and register for our next event.

Till next time, just do it because I believe in you.



As a committed advocate for transparent and responsible real estate investment, I want to openly share my involvement with SHARE SFR (Single Family Rental) as an Advisor. I hold an equity position in this company and receive a referral commission for clients I introduce to their services. My endorsement of their business model – focusing on direct ownership of positive cash flow income properties – is consistent with my own personal investing since 2005, is based not only on a professional assessment but also on my personal experience and belief in their approach. Please note that while I stand behind my recommendations, it is crucial for each individual to conduct their own due diligence and consider their unique circumstances before making any investment decisions. As always, my priority is to provide you with honest, insightful, and practical real estate investment education.